"?" Bing Liuwei glanced at his sister and asked, "Did you make a mistake? This is my master, so I will naturally protect her."

Huo Liuwei was taken aback for a moment, then opened his mouth wide and froze on the spot: Yes, yes, the big sister who cooks delicious food is not my master.

Since then, another emo Pokémon has been added to the team.

Katie, who had already eaten her lunch, raised her head from the rice bowl. After she licked her mouth in satisfaction, she first looked at Liuwei who was caught in emo, and then at her still Most of the Pokémon food is left.

Did she stop eating?What a waste!Obviously so delicious!

Then let me help her eat it!Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah——



the other side.


The eldest lady stuffed a light blue energy cube into her mouth, and after tasting it for a while, she showed a satisfied smile and said, "The best energy cube is out of the oven."

Lin Qiong popped up from the side, and then curiously approached the eldest lady, and said, "The energy cube for Ugly Ugly Fish is ready?"

Erina nodded, she reached out and put all the energy cubes into the cube box, and said with a smile: "Just give her one at lunch every day."

After speaking, she led Lin Qiong to the fish tank containing the ugly fish, threw an energy cube into the water, and said to the ugly fish, "Eat it! Grow up well, and then become beautiful—"


After the Ugly Ugly Fish's intelligent dead fish glanced at the eldest lady, it immediately focused on the energy cube slowly falling into the water—what is this thing! ?Why does it smell so attractive to me! ?

Under the strong attraction, the ugly fish couldn't hold back and opened its mouth, and then ate the energy cube into its stomach in one gulp.


The next moment, a stream of pure water system energy bloomed in her abdomen, as if the internal organs to the skin were filled with water and moisturized, the ugly fish couldn't help showing a refreshing expression.


Lin Qiong showed a strange expression, he stretched out his hand to poke the young lady's waist, and whispered, "Erina, why do I feel like this ugly fish has been drugged?"

The eldest lady twitched the corners of her mouth. Although she was very reluctant to admit it, she could see a trace of it from the expression of Ugly Ugly Fish...


If I had to say it, it was like when she was watching the animation of the spirit of eating halberds at home, the expressions of those female characters eating delicious food, it could be called a welfare distribution.

But you are a fish!It’s still an ugly fish!Are you so charming?

After tasting such delicious energy cubes, Ugly Ugly Fish obviously became more fond of the eldest lady. After she happily swam a few times in the bathtub, she opened her mouth happily and spit out a few bubbles.

"You look very happy——" The eldest lady showed a smile at the corner of her mouth, she gently pushed the hair on her forehead behind her ears, and said in a low voice: "I look forward to the time when you transform into Menus." One day."

Lin Qiong covered his chest, showing an expression on the verge of dying: "Damn it, why is a 15-year-old girl so attractive—"

He had to admit that the femininity emanating from the lady's hair brushing just now almost killed him, and the feeling of rapid heartbeat made him wonder if he was about to get stripes.

Seemingly aware of Lin Qiong's fiery eyes, the eldest lady gave him a shy look, and said coquettishly, "What are you looking at!"

"Erina is so charming, I was stunned by accident." Lin Qiong scratched his face shyly, and said, "I feel like I can't get enough of it in my lifetime."

"Wow, this man——" The eldest lady felt her ears turning red. She stretched out her arms and hugged Lin Qiong's waist, then bumped her head on his chest and said in a sullen voice: "You You won’t blush even if you say these words?”

"Who said it wouldn't be possible?" Lin Qiong put his arms around the young lady's waist, and said with a dry smile, "Isn't it because there were only two of us at the scene? If the secretary and Nazi were here, I wouldn't be able to say—" —”


The eldest lady raised her head, she squinted her eyes and smiled at Lin Qiong, and said, "Then say a few more words now, I like to hear it."

Woohoo—why can a young lady who is in love be so cute! ?How about your arrogance! ?Isn't it said that a proud person still remains arrogant even after falling in love?How did you become so delicate?

Damn it, how can I resist your charm!

So the question is, how to praise girls?

Lin Qiong, who was originally eloquent, seemed to have a knotted tongue at this time, and suddenly showed a mask of pain. The eldest lady, who did not wait for the compliment she wanted, raised her head angrily, Asked: "Don't you have anything you want to praise me for?"

