"I give up answering! Miss, you can give me the answer directly!"


Facing the two people who were directly smashing, the eldest lady shrugged her shoulders helplessly, and then said with a smile: "The answer is wolf.mini!"

dog.pro.max and wolf.mini?Okay, you guys have learned the tricks from Apple, right?

"Mr. Lin, how did you come up with this kind of question?" The secretary twitched the corners of his mouth, and couldn't help but said, "You really are Kendi in a car—you have a big brain!"


Lin Qiong first bent his mouth subconsciously, but quickly suppressed his smile and said, "Secretary, don't try to ruin my morals! I have already lost ten years of merit because of this joke, so I must not Another ten years may be lost!"

"Master Xiaolin, when you defined that sentence as a joke, you have already lost ten years of merit."

"What! Damn it, you were careless——"

Listening to the voices of Lin Qiong and the secretary, Nazi was amused again, and let out a happy laugh while clutching her stomach: "Hahaha, sooner or later, sooner or later, I will laugh out my abs hahaha——"

"Fighting plus superpowers?" Lin Qiong was stunned, and then said thoughtfully: "Eludore or Charem?"

Lin Qiong was talking about Pokémon with fighting and super power attributes.

"Pfft hahaha——" Nazi, the funny fish, was hit to the point again. She slipped from Geng Gui's body and fell on the grass. "——" It just passed like this.

"How about..." Lin Qiong hesitated for a few seconds, and said, "When we tell jokes, cold jokes, and hell jokes, we should restrain ourselves a little bit? I'm a little worried that Nazi will belch like this, and the epitaph must not write Last sentence, Nazi, died in music."

"Pfft ha ha ha ha ha ha --" Na Zi laughed so much that her saliva almost came out.

The secretary covered his face and said, "Mr. Lin, you are probably making up the knife!!"

Nazi is really going to die! Hey!Besides, she is really going to hiccup!

It’s so much fun to die having fun!

Chapter 0049 Best Friend

Because of the four new little cuties joining the team, the four-person team stayed in Kanaz City for two days, allowing the four new little guys to get acquainted with the old employees in the team.

It is worth mentioning that during the past few days of cultivation, the eldest lady’s fairy milk took the lead in evolving into the frost milk fairy, ending her infant stage and becoming a mature lady.

"I thought Ibrahimovic would evolve first——"

Lin Qiong came up to Frosty Milk Fairy, who was exuding the fragrance of milk, looked at the two strawberries on her head that looked like headdresses, and asked with a subtle expression: "By the way, can these strawberries be eaten?"

The secretary on the side asked in horror: "Why do you ask such a question!? Isn't this part of her?"

"In fact, some Pokémon's body parts are edible." Nazi on the side added, "The most famous one is the banana on the chin of the Tropical Dragon. Its taste will become more delicious depending on the degree of cultivation of the Tropical Dragon - —It is said that a banana produced by an excellent tropical dragon can be sold for tens of thousands of dollars!"

Dude, a Lamborghini in a banana belongs.

"Then..." The eldest lady and the secretary looked at Frost Milk Fairy together, "Can I eat Frost Milk Fairy's strawberries?"

"Ni?" Sensing her master's curiosity, Frost Milk Fairy bit her little hand in distress, then looked at Lin Qiong as if asking for help, and said, "Ni, Nini!"

After she evolved from Little Fairy Milk to Frost Milk Fairy, her voice seems to have matured a bit, from "Mi" to "Ni"—of course, in the eyes of others, her voice is still the same as always. Pull cute.


Lin Qiong nodded his head, and then said to the other three people: "Frost Milk Fairy said that the cream she secretes is the same product as Tropical Dragon's banana, and they are renewable resources. The speed of regeneration and her strength are the same as the usual It’s the energy intake that matters.”

The secretary nodded: "What about this strawberry?"

"Ni, Nini~Ni! Ni~"

"Strawberries can also be eaten, but she can't regenerate herself, so you need to fill them with new strawberries."

"But she can infuse the flavor of cream into strawberries, making it extra sweet - not just strawberries, but other foods as well."

"In addition, she can also absorb other creams, so that the cream she secretes can become caramel, vanilla, mint and other flavors."

After listening to Lin Qiong's translation, both the eldest lady and the secretary opened their mouths wide in surprise.

"In that case, isn't the Creamy Milk Fairy a super food processor?" The secretary looked at the Creamy Milk Fairy on the table with his hands on his hips, looking like "I'm so amazing", and said, "And it's also a universal cream production device? "


That's right!I can help the host to make the most delicious cream products!

