"Next?" Lin Qiong hugged the young lady into his arms, combed her hair affectionately, and asked, "Which city are you going to go to next, or is it your plan after the Pokémon world ends?"

"Of course, which city will we go to next?" The eldest lady felt the touch from the top of her head. She couldn't help curling her toes shyly and stammered: "I, we have to stay in this world for half a year, right?"

"Of course, otherwise I won't be able to take those little guys away—" Lin Qiong felt the smoothness of the hair passing through the fingertips, and couldn't help feeling that the two-dimensional beauty girl is really unreasonable. This hair quality is placed in the original world. , I'm afraid I can envy a group of long-haired girls, "Next, why don't we go to Hualan City?"

The eldest lady put her hair behind her ears with her fingers pretending to be calm, and asked, "Are there any more outstanding attractions in Hualan City?"

From this question, it can be seen that the eldest lady at this time is not as calm as she appears on the surface!After all, she had already made plans with her secretary before she set off on a trip, and checked the attractions in various cities, but now she is actually asking Lin Qiong?

Lin Qiong blinked, then gave the young lady a thumbs up with a sassy face, and said, "The water ballet in the Hualan gymnasium is world-famous, it wouldn't be too bad if you didn't go and see it!"


A question mark appeared on the head of the eldest lady, she kicked Lin Qiong ferociously, and said, "Are you speaking in human language? Your real girlfriend is sitting in front of you, and she even made you @¥@ &*, but you actually said you were going to see the water ballet!? "

"Ahem, I just want to evaluate it with an artistic eye!"


"Since Erina doesn't want to, it's okay not to go, but—" Lin Qiong moved along the young lady's legs, then gently put his arms around her waist, and said in her ear: "But Little Erina wants to make it up to me—"


At this time, the eldest lady only felt that the volcano named "Shyness" in her mind seemed to erupt in an instant. She let out a mournful cry, and then stretched out her hands to cover her face, acting like an ostrich.

"Can't you?" Lin Qiong hugged Erina's waist tightly, letting her body stick to his chest, and then whispered in her ear: "Dear Erina, okay~"

Lin Qiong launched a coquettish act on the eldest lady, and the effect was outstanding, hitting the vital point.

Missy is dead.

Chapter 0053

It made Lin Qiong feel that it was a pity that the eldest lady did not make the "compensation" requested by Lin Qiong in the end.

She just pecked Lin Qiong's face, then buried her head, pulled the secretary, and walked back to her room quickly, then buried herself in the pillow, turning into an ostrich.

'He, he, how could he make such a request—'

Missy's pupils are in an earthquake.

'That, that, that's too... oh-oh-oh--'

At this time, the eldest lady is full of requests from Lin Qiong——

"You just wear black silk, and then you pour lube on your feet, and you slide your feet on my body—"

'How could it be possible ah ah ah ah——'

Miss, praise the ostrich.




Lin Qiong shook his head vicissitudes, then put his hands on the back of his head, walked into his bedroom, and muttered: "There is no compensation, and there is no water ballet—"

Rounding it up, isn't this a blood loss?


Lin Qiong threw himself on the bed, kicked his legs lazily twice, and shouted, "Geng Gui, come out and let me hug—"


The Geng Ghost in the shadow suddenly widened his eyes. He didn't call Fairy Ibrahimovic or Katie Dog, but Kono Geng Ghost! ?

Wuhu!This wave, this wave is the victory of the little fat purple guy!

A thief!

Geng Gui jumped out of the shadow like a diver, and when she smiled "hee hee" and then burst into a smile, and opened her eyes, she was hit by the fairy Ibrahimovic.

Σ( ° △ °|||)

Geng Gui was shocked by the Fairy Ibrahimovic. During the flight, she saw the Fairy Ibrahimovic leaning into Lin Qiong's arms intimately, and then wrapped his body around his head.

'Well, that should be where I-'

Tears flowed from Geng Gui's eyes, her body flew around the room like a super bouncy ball, and then hit Lin Qiong's back lying on the bed with a "puchi".

"Geng, Geng Gui..." Lin Qiong stretched out his hand from under Geng Gui, and said with difficulty: "You, you are murdering—"

"Mouth Jie—"

You listen to my sophistry, I am innocent!I was attacked by her as soon as I came out, woo woo woo!

"Let's not talk about how much damage the impact released by Yibao's attack race value can do—" Lin Qiong propped up his upper body, then turned over, stretched out his hands to grab the sides of Geng Gui's cheeks, and pointed towards Geng Gui vigorously. Pulling from both sides, "Even if you were hit by her, it's impossible to bounce so many times, and it just landed on me, right?"

"Kou, Koujie?"

Everything, everything is possible!

Gengar smiled guiltily, then scratched his head with a smile.

"Let's play a game."

Lin Qiong showed a kind smile towards Geng Gui, and said, "Come on, escape, crazy difficulty—"

"Kou, Koujie?"

This, is this game scary?

Lin Qiong squeezed his eyes and said, "Please, you don't even have a weapon for escaping, do you understand what I mean?"


No weapons?

In Geng Gui's mind, the equation of "no weapons = no need to fight = no monsters = warm and safe" was established. At that time, she rubbed her chubby belly and stood up from Lin Qiong, then "swish" towards Lin Qiong gave his thumbs up.

No problem, leave it to me!



According to the secretary's testimony, Geng Gui's screams seemed to last about three hours intermittently last night.

According to the testimony of the eldest lady, when they saw Geng Gui the next morning, they found that Geng Gui's color seemed a bit white.

According to Nazi's testimony, Geng Gui seemed to be in a trance when eating.

"Did you get scared?" The secretary took a sip of porridge and asked, "Master Lin, you should take it easy! Even if you want to play horror games, you must proceed step by step, and don't become a fat man in one sitting."