"Uh——" Lin Qiong raised his head, and after thinking hard for ten seconds, he whispered, "Erina is super cute, Erina is super beautiful, Erina is super gentle—"

That's it?

The eldest lady raised her head dumbfounded and said, "Aren't you usually quite eloquent? Aren't you particularly eloquent when chatting with Yin Sang? Why are you so stupid now?"

Lin Qiong showed an awkward and impolite smile, and said, "Here, talking to a girlfriend and talking to a bad friend, can the situation be the same?"

It's like chatting with shady netizens on the Internet. Every mouthful is a treasure, and every mouthful is loving you to death. How can I live without you, and then chatting with a female netizen, nothing can be said for a long time.

The eldest lady snorted, then patted Lin Qiong's arm, and said, "Okay, let's go and accompany the newcomers Liuwei and Katie."

"Let's go—" Lin Qiong squeezed the eldest princess into his arms with both hands, and then happily walked towards the dining table, saying: "Elbow elbow, show the little ones how they are. mistress!"

The eldest lady covered her face with her hands, and muttered in a low voice: "Aren't you very good at—"

Chapter 0048 Nazi, died of joy

When Lin Qiong excitedly hugged Erina and walked to the Pokémon, he found a slight commotion.

Huoliuwei and Katie Dog fight.


Huoliubai pressed down on Katie Dog with tears streaming down his face, while asking sad questions to those who heard it, while biting Katie Dog with his teeth in annoyance—it’s just a pity that, under Katie Dog’s intimidating characteristics, The attack of Liuwei, which has reduced the attack, is really a bit painless.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

The eldest lady quickly jumped down from Lin Qiong's arms, and then stretched out her hand to hold Huo Liuwei's fate by the nape of her neck, and asked the secretary and Nazi who were laughing beside her, "Why are you fighting so well?" ? Are you still watching from the side?"

"Because, because—"

Nazi squatted on the ground clutching her stomach, and said out of breath from laughing, "Ka, Katie...hahaha..."

Lin Qiong glanced at Ding Zhen, and he could see that Na Zi definitely belonged to the kind of person who didn't say a word when sharing a joke with others, but ended up laughing until she couldn't straighten her waist.

Practice your laughter. I'm afraid that one day when you die, your tombstone will read "Death in Joy". That would be really tragic.

The eldest lady looked at Nazi, who was blushing from laughter, and even burst into tears, she was completely speechless!She looked at the secretary helplessly, and said, "It seems that Na Zi is hopeless! Fei Shazi, what happened?"

"Ahem, it's like this -" the secretary coughed twice to ease her mood of wanting to burst into laughter, "Just now Vulpix suddenly emo'd for some reason, and when she finished her emo and was about to have lunch, But he found that all his food had been eaten by Kati dogs, so..."


The eldest lady was also amused by the development of the story. She imagined the scene of Liuwei at the end of the emo and found that all her food had been eaten, and she couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

The corner of Lin Qiong's mouth twitched several times, and he finally suppressed the smile that was about to overflow!Then he knelt down, stretched out his hands and rubbed the dog's head angrily, and said, "Little rascal, are you not full or what? How can you eat other people's food?"

"Wang Wang-"

Cardi dog barked twice innocently: I just saw her sitting by the bowl with a stupid face and didn't eat, so I thought she wasn't hungry!

"Even if she doesn't eat it, it's still her lunch, not the reason for you to move your mouth." Lin Qiong gently rubbed the ear of the dog, and said, "Hurry up, go and apologize to Sister Liuwei."


Katie nodded obediently, and she quickly ran to the front of the eldest lady, then raised her head to look at Liuwei, and said, "I ate your lunch, I'm sorry! I'll give you my dinner!"

"Since you have apologized, then I will forgive you—" After Liuwei was put on the ground by the eldest lady, she arrogantly raised her head and snorted, and said, "There is no need for dinner! I am not like you Can eat so much!"

'Didn't you say it yourself, did you have three stomachs—'

Lin Qiong squinted at Xiao Liuwei, and muttered, "Do Pokémon also have a tsundere personality? The effect is + defeated dog - frankness?"



After washing the kitchen utensils and tableware, Lin Qiong and others gathered on the lawn in the backyard, enjoying the afternoon tranquility that they could not enjoy in other worlds.


