Hua Huanhuan showed a QAQ expression, she looked at the secretary with aggrieved eyes, "Master, it's useless for them to despise me!"

"Don't look at the flower therapy ring like this—" the secretary hurriedly covered the flower therapy ring on her wrist with her hand, and said, "She is a healer, and it's fine if she knows how to heal! It's obvious that other Pokémon are not doing their jobs properly." !"


Yep!It is they who do not do their jobs properly!Hmph, it's all introverted!Damn it!

Flower Therapy Huanhuan couldn't help but think of the time when she was at Alola's breeding base. Her friend in the same dormitory once said to her, "I am practicing the stunt of turning the flower rope with a vine whip. I will definitely make Miss Joy's eyes light up." Choose mine from the ring group.”

Damn it, have you been introverted since birth?

Fortunately, I followed the master!

The flower therapy ring is perfect for centering.

While the secretary was comforting Hua Huanhuan, Nazi at the side said, "Fei Shazi, if you want to choose a new companion, I suggest you choose Ai Guanshi—"


The secretary raised his head, looked at the profile of Aiguanshi, and said, "Pokémon of super power and normal type——"

"Yes!" Nazi nodded, she blinked and said: "The super power system is very helpful in life!"

Lin Qiong added from the side: "Nazie is indeed right! For example, using superpowers to carry heavy objects, or to clean stubborn stains, or to clean dust is very convenient!"

The eldest lady also said beside her: "Fei Shazi, Dr. Oki's illustrated book also uses the word 'housekeeper' to describe a servant who loves to be in charge. It seems really good."


There is no doubt that the secretary is moved!

She lowered her head and opened the page about Ai Guanshi in the illustrated book, and after carefully browsing it a few times, she raised her head and said seriously: "Master Lin, that's all! Ai Guanshi is really suitable for me!"

No matter in terms of positioning or ability, he is simply the perfect embodiment of a support staff, and a secretary who positions himself as a support staff is a match made in heaven!

"Okay!" Lin Qiong nodded, and he said with a smile: "It just so happens that the love steward is also from the Galar region, so it's great that I don't have to make another trip."

If something like a tropical dragon appeared again, Lin Qiong would be so distressed that he would scratch his bald head!After all, the Galar region is difficult to enter, if you want to score twice...

Tsk, trouble.



After enjoying a perfect lunch, everyone stayed in the room and had a good rest - Nazi was holding the computer to make up time, and the secretary was grooming Pinocchio, Krahe and Katie, Lin Qiong, on the other hand, was playing with the eldest lady and having a two-person trip.

"Talk and talk--"

Geng Gui, who hadn't bubbled for a long time, got out of the shadow with a tired expression, then wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, picked up the Tropical Dragon brand banana on the table and ate it.

"Hey, Geng Gui, why did you come out—" Sensing the coolness, Lin Qiong couldn't help turning his head to look at Geng Gui, and said, "I thought you were still playing with your liver."

In fact, the main reason is that Lin Qiong introduced a game called "Civilization 6" to Geng Gui before. After getting started, Geng Gui had a feeling of being unable to extricate himself. Round", and then one round after another, and the night passed without paying attention.

hateful!Fortunately, Geng Gui is a ghost-type Pokémon, otherwise he would have died of liver!


Geng Gui had a bitter face, and waved his hands aggrievedly.

Woooooo, you don't know how miserable I am recently!

"hold head high?"

Lin Qiong controlled the character to step on the mechanism, and then asked casually: "Could it be that the archive was deleted by mistake? Or did the spectacle mislead the country?"


Geng Gui's expression froze, and then he lay down on the ground in an orz position with tears in his eyes, and let out a miserable cry.

Hey, me, me, my save file, woo woo woo...

Lin Qiong: Good guy, is it true that the save file was deleted by mistake?This is too miserable.

Chapter 0061 You don’t laugh at the flashing toucan, are you laughing at Feng Yuan San?

After learning that Geng Gui might have accidentally deleted his save file, Lin Qiong couldn't help casting a sympathetic look at that time.

