Geng Gui emerged from the shadow, and then wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

No help, just die.

Chapter 0054 Why is it called a tropical dragon and not a banana dragon?

Chengdu area, Manjin City.

As an ancient city with traces of history, Yuanzhu City naturally cannot build an airport... No, to be precise, that city doesn't even have a station!

Therefore, Lin Qiong and his party who wanted to go to Yuanzhu City could only take a plane to Manjin City, then take a short-distance cruise ship to Qiancong City, and then go to Yuanzhu City through the [-]th Road.

"To be honest, I don't know whether to praise Yuanzhu City for keeping the tradition, or complain that it doesn't know how to adapt?" Lin Qiong walked on Route 39, complaining speechlessly, "Even if you don't support it yourself The tram, the entire tram station nearby is fine too!"

Nazi on the side explained calmly: "Under normal circumstances, trainers will capture a flying-type Pokémon for long-distance movement, so even if there is no tram, they can fly directly there - but we don't have one. "

"Ah..." This sentence reminded Lin Qiong, he pressed his chin and muttered, "That's right, why did I forget about the flying Pokémon?"

Yes, the residents of Pokémon World basically use Pokémon to travel. On the contrary, Lin Qiong and his party who are accustomed to taking planes, ships and trams are "freaks".

Thinking of this, Lin Qiong couldn't help but nodded, and said with certainty, "It's really time to make a flying-type Pokémon—Erina, Secretary, do you have any suggestions?"

The secretary quickly raised his hand and said eagerly: "I, I, I, I have a fancy target!"


Lin Qiong showed a surprised expression, and he joked: "Oh, this is the first time I've seen the secretary ask for something—come on! Let me know what Pokémon you're interested in!"

The eldest lady also nodded and said curiously: "Yes! Fei Shasha, it's rare for you to make a request——"

The secretary has always seemed to be a hard-working little girl, and it seems that this is the first time that she has made a request. Lin Qiong and the eldest lady looked at each other, thinking that this wave must be arranged for the secretary.

"Actually, we have discussed this Pokémon many times before—" The secretary held up the illustration book in his hand with some embarrassment, and said, "That's it—"

Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, and Na Zi immediately approached the illustrated book, looked at the honest and docile green figure on its screen, and said in unison: "Tropical dragon?"

Tropical dragon, with a dragon in its name, but it does not have dragon attributes, but a flying-type Pokémon-get it, this is A'Du's favorite (heavy fog).

"Yeah!" The secretary nodded vigorously and said, "Last time we discussed whether the banana on the Tropical Dragon's chin was edible, I paid a little attention to it, and it happened to be a flying Pokémon..."

Lin Qiong looked at the secretary with a strange expression - Secretary, maybe you don't know yet, right?In the third-generation game (Emerald), the Tropical Dragon is qualified to learn the five skills of flying, slashing, strange power, flashing, and breaking rocks. It can be called one of the team's best tools!

"I remember that there are more tropical dragons in the Fengyuan area—" Lin Qiong touched his chin, and then complained dumbfoundingly: "So our way of traveling is true in a sense. You're making trouble for yourself—"

After all, before coming to Yuanzhu City, Lin Qiong and others had just left Fengyuan area!But if he wanted to help the secretary catch tropical dragons, he would obviously have to go back to the Fengyuan area.

"Uh, if it's too troublesome..." Before the secretary finished speaking, Lin Qiong and the eldest lady said in unison: "It's not troublesome at all!"

Missy: "This is a rare request from Fei Shazi..."

It's just an extra trip to Fengyuan, run!

Lin Qiong: "Even if she wants a Mewtwo, I will help her...catch one in the game!" '

Forget about the reality, let Chaomeng leave it to stupid things to solve it.

At this moment, the lovers reached a consensus.



lunch time.

While eating curry rice, the secretary asked curiously, "Master Lin, if it were you, what flying-type Pokémon would you choose?"

"Me?" Lin Qiong put down the spoon, folded his hands on his chest, and muttered, "Is it a flying Pokémon?"

When it comes to the flying department, the first to bear the brunt are the home birds in various regions, and among the eight home birds, Lin Qiong's favorite is not the popular Bi Diao or BUG Yan, nor is it the Arrow Eagle known as the Wing of the Wind , but the Steel Armored Crow of the Galar region!

First of all, the average body shape of a steel-clad crow is only 2.2m, and it can even reach three meters if it is properly bred;

Secondly, the attribute of adding steel to flight makes him full of endurance, even if he flies for a whole day, he will not be tired.

More importantly, who can resist a steel-clad crow that looks like it is wearing armor?It is so handsome!

"Sure enough, it's a steel armored crow!" Lin Qiong nodded confidently, and said, "Handsome steel armored crow!"

"Is the reason for choosing the Steel Armored Crow because of its appearance?" Natsu asked curiously: "But in terms of appearance, the Tanabata Blue Bird and Tyrannosaurus are both pretty handsome, right? If it's not limited to flying, isn't the Desert Dragonfly pretty good? Is it?"

