That's too sloppy.

The eldest lady said dumbfoundedly: "Then we don't have to go? The Bell Tower is not allowed, so let's go to the Bell Tower!"

The secretary also nodded and said: "When something goes wrong, there must be a monster! It is wise to stay away from dangerous places."

Nazi said indifferently: "I don't care! I wasn't interested in the Bell Tower either."

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "Alright! Then let's go to the Bell Tower first. If there is no problem, we will rush back to Fengyuan area in the afternoon, and then help the secretary get the Banana Dragon as soon as possible."

Secretary: "It's a tropical dragon!"

Lin Qiong: "It doesn't matter what you call it! The important thing is to stay away from right and wrong places, and your life is important!"

As a result, the four people reached an agreement instantly.

One word, Run!

At the same time, on the top of the Bell Tower, an exceptionally petite Rocket Sparrow was tilting its head to observe Lin Qiong and the others. He staggered and followed.



Compared with the Bell Tower, the visit content of the Bell Tower is really pitiful-no matter how you use words such as "once", "ancient" and "history" to whitewash it, its essence is just a ruin.

Therefore, after feeling the power of the fire in front of the Bell Tower, Lin Qiong and his party stood in front of the ruins and mourned for a few minutes before returning to the Pokémon Center.


After being released from the elf ball, Pinoche the Fire first shook his hair vigorously, and then walked around the secretary with cheerful steps.

"She wants to play with you." Lin Qiong said with a smile from the side: "She didn't seem to have enough fun with the flying saucer game last time."

"Yes, yes, but..." The secretary looked at Pinocchio who was sitting in front of him, staring at him expectantly, "But, Pinocchio, are you a fox?"

Normally speaking, isn't Xiugou more fond of throwing flying saucers?But why is Cardi Dog not interested in this kind of game, but you enjoy it so much?


Pinocchio didn't care how complicated the secretary's mood was at this time, she just jumped a few times in front of the secretary, and then called her hurriedly to signal her to start the game quickly.

"Fei Shazi, since Pinocchio wants to play, then you can play with her." The eldest lady sat on the seat beside her, while Pikachu and Krahe lay on her lap, enjoying her Shun Mao's service, "Anyway, it's still early, so don't rush for a while."

Originally, the time in the morning was to visit the Bell Tower, but the Bell Tower was blocked, and there was nothing to visit in the Bell Tower, so everyone returned to the elf center after eight o'clock.

The secretary reluctantly took out a red frisbee from his backpack, and said helplessly, "Pinoxiu, I can only play for a while! I still have to prepare the ingredients for lunch—"


Pinocchio nodded happily. She wagged her six tails, looking ready.


The secretary threw the frisbee in his hand vigorously, and said, "Pinochio, go—"


The moment the frisbee flew out, Pinocchio quickly rushed towards the frisbee with all his strength, and caught up with the frisbee in less than two seconds, and bit it easily...


Accompanied by a burst of exclamation, Pinoxiu's head collided firmly with a black shadow that suddenly jumped out from the side, Xiao Funi let out a mournful cry, and then fell to the ground in embarrassment, while the figure It hit the ground heavily and didn't move.

"Fafa, what happened?"

The secretary ran over first, and the other three followed closely behind, fearing that something might go wrong.

"Pinuoxiu, are you okay?" The secretary squatted on the ground and picked up Pinuoxiu, and said to the flower therapy ring on his wrist: "Xiaohua, use flower therapy on Binuoxiu!"


Hua Huanhuan nodded seriously, she closed her eyes, the flowers on her body were in full bloom, and the pink light shrouded Pinocchio's body.


After a while, the little guy opened his eyes, and then he threw himself into the arms of the secretary, crying and complaining that he hit his head, it hurts so much!

"it's okay no problem--"

While comforting Pinocchio, the secretary looked at another victim of the collision together with Lin Qiong and the others.

One fell to the ground with its mouth open and its eyes closed, with an unusually thin body...

Lin Qiong: "Rocket Sparrow?"

