"Let's go!" The eldest lady nodded enthusiastically, and said with a little expectation: "I don't know the difference between the hot springs in Fuyan Town and the hot springs over there."

Lin Qiong waved at Nazi and the secretary, and led the eldest lady outside: "I don't know if the hot springs over there are authentic, but Tiezhen in Fuyan Town—"

"Huo, then I have to look forward to it—"

"I'm also looking forward to it—" Lin Qiong blinked, and added in his heart: "Looking forward to Erina's swimsuit!" '

On the cruise ship, the eldest lady was not Lin Qiong's girlfriend, so Lin Qiong needed to keep a certain distance from her, but now...

Jie Jie!There was a laugh from at least ten soul hall elders!



After washing his body in the men's bathroom, Lin Qiong walked into the mixed hot spring area wrapped up by them in swimming trunks. The mixed hot spring area here does not only refer to the mixture of men and women, but also includes the Pokémon area.

It's just that there are no ground or rock-type Pokémon in Lin Qiong's team, and the fire-type Pinocchio and Katie Dog are not Charmanders who don't like water, so it doesn't matter at all.

"The first thing to do is to prepare—"

Lin Qiong strutted to the edge of the hot spring, and then did some stretching exercises. After moving his body a little, he looked to the left, then looked again——

"Okay, no one!"

Humph, if no one sees, then it means I didn't commit a crime!Then I am innocent!


Lin Qiong gracefully launched into the water on the bank, and then "plopped" into the hot spring—what?You said that hot springs are not allowed to be used as swimming pools?Evidence too! ?Hey!

One second, two seconds, three seconds...


Accompanied by the sound of bubbles, the next moment, Lin Qiong, who was covered in red, screamed and got out of the hot spring. He hurriedly climbed ashore, and after sticking his body on the cold tiles, he said, "Huh——" He let out a sigh of relief.

"I, I'm a turtle—" Lin Qiong lay on the floor panting, and said in shock, "What the hell, are you going to burn me?"

Lin Qiong felt like a hairy belly being thrown into a hot pot, and he couldn't help feeling that it's a good thing I have a thick skin, otherwise it would be as cooked as the mutton roll next door, right?

Just when Lin Qiong felt the time was quiet (the floor was cool), accompanied by the sound of footsteps, the eldest lady, the secretary, and Nazi led all the Pokémon, big and small, into the hot spring area.

Then they saw Lin Qiong lying on the ground like a frog at a glance. This weird side made the secretary exclaim in surprise: "This is, Hot Spring Murder Case, Part [-]—creak, bang!"

"Where are you leaving Conan here?" Lin Qiong couldn't help but raised his head and complained: "Is there a dead person written on me? Didn't I write it? I didn't die if I didn't write it!"

The eldest lady walked up to Lin Qiong dumbfounded, stretched out her hand to pull him up from the floor, and said, "So why are you lying on the ground?"

"I shed tears if I talk too much." Lin Qiong sighed with emotion. He rubbed his red skin and said, "The Bambietta reaction caused by Buzby's exercise just now made Esther next to me... There were drastic changes in Sri Lanka, and then the Fennell effect appeared accidentally..."

"speak English."

"Accidentally fell into it, it's so good that it wasn't cooked for me—"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Seeing the barbell-like laughter, everyone must be aware of what happened—yes, that’s right, Nazi’s silly laugh was hit again, causing her to kneel down on the ground, desperately Hammering on the floor.

Lin Qiong glanced at her abdomen, and muttered, "If you continue to laugh like this, Nazi might change from a super power to a super power fighting attribute."

Eludorai, the only designated female in the Pokémon world?Hey guys, something.

The eldest lady looked worriedly at Nazi, who had lost her ability to fight again, and said, "To be honest, I'm really worried that Nazi will die laughing on the street one day."

"Is this the legendary Death Laughing?"

"Cold jokes are forbidden!"

"Hahahahaha——" Nazi, who got to the point of a cold joke, let out a burst of laughter again: "I'm dying of laughter, I'm going to die of laughing hahaha——"

The secretary couldn't bear to look directly at her, and looked away, and said, "Why don't we go into the water first? Let her be alone, and don't provoke her anymore."

The eldest lady nodded, she grabbed the secretary's hand and walked towards the hot spring, while Lin Qiong moved to Na Zi's side before leaving, and whispered, "Quilt, fly away. "

"Puff ha ha ha quack goose goose goose—"



When Lin Qiong walked to the edge of the hot spring, the eldest lady had already taken off her bathrobe, was wearing a black bikini, sat in the water, and looked at him with helpless eyes.

"You're so boring." She complained, "If Nazi dies laughing one day, you must be responsible for it."