"You don't understand!" Lin Qiong sighed and shook his head. He said solemnly: "Sense of security! The most important thing about flying Pokémon is the sense of security! How safe is the appearance of the armored crow? And the huge body means It moves smoothly, and even let it fly with a basket, is this something other flying-type Pokémon can do?"

Lin Qiong still remembers when he was watching Wings of Dawn, the cool steel-armored crow aerial TAXI in it!Come on, that kind of thing may be too dangerous for children, but it's too cool for adults, okay?

"Not only that, but also the pleasure of nurturing!" Lin Qiong snapped his fingers, and said happily: "The initial form of the steel armored crow is a juvenile tit, small, round, how cute? But it evolved into a steel armored bird. How much deterrence and sense of security does it bring after the crow? This is equivalent to raising a little milk dog into a big wolf dog with your own hands, tsk tsk! This is a sense of accomplishment!"

"Hiss--" Listening to Lin Qiong's explanation, Nazi couldn't help but take a breath and murmured: "Listening to what you said, I have a way of raising a baby tit and letting it evolve into a steel-armored crow. idea.”

"Nurture! Rectify! What's the big deal?" Lin Qiong got excited. At this time, he tried his best to persuade Na Looking at it, he said: "How handsome the steel armored crow is! And the attributes that restrain superpowers don't restrain the steel armored crow very much. Isn't this stable?"

The eldest lady on the side covered her forehead with her hand. She felt that it would be a pity that her boyfriend's eloquence would not make him a salesman--in other words, why are you so good at talking about this kind of thing, but once you start talking A love story just suffocated for a long time?

The eldest lady once suspected that Lin Qiong was acting, but she really couldn't find any evidence.

"Don't tempt me—" At this time, Nazi shook Lin Qiong's devil's whisper as if she was about to shake off the green hat on her head. She waved her hand to drive Lin Qiong away, and said, "I only love superpowers. The Pokémon of the series! Flying steel is not in my consideration!"

Lin Qiong scratched his head, then took out his illustration book, and said, "But look, the super-flying Pokémon only include natural birds, heart bats, symbol birds, and hula-hula-style flower-dancing birds. Are you going to capture Lugia?"

Looking at the super-flying ones in the illustrated book, Nazi fell into a rare silence—these ones don't look too safe! ?No, no, how could my thinking be affected by him! ?It just doesn't look safe...

Forget it.

Nazi gave up, she was silent for a few seconds, and said, "I have a way to go to the Galar region, but I can't use the friendly store and Pokémon Center."

The subtext is: Elbows, let's grab juvenile tits!

Lin Qiong froze for a moment, then tucked his left hand under his armpit, and put his right hand against his chin, he said thoughtfully, "The method you mentioned, shouldn't it be smuggling?"

Nazi replied helplessly: "No way, the Galar region is almost in a state of blockade now, and ordinary people have no possibility of entering the Galar region except for smuggling—unless you can get the identity certificate of Dr. Pokémon , and then enter the Galar region through the official channel in the name of an ecological survey."

Hearing Nazi's words, Lin Qiong couldn't help but exchanged glances with the eldest lady, and then said in unison: "It seems to be really good!?"

Please, Dr. Oki!



Two days later, Yuanzhu City.

Pokémon Center.

Na Zi looked at the three of Lin Qiong with a strange face, and she couldn't help asking: "Are the three of you the illegitimate children of Dr. Damu?"

Can a normal person get a license certificate from a world-famous Dr. Pokémon in a few words?Dr. Oki is opened by your family, right?

"Natzi, brother Qiong today, let me teach you a truth - Jianghu is not talking about fighting and killing, but about human relationships~" Lin Qiong winked at Nazi, and said with a stern expression: "You Brother Qiong has friends all over the world, is there any way?"


Nazi couldn't help taking a breath, it's broken, pretend it for him?

"Okay, let's go to the Bell Tower first, and then go to Fengyuan area to catch a banana dragon for the secretary—"

"Master Lin, it's a tropical dragon."

"But it doesn't produce other tropical fruits, only bananas, so why not call it Banana Dragon?"

There are banana peel boats, banana geoduck, so it makes sense to have a banana Doragon, right?

The secretary was stunned for a moment, and then showed a thoughtful expression - although, what Master Lin said seems to make some sense?Yes, why is it called Tropical Dragon and not Banana Dragon?


The eldest lady slapped herself on the forehead——my boyfriend, do you have a sand sculpture aura that can turn everyone around you into a fool sand sculpture like you! ?

Otherwise, how could my smart, capable, virtuous and wise Fei Shazi become such a not-so-smart Yazi?

Chapter 0055 Flight Accident

The issue of "Why a tropical dragon that does not produce all tropical fruits and only bananas is not called a banana dragon" was put on the shelf at the strong request of the young lady.