Chapter 0056 really fragrant!Ba Shi!

Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, the secretary, and Nazhi gathered around the table, looking at the Rocket Bird placed on the cushion with worried eyes.

"Rocket Sparrow is a Pokémon that inhabits the Carlos area. It is an evolution of Little Arrow Sparrow—" the secretary flipped through the illustrated book in his hand, and said with a puzzled expression: "However, according to the data in the illustrated book, Rocket Sparrow The size of the sparrow should be around 70cm, but this one..."

The full size is only about 2 or 30cm, that is to say, it is less than half of the normal size.

"The data in the illustrated book refers to normal and average data—" Nazi explained, "but there will always be differences among individuals! The volume of good cultivation will be larger, and the volume of poor cultivation will be small."

To put it bluntly, this is like the data of the average height, but in fact some people are only 1.5 meters, and some people are even as high as 1.9 meters, this is the individual difference.

The eldest lady looked at the unconscious Rocket Sparrow with pitiful eyes, and said, "This Rocket Sparrow, which is less than half the average size..."

It should be a poor little one with extremely malnutrition, right?

"But why did you come from the Carlos area to the Chengdu area?" Lin Qiong looked at the Rocket Sparrow on the cushion with some puzzlement, and said, "It's so weak."

To put it bluntly, judging from the physical condition of this Rocket Sparrow, it is not easy for it to survive!What's more, across such a distance, from Carlos to Chengdu?

"Perhaps, it's not a beautiful thing -" At this time, Nazi on the side said with a somewhat unsightly face, "Not all of this world is beautiful. Under the light, there will always be some shadows."

Lin Qiong froze for a moment, and then quickly thought of the "darkness" in the fairy-tale world of Pokémon, that is...

"Pokémon Hunter?"

Nazi nodded with a serious expression, and said: "The rocket sparrow may be very common in the Carlos area, but it has become very rare in the Johto area, so it may have been caught by Pokémon hunters and then sold. -"

Hearing Nazi's words, the eldest lady and the secretary thought of Rocket Sparrow's thin physique, and immediately imagined the picture of this Pokémon being abused by the bad guys, without enough food and clothing.

The secretary murmured: "It's too pitiful, it's just such a small one..."

"Then let's be nice to it!" The eldest lady pursed her lips, and then said to the secretary: "Fei Shasha, it's time to show your strength!"

"Yes, the secretary seems to be good at medicinal food—" Lin Qiong blinked, then looked at the secretary, and said, "Yes! Secretary, you can give the rocket sparrow some warming and nourishing body, add Nutritious medicated diet."

The secretary nodded vigorously, rolled up her sleeves and made a strong movement, and said: "Miss, Master Lin! Wrap it up on me!"



ten minutes later.


Accompanied by a weak voice, Rocket Sparrow slowly opened her eyes, then looked around in a daze, and suddenly saw several big heads in front of her.


Pinocchio quickly raised his head, and shouted to Lin Qiong and the others behind him: Wake up, wake up, she's awake!


The Katie dog also barked, "Come here!"

After Rocket Sparrow found that she was "surrounded", she didn't show a panicked expression, but looked around at the Pokémon surrounding her, as if to confirm whether these guys were hostile.

"you're awake?"

At this time, the eldest lady had already walked over with Pikachu in her arms. She glanced at Rocket Sparrow who had climbed up from the cushion and stood on the table, and asked, "Is it better? Is there any injury?"


Rocket Sparrow shook her head, as if to show that she was not injured, she even flapped her wings a few times.

"It's good that you're not hurt." The eldest lady breathed a sigh of relief and said softly: "Fei Shasha is preparing food for you, wait a moment -"

The Rocket Sparrow fell into a coma because of the secretary's family Pinocchio—even if it was just an accident—but considering the Rocket Sparrow's thin body and (possible) tragic experience, both the eldest lady and the secretary felt guilty Emotions.


Rocket Sparrow nodded slightly, and she hopped back onto the cushion and sat on it.

"The movements are quite elegant——" Lin Qiong joked on the side: "Erina, do you think the movements of this Rocket Sparrow look like that kind of young lady?"

