By the way, Pinocchio is the name of Huo Liuwei, and Krahe is the name of Bing Liuwei-these two names are both chosen by Lin Qiong, and he can only understand what he knows.

Lin Qiong blinked and quickly expressed his stance: "Erina, don't worry, my heart belongs to you——"


The eldest lady who lifted her face from the fairy Ibrahimovic just now suddenly entered the ostrich state again - even the roots of her ears turned red, and the secretary next to her looked relieved and sad.

"Nest!" Kracher did a backflip in mid-air, landed firmly on the ground, and then shouted angrily at Pinocchio, "What are you doing!"

"Slightly -" Penosio stuck out his tongue at Krach, "Those who say others are fools are themselves the fools!"

"You, you, what are you talking about!?" Krahe's eyes widened immediately, and she quickly ran up to Pinocchio, shouting, "You are an idiot, a big idiot!"

"I'm not!" Pinocchio turned his head and grinned, "You're the fool!"

"You are--"

"You are—"

"You are--"

"You are you are—"

Lin Qiong looked at the elementary school students dumbfounded... No, it was a kindergarten-level quarrel. He stretched out his hands to hold the heads of Pinocchio and Kracher respectively, and said, "Okay, okay! You are all good babies , don’t quarrel—”


The two little puddles rubbed against his palm obediently, and then looked at each other. "Hmph" he turned his head away.


Pikachu, who was watching the whole process, shook his head helplessly and sighed like a big sister.

Two brats.

"Mouth Jie—"

Gengar crossed his arms and nodded his head in a serious manner.

Yes, childish brat!


Katie stuck out his tongue and looked at Pinocchio and Krahe with envious eyes.

I also want to be touched by my master!



After playing with a few cuties on the grass for a while, Lin Qiong turned to look at the secretary and asked: "Speaking of which, secretary, do you want to get you another Pokémon?"

The secretary was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Why did you suddenly bring up this topic?"

Lin Qiong: "Because I'm wondering if the number of Pokémon you have is too few."

At present, Lin Qiong has three Pokémon, and the eldest lady has four, but the secretary has only obtained two Pokémon until now, which is indeed a bit neglected.

"Hmm—" the secretary crossed her arms, tilted her head in distress, and said, "A new Pokémon?"

The eldest lady also nodded in agreement, and said, "Wouldn't it be nice to get along for a while while it's still early, and cultivate a relationship?"

As soon as the eldest lady opened her mouth, the secretary immediately made up her mind!She nodded resolutely, and said, "Actually, I did have some ideas about a Pokémon recently—"

"Oh, what is it?" Lin Qiong asked curiously: "If it's easier to obtain, let's go directly to their habitat to catch them and travel around! If it's more troublesome, we have to ask Dr. Oki -"

Oki · Universal Tool Man · Syracuse.

The secretary smiled a little embarrassedly, and said, "The Pokémon I'm interested in is the big milk jug! If you can drink a glass of milk from the big milk jug every morning, it will definitely be good for your health—I am Think so."


The first time Lin Qiong heard about the Pokémon the secretary wanted, he put on the pain mask——big milk pot, big milk pot!

How about a big milk jug?good!Of course!High-quality milk in large milk tanks is rich in various vitamins and nutrients, and the residents of Pokémon World generally have physical fitness far superior to that of people on earth, because they grew up drinking milk in large milk tanks since childhood!


The secretary glanced at Lin Qiong, and couldn't help but ask, "Very...very difficult?"

"According to my understanding—" Lin Qiong frowned, and said, "Currently, the big milk pot has basically been monopolized, and the chance of encountering a wild big milk pot is no more than the chance of encountering a wild quasi-god in the wild. high--"

What’s more, when you were peeing birds by the river, it turned out that a king carp stretched out its head, just opened its mouth to catch your boy’s urine, and then evolved into a Gyarados angrily, giving you a chance to destroy the dead light Both are higher than the chance of encountering a big milk can in the wild.


The secretary suddenly showed a hesitant expression and said, "How about... or forget it?"

"It's okay, we have Dr. Oki—" Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up and said, "At any rate, I have provided him with information on dozens of legendary Pokémon, and he has been used as a tool for us for a while. people!"



Dr. Oki is really efficient. After Lin Qiong sent him an application, in less than three days, he gave the secretary a cub with a big milk tank.

"It's so efficient—"

After the secretary entered the code, he received a mysterious gift from Dr. Oki——

Big milk can

Gender: ♀

Rating: 5

Features: Thick Fat


Seeing the big milk jug released by the secretary, Pikachu immediately ran over and waved at her.



The big milk pot tilted her head, and she waved at Pikachu friendly.


Cardi also ran over. As a little milk dog, she drank a bowl of milk from a big milk jug every morning, so after smelling the familiar smell, she ran over immediately and licked the face of the big milk jug.


The big milk tank waved her hands in a panic. She was a little worried that the Katy dog ​​would bite her - wuwuwu, those pointed teeth must be very painful to bite.

