"Oh! Erina-chan's expression just now was so cute! I'm fascinated by you—"

"As expected of Master Lin, he easily accomplished what I couldn't do (referring to praising Erina)!"

"Of course! I have to say, Secretary, when it comes to thinking Erina is the cutest in the world, we should be colleagues, right?"

"That's right! I'm a like-minded comrade in arms!"


The two firmly held each other's hands, and Lin Qiong shouted: "At this moment, I officially announce that Erina's world's number one cutest sect is now established! I am the leader, and you are the deputy leader!"

"Yes, I understand, Lord Master!" The secretary said with a serious face: "I will definitely carry forward the core teachings of this religion!"

Lin Qiong was very relieved, he nodded in satisfaction and said, "Very good!"

The eldest lady who was already so ashamed that she ran away yelled angrily: "You two, give me enough time!!"

Why can I keep talking about such embarrassing topics? Hey!

Seeing the flushed young lady, Lin Qiong couldn't help but chuckled, and then quickly changed the subject: "Okay, let's set off to subdue the Banana Dragon! I can't wait to enjoy the scenery of the Galar region. !"

"So it's a tropical dragon!"

"Wait until it evolves to the point where its chin can grow lychees, mangoes and pineapples, then it will be a tropical dragon!"

"Won't it feel tired with so many fruits on its chin? Especially pineapple-"

"I shouldn't be tired if I'm tired, but the pineapple hurts me——"

What about Nazi?

Oh, she was almost convulsed with laughter.

real food.



Route 119.

The environment here is a bit similar to a tropical rainforest. There are green plants everywhere. The tall grass more than one meter high can be used for field battles without being discovered. It is really a good place to show PIay.

"It does have a tropical feel. Is it because of the environment here that it is called a tropical dragon?" Lin Qiong rubbed his chin and said thoughtfully: "Then it still grows in the desert. It is actually called a desert dragon. ? If he grew up in Baopai, wouldn’t it be..."

"Master Lin, why are you paying such strange attention?"

"This is not called focusing on strange things, this is called thinking about life."

"You're right—"

The secretary averted his eyes, and then said with some distress: "However, how can we find a tropical dragon in this environment?"

There are too many bushes, bushes, and bushes that obstruct the line of sight. It is really not an easy task to find a specific Pokémon in this environment-it feels like looking for it in dozens of words. Coming out like a phoenix is ​​really a test of people's eyesight.

"It's just a matter of luck—or looking for local snakes?" Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "Secretary, you can try to make some Pokémon food, and then bribe the local Pokémon so that They recommend Tropical Dragon!"

Tropical Dragon: So you brought the trainer here?

Walking Grass: Brother Long, the trainer said, follow them, the benefits will be great!

"Is there still such a method?" The secretary was slightly taken aback, and she quickly started to look through her backpack and said, "Then I'll start doing it right away."

"Most of the grass-type Pokémon here are grass-type Pokémon, and tropical dragons have both grass-type and flying-type." Lin Qiong reminded, "You can bribe wild Pokémon that grass-type likes to eat, and then make grass Fly dual-type ones to focus on attacking tropical dragons."

Hey guys, how to catch Pokémon is understood by you playing.

The eldest lady on the side looked at the sky with a sad look on her face. She didn’t understand, she really didn’t understand, why her boyfriend was so skilled at hunting Pokémon and had so many tricks, but when it came to chatting with girls...



Soon, under the guidance of the eldest lady, the secretary made a small (about ten) light green energy cubes, and a large (30 yuan) green and light blue composite cubes.

"Okay, everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng!" Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said, "The only thing left is to find a leader!"

The eldest lady on the side covered her forehead, why is it just a very common act of taming Pokémon, but in her boyfriend's mouth, it became full of... a strange feeling?

So weird!

She couldn't help asking: "So what? How do you find the leading party?"

"Isn't that simple?" Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, and said confidently: "The gathered charm will become a new school idol, and turn it into a shining road of stars! Come on, Yi Bao!"