It's so tragic. This kind of thing should be one of the worst things for single-player players, right?Especially for a very long game like Civilization, if the save file is accidentally deleted, you may be tempted to give up.

Lin Qiong sighed from the bottom of his heart: "You are too miserable."

"Kou, Koujie——" (┬﹏┬)

Geng Gui couldn't help but choked up, it's better to be the master, he will comfort me!

Really, he was so gentle, I just cried to death.

"Okay, okay, don't be sad——" Lin Qiong turned his attention back to the game, and said, "If you really feel distressed, why don't you play another game for now? Stop playing Civilization! Need for Speed, Horizon Aren’t they all pretty good? And The Witcher, Dark Souls, and Tomb Raider, and Assassin’s Creed are interesting, aren’t they?”

Lin Qiong waited for a few seconds, but did not get a response from Geng Gui. He turned his head in doubt, only to find that Geng Gui had disappeared.


Lin Qiong tapped on his own shadow strangely, and shouted, "Geng Gui, have you gone back?"

A few seconds later, Geng Gui stretched out a small claw, and after making an OK gesture towards Lin Qiong, she quickly retracted her hand.

"Weird, weird, cute--"

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, and continued to play games with the eldest lady.



After enjoying an afternoon of entertainment, the four of them huddled in the room again that night and watched a superhero-style movie on the projector, welcoming the next morning refreshed.

"It seems that today will be a good weather——" Lin Qiong stood at the door of the Pokémon Center, looking at the bright sunshine like Rem's smile, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Going out in this weather will definitely get a big flash!" The blessing of the beak sparrow, and then easily meet the desired Pokémon!"

"Jiujiu—" the Rocket Sparrow on Lin Qiong's head asked curiously.

Why the Blessing of the Flash Toucan?Does the flash toucan have any special meaning?Why not Flash Bidiao?Flash Arrow Eagle?

"Puff hahaha——" Nazi, who was on the side, immediately burst into laughter when she thought that the flashing toucan is another name for the Phoenix King. Sparrow, but another Pokémon."

"Chirp?" Rocket Sparrow tilted his head.

Isn't a flash toucan a toucan? ?Would you like to hear what you are saying?Braised pork ribs are not pork ribs?Wife cake without a wife?No money in your wallet?

Are you kidding me! ?

Lin Qiong was overjoyed, and he took out the illustration book from his pocket with a proud face, and after placing the pictures of Feng Wang and Toucan side by side, he held it in front of Rocket Sparrow, and said with a big smile: "Actually, this is it! Hahaha, Rocket Sparrow, don’t this King Feng and Toucan resemble each other? Hahahaha—”

"Chirp!?" Σ( ° △ °|||) Rocket Sparrow asked tremblingly as a huge exclamation mark popped out of her head.

You, the flashing toucan you mentioned, do you mean... is... the phoenix... the phoenix king! ?

"Hahahaha, the answer is correct -" Lin Qiong was so happy that he laughed loudly: "Every time I share this trivia, it makes me laugh for a long time, hahaha! It's also strange that Lugia, who is also a first-level god, is so Mei, why does Phoenix King have a flashy beak? Especially the dark circles under his eyes are really unbearable——"

"Chirp Chirp!!!" The next moment, Rocket Sparrow pecked at Lin Qiong's head desperately as if going crazy.

You are not allowed to insult King Feng like this——

You hateful human being, die for me——

You will definitely be punished...

"Ahhhh——" Lin Qiong felt the pain in his forehead as if he was about to go bald, and suddenly shook his head as if knocked, trying to shake the Rocket Sparrow down, "You dead bird, you crazy Go! Go down, go down!!"

"Chirp!" Rocket Sparrow was furious.

I won't go down!Die, human!Today you are either bald or dead! !

"Isn't it all my fault! Come down for me, you hateful dead bird!" Lin Qiong was in a hurry, and he shouted: "Yi Bao, let me get this guy down!"


