Lin Qiong scratched his head and said, "I really want to thank the secretary."

Nazi at the side hurriedly pointed at herself and said, "What about me?"

"And Nazi! I also want to thank Nazi!"

"That's right!"

Nazi withdrew her gaze contentedly, then supported her chin, and said, "Oh, I feel like I've done something amazing—well, I'm really amazing!"

The secretary also put his hands on his hips, nodded his head complacently, and said, "I'm really amazing!"

"Ah yes-"

What else can Lin Qiong say?

He could only look at each other with the eldest lady, and then applaud the two truly amazing people together.



After traveling for a day and a night, the train stopped at the station in Kanaz City.


Lin Qiong stood at the exit of the station, stretched his hands high, and said, "Wow, even if it's a sleeper, it's unbearable to spend a whole day in a box—"


The eldest lady followed Lin Qiong's example and raised her hands above her head, complaining: "And the food is completely inaccessible! Ah, it's unbelievable!"

Naturally, there is no way to cook by yourself on the train, so everyone can only buy boxed lunches on the train—although it is not as bad as the boxed lunches on the trains of Tianchao, the taste is really not much better.

Especially when Lin Qiong's mouth was swallowed by the young lady's delicious food, he felt that the rice, the meat, and the vegetables were all wrong in various senses.


Lin Qiong put his arms around the young lady's waist from behind, then put his chin on her shoulder, and mournfully said: "It's over! My mouth can no longer be separated from Erina's cooking, it has become your shape .”


The secretary and Nazi who stood behind the two showed disgusted expressions at the same time, the secretary couldn't help covering his face: "Mr. Xiaolin, I remember you were not like this before!" '

Aren't you a 23-year-old reliable adult man! ?Why are you acting like a baby with your 15-year-old girlfriend!And what is that sound! ?Disgusting, super disgusting!The eldest lady will definitely not be able to stand it!

The secretary looked in the direction of the young lady in horror, and then she saw the happy and shy smile on the young lady's face, and covered Lin Qiong's arm around her waist with her hand, and said, "I really take you!" I can't help it! I'll make you a big meal after visiting Dewen Company later!"

Lin Qiong smiled: "Yeah, that's great! Erina's big meal! Waku Waku—"

The secretary slapped himself on the face, and murmured: "Do men and women who are in love have this kind of virtue?"

Na Zi suppressed her smile and patted the secretary's shoulder, and said, "Haven't you never seen it in the car?"

In less than half a day, those two people were about to develop into a stupid couple... No, not soon, but already!They're already a dumb couple!

Looking at Lin Qiong and the eldest lady who were tired of being together, the secretary had complicated eyes, as if he was talking to himself, or asking Nazi, "Does love make people become such things?"

Nazi blinked her eyes innocently, and said, "I've never been in love, I don't know."



Compared with Silver Company, whose main product is Poke Balls, Devon Company, which focuses on "peripherals", is obviously more in line with Missy's requirements.

"Multifunctional navigator—"

The navigation algorithm is several times better than the navigation software on the market.

"Space backpack—"

No matter how heavy things are stuffed in, they are extremely light.

"running shoes--"

Reduce physical exertion, and you won’t have sore feet or blisters after walking all day long.

"Spotting Mirror—"

You can see the air index, wind direction, pollution and more.

"Diving gear—"

The ten-centimeter oxygen tube has compressed the amount of oxygen that can be used for diving for ten hours.

"It feels like everything needs to be imported—"

The eldest lady looked at the products recorded in the notebook with a complicated face, and muttered: "Isn't the black technology in the Pokémon world too unreasonable?"

The secretary said dejectedly, "I feel like it's impossible to reproduce it!"

The basic condition for re-enactment is to understand the production principle of the product, but the secretary has no idea how to re-enact the product of the Pokémon world with the technological level of the food halberd world-it is impossible to achieve it with the space compression technology alone ?

Lin Qiong comforted: "It's okay! It's a big deal to be a porter! What a big deal!"

"Beep beep-"

At this moment, the illustration book on Lin Qiong's waist rang a few times, he took it out and opened it, then smiled and said, "Just in time, the Pokémon I asked for from Dr. Oki has arrived, let's go and get it !"


The eldest lady and the secretary turned their heads, and they asked in surprise, "When did it happen?"

Why didn't they know that Lin Qiong asked Dr. Oki for Pokémon again?

"Probably when we were in Shuijing City." Lin Qiong smiled and said, "Let's go, let's go to the Pokémon Center to get a special gift."

The eldest lady walked to Lin Qiong's side and asked curiously: "What gift have you prepared?"

Lin Qiong chuckled, pretending to be mysterious and said: "This is a secret~ If I told you in advance, wouldn't there be no surprises?"

The eldest lady was so angry that she stretched out her hand and lightly pinched Lin Qiong's waist, and said, "You want to hide it from me, too?"


Lin Qiong exaggeratedly rubbed the place where he was pinched, and then said aggrievedly: "Let me keep a little mystery! Is this a gift specially prepared for you?"

'Specially prepared for me? The eldest lady lowered her head sweetly, and snorted coquettishly, "Then hurry up! Let me see what you have prepared, it's so mysterious."

Lin Qiong said cheerfully, "Okay!"

Nazi and the secretary, who were following behind the two of them, invariably covered their mouths with their hands, showing expressions of being hit.

