Lin Qiong put his hands behind his back and sighed with vicissitudes: "I hereby announce that the ETK Church, which is still a few days away from being established a million years ago, will be disbanded here."

The secretary bowed his head in silence for a few seconds, then nodded in pain, and said, "I understand—"

"Yes, hold back—" Nazi directly activated her superpower, moved herself to a bush where no one was around, then covered her mouth with a twisted face, and let out a "PuffPuffPuff" sound.

"He, it's so cute that the two of them don't play comics—" After taking a breath, Nazi squatted in the grass secretly, staring at the direction of the other three with a wakuwaku look on her face.

Let me know the next development of Kangkang!



"You two, you two—" the eldest lady crossed her arms, looked angrily at Lin Qiong and the secretary who were sitting in front of her like a baby, and said, "What are you thinking!? Really!"

"Because Erina is cute!"


"So I want more people to know how cute Erina is!"


"Everyone shout Erina cute!"


"What's right!" The eldest lady glared at the secretary, then stretched out her hands and rubbed Lin Qiong's face like dough, and said, "My man! Friend! Friend! Jun! Can you explain to me, What's going on in your head?"

"Let me think about it—" Lin Qiong pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said.

"Walnuts caught in the door, can also nourish the brain?"

"Pickup?" What's the problem?

"Is the white sesame seed buckled from the strawberry? Is the black sesame seed buckled from the dragon fruit?"

"Huh?" Is that really the case?

"If oysters are cooked, can they still be called oysters?"

"Buy?" Cooked, cooked oysters?

"It's said that pork loin can invigorate the kidney, so what if the pig's kidney is deficient?"

"Chirp—" These questions are too weird!

"Thunder God and Lightning Mother..."


Seeing questions that he couldn't ask even after ten years of cerebral thrombosis burst out of Lin Qiong's mouth, the eldest lady quickly stopped and asked, "Where do you get so many weird questions?"

"Why is this a weird question?" Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows and said, "This is a carefully selected question by netizens, 'There is no mentally handicapped question that can't be asked by a cerebral thrombosis in ten years', okay?"

"Just the summary title of these questions is strange enough -" the eldest lady rubbed the bridge of her nose and said, "The fun is over now! Now let's talk about serious topics!"

'Pickup—'Well done, master!

'Booy—'You worked hard to stop him from getting sick.

Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady with an obedient look, and said, "Tell me, I promise I won't mess around."

The secretary also nodded obediently: "Yeah!"

The eldest lady sighed, she already understood that her secretary had been misled by Lin Qiong.

"We're going to the Galar region next, right?"


"Because of time constraints and the length of the work, we don't know much about the Galar region—" the eldest lady said with some embarrassment, "so I hope you can tell Feisha and me something before going there. Let’s talk about the basic situation in the Galar region.”

Pokémon episodes are so, so, so long!The TV series alone has about 1000 or two hundred episodes, plus more than 20 movies. If you really want to make up for it, it will really kill people!

"Well, the Galar region? Okay!" Lin Qiong touched his chin, and then explained the basic situation of the Galar region.

After listening, Nazi looked at Lin Qiong's shadow with curiosity and said, "Is Gengar's Gigantamax? I really want to see what it looks like."

Lin Qiong scratched his head in distress and said, "This may be a bit troublesome. Gengar must drink the Gigantamax soup to become Gigantamax, otherwise he can only become Gigantamax."

Na Zi said disapprovingly: "Then go and make Jiju soup for Geng Gui to drink."

'Isn't that impossible? Lin Qiong rubbed his chin and said, "That's fine! Then the goal of our trip, besides catching a juvenile tit for Nazi and me, is to make some giant soup!"

"How many servings?" The secretary asked strangely, "If it's for Geng Gui, wouldn't one serving be enough?"

"In addition to Geng Gui, the final evolution of the juvenile titmouse can also be gigantic." Lin Qiong glanced at Pikachu who was hugged by the eldest lady, and said: "Besides, Erina's Pikachu and Frost Fairy can also Gigamax, let's do it together by the way."

The eldest lady glanced at Pikachu in her arms in surprise, and said, "Can Pikachu also be gigantic?"

The secretary asked curiously: "Master Lin, can my Tropical Dragon, Six Tails, and Flower Therapy Ring be Gigamax?"

Lin Qiong showed an awkward and impolite smile, and said, "Baa desu, oyster desu!"

"Hey——" the secretary pursed her lips in disappointment, and Nazi who was beside her couldn't help asking, "Then can my Hu Di be gigantic?"

"Hu Di can only undergo mega evolution."

"What about Sun Eevee?"


"Hey——" Nazi made a disappointed voice, but she quickly pulled herself together and asked, "Then is there any superpower Pokémon that can gigantic?"

Lin Qiong couldn't help persuading: "Natzi, Gigamax is only available in the Galar region, and it cannot be used in other regions! So there is no need to force—"

Nazi asked back: "Then why do you want to do it for Gengar, Steel Armor Crow, Pikachu and Frost Milk Fairy?"

Lin Qiong: "Ahem, I can use it, but I can't!"

Nazi raised her eyebrows and said, "I think so too!"

Alright, Nazi has said that, what else can Lin Qiong say?

He rested his chin to recall, then called up the illustration book, and said: "As far as I know, there seem to be only two super-power Pokémon that can gigantic. The demon Brimwen."

After looking at the pictures of the two Pokémon in the Lin Qiong's illustrated book, Nazi said without hesitation: "I see, Brimwen is the only Gigamax Pokémon of the Psychic type? I just had to catch her—"

It seems that under the influence of Lin Qiong, Nazhi also began to care about the appearance of Pokémon.