The subtext is to increase the level of terror little by little, trying to make Geng Gui scream more!In order to prevent him from playing the less scary games after playing the scarier ones.

Lin Qiong was not worried at all. He waved his hand and said, "Secretary, you can rest assured! Geng Gui is almost a player at the level of the third counselor at station B. No matter how many horror games he plays, he should scream have to scream."

The secretary understood: "That's all right."

Geng Gui who was drinking porridge: "?"

No, when you discuss these things, can you avoid me a little, I mean a little, a little?Or you guys pretend to discuss it in a low voice, and I can pretend I can't hear you, right?

Give me some face, and I will pretend to accept it!

Instead of saying that you are sitting next to me, discussing in front of me that I am a ghost-type Pokémon, that I am scared to death when playing horror games, and that I am extremely cowardly and will never grow in courage.

More or less, they didn't take me seriously.

Believe it or not, I didn't even yell out a scream tonight. I kept my face expressionless, calm and calm, and managed to escape intellectually and elegantly. Let you see my strength when I'm serious?

Don't look down on me!

Although he thought so, Geng Gui didn't say anything, but lowered his head again, drinking the porridge in the bowl honestly——huh?You ask why she didn't speak out?

Please, what if after saying it, Lin Qiong really allows himself to get through those horror games with a deadpan expression and elegance?I just wanted to pretend in my heart, I didn't think I could really do it, right?


Lin Qiong raised his head, looked at the eldest lady, and said, "By the way, where are you going to play next?"

The eldest lady tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "Well, I want to visit Yuanzhu City in the Chengdu area."

Yuanzhu City?

Lin Qiong thought for two seconds in doubt, and said, "Yuanzhu City? What's there?"

The secretary raised his head, swallowed the pancake in his mouth, and said, "Isn't the Bell Tower near Yuanzhu City?"

"Oh!" Lin Qiong patted his forehead suddenly and said, "Shining Toucan!"


Na Zi on the side choked when she heard that Lin Qiong actually used the flashing toucan to describe Feng Wang. She covered her mouth and coughed for a long time before recovering, then glared at Lin Qiong angrily. Said: "To be reasonable, if the residents of the Chengdu area heard you call Feng Wang like that, they might beat you to death!"

Lin Qiong chuckled, winked at Na Zi, and said, "It's not a big problem, and I wouldn't say that in front of outsiders."


Nazi raised her voice, then looked at the young lady beside her, and said, "Your man said I'm not an outsider! Didn't you say anything?"

The eldest lady was silent for a few seconds, then looked at Nazi, and said, "The frog has gone home."

Obviously, this is a classic Japanese homophonic joke, just like "The Quilt Flies Away", and Nazi got the point of this joke as a matter of course.

"Pfft haha-"

With a burst of laughter like a barbell, Nazi suddenly laughed and fell on the table. With the continuous laughter, her body gradually slid down, and then fell under the table.

Belonging is pretty embarrassing.

'What can I say? The eldest lady calmly took a bite of the egg pancake, and then thought calmly in her heart: "I'm sorry, Nazi, but funny girls don't have love." '



On the plane to the Chengdu area, Lin Qiong's preoccupied appearance attracted the attention of the eldest lady.

"What's wrong?" The eldest lady put her hand on the back of Lin Qiong's hand, and asked worriedly, "You look like you're frowning."

"I'm just calculating the area where Emperor Yan appears." Lin Qiong scratched his forehead in confusion, and said, "I flipped through the Wuyin chapter while Geng Gui was playing games yesterday, and then found the episode where Emperor Yan appeared. Tsk, but the exact location is not marked in the animation.”

Yandi first appeared on TV in Episode 256 of Muyin (B station directory). The only information that Yandi and Hot Spring's companions knew was "Xiaozhi at this time is sending Young Kiras back to Silver Mountain".

How can I find this! ?It's like throwing you a beautiful black silk leg, and then asking you if it came from that Fuliji's leg!I can't recognize the ghost... Oh, this is Mafuyu's.


After hearing Lin Qiong's distress, the eldest lady was slightly taken aback, then she couldn't help but smile a little, leaned her head on Lin Qiong's shoulder, and said, "Could it be because I said I wanted to be blessed by Emperor Yan?" Is it something to do with the hot springs you’ve been to?”

Lin Qiong nodded as a matter of course, and said: "If you want to find a girlfriend, then I must help her analyze it!"

"Oh, this person..." The eldest lady couldn't help showing a slightly sweet smile, and she said softly: "Actually, it doesn't matter if you can't find it."

After Lin Qiong heard what the young lady said, he raised his eyebrows, pushed his shoulders away, pushed the young lady who was leaning on him away, and then took out his laptop with an expression of disbelief, put on his earphones, and said : "Don't bother me, I don't believe I can't find it!!"


The eldest lady who was pushed away looked at Lin Qiong's side face in astonishment. She pointed at herself, then looked at Nazi, who was covering her mouth from laughter, and the secretary who shook her head and sighed.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, my boyfriend, I chose it myself, I chose it myself—" The eldest lady took a deep breath, and then persuaded herself in her heart, "He is a straight man, he is a straight man , he is a straight man...'

Don't be angry, if you don't get angry, you will blame your teeth!

The eldest lady's fist hardened, she always thought that this kind of manipulation by straight men only existed in novels, but she never thought it would actually happen to her boyfriend! ?


Pikachu shook his head helplessly, she stretched out her hand and patted the young lady on the shoulder, comforting the dark-faced young lady.

Don't be angry!I'll take the meat in his bowl to avenge you later!


Ibrahimovic, who was squatting on the seat beside her, shook her head. She curled up in a circle on the seat, then squinted her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

The master is so stupid.

"Mouth Jie—"

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