The glory of the chef made Miss Erina clenched her fists subconsciously, she refused to admit that instant noodles are cooking!Do not take the halberd!

Chapter 0013 The macho must choose Ibrahimovic!

"Aba Aba..." Dr. Omu's mouth opened so wide that Lin Qiong could even see half of the broken instant noodles in his tooth socket!He maintained this posture for more than a dozen seconds before closing his mouth again, and said with a suspicious expression on his face, "O, O, people from another world!?"

It seems that even people from the Pokémon world will feel unbelievable when they suddenly hear "I am a traveler from another world".

"I knew it was empty talk, and you wouldn't believe it! So I was prepared early in the morning -" Lin Qiong chuckled, and then with Erina's subtle expression, he took out a bag from the backpack behind him A brand new laptop (kindly provided by the Nakiri family), and then turned it on. After some operations, he pointed the screen at Dr. Ohki and said: "Doctor, please look at--"

Dr. Oki looked at the screen, and found that the boy Xiaozhi in the town showed on the screen. After arriving at the Oki Research Institute, because he was late, he missed the story of Garlic, Fire-breathing Lizard and Water-spraying Beast, so he could only choose the story of Pikachu. ——This episode just happened this morning, so Dr. Oki's eyes widened subconsciously.

Soon, because of Pikachu's non-cooperation, Xiaozhi had to pick up a stone and throw it at Bobo, but because of a mistake in force, the stone hit the sparrow not far from Bobo, causing Xiaozhi and Pikachu to be killed by the sparrow The group chased and killed.

After putting the poke ball on the ground and telling Pikachu that it would be safe to hide in, Xiaozhi turned around, looked at the flock of sparrows in front, and then opened his hands and said loudly: "Who do you think I am!? I But Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town will definitely become a Pokémon master trainer in the future! I will never let you hurt Pikachu!"

In the thunderstorm, Pikachu looked at the figure in front of him, he stood up with difficulty, and then jumped on the shoulders of the trainer he was destined to accompany him for a lifetime, using it as a springboard, he came to midair.

thunder! !

In a flash of golden light, all the sparrows fell to the ground with eyes circled, and Xiaozhi and Pikachu also fainted due to exhaustion.

When the two opened their eyes again, a shining toucan flew over their heads.


The moment he saw that Pokémon, Dr. Oki, who was immersed in the chase, suddenly widened his eyes and moved in front of the screen, holding both sides of the screen with both hands, and shouted in surprise: "This, this, is this..."

"Huh?" Lin Qiong looked at the screen, and then suddenly said: "Oh yes, it seems that Xiaozhi met Phoenix King on the first day of the trip! And in the follow-up trip, it seems that basically the beast I've met with Eudemons all over again."


Dr. Oki's attention suddenly shifted from the screen to Lin Qiong's body, his excited nostrils dilated a bit, then he stretched out his hands to grab Lin Qiong's arm, and asked hastily: "Really!?"

Lin Qiong tilted his head and recalled, then said: "Well, in my memory, just as a level one god, Xiaozhi has met Ho-oh, Lugia, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza... ..."

After one after another the names of first-level gods came out of Lin Qiong's mouth, Dr. Oki immediately raised his hands and hugged his head, and then said with a shaken face: "Yes, some Pokémon's names even Even I don't know!!"

Lin Qiong smiled, and he took advantage of the opportunity to sit beside Dr. Oki, and said, "If Dr. Oki wants to know, I can provide a full set of information here!"

"You, wait a minute!?" Dr. Omu looked at Lin Qiong in surprise. He couldn't help but ask: "Why do you, a person from another world, know more about this world than me??"

Erina at the side and the secretary next to her looked at each other, and they both sighed at the same time—it seems that what happened in the world of halberds will also happen in this world!



"The first folder contains animation resources from Muyin to the latest journey."

"The second folder contains game resources from Red, Green to Arceus."

"The third folder contains comic resources from the red, green and blue chapters to the sword and shield chapters."

"You can make up slowly, we have plenty of time to wait!"

After explaining the relationship between the two worlds (three possibilities), Lin Qiong put the laptop in the hands of Dr. Oki.

"That's too much..." Dr. Oki looked at the resources in the computer, and suddenly felt dizzy——

A rough calculation of animation resources exceeds a thousand episodes, and there are also more than [-] games. The only ones that can be called "little" are comics!Faced with this amount of information, even Dr. Ohki felt dizzy.

"Hey, if Dr. Damu feels troubled, I can provide more specific help~" Lin Qiong walked behind Dr. Damu with a smile, then rubbed his shoulders kindly, and said: "But relatively, we also have A small, small favor, I need Dr. Oki's help!"

"Well, tell me first, what do you need my help for?" Dr. Oki didn't respond right away, what if this person wants him to confess to Juzi in women's clothing?Wouldn't he die if he tried? ?

Lin Qiong smiled and said, "Don't you want Dr. Oki to give us the whole identity certificate? We came to the world of Pokémon specially to experience what it's like to be a trainer!"