As Lin Qiong sang, the fairy Ibrahimovic who was following him suddenly walked forward with elegant steps, and then moved his tail slightly happily, showing an elegant and reserved smile.

That's right, it's Ibrahimovic!Master, it's okay to praise me more and more!hum!

If there is a system panel that can be used to observe Ibrahimovic's status at this time, everyone can clearly see that the column of Xiao Ibrahimovic's mood at this time will be: Transcendence and good tune↑.

Lin Qiong spread his five fingers in front of his face and said loudly, "Come on, Yibao, use your skills, the wolves are calling!"

'Ibrahimovic still has this skill? 'x3

The eldest lady, the secretary, and Nazi (who had just recovered) were all taken aback for a moment, and then showed puzzled expressions.

'What exactly is this skill? 'x3

Under the curious stares of the three, Ibrahimovic nodded gracefully, then slowly jumped onto a branch of a tree, lay on it lazily and gracefully, and yawned softly .


I don't know if it was the illusion of these three people, but they always felt as if... just... as if they saw a person leaning on the couch, with a half-unbuttoned shirt, half-exposed shoulders, slightly opened red lips, and blurred eyes. Like a stunning beauty.

Immediately afterwards, with a rustling sound, one after another, the stinky flowers, the bear-walking grass, and the hidden dragon came out from their hiding places one after another, and then looked at the branches with love in their eyes. Ibrahimovic.

It feels like a fanatic meeting a goddess.

"What kind of wolf pack call is this..." x3

"This is clearly the dog licking call..." x3

The whole thing is figured out and belongs to yes.



Soon, with the help of the dog-licking army captured by Ibrahimovic's charm, Lin Qiong and others almost gathered together a dozen tropical dragons in the vicinity, and after screening, only two dragons were left. Ability is Harvest Tropical Dragon.

In the game, the harvest feature has a 50% chance to get the used tree fruit before the end of each round, but in the real world, the effect of the harvest feature becomes that it can affect the growth of plants - including itself of course.

In other words, the bananas on the chin of a tropical dragon with the harvesting trait will grow faster, larger, and more delicious than other tropical dragons.


Tropical Dragon's voice is very soft and deep, and his personality is very docile, just like the kind of big sister who is obedient to you in the book.

"Secretary——" Lin Qiong looked at the tropical dragon who was looking at him with puzzled eyes. He took two steps back, pushed the secretary to the front, and said, "Next is your turn!"

The secretary looked at a tropical dragon with a height of [-] meters and a height of [-] meters in front of him, which looked like a plantain tree. He said nervously, "You two, I want to recruit a travel partner!? I am a A famous Pokémon breeder, he is not good at fighting, but he can make very delicious food."

The two tropical dragons looked at each other, the [-] meter one turned its head and chose to leave without hesitation, while the other one slowly lowered its head and approached the secretary.

"That one is more eager to fight." Lin Qiong smiled at the secretary and said, "So he won't be happy if you say you are not good at fighting."


The tropical dragon that stayed behind called softly.

Lin Qiong translated from the side: "She said, since you are a trainer and the condition is very delicious food, then use your cooking skills to conquer her!"


"I am the eldest sister of this generation, and I have always enjoyed the most delicious berries! It is not so easy to conquer my mouth!"

Lin Qiong clicked his tongue while translating: "No wonder this one is so big, so it's the big sister's head?"In other words, how does this plot give me a sense of sight of a big sister who is lonely, seeks defeat, gets tired of fighting and then quits the arena? '

However, Lin Qiong didn't care too much. After all, according to the data in the game, the level of the Pokémon on Route 119 is basically around 22~25, so this tropical dragon can at most be regarded as the big sister of Novice Village. up.

"Then come on!" Nervously, the secretary took out the previously made grass-fly hybrid energy cube from his pocket, put one in his palm, lifted it up and handed it to the tropical dragon.


What's so great about this little thing?