Ibrahimovic nodded, she quickly pounced on Lin Qiong's head, and then stretched out her right hand to take a picture of this stinky bird who dared to hurt her master, but what she didn't expect was that she actually... up?

The rocket sparrow on Lin Qiong's head avoided Ibrahimovic's attack with extraordinary flexibility, and then continued to peck at Lin Qiong's scalp—because he couldn't see the top of his head, Lin Qiong was not sure if he was bald, but There is a saying that pecking like this really hurts!


Lin Qiong grabbed at the head with both hands indiscriminately, but the Rocket Sparrow was like a seasoned Eastern player. It was a slippery game of scraping bullets, and it just managed to thrive under Lin Qiong's attack.

"Chirp—" Rocket Sparrow said proudly.

Give up, you can't catch me!How do you think I escaped?It is this evasion ability!

This dead bird is quite proud! ?

Lin Qiong directly hugged his head with both hands indiscriminately. Facing this rogue's all-round protection, Rocket Sparrow flapped his wings helplessly and left Lin Qiong's head.


You are shameless!A kind of fight with me for [-] rounds!

"Bah, are you a Pokémon fighting against me and a human?" Lin Qiong rubbed his scalp while staring at the Rocket Sparrow angrily, and said, "What a heartless guy! I'll feed you and drink it for you, and why not?" Let you use my hair as a bird's nest, and you treat me like this?"


Obviously you are too much!

"How did I go too far?"


How can you describe Feng Wang with a flashing toucan! ?

"I said Phoenix King, but not you, what are you in a hurry for?"


Master Fengwang is the most worshiped god of all our flying Pokémon!

"Huh? You, a Pokémon from the Kalos area, don't worship Yveltal from the Kalos area, but instead worship Ho-Ou from the city?"


Yveltal is not from Huofei, but King Feng is from Huofei, with the same attributes as me!


Lin Qiong couldn't help but took a deep breath. He stroked his chin thoughtfully, and muttered, "What you said really seems to have a little truth?"

After understanding why Rocket Sparrow was angry, Lin Qiong touched his head helplessly, and said, "Okay, I apologize to you, I shouldn't speak ill of King Feng in front of you, okay?"

Apologize for mistakes.

Although Lin Qiong teased Feng Wang out of no malice, for Rocket Sparrow, who worships Feng Wang, this kind of ridicule is still very harsh.


Are you really serious about apologizing?

"I'm not going to lie to you Pokémon, okay?" Lin Qiong looked at Rocket Sparrow dumbfounded, and said, "Although I just teased Phoenix King without malice, it's a fact that it makes you feel unhappy, and you should apologize .”

Obviously, Lin Qiong's attitude of admitting his mistakes honestly can't be dealt with by Rocket Sparrow. She feels that Lin Qiong has apologized, and if she continues to hold on, will she lose her dignity?


Really know what's wrong?

"Wrong, wrong!" Lin Qiong honestly raised his hands in the mocking eyes of the eldest lady and the secretary, and said, "It's reasonable! I still like Feng Wang, okay? I don't like it." Who in Pokémon would give her a nickname?"


Besides Phoenix King, have you ever given nicknames to other gods?

"Of course! For example, Fengyuan Sansa, the flightless Gulardo, the fat-headed fish's Kioka, and the mega green caterpillar's Raykonza—" Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows and said confidently.

"... Chirp~~~" After a few seconds of silence, Rocket Sparrow suddenly fell to the ground and laughed twitching.

Can't fly, fat head fish, mega green caterpillar, hahaha, are you trying to laugh at me to death and inherit my feathers?

And... Pfft, three fools of Feng Yuan?Ha ha ha ha!

Comparing it with Fengyuan Sansha's nickname, I suddenly feel that the nickname of Feng Wang's Shining Toucan is not so harsh, is it?

"Besides, I also nicknamed Arceus—" Lin Qiong squatted on the ground and put the laughing Rocket Sparrow in his palm, then looked around, and whispered: "It's called Alpaca. !"


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