Gan Rixiangzi blushed, covered his face shyly, and then secretly glanced back and forth at Lin Qiong and Erina through the gaps between his wide-open fingers--he almost rolled his tongue and said "There is J love".

Lin Qiong immediately waved his hands straight after hearing Xiangzi Ganri's words, and explained, "Don't, don't! Erina is only 15 years old, right? I'm afraid I'm going to get into trouble if I attack her."

If Lin Qiong is also 15 years old now, no, even if he is, he would not mind trying to pursue Erina who is reasonable now, but he is already 23 years old!To attack a minor who is eight years younger than himself and is only 15 years old now...

Squeeze the snails, I don't want to wear a silver bracelet for my teeth!



Because of Lin Qiong's arrival, the plot of the Halberd Eater has undergone a huge shift.

First of all, Nakamura Ji, the gloomy man.

When he was taken back to Nakiri's house by his collar, this guy was ready to put on some pretense to improve his style, but when faced with Saiba Chaoyang who was sitting in front of Saiba Seiichiro, he was directly manipulated.

In the end, like the original book, he chose to give up the surname of Nakiri, and took his illegitimate son away from everyone's sight completely.

After solving the time bomb of Nakamura Ji, Senzaemon started his own "Togetsu Cornerstone" project again!

In one breath, he called the current students (Si Yingshi, Tian Suohui, etc.) who performed well in the original work and the rest of the ten outstanding graduates to Nakiri's house, and put a contract in front of them.

"This is a harsh contract, but I can assure you that once you sign it, a new world will unfold in front of you—" Senzaemon calmly served a plate of dishes made by Master Abe Put it on the table, then took two steps back, and said: "You can taste the dishes cooked by 'that adult' first."

If Lin Qiong knew about the old man's coquettish operation at this time, he probably couldn't help but say: "This will be a massacre!"

The students who were going to refuse without hesitation when they saw the contents of this contract, after tasting this boiled pork slices, wished to kneel on the ground and hold Master Abei's thigh with tears streaming down their faces. Shouted: "Coach, I want to learn how to cook!"

This resulted in the fact that when Lin Qiong stayed in the world of Halberd Eater Spirits for half a year and allowed the world-traveling gate to evolve to the second stage and be able to take people across, what appeared in front of him was an entire team of members.

Looking at the grand occasion in front of him, Lin Qiong couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and said, "Master, isn't this person a little too much?"

Dojima Gin, Joichiro, Shiomi Jun, Shinomiya Kojiro, Kanniko Koji and other ten outstanding graduates;

Si Yingshi, Kobayashi Gendan, Isshiki Hui, Akane Kubomo, Jiuga Teruji and other ten outstanding students;

Xingping Chuangzhen, Tian Suohui, Takmi, Isami, Ha Shanliang and other outstanding students in the original work.

The old man looked at Lin Qiong with a smile, and said, "Well, the number of people seems to be a bit too much! Why don't you screen a few people?"

The next moment, Lin Qiong felt the eyes of these people locked on him. He was sure that those who were not selected by him would definitely tie a scarecrow to curse him!

"?" Lin Qiong couldn't help giving a question mark at that time, you, a 65-year-old man, attacked me, a 23-year-old young man, you don't talk about martial arts, you are creating something out of nothing, secretly plotting, imagining, and fabricating !

'You want me to be this villain?That is impossible! Lin Qiong glanced at the old man with his own neck, then turned his head with a snort, and said, "Go, you can go! Whoever won't let you go, I'm in a hurry!"

"Brother Lin, you are - my - God!"

"I will cook for you all my life!"

"A salute to Lin Qiong's birth!"

Hearing the rainbow farts rushing towards him, even Lin Qiong felt a sense of euphoria. In order to prevent himself from inflating too much, he quickly raised his hands and pressed down, saying: "Everyone, calm down, calm down! We We’re about to set off soon, I hope everyone abides by the rules, okay?”

"it is good--"

"Then, let's go—"



"So-so, so-so-"

Lin Qiong looked at Master Abei with a grin, and said, "Anyway, you can just treat them as apprentices!"

Dojima Gin nodded and said in a deep voice: "Master Chen, Xiaolin is right! Just treat us as the most basic apprentices. Even if it is washing and chopping vegetables, please leave it to us!" "

Saiba Seiichiro rubbed his chin, and added: "In addition, we can also take care of the cleaning work for Chrysanthemum Downstairs, including cleaning tables and chairs, etc. The cleaning of the room can also be entrusted to us!"

Master Abei waved his hand with a wry smile, and said, "Xiao Lin said that you are all excellent chefs in the original world, how can I let you be apprentices washing vegetables?"

Hearing this, Yao Daddy stretched out his hand and scratched the back of his head, then smiled unscrupulously and said, "Since Master Abe said so, let these little guys wash the vegetables."