Oh my goodness.



After arriving at the Pokémon Center, Lin Qiong opened the locked cabinet in the storage area according to the secret key sent by Dr. Oki, and took out four Poké Balls from it.

The eldest lady approached Lin Qiong and asked curiously, "Is this the gift you prepared?"

"You will be satisfied." As Lin Qiong said, he connected the Poke Ball with the illustration book, checked the data of the Pokémon inside, waved to the secretary, and said, "Secretary, this is you of Erina; these two are Erina's; this one is mine."

The eldest lady pursed her mouth: "What the hell is it? It's so mysterious——"

Lin Qiong: "Wouldn't you know it once you release it?"

So, the eldest lady and the secretary looked at each other, and they both opened the Poké Ball unanimously, releasing the Pokémon inside.



Accompanied by the red light, a snow-white little Funi and a brown-red little Funi stood side by side on the ground, and beside them, a large yellow croaker with not very bright eyes was jumping on the ground.

"Six tails!? There are also ugly fish!?" Nazi on the side widened her eyes and said, "Is this the gift you were talking about?"

Lin Qiong nodded with a smile: "Didn't I promise to help you both get a six-tailed fish before? As for the ugly fish—didn't Erina feel the charm of Menus in the art gallery of Shuijing City before?" ?"

The eldest lady took the ugly fish back first, then squatted down with the secretary, hugged their six tails in their arms, and said distressedly: "But, if the ugly fish wants to evolve into Menus, it should be very easy. Is it difficult?"

"It shouldn't be particularly difficult for you." Lin Qiong threw his elf ball, and a small brown tiger-striped puppy appeared majestically in front of him, and then shook its tail happily. Said: "The key to cultivating Ugly Fish is to make energy cubes that are rich in water energy and can improve their beauty - it shouldn't be a difficult task with your cooking skills."

Chapter 0047 Stupid

In the Pokémon series of games, there are two ways for Ugly Fish to evolve into Menus——

Method 170, when the beauty degree increases to above [-], upgrade the level;

Method [-], carrying beautiful scales for link exchange.

But after Lin Qiong asked Dr. Damu, the answer he got was that the beauty of the ugly fish needs to be raised to above 170 first, and then carry the beautiful scales to upgrade the level - the former needs to keep the ugly fish in a good mood, Plus eat high-quality energy cubes to satisfy, and the latter is only a few scales that Menus will grow in his life.

So to put it bluntly, it takes a very high cost to breed an ugly ugly fish into a menus. Putting it on the earth where Lin Qiong is located is basically equivalent to the consumption of a top private jet or a top luxury cruise ship.

The eldest lady nodded thoughtfully, and said, "I just bought a berry mixer, so I'll try to make an energy cube later."



Hearing that the eldest lady was about to start making energy cubes with her own hands, little Pikachu and little Eevee suddenly cheered - come on, the eldest sister's human food is so delicious, wouldn't the energy cubes she made go to heaven?

Cool!Have a good time!


Bing Liuwei in the eldest lady's arms tilted her head in doubt, and she asked softly, "Are the things she cooks delicious?"


Ibrahimovic nodded vigorously, and she grew her hands exaggeratedly, expressing that it was so, so, so delicious!


After Huoliuwei in the secretary's arms heard these words, his eyes lit up, and then he happily waved his two front paws towards the eldest lady, making a sound of "Wo~Wo~" .

It seems very excited.

The eldest lady was confused by Huo Liuwei's enthusiasm, she looked at Lin Qiong as if asking for help, and asked, "Qion (Sora), what's wrong with her?"

Lin Qiong said dumbfoundedly: "This Liuwei looks like a snack, and she is going to eat the Pokémon food you made."


The secretary at the side was not calm at that time, she hurriedly lowered her head to look at Liuwei in her arms, and said, "Didn't Dr. Oki give you something to eat when he sent you over?"


Liuwei blinked his eyes, indicating that he has one stomach for eating, another stomach for snacks, and another stomach for desserts!

After Lin Qiong translated her words, the eldest lady, the secretary, and Na Zi all showed uncontrollably funny expressions—why does this sentence sound so familiar?

Isn't this just a line for girls?

"It just so happens that it's not too early—" the eldest lady said with a smile, "Let's start cooking lunch. I'll prepare everyone's meals first, and then I'll think about the formula of the energy cube."

"Yeah!" Lin Qiong cheered, and he said excitedly: "Erina, I want to eat meat! Big meat!"

The eldest lady patted her chest boldly and said, "No problem! I will feed you well, so look forward to it!"

Secretary: "Hiccup——"

A burp tastes like dog food.



In the backyard of the Pokémon Center.

Lin Qiong and the others were eating around the table, while at another table, the eldest sister Geng Gui was greeting the three newcomers.


After taking a bite of Pokémon food, Fire Vulpix showed a shocked expression: "Isn't this too delicious? Do you usually eat food like this?"

Geng Gui giggled, put her hands on her hips, and said, "Our hostess's cooking skills are the best in the world, and I don't accept rebuttals!"

"You can mess with anyone, but you must not mess with the eldest lady, otherwise there will be no place to cry when the food level drops." Ibrahimovic nodded at the side and added.

Huo Liuwei immediately clenched his fists, and said seriously: "For the future food! I will take good care of the eldest lady!"

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