Yi Ou Lupu is crying?It's really crying!

Chapter 0060 arrived in the Galar area

Galar region.

Water boat town.

"Absolutely—" Lin Qiong stretched his old waist after getting off the ship, and complained: "I can only come by ship, I am convinced."

Originally, Lin Qiong and others planned to take a plane to the Galar region, but they were told that the Galar region currently does not have air routes to other regions, so they had to divert to the waterway.

I will really thank you.

The key point is that the Galar area is quite far from the Fengyuan area, so Lin Qiong and others had to float on the sea for a week before arriving at Shuichou Town, which was really too much for them.

Nazi didn't seem to care much, she said, "Compared to this, when will we go catch juvenile tits and Brimwen?"

Are you impatient too?

Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose and said, "At least take a day off! I can't wait to sleep on a bed that doesn't shake."

The secretary showed an approving expression, and said: "You really should have a good rest, the young lady's skin is getting worse! This is terrible——"

Hearing this, the eldest lady couldn't help but raised her hand to touch her smooth and delicate cheeks, and muttered, "Has my skin deteriorated?"

Lin Qiong smacked his lips and said, "Is Erina's skin getting worse? That's not good! Rest quickly! Let the big milk tank give her the whole milk bath! It's so tender!"

Nazi complained: "Using a big milk jug to make a milk bath is not such a luxury, is it? It's too wasteful."

This kind of behavior is equivalent to heating Fiji water and pouring it into the bathtub to take a bath. It is something that even Wang Sicong can't do-oh, he has the money, but he must feel that this kind of behavior is very stupid.

Lin Qiong was taken aback, and then asked, "Why do you think it's a waste?"


Now it was Na Zi's turn to be stunned, and she asked back, "Why don't you waste it? Shouldn't the water be drained after taking a shower?"

Lin Qiong pretended to be surprised and said: "Who told you to let it go? This is Erina's bath water. How many people can't get it if they want it? I want to collect it and drink a bottle every day!"

"Wow——" Na Zi couldn't hold back anymore, she couldn't help but rubbed her arms, and said, "You bastard, are you getting too big?"

The eldest lady couldn't hold back any longer, she stretched out her hand to grab Lin Qiong's ear, and said through gritted teeth, "My boyfriend, what are you doing!?"

Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady innocently, and said, "But the bath water of a beautiful girl is considered a reward in our circle—"

You say yes, Sora-kun who thinks that the water sprayed out of the beautiful girl's mouth is also a reward!

"What kind of circle is there to have such a strange reward!!" The eldest lady put her head in her hands and said, "Could it be that my boyfriend has become a wife? Don't, don't do that kind of thing——"

Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady's appearance of wanting to cry, and couldn't help coughing dryly twice, and said, "I'm just joking! I haven't changed so much!"


"Bidin is really real!"

The eldest lady was obviously relieved, but the secretary beside her showed a disappointed expression, which Nazi couldn't understand but was shocked.

"It's not good, this team is not good—" Nazi's pupils were shaking.

After Lin Qiong comforted the eldest lady, he put his hands on his hips and said, "Okay! Let's go to the Pokémon Center to rest for a while! Then we are going to look for Juvenile Tits and Brimwen!"




Pokémon Center, in the backyard.

"A Pokémon suitable for being a housework helper?" Lin Qiong, who was playing with Ibrahimovic and Katie, raised his head and looked at the secretary who asked the question, "Why did you suddenly ask this question?"

The secretary rubbed his wrist helplessly, and said: "After all, I am positioned as a support member of the team, but if I am alone, I always feel that the workload in the future will become very heavy—"

Don't look at Lin Qiong's team now has only three people (not counting Nazi), but along with their journey, the number of people in the team will definitely increase, and by that time, can the secretary still be in charge of everyone's logistics?

Not only in the future, but even now, the workload is not small - among other things, just preparing the ingredients every day is a lot of work. Who makes everyone want to eat different things?

Even a restaurant will prepare one or two helpers to handle the ingredients, right?You can't let the chef cook and chop vegetables at the same time, how busy that is!

Obviously it's impossible, she's not a completely cool secretary, she's just a young lady who recommends someone.

"Well, that's a problem..." Lin Qiong touched his chin.

Although the problem raised by the secretary can be guaranteed by increasing the logistics staff, since the problem can be solved with Pokémon, why blindly increase the number of team members?

"Housework is good at taking care of people, right?" Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "This is about Ms. Joey's partner Pokémon!"

Nazi asked, "Lucky eggs?"

Lin Qiong nodded, and added: "Lucky eggs and happy eggs are just one of them. In other areas, there are almost dolls and fat Keding as Dandang, while in the Alola area, there are flower therapy rings. You also saw it in the Leer area just now, it is a kind of Pokémon called Aiguanshi."

"A flower therapy ring?"

The secretary's eyes widened and she looked at her wrist, while the flower therapy ring that had been hanging on it looked at her innocently.

"She still has the ability to take care of others, why didn't I know?"

The main reason is that the flower therapy ring itself is so small, the secretary really can't imagine the picture of this guy struggling to chop vegetables with a kitchen knife, it's a bit magical.

Lin Qiong said dumbfoundedly: "No, no! The caregiver mentioned here refers to being good at treatment and taking care of patients! Have you forgotten that Huanhuan is a nanny?"

"Oh——" the secretary nodded suddenly.

Nazi added: "However, besides the flower therapy ring, the other types of Pokémon seem to be able to take care of the logistics—"

From this point of view, it seems that only the flower therapy ring stretches the crotch the most?

Thinking of this, several people couldn't help but look at the flower therapy ring on the secretary's wrist.


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