Lin Qiong sat over there confidently, carefully put his legs into the water to adapt to the temperature of the hot spring, and then said: "I am here to exercise her, okay? Eagles will push their children off the cliff, Either spread your wings and fly, or fall into a eagle sauce!"

"It's nice to say, but actually you just want to bully her?"


"Hey hey bag da yo!"

After the secretary complained about Lin Qiong, he patted the water and said, "Master Lin, you'd better come down quickly! The water is not hot, really!"

"If I hadn't almost cooked it just now, I would have believed your nonsense!" Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his mouth, focused on the surrounding Pokémon, and said, "It seems that Krahe is not very I like it here-"

Hearing this, the secretary and the eldest lady immediately looked at the Pokémon area on the other side, and found that other Pokémon had already soaked in the hot spring, but only Krahe stood on the shore with a serious face, like It's like trying to break into the lair of some goblin or tentacle monster.


Finally, she plucked up the courage, stretched out her toes and lightly touched the water surface, and then screamed "Aww", the whole white dumpling rushed to the gate, scratching the door frantically.

let me out!This is hell, it's hell!

"It's too awful--"

Lin Qiong couldn't help sighing, he pinched the young lady's face, and said, "You soak first, I'll go and comfort Krahe."

"Well, good." After rubbing Lin Qiong's hand, the eldest lady folded her arms on the shore, put her chin up, and looked at Lin Qiong's leaving back with a smile.

The secretary came over and said, "Miss, you looked a little crazy just now."

The eldest lady glared at the secretary with a red face, and said, "What is a nymphomaniac!? I think my man...boyfriend is a nympho? Besides, he is not handsome, so he cannot be called a nympho!"

"Ah this..."

The secretary looked at Lin Qiong with pity and muttered: "If Master Lin hears the eldest lady commenting on him as 'not handsome', he will probably emo, right?"

Jiejie, miss, you don’t want your boyfriend to know that you think he’s not a sportsman, right?

Chapter 0052 You Have To Compensate Me

For most Pokémon, hot springs will be a very comfortable thing-but definitely not including rock, ground, and ice-type Pokémon.

The first two are people who naturally hate water. Even if they want to soak in hot springs, they still apply the hot sand from the hot springs on their bodies, while the latter...

Please, let Xue Nu soak in the hot springs. Is there something wrong? What kind of torture is this? If you dare to let me soak, I will show you.jpg.

"Calm down--" Lin Qiong walked to the door, squatted behind Krach who was scratching at the door frantically to escape from hell, reached out and pressed her head, and said: "Krah, you don't want Penosio to see this either. Let’s look at you now and laugh at you, right?”


Clach, who was panicked a second ago, suddenly forcibly calmed down. She turned her head to look at Lin Qiong, and said gracefully, "Thank you for your reminder, I almost forgot to be graceful—"

So you are Tohsaka Klage?Is being scalded by hot spring water just now also belongs to ancestral chain loss?

"Wait here for me—" Lin Qiong patted Kracher's head, and said, "I'll go and prepare it for you, and see if I can let you enjoy the hot spring."

"No need—" Kracher hurriedly shook his head, and said, "That's too troublesome!"

Lin Qiong didn't speak, but waved his hands and left the hot spring area.

Krach looked at his back and couldn't help but choked up: "He is so gentle, really, I just cried to death——"



Lin Qiong's solution to the problem was very simple—since Kracher couldn't accept the temperature of the hot spring, wouldn't it be good to arrange an independent "low temperature hot spring" for her?

The eldest lady glanced at Krahe, who was lying in the wooden basin, floating comfortably on the surface of the hot spring water, and then said to Lin Qiong, "It's really lucky that you can think of such a way—"

Take a wooden basin alone to hold water or something, as expected of you!

"Hey, isn't this great?" Lin Qiong, who has adapted to the temperature of the hot spring, buried his body in the water, and then said with a smile: "Klahe can also enjoy the fun of soaking in the hot spring with everyone—well, Although it’s still a bit different, haha!”

The eldest lady smiled and nodded. Krahe was her Pokémon, and Lin Qiong treated her so tenderly that she couldn't help but bend her eyes. The secretary next to her couldn't help but slapped her. A full burp.

"Speaking of which, is this hot spring really as exaggerated as it says?" The eldest lady put her eyes on a wooden sign hanging on the wall and said, "The hot spring blessed by Emperor Yan can improve physical fitness and cure diseases. , the effect of prolonging life..."

"It's a lie at first glance." Lin Qiong didn't even have the interest to look back. He curled his lips and said, "Emperor Yan usually operates in the Guandu and Chengdu areas, so regardless of whether he will bless the hot springs or not, he left Guandu alone. There are so many hot springs in Chengdu that you don’t bless, so you came here specifically to bless a hot spring in Fengyuan?”