As he spoke, he pointed his thumb at the student party behind him.


Question marks popped up on the heads of the students one after another. Alice Nakiri couldn't help poking Yao Wang's back, and then asked all the students in a low voice: "I said, your father has always been such a dog Is it?"

Xing Ping Chuangzhen stared at his father expressionlessly, gritted his teeth and said, "No, he's usually even worse than this!"

Chapter 0012

After everyone from the Shoji World came to Juxia downstairs, the restaurant immediately glowed with unprecedented vitality. And at the strong request of everyone, Master Abe reluctantly put down the spatula and iron pot and became an idle wanderer. The old man began to patrol the kitchen.

"Erina, I need to knead three more times here—"

"Mr. Joichiro, there is a little more pepper~"

"Mr. Yin, the strength is a little stronger——"

Leaning against the door of the kitchen, Lin Qiong looked at the top ten graduates who were cooking quickly, and the students who were struggling to wash vegetables and do hygiene next to them. smile.

"Oh! Brother Xiaolin, you came just in time!"

At this moment, Yao Wang's eyes lit up when he saw Lin Qiong's figure. He grinned and waved at Lin Qiong, saying, "Brother Lin! Come and try my new squid whiskers made with fermented bean curd and peanut butter!"


As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of Erina mother and son who possessed the tongue of gods suddenly turned livid. It seemed that just by imagining their mouths, there was a disgusting smell coming out of their mouths. Jian Run even glared at the culprit fiercely with resentful eyes—as worthy of being your son, as hateful as you!


Joichiro, who noticed Shiomi Jun's eyes, touched the tip of his nose and thought: 'Could it be because I haven't fed her strange ingredients in so many years, so she feels a little nostalgic?How about I get one done too? '

It is really a villain.



After Lin Qiong stayed in the world of Chuka Ichiban for a month, he returned to the world of the Shokugeki Spirit at the urging of Erina.

"Why bother? I already said that I can wait until you finish your studies before setting off to the Pokémon world. Why are you anxious?" Lin Qiong leaned against the door of Erina's bedroom, looking helplessly at Erina who was packing her luggage. Rina, "Isn't it your dream to learn cooking from Master Abe?"

"I can't delay your schedule because of this! I can study with Master Abe during the rest period after your trip." Erina turned back and glanced at Lin Qiong, and said matter-of-factly: "Besides, Traveling itself can sharpen a chef’s skills, so I’m not wasting my time!”

It seems to say, makes sense?

Lin Qiong touched his chin, and didn't say anything more, but took out his mobile phone, opened the pocket illustration book, and muttered: "Then I have to see first, which Pokémon is better to tame -"

In fact, what he didn't know was that Erina also had her own small thoughts: in her opinion, with so many people downstairs now, Master Abe's energy is limited, and it is certainly impossible to teach everything in detail, and when her trip is over , other people probably have learned about the same, she can enjoy the one-on-one teaching of Master Abe!

When the time comes, secretly become stronger and kill others!

When Erina packed her luggage and walked out with the suitcase, what she saw was Lin Qiong who was looking at the short manga on the post bar and smiling silly - Erina couldn't help asking: "What are you looking at? Laughing so strangely."

"This is it——" Lin Qiong handed the phone to Erina, and excited Amway said: "Look at it, I guarantee that your girl's heart will explode!"

"Is it so exaggerated?" Erina took the phone strangely, lowered her head to look, and found that this is a comparison between a group of trainers who just got Pokémon, and the time when Pokémon evolved to the final form. .

When I was young, the frog seeds liked to bite my sleeves, but when I grew up, the frog flowers liked to hug my arms;

When I was young, Charmander liked to sleep with the doll I gave it the most, but when I grew up, Charmander still liked to sleep with the worn-out doll;

When he was young, the Squirtle was very timid and afraid of seeing strangers. Although the grown-up Blastoise became stronger, he still felt nervous when he saw strangers;


Seeing these cute and heart-warming comparisons, Erina couldn't help showing an auntie smile at the corner of her mouth.

Lin Qiong came to Erina's side, squeezed his eyes and asked, "How is it? Is it very healing?"

Erina nodded excitedly and said, "Ah, how can there be such a healing and cute creature as Pokémon! It's so cute!"

At this time, Erina couldn't wait to catch her own Pokémon!

What are you waiting for?Let's go now!



Pokémon world.

Kanto area.

Really new town.

"True New Town is the place where the Pokémon dream series began!" Lin Qiong said to Erina and the secretary beside him: "We are going to visit Dr. Pokémon and Dr. Oki in True New Town this time. "

"Then let's go!" Erina couldn't hide the joy on her face, like a primary school student sitting on a spring outing bus, "I can't wait to start traveling!"