The eldest lady walked to the table thoughtfully, then bent down, put her hands on her knees, and said gently: "Xiao Shuang, can you show me a strawberry?"


The Milk Fairy quickly picked a strawberry, then stretched out her hands and handed it to the eldest lady.

The eldest lady took the strawberry, lifted it up to observe its luster, put it on the cutting board, cut it into several slices with a fruit knife, and then picked up one of them and put it in her mouth.


The moment the strawberry entered the entrance, the eldest lady hugged her body with both hands and groaned softly. She felt as if she had fallen into a fairy tale world, where there were lovely strawberry people holding hands with her. , while dancing Xinbaodao, while singing Ultramarine.

A few seconds later, the eldest lady opened her eyes again, then looked at Lin Qiong, the secretary, and Na Zi beside her with a serious look on her face, and said: "You guys should try it too! The quality of this strawberry is amazingly high. "

The three of them looked at each other, then stepped forward, each took a small piece of strawberry and put it into their mouths. The last piece was placed by the eldest lady into the hands of the Frost Milk Fairy.


Milk Fairy narrowed her eyes happily, she put the strawberry near her mouth, and then began to eat it in small mouthfuls.

On the other side, Lin Qiong and Na Zi are like Zhu Bajie who eats ginseng fruit, we just ignore their reactions!The secretary let out a soft hum with a happy face, and then said with a blushing face of happiness: "The taste of cream is completely integrated into it, and the taste is delicate and sweet but not greasy, even better than the highest-grade strawberries I have ever eaten." excellent!"

"Xiao Shuang, do you have any basic requirements for strawberries like this?"


"She said no, as long as it is a strawberry, she can make it have this quality. It's just a matter of time."

After confirming the ability of Frost Milk Fairy, the eldest lady stretched out her hands happily and lifted Frost Milk Fairy up, and said in surprise: "Xiao Shuang, your ability is also amazing!"

Not only does it produce great cream, but it also breeds high-quality fruit (albeit in poor yields), this custard fairy is a confectioner's dream creature.

Thinking of a dessert maniac in Yuanyue Shijie, the eldest lady showed a sinister expression on her face: "I've already figured out how to deal with Senior Qian—"

Lin Qiong immediately showed a standard villain smile when he heard what the eldest lady said, and said with a sinister smile: "Jie Jie! Sister Kubaotao, you don't want to miss such an amazing Pokémon like Frost Milk Fairy!"


The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong with a dark face and said angrily: "Where did you come from as a bull warrior? And your real girlfriend is still with you!"

Lin Qiong immediately said solemnly: "Ahem, I mean, if she wants Milk Fairy, she has to be Erina's dog!"

"No, no, desu!" the secretary hurriedly expressed his position: "I am the one who wants to be the eldest lady's dog!"

The eldest lady helplessly covered her forehead and said, "Fei Shasha, you are my best friend, so..."

Lin Qiong said quietly from the side: "There is a saying that dogs are man's best friends——"


Nazhi, who was hit with a funny point again, fell to the ground like a yam tea, and then let out a laugh of "ha ha burp—goose goose—". People can't bear to look at it.

Even Suozeng is better than you!

By the way, the race value of Cryptozoon is 180, which is only 5 higher than the weak Tench alone, ranking second to last among all Pokémon.

The eldest lady glared at Lin Qiong angrily, and said, "Why didn't you see such a dexterous mouth when you were chatting with me!?"

All right, Lin Qiong was also sunk, he squatted on the ground and drew circles aggrievedly, muttering: "I can't chat with girls, blame me?"

Ibrahimovic and Katie stretched out their hands and patted his shoulder from left to right, barking "Booy" and "Aww".

Ibrahimovic: Don't cry, master, I will accompany you!

Cardi Dog: Master cheer up, I'll give you rua!

Lin Qiong suddenly turned into a monster, stretched out his arms to hold Ibrahimovic and Kati Dog in his arms, and said: "In this cold world, only Ibrahimovic and Kati Dog are still somewhat warm."

The eldest lady on the side shook her head helplessly. Her boyfriend started to play tricks on her again - if he could maintain this funny style when chatting with female friends, he would not be single until now.


At this moment, accompanied by some strange sound effects, Eevee in Lin Qiong's arms was suddenly enveloped in a burst of white light.

Lin Qiong let go of the hand holding Ibrahimovic with a look of surprise, then patted his belly excitedly and shouted: "Erina, secretary! Look! It's the light of evolution - my Ibrahimovic It’s time to evolve!”