The tropical dragon lowered its head slightly suspicious and disgusted, and reluctantly stretched out its tongue to roll the energy cube into its own mouth, then chewed it lightly...

Warm reminder, there should be BGM "Wanli の Great Wall" here, and the background of the tropical dragon should be replaced with pink full of happiness.

Lin Qiong and the eldest lady looked at each other. They both looked at the tropical dragon that was so excited that it flapped its wings and nodded in unison.

This wave has stabilized.

Chapter 0059 I declare that the Holy Church is disbanded

"This is strength. Congratulations to Miss Xinhu for raising a tropical dragon. ETK can not only benefit you, but also allow you to earn what you want—"

"Miss Xinhu has joined ETK for three months, and through her own efforts, she is pleased to mention a beloved tropical dragon, a new woman in ETK, with a career in her left hand and a family in her right—"

"Congratulations to Ms. Xinhu, the deputy leader of ETK Church, for mentioning her favorite pet—tropical dragon!"

The eldest lady and the secretary looked at the comments in their own spaces with question marks on their faces - Lin Qiong took his own mobile phone, the secretary's mobile phone and the eldest lady's mobile phone to send a message with different copywriting. Whole life.

The eldest lady couldn't help asking: "Qiong, I know every word you posted, but why am I confused when they are connected together?"

Lin Qiong blinked and said, "This is an advertisement popular in the circle of friends in my world. It basically means that if you join us, you will have a bright future!"

'This kind of advertisement is too suspicious! The eldest lady pointed at the three letters ETK dumbfounded, and said, "Okay, what does ETK mean?"


"Erina——" Erina

"Tennkaiti -" the best in the world


"abbreviation of!"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, and with a look of "Hey, I'm really amazing", he announced loudly, "How about it, isn't it suitable?"

"Appropriate! Super appropriate!" The secretary clapped her hands crazily, so hard that her hands turned red, "Master Lin, you are simply a genius! No, you are a genius! You are a devil!"

"It's okay to praise me even more!" Lin Qiong puffed up his chest and said, "Sooner or later, I will develop this church to spread all over the world, and let thousands, hundreds of thousands , millions of devotees, chanting ETK every day at 3:23 pm!"

"3:23? 323? Could it be..." After hearing this extremely familiar number, the secretary's eyes lit up slightly, revealing the expression of a game enthusiast discovering a small easter egg, and said excitedly: "Master Erina's birthday !?"

"Bingo, you got the answer right!" Lin Qiong snapped his fingers, and then said happily: "As expected of the deputy leader of the ETK church, he discovered the mystery of this group of numbers in an instant! It's amazing, it's really amazing!"

"Where is it! It is the leader who leads well——"

"Encourage together, encourage together! Hahaha!"


'Pi, pickup—'

Pikachu on the side scratched her face with cold sweat, she felt that the current situation was not very good - her master seemed to be brewing anger.


Fairy Ibrahimovic curled her lips, then folded her hands on the tree trunk and dozed off—hmph, why isn't Ibrahimovic the cutest church in the world?Master fool.

Lin Qiong's shadow trembled a few times, but he quickly regained his composure—cute Geng Gui didn't show up, which was really disappointing.


The Rocket Bird on Lin Qiong's head rolled its eyes in a humane manner. She was a little worried that if she built a nest on a funny head, she would be infected with the disease.

the other side.

'Now, if you laugh now, wouldn't it be too good? Nazi quietly glanced at the young lady whose entire face was darkened, then swallowed nervously, and desperately used her eyes to signal to Lin Qiong that the death omens of him and the secretary were shining.

"You, you two..." The eldest lady blushed and puffed her face, glared at Lin Qiong and the secretary angrily, and said, "Let me disband this kind of thing!"

What an ETK church! ?The meaning of the name alone is enough to make people shy! !


A big exclamation mark appeared on the heads of Lin Qiong and the secretary. After the two looked at each other, Lin Qiong suddenly showed a painful expression, and said, "Vice Hierarch——"

The secretary also showed a unwilling expression, and replied: "Master, I am here."

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