"Hmm, Mr. Xiao Lin, I would like to admit defeat—" The secretary glanced at the eldest lady, and then said with a smile: "Do you choose to take a big risk, or do you choose from your heart?"

Lin Qiong swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "Also, let's take a big risk!"

It is absolutely impossible to choose what is in your heart. If you ask me when I first punched, or what XP is, then the fact of my lsp will be exposed?Damn it, absolutely!

"it is good--"

Nazi showed a malicious smile, she and the secretary looked at each other, then shook her head and said, "I didn't see you slapping Erina-chan just now, so let's punish this in this big adventure!"


Lin Qiong's eyes widened. He looked at Nazi and the secretary and couldn't help but said: "Hey, do you really want to look at my Erina!?"

The secretary and Nazi nodded at the same time, and they both showed a pure and innocent smile. This smile seemed to be able to melt the ice in Esdeth's heart and turn her into a love brain.

'it is as expected……'

The eldest lady covered her face, and sure enough, as she guessed, these two people were just messing around!

Please let me go!If I really couldn't stand nodding, this dead straight man thought it was a joke...

Don't do that kind of thing (Allen.jpg).

The eldest lady held her head in her hands and showed a painful expression, so this big adventure is not torturing him, but torturing me, right?

I can't thank you both enough!

The secretary, who was completely unaware that the young lady had discovered her purpose, excitedly found the picture of Bi Dong, and then pointed at Lin Qiong: "Look, just push the young lady against the wall like this, The left hand slammed on the wall beside her, and the right hand pinched her chin, and then looked at each other affectionately, even if you have passed the test!"

Lin Qiong's face turned green!

No, the wall is the wall, what are the additional options of pinching the chin and looking at each other affectionately! ?Does this game have DLC?Then I don’t want to follow the DLC plot, okay! ?Can I just be on the wall? ? ?

Looking at the eyes of the secretary and Nazina Wakuwaku, Lin Qiong showed a sad smile.

It doesn't seem to work.

Chapter 0045

In one of the boxes on the train from Shuijing City to Kanaz City, a happy event is happening.

At this time, the eldest lady's face was flushed, and her pupils were leaning against the door of the box. Her nervousness caused her heart to beat fast, and Lin Qiong's face so close at hand also made her feel dizzy;

Lin Qiong propped his left hand on the door next to the young lady's face, and his face was close to the bright red ear of the young lady, his eyes wandered and he didn't know what he was thinking, but if he listened closely, he could hear his heartbeat Almost as fast as the king engine.

As for Nazi and the secretary?They were sitting on the sleeper on the lower floor, one on the left and the other on the right, and then they took out their illustration book with excited faces, turned on the video recording function, and pointed the camera at Lin Qiong and the eldest lady, ready to take a picture of this full of A scene of commemoration.

By the way, Pikachu is sitting in the arms of the secretary, while Ibrahimovic is being suppressed in the arms by Nazi, this is to prevent the two cuties from disturbing Lin Qiong and the eldest lady.

After all, isn't there often such a plot in romance comics?The atmosphere of the male and female protagonists is in place. When the confession is about to start, there will always be one or two characters who the audience would like to stab to death with a knife, just intrude into the scene, and then the crushing confession is interrupted, and the progress returns to zero.

No, this must not happen!Naz even spread out his superpowers, wrapping the carriage in all directions, so as not to disturb Lin Qiong and the eldest lady by knocking on the door or breaking in from the outside.

It can be said... um... nanny-level protection.

After brewing his emotions for a long time, Lin Qiong took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly. However, he forgot his posture with the eldest lady at this time, causing all his breath to hit the eldest lady's ear, Let her have a feeling of weakness in her hands and feet.

'What are you doing!what are you doing!What are you doing! '

'You you you, why are you blowing my ears! '

The eldest lady's thinking has begun to become chaotic. She feels as if her brain has been thrown into a meat grinder. Throw it back the same.

It doesn't work anymore.

After taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Lin Qiong straightened his upper body, moved his head to the front of Erina, stared at the face of the young lady who was blushing, and said in a trembling voice: "Erina... Erina!"

Erina, who suddenly heard her own name, subconsciously replied loudly like an elementary school student being called by the teacher: "Ah, I am here!"

