Even if I die, die outside, starve to death from here, fly and fall to death, I will not eat such a strange thing!

The rocket finch screaming like this, while struggling, the bird's beak still accidentally got a small piece of chicken soup jelly, and the delicious food that poured into the mouth made = the rocket finch froze in place.


Really, really fragrant?

The Rocket Sparrow no longer struggled. It opened its mouth to let the secretary put the spoonful of chicken soup into its mouth. After tasting it for two seconds, it turned into a sharp arrow and went into the bowl. The jelly of chicken soup dazzled into his stomach, and then he lay lazily in the bowl and burped.


Hiccup, Bashi!

Lin Qiong stood on the edge of the table, looked down at the Rocket Sparrow whose stomach was swollen, and couldn't help but said with contempt: "Rocket Sparrow, a bowl of chicken soup is really delicious?"


The old Rocket Sparrow blushed, and it retorted that it wasn't that it was greedy, it just... hiccup... felt that this was the secretary's intention... hiccup... that he couldn't let down the other party's wishes, so he reluctantly The... burp... just eat it!

Chapter 0057

Lin Qiong finally understood.

Although this Rocket Sparrow looks thin and small, it has a high spirit—if it is anthropomorphized in comics, it will probably be the kind of arrogant loli who is 1.2 meters high but has eyes above the top.

I especially want people to bully her, I want to see her arrogant shell shattered, and then weep, it must be very sweet, Jie Jie!

"You are so small, but you ate such a big bowl of chicken soup jelly—" Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and poked Rocket Sparrow's bulging belly with a subtle expression, and said curiously: "Pokémon is really amazing. creature!"


The Rocket Sparrow let out a mournful cry, then pecked Lin Qiong fiercely with its beak, and he hurriedly withdrew his hand in pain, screaming "Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo".


The eldest lady gloated at Lin Qiong who was blowing on her finger, and said, "I just had enough to eat, so you go poke him in the stomach, isn't it just looking for trouble?"

Lin Qiong wrinkled his nose and said, "I'm just wondering where this little guy got such a big belly to hold such a big bowl of chicken soup and frozen meatballs—tsk tsk, are all foodies in the Two-dimensional world so unscientific?"

For example, Hinata Hinata from Mihua Town on the Whale Island in the East China Sea. It is said that she can eat ten big boos in one meal... Ah bah, I mean big Xu, but no one has ever seen her belly bloated from eating too much.


Rocket Bird snorted and said, "I just haven't eaten for a long, long time! That's why I ate so much in one go-"

Haven't eaten for a long time?

Lin Qiong rubbed his chin and said to the Rocket Sparrow: "So, you are indeed an ordinary little Arrow Sparrow living in the Carlos area, and then you were captured by Pokémon hunters and sold to the Chengdu area, where you were abused. Not enough to eat and not to wear warm clothes! Then, when I found the right opportunity recently, I unleashed all my potential and evolved into a Rocket Sparrow and escaped from the cage in one fell swoop—right?"

This period of ups and downs of bullying made Nazi at the side couldn't help but want to say: Do you want to contribute?I will not read any articles that are not included in the anthology of kindergarten compositions.


Rocket Sparrow didn't speak, but opened his mouth wide, looking at him dumbfounded.

Lin Qiong frowned suspiciously, and muttered, "Did I guess wrong? Then why is she so thin?"


Rocket Sparrow reacted, and she hurriedly said: "Guess, you guessed right! The legendary Zhi... Guan Tianxia is talking about you, right? He can deduce my experience exactly, it's amazing! "


Lin Qiong smiled complacently. He put his hands on his hips, and then raised his chin towards the eldest lady in embarrassment. The look of joy made the eldest lady burst out laughing.

"Okay, okay, I know you're amazing—" The eldest lady felt as if she was comforting a child—it's strange, I'm obviously younger, right?Could it be that a man who is still a teenager until his death can be used in this kind of place?

Lin Qiong nodded with satisfaction. He looked at Rocket Sparrow again and asked, "Speaking of which, how long have you been escaping from the Pokémon Hunters? Are they still chasing you?"


Rocket Bird shook his head and said, I have been running out for a long time, and those hunters can no longer catch up with me.

"That's good." Lin Qiong breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "If those guys are still following you, we have to hurry up."

Nazi on the side complained: "It's too late to think about Run now? If Rocket Sparrow was really hunted down by Pokémon Hunter, wouldn't we have an accident by now?"

Lin Qiong smiled and said, "Didn't I consider having your golden thigh? Ms. Nazi, the strongest superpower in the Kanto area, should be more than enough to deal with a few Pokémon hunters, right?"

Obviously, Lin Qiong's flattery made Nazi very suitable. Her eyes lit up with blue light, and the long hair behind her was windless and automatic. She said in a dignified tone: "I, the super queen, am invincible!"

Just when Nazi was feeling complacent, she didn't notice that the eldest lady and secretary beside her had covered their faces in unbearable gaze.

Let's just say, Nazi-chan, is there a possibility that your way of speaking has been influenced by Lin Qiong?


Forget it, Nazi is quite cute like this.



After enjoying lunch, Lin Qiong and others packed their luggage and prepared to leave this sad city for Shihe Yuanyuan—referring to the Fengyuan area.

"Little guy, do you want to come with us?" Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, and the secretary approached the table where the Rocket Sparrow was placed, and asked the extremely thin Rocket Sparrow.


Rocket Sparrow looked at Lin Qiong with his head tilted, and said: I don't trust you now!I won't let you subdue me.

Lin Qiong was overjoyed. He stretched out his hand to tease the Rocket Sparrow, but when he thought of the guy pecking him hard just now, he coughed dryly and took his hand back, pretending to be serious and said: "Don't worry, we won't Going against the will of Pokémon! If you don’t want to be tamed, you don’t want to, anyway, you can’t eat much for a bird, so it’s charity.”