Wouldn't it be better to just use "When Groudon and Kyogre fought in the world, a cliff sword tore the earth apart, and this hot spring gushed out" as a gimmick?

Although he can't fly, he is a first-level god!

Where is Emperor Yan?It's just a small wind speed dog.

Hearing what Lin Qiong said, the eldest lady was immediately disappointed and retracted her gaze, muttering: "I thought I could really soak in the hot spring blessed by Emperor Yan, but I was disappointed——"

Lin Qiong scratched his head and said, "Emperor Yan and Hot Spring? Hey, I seem to remember this episode in the TV drama, I will check it when I go back."

Lin Qiong did remember that there was such an episode, but he couldn't remember exactly which episode it was - there is no way, Yandi's appearance should be in the Wuyin chapter, it is too long ago.

The eldest lady hurriedly waved her hand and said, "Forget it, that would be too much trouble for you."

"What's the trouble?" Lin Qiong waved his hand disapprovingly, and said, "Since you're interested, I'll just find out."

"It's just—" the secretary said with a smile on the side: "This is the embodiment of Young Master Lin's love for Missy!"

Love, the embodiment of love!

The eldest lady sank her mouth into the hot spring shyly, and then spat out bubbles "pululu", glanced at Lin Qiong with a slightly sweet look, and whispered: "Then it's hard work for you—"

"Ahem, it's hard work... It's really hard work!" Lin Qiong pretended to cough twice, and then said with a wandering gaze, "So I don't know if there is any reward?"

"You, what reward do you want?"

When it comes to rewards, the eldest lady can't help but think of the plots in those shoujo manga - no one really thinks that shoujo manga is all about some kind of beautiful love, right?The plots of some shoujo manga are filthy!

"Could it be that..." The eldest lady has already imagined a 23-page plot, and she covered her flushed cheeks with her eyes in circles: "Aha~ dabaa, daba daba!"

Rather than saying it is refusing, it is better to say it is looking forward to it!I didn't expect you to be such a young lady.

"Erina, don't make such an expression of refusal and welcome--" Lin Qiong covered his forehead, and sighed heavily: "Erina, you are only 15 years old anyway! 15 years old! Maybe in It's normal for Neon to attack a 15-year-old, but it's not allowed in my hometown! I will be kindly pulled in by wearing a bracelet and drinking tea!"

The secretary quietly glanced at the petrified eldest lady, and then whispered to Lin Qiong: "Master Lin, let's just say, is there a possibility—we are in the Pokémon world now, whether it is the neon law or The laws of the celestial dynasty can't control us?"

The eldest lady nodded unobtrusively: "Yeah, that's right!" '

Lin Qionggao raised his hands in surrender, and said, "Sorry, the education I have suffered over the years prevents me from attacking underage girls—even if I really want to do that kind of thing! At least until Erina's birthday That day."

You want to say that Lin Qiong doesn't want to do that kind of thing?How can it be!No matter how you say it, Lin Qiong is still a 23-year-old single male young man who was born solo, okay?Although it is not as full of yellow waste as adolescent boys, but the holy sword has been recharged hundreds of times in the dead of night.

But no!

After hearing Lin Qiong's words, the eldest lady kicked towards him with her tender feet and said, "Then you are really awesome?"

Lin Qiong twisted his waist to avoid the direct attack of the eldest lady, then slapped his right hand on the water surface, and slapped a cluster of water splashes on the eldest lady's face, and said with a smile: "Just kidding, I'm awesome, okay?" ? Can't you reward me?"


The eldest lady who was hit head-on stood in the same place with a blank expression, water droplets slid down her cheeks, combined with the bangs sticking to her face, there was a hint of gloom.

"Oh? What reward do you want?"

"How about a knee pillow?"

"You dare to splash me with water, and you still want a knee pillow!?"

The eldest lady jumped up like a bear tribe who would never be a slave, and splashed the water that had been stored for a long time on Lin Qiong's face, roaring: "Look at the trick, the art of water escape and great waterfall!"

The secretary at the side silently took a bite of the lemon-flavored dog food, and then dragged Nazi to the other side of the hot spring pool, looking at Lin Qiong and the eldest lady with the eyes of a vanguard.

"You two, let's be intimate as much as you want—" The secretary wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, she felt that it was too difficult for her, just like Hayasaka who watched Kaguya, "I have already taken the light bulb away .”

Nazi pointed to herself, me, love and death and light bulbs? ?



"That, that—" Seeing that Lin Qiong didn't intend to let go for a while, the eldest lady blushed and stretched out the other foot, and then pretended that "nothing happened." With a gesture, he said, "What are your plans for the future?"

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