"Why did you talk just now——" Missy's sudden answer made Lin Qiong's brain go blank, and the courage and lines he had brewed from taking a deep breath just now seemed to be created by Missy's "I'm here" It's the same as going to another world.

It's over, I can't think of anything!But the atmosphere is here...

'Say something, have to say something! ! These words echoed in Lin Qiong's mind.

So, in desperation, he blurted out: "Go out with me—"

At this time, the eldest lady who was crying stupidly because of her operation just now, after hearing Lin Qiong's words, subconsciously replied: "Okay——"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Secretary: "Huh!?"

Nazi: "Huh!!??"

The eldest lady who reacted: "Hmm!!!???"



After the young lady's mind went blank and she subconsciously replied "Okay——", under the hint of the secretary, Nazi immediately activated her superpower, moving her, the secretary, Pikachu, and Ibrahimovic. In the hallway.

Secretary: "Good job, Nazi! Leave enough space for Mr. Xiaolin and Missy!"

Nazi: "It also avoided the situation that they couldn't let go because we were on the scene!"

The two clapped their hands and cheered, "Wonderful——"

After the two left, only Lin Qiong, who was sitting on the bed with a dazed face, and the eldest lady who wrapped herself in a quilt and curled up like an ostrich were left in the private room.

"Ah, I'm such an idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot—" the eldest lady curled up in the quilt, holding her head in her hands and screaming silently, "isn't it mental preparation from the beginning?Why are you still nodding in a daze? '

After much deliberation, the eldest lady found the culprit.

'It's Lin Qiong's fault no matter what, right? The eldest lady gritted her silver teeth and thought angrily, "If he hadn't called my name suddenly, I wouldn't have answered subconsciously, and then I was so nervous that my brain went blank!" ! '

Yes, that's right, no matter how you think about it, it's Lin Qiong's fault!

Unlike the eldest lady who frantically dumped the pot to relieve her emotions, Lin Qiong's mind was currently full of brainstorming——

'Did she just say yes? '

'Then do I have a girlfriend? '

'Or is she just joking? '

'One of the three major illusions in life, she likes me? '

Lin Qiong's brain is very confused. Even if he obtained the world-transmitting gate, the 23 years of his life as a "passer-by" really made him lose a lot of self-confidence-in his opinion, a shining heroine like Missy should It's right to stand beside the same shining male protagonist, why choose him, an inconspicuous passer-by?

Something is wrong.

No matter how you think about it, it's wrong! ?

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu married office worker A and lived a happy life?

Thinking of this, Lin Qiong couldn't help but raise his head, looked in the direction of the eldest lady, and shouted in a low voice: "Well, Hui... cough... eldest lady——"


The eldest lady shivered suddenly under the blanket, and then arched her head for a while, then slightly pushed her head out of the gap, and replied in a faltering voice: "What... what are you doing?"

"That's it...that one just now..." Lin Qiong lowered his head uncomfortably, and bumped his thumbs together to relieve the tension in his heart, "Are you joking with your answer? Are you kidding me?"

"Huh?" The eldest lady stuck out her head in surprise, then stared at Lin Qiong with wide eyes, and said, "Do you think I'm someone who can joke about this kind of thing!?"

According to the normal development, the eldest lady should be so shy that she would say something like "Damn, of course I was joking! How could this lady fall in love with someone like you", then miss Lin Qiong, and then regret Lifetime - some twisted people ecstasy, huh?

But it is a pity that she is obviously more angry than shy at this time, and her nerves have been tense just now, so at this time the eldest lady has entered a state of berserk.

"No, it's not—" Lin Qiong shook his head hastily, and said in a panic: "I mean... um... that's... you are the eldest lady of the Nakiri family anyway, right? Besides, you are just an ordinary passer-by, so you promised me a confession, no matter how you think about it, it’s not right? Or is it because of the world-transmitting gate, so you..."

"What are you thinking?"

The eldest lady is so angry that she can't even care about being shy!

She jumped off the sleeper, then walked up to Lin Qiong aggressively, and asked, "You mean, I betrayed my feelings for profit?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant—" Lin Qiong explained with a little numbness, and he said with a wry smile: "It's just that I don't understand myself, what attracts you to me."

"So you are struggling with this kind of problem?" The eldest lady showed a puzzled expression. She put her hands on her hips and said, "How do I know about this kind of thing?"

Lin Qiong was dumbfounded: "Huh? You don't even know what you like about me?"