"Okay, let's go!" Lin Qiong nodded, he took a step forward and rang the doorbell of Dr. I want to bring you to visit Dr. Oki first, right?"

"It's a bit..." The secretary nodded weakly, "Can't we travel directly?"

Lin Qiong shook his head and explained: "No way! In the Pokémon world, if you don't have a proof, you can hardly move an inch on the trainer journey! You don't want to join the Rockets, and then gas bombs, Arbor snakes , stinky mud, or green caterpillars, right?"

The scene where Muji's idiot enters Tokiwa City and wants to check the Pokédex proves that a trainer without such identification as the Pokédex must be unable to move an inch in the Pokémon world!He doesn't want to start the hell out of joining the Rockets like those black Pokémon protagonists!

After understanding Lin Qiong's explanation, both the secretary and Erina subconsciously shook their heads, then hurriedly shook their heads—although they don't discriminate against any kind of Pokémon, there won't be any girls who really like stinky mud, right? ?No way no way! ?

Soon, the doorbell was connected, and Dr. Oki's voice came from inside: "Hello? Who is it?"

"Is it Dr. Oki?" Lin Qiong looked at the camera on the side, and said with a smile: "I came to visit you specially, and I have something very important to tell you!"

Dr. Oki didn't doubt him, he quickly opened the door and said, "Oh, come in quickly!"


Seeing the iron door opened in front of him, the secretary widened his eyes and said, "He, did he open the door like this?"

Isn't this too easy?This is Dr. Oak, whose academic status is at the top of the Pokémon world! ?His status in the Pokémon world is probably the same as the Commander-in-Chief's status in the world of Shokki, right?

Well, if a stranger rang the doorbell of Nakiri's house and said that he had something important to tell the commander-in-chief, would he be able to see the commander-in-chief?impossible!Absolutely impossible!

But Dr. Oki just opened the door! ?Lin Qiong didn't even show evidence, he just said "I have something very important to tell you", and he opened the door! ?

Lin Qiong said with emotion from the bottom of his heart: "After all, this world is the world that Zi Gong wants, so the vast majority of people are pure-minded people."

Except for the very few hated villains with itchy teeth, most of the residents of the Pokémon world are like people in fairy tales!Treats people sincerely, and treats Pokémon with family-like affection.



Soon, under the leadership of Dr. Oki, the three of them came to the lounge of the Oki Research Institute—Dr. Oki made a glass of honey water for each of the three with a smile on his face. .

After Erina took a sip, she narrowed her eyes with happiness and murmured: "It's sweet but not greasy, sliding down my throat like the softest silk. This is the highest quality drink I've ever had. Honey--"


Dr. Oki glanced at Erina with a puzzled expression, and then lowered his head to look at the honey jar in his hand—it was the honey collected randomly by his own big needle bee, that’s right, why did this little girl drink a treasure look like?

'Could it be that her childhood was so miserable that she never even drank ordinary honey water! ? Thinking of this, Dr. Oki suddenly said to Erina with distressed expression: "Little girl, come on, I'll give you this bottle! Drink it if you want!"

"Really!?" Erina took over the glass bottle containing honey with a look of surprise, and put it into her backpack as if it were a treasure--if you cook with this quality honey, you can definitely Take the taste to the next level!

Erina's actions made Dr. Oki affirm his guess. He couldn't help but took out his handkerchief and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then made up a soap opera with about 114514 episodes in his mind—the main content was about the stories of poor families. How Erina struggled to grow up,

It's so touching, Dr. Oki was almost moved to tears by the plot that he made up in his own brain!

Lin Qiong, who had no idea why Dr. Ohki suddenly looked sad and started wiping away tears, looked at each other with Erina and the secretary, and couldn't help but murmured in a low voice: "Could it be that he happened to be in the bubble noodles, but because of our arrival? Did it cause the noodles to become soft?"

"Ah!——" Dr. Oki, who was immersed in grief, was awakened by this sentence. He hurriedly stood up from the sofa, then ran towards the laboratory in a hurry, screaming: "I, I Instant noodles! This is the last bag of beef flavor!"

"Ah this..."

Erina twitched the corner of her mouth, squinted at Lin Qiong, and complained: "I feel that if I didn't take care of your three meals a day, you would become like him!"


Erina shook her head helplessly, anyway, she will be responsible for Lin Qiong's future meals, and she will not let Lin Qiong eat instant noodles, takeaways and the like—why, I still can't feed you enough! ?Go outside to steal food!

You are stealing!

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry—"

At this time, Dr. Oki ran back. He quickly put the beaker of instant noodles on the table and said, "I was cooking when you rang the doorbell! I forgot about it for a moment."

'Do, cook? Erina put her eyes on the beaker on the table, she couldn't help but widen her eyes, "He, how dare he say that he is cooking!" ? '

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