So, after having breakfast, the group of people walked towards the outskirts of Yuanzhu City.

"There are two towers near Yuanzhu City." Lin Qiong looked at the information in his hand and said: "They are the Bell Tower on the east side and the Bell Tower on the northwest side - but they were destroyed in a fire 150 years ago. It was burned down, so people now call it the Burnt Tower.”

Nazi added from the side: "According to the legend, three unknown Pokémon died in the fire of the Tower of Bells. When people mourned for their charred corpses, King Feng appeared in front of the world, and Revived those three Pokémon—and that's where the Phoenix King's guards, Entei, Raikou, and Suicune come from."

The eldest lady said with a touch of emotion: "Death in the fire, and then revived by Feng Wang - it feels a bit romantic."

Lin Qiong scratched his face, and slandered in his heart: "You can pull it down, the three silly birds and three dogs are almost wiped out by the animation team." '

Especially the water dog... What are you looking at, Suicune? It's you!

Fei Shazi suggested: "Miss, why don't we take a look at the Tower of Bells later?"

"Pika!" Pikachu nodded excitedly after hearing the story of the Bell Tower.

Go and see, go and see!


Because of the increase in size, the fairy Ibrahimovic, who could no longer lie on Lin Qiong's shoulders, walked gracefully beside Lin Qiong.

I don't care, I will follow the master wherever he goes.


Geng Gui, who was wearing a nightcap, rubbed his eyes and slipped out. After she yawned in a daze, she slipped back again.

Cultivated immortals all night last night, sleep!

The eldest lady thought for a while, then nodded her head, and said, "Okay! Let's go to the Bell Tower in the morning, come back for dinner at noon, and then go to the Bell Tower in the afternoon!"



The Bell Tower is located on the east side of Yuanzhu City.

According to rumors, Phoenix King once perched on the top of the Bell Tower, but because people at that time coveted the power of Phoenix King, Phoenix King felt disappointed with humans, and finally chose to leave.

After that, the local residents blocked the Bell Tower for a period of time, but as time passed, the Bell Tower was finally opened to tourists and became a unique attraction inhabiting wild Pokémon.

Ben, that's how it should be.

"what's going on?"

When the four members of Lin Qiong's team came to the Bell Tower, they found that the bell tower could theoretically be entered only by buying a ticket. At this time, the gate was cordoned off, and a middle-aged man dressed as a monk He was talking to Miss Junsha at the door.

The secretary said with a delicate expression: "At this glance, something bad happened—was the interior damaged? Or was an important item stolen? Or was there a dangerous person?"

The eldest lady took out her mobile phone and searched the data related to the Bell Tower, but found that since last night, the news that the Bell Tower is forbidden to enter has been arguing on the Internet.

"According to the news on the Internet——" the eldest lady held the mobile phone, looked at the text on it, and said, "Well, it seems to be the period from the closing of the pagoda (05:30 p.m.) to the monks cleaning the pagoda ([-]:[-] p.m.) yesterday. Inside, there was a riot in the Pokémon in the tower. The reason was that there was nothing unusual before the tower was closed, but the monk who went in to clean it was attacked by the wild Pokémon inhabiting the tower—”

It was precisely because the monks who went in to clean up were attacked by Pokémon that the locals urgently blocked the Bell Tower, prohibited tourists from entering, and contacted Miss Junsha, hoping to find out the problem.

This is a very, very abnormal thing!The Pokémon that inhabit the tower have lived peacefully with humans for so many years - even many tourists feed these Pokémon with homemade food!How could they take the initiative to destroy this harmony and maliciously attack humans?

As for what a stress response is?Please, Pokémon are not cats and dogs. They will lose their minds due to stress reactions and attack the creatures in front of them indiscriminately. If you take a step back, even if there is a stress reaction, the entire tower can still be destroyed. Are all the wild Pokémon in the country stressed together?

What's more, according to the information on the Internet, the monk who was attacked has been in this position for more than ten years, even if he was stressed, he would not attack this old acquaintance!

Weird, so weird!

It's even weirder than Homura Akatsuki assisting the Absolutes in attacking the Kingdom of Light and taking away the Spark Tower in order to marry Madoka Shikame, and finally turned into the "Human Fruit Phantasmal Beast Species Giant Form of Light - Kizaru" !




With a bad expression, Lin Qiong pulled the other three people to an empty corner, and said, "Why do I feel something is wrong? The sudden Pokémon riot in an important place, isn't this the beginning of the movie version?"

The eldest lady was silent for a few seconds and said, "You mean, what big event may have happened to us?"

"Maybe it's not us?" The secretary guessed, "Maybe it's another champion?"

Lin Qiong scratched his scalp and said, "I can't tell! The main reason is that there was a sudden commotion the night before we came—hey, didn't we take the script of the protagonist, but 'Don't listen to persuasion and have to do it' The script of the pathetic supporting character who sneaked into the Bell Tower and was attacked by Pokémon and died without a name?"

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