"Don't worry, big milk pot." The secretary squatted beside the big milk pot, gently stroking her back, and said, "Katie is expressing his love to you!"


The big milk pot stopped struggling, and she also bent her eyes when she looked at the smiling Katy dog ​​who kept wagging its tail.

He is a good person!


On the other side, sisters Krahe and Pinocchio also ran over. After they circled the big milk tank twice, they set their sights on the four milk outlets on the belly of the big milk tank.

"Prudish, do you think she can produce milk?" Pinocchio licked his lips and said, "If so, wouldn't it be possible to drink sweet milk anytime?"

"Sister Yu, you can go up and take a few sips." The corners of Krach's mouth raised slightly, and she said in a bewitching tone: "If the milk comes out, you will be the first one to occupy it, and you can drink the maximum amount. .”


Hearing what his sister said, a stupid hair that turned into an exclamation mark stood up on Pinocchio's head at that moment, her small eyes rolled around, and then she shook her little head towards the big milk pot walked over.

"Stupid sister—" Kracher's mouth slightly raised an arc, "It's so stupid and cute——"

A few seconds later, accompanied by the panicked "Miu Miu Miu!" sound from the big milk jug, Pinocchio blushed and hung on her chest, squirming as hard as he could to suck the milk. mouth.


Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, the secretary and Nazi who were watching were all stunned by this scene.

"Wait, wait!! Pinocchio, what are you doing--" The secretary who was the first to react flew over, she hastily stretched out her arms to hug Pinocchio's body, and held her in mid-air , said: "Why do you suck the neinei of the big milk pot!"


Pinocchio replied vaguely: I want to drink sweet milk! !

Lin Qiong showed a dumbfounded expression at the side. He squatted next to the secretary and said to Binoxiu: "Um, Binoxiu! The big milk tank is still a baby. Before it grows up, it cannot give birth. Milk’s—”

Visible to the naked eye, a certain six-tailed fire attribute faded to white, and then lost its dream.


neinei, my neinei—

After Pinocchio let go, the big milk pot hugged his red and swollen neinei with tears in his eyes, while crying, he tugged on the secretary's skirt, as if she was accusing Pinocchio of atrocities.

Big milk jug: "I will never give her my milk in the future! Never!!"

This hatred, I remember it!

Chapter 0051 Sanctioning Nazi

It took a lot of effort for the secretary to calm down the big milk pot. As the culprit, Pinocchio was naturally slapped on the butt several times by the secretary angrily, but he was wronged.

"Obviously it's Kracher..."

Pinoxiu hung her head aggrievedly. She looked at her younger sister, only to find that Krahe of Ice was lying in the arms of the eldest lady, enjoying her gentle touch.


Pinochet tilted his head in thought for a few seconds, and then said to himself, "Am I being deceived?"


Pikachu spread his hands, then shook his head helplessly.

Did you just find out now?



That day, it was around 40:[-] in the afternoon.

After having lunch and taking a nap, Lin Qiong immediately changed into a bathrobe excitedly, and then impatiently knocked on the door of the room where the eldest lady was staying - no one would wonder why they didn't sleep together, right? ?

Damn it, she's only 15 years old!

"Is it Qiong? Come in—"

The eldest lady's voice sounded from inside the door. Lin Qiong opened the door and walked in swaggeringly followed by Eevee and Katigou.

The first thing that catches the eye is the young lady who is wearing a white bath towel, revealing a section of white and tender calf, and the white and tender feet below that seem to be drawn out—her pair of jade feet seem to be carved out of beautiful jade. , the five toes are round and slender, slightly curled up on the tatami, making Lin Qiong feel like he can't look away.

"Oh, oh--" the secretary joked with a teasing look on his face, "It's not good for Young Master Lin to be so impatient!"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said confidently: "Yes, I'm really looking forward to it! I'm just greedy for Erina's body! Come on, Erina is super cute, okay? Ultra is cute!"

As we all know, when a girl's label changes from "passerby" to "girlfriend", her charm will increase exponentially.

Of course, if you change from a "passerby" to a "young married woman", your charm will increase even more terrifyingly: "Jiejie, madam, you don't want your children to be blocked by me after school, right?"


The secretary gave a chic smile, and a chic smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, then she solemnly extended her hand to hold Lin Qiong's hand, and said in a deep voice, "Heroes see the same thing!"

"You two—"

Looking at her boyfriend and best friend, the eldest lady couldn't help covering her face, and lamented: "Although I should feel lucky that my best friend and boyfriend didn't have those messy things on the Internet, but their current situation makes me really laugh." not come out—”

"Isn't it pretty good too?"

Nazi, who had already changed into her swimsuit, walked over on catwalks, raised her eyebrows and said, "At least it's better than your boyfriend not showing any interest in you, right?"

The eldest lady thought for a while, then nodded helplessly: "That is indeed—"

"OK OK--"

Lin Qiong came over and took the eldest lady's hand, and said, "Let's go! The hot springs specially booked and booked can't be wasted."

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