After recalling the actions of the Rocket Sparrow just now, the eldest lady couldn't help showing a subtle expression—not to mention, the every move of the Rocket Sparrow seemed to have a sense of elegance that was neither light nor slow.

Nazi guessed from the side: "This rocket sparrow should be a kind of very weak Pokémon, so it can only move slowly like this."

Just like when Grandpa Kirito woke up through SAO, his muscles were atrophied due to bed rest for more than two years, which made him unable to move—you can’t ask Grandpa Kirito to put on a skirt and stockings to dance Pure land of bliss, right?

"Poor little guy." Lin Qiong sighed. He stretched out his fingers to tease the Rocket Sparrow on the cushion, but found that the Rocket Sparrow looked at him with a very contemptuous look, as if looking at a fool. Same.


Lin Qiong couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then said with a delicate expression: "I don't know if it's my illusion, I feel like I'm being despised by a bird."

Nazi was already squatting on the ground holding her belly. The expression of that Rocket Bird's contempt for Lin Qiong was so essential that it instantly penetrated Nazi's silly smile.

The eldest lady also covered her mouth and turned away her eyes, obviously holding back a smile—anyway, it was really a manipulation for the bird to be laughed at by the bird.

"Tsk, this bird is really not cute." Lin Qiong clicked his lips, and then whispered BB.


Rocket Sparrow glanced at Lin Qiong, and muttered how this man felt that he was not very smart.


A big question mark popped up on Lin Qiong's head. He pointed at the Rocket Sparrow and said with an unsteady expression, "It despises me? Do you see that it despises me!? It despises me!"

The atmosphere at the scene was very joyful, and Nazi had already entered a state of rest—to be honest, Lin Qiong was a little worried about this girl, after all, her jokes were so mischievous! !

In the future, there won't be any evil party who will tease Nazi with cold jokes until she is exhausted, and then do such and such excessive things to Nazi who has lost her resistance, right?

For example, eating the crazy Thursday KFC in front of Nazi, or painting a turtle on Nazi's face, or even more excessively saving Nazi's meticulously to draw stones from the UP pool to draw the plot pool...

Too much, too much!



"Here comes the chicken soup—" the secretary came over with a big bowl of smiles on his face, and said enthusiastically, "This is the jelly chicken soup I made specially for the Rocket Sparrow!"

"Oh, it looks delicious!" Lin Qiong looked at the crystal clear jelly chicken soup, and couldn't help but said, "How did you make it in such a short time?"

"Thanks to Kracher—" the secretary touched the little Liuwei beside him, then put the bowl on the table, and said to Rocket Sparrow: "Rocket Sparrow, come and try it! This is my self-confidence. !"


The Rocket Sparrow screamed, and then looked at the bowl brought by the secretary casually—Lin Qiong always felt that the Rocket Sparrow looked like a proud princess looking at the common lunch served by the servant.

He couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and said to Rocket Sparrow: "Don't underestimate the secretary's cooking skills, okay? She is the secretary who has been with Erina for so many years! Erina will not allow mediocrity in her dangling by my side!"

"Where's the—"

The eldest lady blushed again, Lin Qiong couldn't help but put his arms around her waist, pulled her into his arms, and then kissed her on the cheek with a "baji".


The secretary covered his face with his five fingers, and then looked in the direction of Lin Qiong and the eldest lady with shocked eyes - more, I love to watch this!


Rocket Sparrow is a little speechless, she is a bird, not a dog, why are you feeding me dog food?Is this appropriate?This is not appropriate.

However, is this thing edible?

Rocket Bird glanced at the chicken soup jelly in the bowl with some disgust - it looked soft, and there were strange particles in it, so it looked weird!Is it broken?

"This is delicious, try it—" The secretary took out a small spoon, dug out a small ball of chicken soup jelly, and said, "There are chicken pieces in it, come, try it—"


No, I don't want to eat it!I don't want to eat such a weird thing, take it away, quickly take it away!


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