"It would be strange if you made it clear!" The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong confidently and said, "It's such an inexplicable thing to like someone!"

If you like it, you like it. If you can list the places you like one by one, wouldn't liking it become like an exam?Is that still pure love?

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and rubbed the bridge of his nose, and asked in a low voice, "So, you agreed out of your own intention, right?"

The eldest lady, who still had enough energy left in her anger, was super brave, and she said loudly: "Yes! I will not wrong my feelings for the sake of profit! If I don't want to, no one will think of me and nod!"


As soon as the words fell, Lin Qiong suddenly raised his hands and slapped himself on the face with such force that the eldest lady couldn't help being startled.

"You... what are you doing?"

"I'm waking myself up!" Lin Qiong rubbed his hot cheeks, then grinned and said, "After all, I'm a 23-year-old reliable adult male, and now I'm going to be killed by a 15-year-old girl like you." Consolation and enlightenment are too inappropriate!"

The eldest lady was frightened by Lin Qiong's actions. She looked at the obviously red palm prints on Lin Qiong's face and couldn't help but said: "Yeah, it doesn't have to be like this, right?"

"This is my own punishment!" Lin Qiong rubbed his face and said, "Dear Erina, I've always felt inferior. I can't imagine that a shining heroine like you would like me."

Why did Lin Qiong focus on Tian Suohui at the beginning?In addition to Nakiri Erina's bad temper in the early days, it was more because Lin Qiong felt that a "local girl" like Tian Suohui might be more suitable for him!But the world is unpredictable, who would have thought that Lin Qiong would eventually establish a bond with Erina?

"I've always liked to play badly, that's because I think I can't compare with anyone, so bad is bad—" Lin Qiong looked at Erina standing in front of him, and said with a wry smile: "But, now I want Work hard!"

Otherwise, wouldn't I be sorry for this recognition from the eldest lady?

"I, this..." Faced with Lin Qiong who suddenly "opened her heart", the eldest lady showed a bewildered expression, she curled her hair unconsciously, and said: "So, so, what do you mean?" yes?"

"I will try my best to become a man worthy of you!" Lin Qiong stood up, looked into the young lady's eyes, and said seriously: "So, Erina, date me."

Missy: "Well——"

Chapter 0046 New partners join the team

When the secretary and Nazi stayed outside the door for half an hour, and then returned to the box.

"Oh, oh oh oh oh—"

Na Zi looked at Lin Qiong and the eldest lady who were sitting together and holding hands with a funny face, and teased: "So, you two are done?"


Lin Qiong coughed a little uncomfortably, and said, "It can indeed be said that—thanks to you and the secretary for your assistance."

The secretary on the side picked up a small handkerchief to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes, and choked with sobs: "That's great, Miss——"

That appearance is like watching her daughter who has been single for 500 years and no one wants it is finally a married mother.

"Crimson Sand—"

The eldest lady looked at her best friend with a dark face, and said, "No matter what, you don't need to be like this, right?"

"Because, because..." the secretary sniffed, and said, "Because the eldest lady is blond and tsundere, and she also has the attributes of an eldest lady. No matter how you look at it, she looks very similar to the defeated dog on another set! I'm worried that you will miss Mr. Xiao Lin because of your arrogance, and regret it for the rest of your life..."

The blonde tsundere lady you mentioned, does she like to wear green sportswear and ponytails, and she is also a book artist?Wouldn't someone really collect so many attributes and still be a loser?

Do you think so, Yinglili?

"Crimson Sand!!"

The eldest lady's face turned green immediately, she looked at Fei Shazi who was stabbing her back with a distorted face, and said, "Why did I...I..."

"Okay, okay, don't be angry—" Lin Qiong comforted his girlfriend who just took office, and said, "Didn't you win? It's a pity that there is nothing in life!"

The eldest lady bared her teeth and said, "It's not a question of success! It's that I am actually a defeated dog in Fei Shazi's heart?"

The secretary blinked, and then muttered, "If it weren't for the assistance of Naz-chan and I, you two wouldn't know how long it would have been."


Seems to make sense?

Lin Qiong and the eldest lady looked at each other, and they both showed a sneer.

One tsundere and the other cowardly, without the help of the clerk and the strong support of Nazi and the secretary, I'm afraid it's really going to be staged, so I want to kill you.

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