Be a trainer?

Dr. Oki thought for a few seconds, and said: "If the information you provide is true, it will have a huge effect on the research on Pokémon—especially the legendary Pokémon! So, if you really need If so, I can also provide each of you with a Pokémon with good qualifications."

Good aptitude means that Dr. Oki will not be able to produce Pokémon such as green caterpillars and unicorns.

Lin Qiong cheered at that time: "Oh! If this is the case, thank you Dr. Oki!"

"Just, I hope you promise me one thing." Dr. Oki turned around with a serious expression, looked solemnly at Lin Qiong standing behind the sofa, and said, "I hope you don't abandon the Pokémon in your hands!"

Facing Dr. Oki's request, Lin Qiong no longer had a playful smile, but replied equally seriously: "Dr. Oki, please rest assured! Abandoning Pokémon is absolutely impossible for us!"


The secretary and Erina immediately nodded and expressed their opinion. For them, creatures like Pokémon are too late for pain, so how could they abandon them?

Dr. Oki nodded lightly, and said: "Since you have made such a promise, then I am relieved-do you have any needs for the types of initial Pokémon?"

"That's a good question. For a hunk like me, of course he should choose a Pokémon that fits the hunk temperament—"

"Oh?" Dr. Oki raised his eyebrows, and then said curiously: "Is it Kodora, Nidoran, or the wrist force or the big rock snake? The one-horned rhinoceros is also good, and the evolution of the electric shock boy is also very powerful !"

It is true that they are both macho Pokémon, but there is a slight difference between Dr. Oak's macho and Lin Qiong's macho.

"Hey, Dr. Omu, you misunderstood." Lin Qiong chuckled. He gave his thumbs up with a sassy face and said, "I mean, I miss all Ibrahimovic!"


Dr. Oak was stunned for a moment, then pondered for a moment, and said, "I heard you right, did you just want a macho Pokémon?"

"That's right! Only Pokémon like Eevee and Alola Nine-Tails are suitable for my macho status!" Lin Qiong nodded his head, put his hands on his hips, and said confidently: "Please, hold a Pokémon in your arms." Ibrahimovic is too macho!"

Is my definition of macho different from that of you young men?

Dr. Oki looked at Erina and the secretary with a strange look, and asked, "What do you two need for the original Pokémon?"

Erina: "I want a good quality fairy milk!"

Fei Shasha: "As for me, I hope to get a flower healing ring."

Dr. Oak was stunned for a moment, and then said with a strange look: "Little Fairy Milk and Flower Healing Ring? These two Pokémon have no fighting power in the early stage? If they are to be used as the initial Pokémon, Your journey is going to be very difficult."

"You misunderstood, Dr. Oki." Erina shook her head and explained, "Fei Shazi and I are responsible for the food in the team, so we should be the breeders."

"Cultivator?" Dr. Oki pondered for a moment, and said: "Although a cultivator does not need to pay too much attention to fighting, this is not an easy path, right?"

"Dr. Oki, don't worry—" Lin Qiong moved closer to Dr. Oki, then winked at him, and said flauntingly: "Erina's cooking skills can be super super super super! I I think she can subdue a quasi-god just by relying on food!"

"Conquer quasi-gods with food? Isn't that too exaggerated?" Dr. Oki shook his head in disbelief. The quasi-gods raised by humans from cubs are fine, but the wild quasi-gods are getting more irritable one by one. Ready to conquer the wild with just cooking skills?This is the same as when the big brother finds out that the idol he pushes is a man disguised as a woman, right?

not scientific!

"You don't believe it?" Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, and he suddenly felt a strange desire to win, prompting him to say to Erina: "Erina! Let Dr. Ohki have a taste of your craftsmanship!"

"Oh? Then I have to try it!" Dr. Oki silently put away the beaker containing instant noodles on the table, then folded his arms and said solemnly: "I'm very picky about food. oh!"

This is a lie, he is a doctor who can eat instant noodles with relish and is easy to support.

"Then..." Erina blinked, she understood that this is the time to prove her own strength!She stood up, rolled up her sleeves, and said confidently: "Doctor, enjoy my cooking skills!"

Chapter 0014 Eevee is so cute!

"Let's talk about it -" Lin Qiong leaned into Erina's ear and whispered: "I feel that if Dr. Oak was a Pokémon, he would have been conquered by you."


Erina glanced at Dr. Oki, who was sucking in her cooking in a storm, and was so delicious that he could not speak. Dr. Oki, who obviously had a tendency to degenerate like an ape, said delicately: "Although, I refuse to subdue—"


Take the bamboo shoots!You blatantly dislike Dr. Oki!


On the other side, after Dr. Oki burped, he leaned back in his chair with a doubtful expression on his face and murmured: "What on earth did I eat before?"

How can there be such delicious food in this world?If I were a Pokémon, I’m afraid I’d follow you 1000 kilometers just to steal food while you’re sleeping... Ahhh, how about getting into the Poké Ball you got into?