Lin Qiong let out a long sigh, then leaned on Geng Gui's soft belly and said: "Gengar Gui can lower the temperature, so it is so comfortable to lean on her in summer -"

"Really?" The eldest lady curiously came to Lin Qiong's side, leaned against his shoulder and leaned on Geng Gui, and immediately said in surprise: "It's true, there is a sudden cooling feeling, so comfortable ——”

Secretary Zi and Na Zi looked at each other, and they quickly leaned on Geng Gui, enjoying the "hard-won" coolness. Geng Gui, who was leaned on by the four people, grinned. He let out a "koujiejiekoujie" laugh.

Happy, I feel that Ghost Life has reached its peak!

"After winter, it won't be suitable to rely on Gengar anymore -" Lin Qiong squinted his eyes, sniffing the scent of the eldest lady's hair next to him, and said, "But by that time, Katy Dog should also be able to evolve into The wind is blowing fast, and it will be warm and comfortable when I lean on Dagougou."


The Katie dog lying at Lin Qiong's feet barked happily, "I will grow up well, master, please rely on me as much as you can!"

"Booy Booy—"

Ibrahimovic raised his head from Lin Qiong's lap angrily, and complained, "Why am I so small? I also want to be leaned on by the master—"

Lin Qiong touched Ibrahimovic's head with a smile, and said, "What are you thinking? If you become a big guy like Wind Speed ​​Dog, I can't hold you in my arms—"


Ibrahimovic shook his head quickly, indicating that the embrace of his master was more important.


Lin Qiong smiled, then turned his head to look at the people staying with Pokémon, and couldn't help sighing softly: "This kind of life is like a dream."

The eldest lady closed her eyes, quietly took Lin Qiong's hand, and said, "This is not a dream, but reality."

Lin Qiong put his finger into the young lady's fingers, interlocked with her, and said with a smile: "It must be reality, I don't want the girlfriend I finally found to become a dream hahaha—— "

No one dreams of not having a girlfriend, right?

"Miss, Mr. Lin -" the secretary looked at the two of them lazily and said, "Although we like you two very much, if you hand out dog food all the time, even we will not be able to bear it."

"Hahaha, let's change the subject—" Lin Qiong leaned his head on the eldest lady's head with a smile on his face, then pondered for a few seconds, and said, "Well, how about I ask you a question?"

Na Zi waved her small hand and said, "Say—"

Lin Qiong: "What is the English word for wolf?"

"Wolf!" The secretary gave the answer without thinking, and then complained: "Please, Mr. Lin! You can at least increase the difficulty. Is this a question for a primary school student?"

Lin Qiong chuckled, and then proudly said: "Wrong! It's not wolf—let me remind you, this is not a serious topic!"

"Not wolf?"

Nazi and the secretary looked at each other, both showed strange expressions, and then fell into deep thought.

Nazi guessed: "Is it Poochyena (coyote)? Or Mightyena (big wolf dog)? Or Lycanroc (maned rock werewolf)?"

This was the only Pokémon with a wolf in its name, so Nazi felt she was right.

"No, no!" Lin Qiong quickly shook his head and said, "It has nothing to do with Pokémon! The answer is very naive!"

Especially childish? ?

Na Zi and the secretary fell into distressed thinking, and they respectively put forward various answers-what big gray pancakes and squawking came out, but they were still rejected by Lin Qiong.

Finally, the secretary gave in. She raised her hands helplessly and said, "Mr. Lin, just tell me the answer. I can't guess it."

Nazi also nodded, and said weakly: "I can't think of it either, so tell me."


Lin Qiong coughed twice, and then announced the answer amidst the laughter of the eldest lady: "It's dog.pro.max."


The secretary and Nazi opened their mouths, and they immediately showed expressions of death of anger.

"No, sir, is there such an answer?"

"Isn't this a pure brain teaser!?"

"That's right! I said at the beginning that it's not a serious answer!" Lin Qiong smiled, and he said proudly: "This question has stumped Erina—"

"You still have the nerve to say it—" The eldest lady patted Lin Qiong's arm with a smile, then looked at the secretary, and said, "Actually, there is a follow-up to this answer, Fei Shazi, then do you know what dog's English is?" ?"


Fei Shazi and Na Zi looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths tugged at the same time—obviously, these two problems are connected!The answer to the second question is definitely related to the first question.

A ghost can guess it!

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