Erina and the secretary, who had already realized the moment when Ibrahimovic was shining, hurried to Lin Qiong, and the three pairs of eyes (Nazi was melting Yamu because of her laughter) stared at little Ibrahimovic motionlessly. .

Under the shroud of white light, Ibrahimovic's body began to rapidly grow taller and longer. His hairy neck, which was originally like a big scarf, shrunk into a bow with a ribbon...

A few seconds later, the white light dissipated, and a beauty elf composed of pink and white, exuding fairy air and elegance stood in front of Lin Qiong and the others——the Binghuo Liuwei beside him was already showing love in his eyes , Called "oh hoo".


Ibrahimovic, whose voice changed from a loli voice to a girlish voice, called softly, and then gracefully stood in front of Lin Qiong: Master, I have evolved!Does it look good?

"Super beautiful!"

Lin Qiong immediately gave Fairy Ibrahimovic a thumbs up, and said, "The cutest fairy Ibrahimovic in the universe! God blocks and kills gods and Buddhas block and kills Buddha!"


Yi Bao jumped at Lin Qiong very happily, but she ignored her already one-meter-high physique, and directly threw the defenseless Lin Qiong to the ground, and then pressed on his body prpr licking non-stop .

"Oh, oh, oh, darling—"

While comforting Yibao, Lin Qiong complained to the eldest lady dumbfoundingly: "After Yibao evolved from Ibrahimovic to Fairy Ibrahimovic, it feels like changing from a small bichon frize to a super-large dog like St. Bernard." Dog, I can’t stand it anymore.”

After all, the evolution from Eevee to Fairy Eevee, but the height increased from 0.3m to 1m, and the weight increased from 6.5kg to 23.5kg. The drastic changes, not to mention Lin Qiong, even the eldest lady and the secretary were a little dazzled.

The secretary murmured: "Although I already felt emotional when Little Fairy Milk evolved into Frost Milk Fairy, but seeing Ibrahimovic evolving into Fairy Ibrahimovic, I still can't help but say it again - the evolution of Pokémon, It's amazing!"

The eldest lady nodded, and then moved to Lin Qiong's side with bright eyes, and said, "Let me touch it quickly! After the originally cute Ibrahimovic evolved into a fairy Ibrahimovic, he became even more immortal... "

No wonder she is called Fairy Ibrahimovic. Which girl can resist the charm of Fairy Ibrahimovic? ?


Ibrahimovic proudly raised his head: I am the cutest and most beautiful fairy Ibrahimovic!

"Yes, yes! My Yibao is the cutest and most beautiful!" Lin Qiong and the eldest daughter hugged Yibao together, and then said with emotion: "The only person in this world who can compete with Yibao's charm is Hui. Rina-"

The young miss who was suddenly shot in the heart blushed and buried her face in the hair of Fairy Ibrahimovic, then mourned in her heart: "Don't say such words suddenly—"

Chapter 0050 I have written down this hatred




"Mouth Jie—"


The other cuties also gathered around Fairy Eevee, as if they were watching a live giant panda.

"Okay, so beautiful!" Huo Liuwei widened his eyes and said enviously, "I don't know if I can be so beautiful after I evolve."

"I can't." Ice Vulpix licked his hair and said: "Let's not talk about the appearance for now, the internal configuration cannot keep up, so don't compare."

"Damn it, Xi Nei!" Huo Liuwei grinned and rushed towards Bing Liuwei, but Bing Liuwei just glanced at her indifferently, causing Huo Liuwei to stop in mid-air.

"Oh, it's the body-fixing method——"

Lin Qiong, who was paying attention to the movement here, his eyes lit up, he let go of the fairy Ibrahimovic, then moved in front of Bing Liuwei, stretched out his hand and touched the melon seeds on her little head, and praised: "I have learned how to hold the body." Is it? It's amazing~"


Also, it's just so-so!

Bing Liuwei shook his fluffy tail slightly, then gently rubbed the top of his head against Lin Qiong's palm, and looked at Huo Liuwei with "winning" eyes by the way.

My stupid sister, you still have a lot to learn——


Huo Liuwei gritted her teeth angrily, she glared fiercely at Bing Liuwei, her eyes suddenly lit up with a blue light--the next moment, Bing Liuwei's immobilization method was canceled, and Huo Liuwei said, "Wow—— —" with one end knocking the Bing Liuwei in front of Lin Qiong into the air, and then took her place, rubbing against Lin Qiong's palm happily.

The eldest lady who saw this scene said sourly: "Tsk tsk! Master Lin, you are quite popular! Both Krach and Pinocchio started fighting for you——"

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