"How is it, doctor?" Lin Qiong smiled, and he sat beside Dr. Oki, and said with a proud face: "How is it! Erina's cooking skills are very good, right?"

"It's beyond my imagination." Dr. Oak smashed his mouth and said from the bottom of his heart: "Now I really want to believe that she can conquer Pokémon with her cooking skills!"

Hey, are chefs from other worlds monsters?

"The thing about the original Pokémon—"

"Okay! Little Fairy Milk and Flower Therapy Ring, right? I'll get them for you." Dr. Oki rubbed his face helplessly, and muttered, "Flower Therapy Ring is easy, but Little Fairy Milk... Hey , I feel like I'm going to show off my old face."

Fairy Milk is a Pokémon from the Galar region, and during this time period, the Galar region was still in a state of "isolation"!Even if Dr. Omu wants to get a fairy milk, it is not easy.

However, now that the words have been released, can we say that Dah Dah Mah can’t do it?That won't work!That’s so shameless!

"Say..." At this moment, Lin Qiong stroked his chin and said curiously, "Dr. Oki, can I specify the characteristics of Ibrahimovic?"

"Ibrahimovic? Of course there is no problem. What kind of Ibrahimovic do you want?"

Lin Qiong said with a beam of joy: "For those who foresee dangerous characteristics, I am going to let the Ibrahimovic evolve into a fairy Ibrahimovic, and after the Ibrahimovic who predicts dangerous characteristics evolves, the characteristic will change into a fairy skin."

Dr. Oki twitched the corner of his mouth, and murmured: "You are still going to evolve into Fairy Eevee, you are too macho!"

Hunk?I think it's a cute boy! !



"Because of Little Fairy, you may have to stay in the research institute for about a week." Dr. Damu looked at Lin Qiong and the others with some embarrassment, and decided to offer some compensation. He said, "If you are interested, Can you help me take care of the Pokémon in the yard, and feel it in advance, how about it?"

"it is good!"

The three of Lin Qiong suddenly showed surprise expressions—Dr. Oki is a well-known Pokémon scholar in the Kanto area and even in the entire Pokémon world. He even has Kuailong and Hackon in his backyard. It is true. earned.


Lin Qiong turned to look at Dr. Oki, and said with a smile, "Dr. Oki, could you please teach Erina about making Pokémon food?"

"Leave it on me!" Dr. Oki patted his chest, and said confidently: "Although I may not be able to compare with her in cooking, I am a professional in Pokémon food!"



"But when it comes to Pokémon food, I'm an expert—"

Lin Qiong stood in front of the window where he could see the backyard, and said to Dr. Oki beside him with emotion, "Isn't this completely surpassed?"

Beside Lin Qiong, Dr. Oki was lying on the window with tears streaming down his face, looking at the group of Pokémon in the backyard who were fawning on Erina, he choked up and said: "Obviously, obviously you used to only want to eat I cook the food!"

It's only been two days!Two days! !

Nakiri Erina, what you did is simply not human!

"My condolences." Lin Qiong patted Dr. Oki's shoulder with emotion, and then asked, "Speaking of which, Doctor, how is the research on legendary Pokémon going?"

You tell me this?Then I won't be sad!

Dr. Oki was refreshed for a while, and then said with emotion and excitement: "It's really thanks to the information you provided, Kobayashi! I didn't expect the three holy birds on the Orange Islands to shoulder the responsibility of balancing the world's ocean currents, and the three holy birds actually There is a population, not just one..."

"Well, as far as I know, there doesn't seem to be only one Lugia." Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "I remember Xiaozhi once met a young Lugia."

"..." The doctor couldn't help but rubbed the bridge of his nose, and said, "Don't give me information about other topics when I just went deep into a topic—"

My poor hair, I'm afraid it will fall out again!



Today is the third day of staying in Oki Research Institute.

"This is the initial Pokémon you want." Dr. Oki put two classic red and white poke balls on the table, and said, "This is the flower therapy ring in the Alola area, a fairy-type Pokémon ; and here is Ibrahimovic with the danger prediction characteristic."

Under the envious and jealous expressions of the eldest lady, Lin Qiong and Fei Shazi happily took over their own elf balls, and then carefully held them in their hands and played with them.

"Let's release it quickly and have a look." Dr. Oki said with a smile, "Because it is a Pokémon for new trainers, so I specially prepared for you a baby Pokémon that was just born, so don't worry about being difficult to get along with. Case."

"Thank you so much, Dr. Ohmu!" Lin Qiong couldn't wait to press the button of the elf ball with his finger. With a soft "chi" sound, the elf ball, which was originally only the size of a lychee, quickly expanded to the palm of his hand. The size made Lin Qiong excited.

Darling, this is the genuine one, a poke ball that can be zoomed in and out, not the plastic toy in my own world!

No, no, stay calm and be elegant!

Lin Qiong took a few deep breaths to calm down. He pressed the button on the elf ball again and said softly: "Come out, Ibrahimovic!"

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