If the person sitting in front of Lin Qiong was not a little rocket sparrow, but a f*cking Kirby, Lin Qiong would probably sweat and call Dr. Oki, and then see the other party's expressionless face. Throw this big foodie in the expression.

But, she is just a harmless little bird!Eating a bowl of frozen meatballs in chicken soup makes me a meatball—well, with this level of food intake, you can open as many mouths as you want.

The problem is not big.


When Rocket Sparrow heard what Lin Qiong said, she nodded her head, and then said with her head held high that if Lin Qiong and the others were in danger, she would definitely protect them.

"Puff ha ha ha hicc—"

Lin Qiong was about to burst out laughing, he had imagined a 1.2-meter loli who patted his ribs and said that he was amazing and would protect you all, but he turned his head and fell on the ground, and then wrinkled his face desperately keep yourself from crying...


There was a big question mark on Rocket Sparrow's head, but she was saying this very seriously, what's the matter with your mocking laughter?

Am I shameless? ?

The furious Rocket Sparrow flapped its wings and landed on Lin Qiong's head, and after pecking his head twice, he lingered and refused to leave with a "chirp".


Lin Qiong's expression was a little tense, and the eldest lady beside him asked worriedly: "Qiong, what did Rocket Sparrow say?"

"She said..." Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "It's very comfortable to stay here, so I will live here."

The eldest lady was stunned for two seconds, and then when she understood what happened, she covered her belly and let out a laugh like pearls falling on a jade plate: "Hahaha, isn't this, isn't this good? Hahaha -"

"It seems to be quite good... a hammer!" Lin Qiong jumped on the spot angrily and said, "My head is not a bird's nest, hey!"


The Rocket Sparrow messed up Lin Qiong's hair with its beak, then raised its head proudly and said: Now it is!

"Ha ha ha ha--"

The eldest lady and Nazi couldn't hold back anymore, and the three of them, including the secretary, laughed at the same time.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became extremely cheerful.

Except Lin Qiong.



Fengyuan area, Yinyu City.

"Wow—" Looking at the lush city in front of him, the secretary couldn't help opening his mouth, and said, "This is too beautiful——"

Unlike other cities, Yinyu City is a city built on nature——except for Yinyu Gymnasium, all the other houses in the city are tree houses, making people wonder if they have entered a strange place. The elf village of the world.

The eldest lady couldn't help but praised: "This is simply the ultimate in environmental protection, it's really amazing——"

Lin Qiong asked inquisitively: "You say, if you are 80 or [-] years old and don't have the ability to climb up and down, how can you get up and down this tree house?"

Nazi on the side covered her face and said, "I mean, is there such a possibility? Even if they can't crawl, they still have Pokémon to help?"

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, and then said, "Don't you make me look stupid for answering so quickly like this?"

Nazi is happy, aren't you stupid?

Can Lin Qiong let Nazi go?That can't!

"Heh." He chuckled lightly, and put his hands behind his back, leaving Na Zi with a lonely snow-like back.

"That night, I went to Erina's house to spend the night, and she asked me if I wanted to cover the quilt, and I said that the whole thing can cover the belly button, so she gave me a spectacle cloth—"

"Hahahaha hicc—"

"Who is Mi's mother? The answer is Hua, because of peanuts."


"Why can't you mess with the gorilla? Because it hits the chest (super fierce)."

"Puff puff-"

After three jokes that no one would laugh at outside were thrown in front of Nazi, Nazi suddenly burst into earth-shaking laughter.

"To tell the truth—" Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady and the secretary speechlessly, and said, "It really doesn't feel like any sense of accomplishment to tell a joke with Nazi! This person is too stupid!"

It's like when everyone plays games, they will pursue the final boss of the second top dungeon to show how much damage they have, but no one will go to the novice dungeon second slime, right?

The eldest lady covered her forehead and said, "You still tease her with jokes without a sense of accomplishment?"

Lin Qiong smiled and said, "Okay! The target is Route 119, let's go!"

"Wait, wait a minute—" Nazi squatted on the ground with difficulty, and said weakly: "I, my legs are weak from laughing, no, I don't have the strength to move—"

Bad fish, really too bad fish!

"Now I suddenly feel worried about myself yesterday, and I actually put my safety hope on Nazi—" Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, then sighed, and said, "If Pokémon Hunter is proficient in cold jokes , Didn’t Nazi give it for nothing?”

Nazi: "Is my smile as bad as you imagined!?"

"Why don't monkeys like parallel lines? Because parallel lines don't have bananas—"

"Do you know how much a star weighs? The answer is eight grams, because a star weighs eight grams."

"Why do bad things at noon? Because sooner or later you will be found out."

Lin Qiong looked indifferently at Nazi, who was lying on the ground clutching her stomach and turned into a laughing bat, and said, "It's more miscellaneous than I imagined."

Chapter 0058 I declare that the Holy Church is established

"This won't work! Her level of trash is beyond my imagination—" Lin Qiong shook his head pretending to be serious, and then said righteously: "Nazzi, I want to give you special training! I want to train you to The resistance to cold jokes, at least not like now, as soon as you hear a joke, send it on the spot!"

The eldest lady at the side said quietly: "Are you sure it's not to satisfy your evil taste?"

"What are you talking nonsense about?"

"It's okay to admit it directly."

"I, Lin Qiong, have walked and sat upright all my life, so what dare not admit it?"

"Then do you admit that you like Missy?"

"Erina is number one in the world! I like her so much!"

"Well said, Master Lin!"

"You two!"

Some shy young ladies glared fiercely at Lin Qiong and the secretary, but the aggressive appearance of the breasts was not a deterrent, but a cute show of cuteness.

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