Alpaca, what's that?

Lin Qiong chuckled, he took the grass mud...I mean the photo of the alpaca from his mobile phone, and then showed it to Rocket Sparrow with a smile.

"Chirp!?" Σ( ° △ °|||) The rocket bird's eyeballs almost popped out, and she flew up from Lin Qiong's palm with flapping wings.

You you you, you crazy! ?You dare to say this kind of joke, aren't you afraid that Arceus will beat you to death if he finds out?

"Ahem, so this is not known by heaven and earth, do you know that we know?" Lin Qiong unscrupulously winked at Rocket Sparrow, and said, "As long as we don't tell, who knows?"

"..." Very regretful, anyway, very regretful.

Just as Lin Qiong was laughing unscrupulously, a gust of wind blew by suddenly, Lin Qiong let out a scream, and then closed his eyes and yelled: "Erina, Erina! I'm blinded by the sand, please help me!" Blow--"

The eldest lady came over holding back her smile, and said, "Is it retribution for you to talk about Arceus behind his back?"

Lin Qiong muttered innocently: "The alpaca is probably still asleep at Mijina, who cares about me—"

The eldest lady gently blew into Lin Qiong's eyes, and said, "Okay, okay! Put this matter aside for now, let's go quickly to find the traces of Brimwen, Escort and Juvenile Tit."

Lin Qiong opened his eyes again, then hugged the eldest lady with a smile, and said, "Oh, my girlfriend is so gentle, I love you to death—"

The eldest lady's face turned red again, and she clutched her chest, soothing her heartbeat: Erina, you have to get used to, get used to this dead straight man's sudden straight ball attack!

Damn it, why didn't I see you being so straight when I confessed it back then! ?

Smelly straight man!


Chapter 0062 Won't there be a Pokémon that is not as good as a giant?

"Chicken tits may be extremely rare Pokémon in other regions, but in the Galar region, they can only be regarded as house birds-that is, small arrow sparrows, peas pigeons, and Bobo are everywhere in the wild. Visible Bird Pokémon."

"So we don't have to focus on juvenile tits, just grab two good ones during the trip! The more important ones are Brimwen and the caretaker—"

"Among them, Briwenm's habitat, I remember, is near Lake Reversing Scale—"

As he said that, Lin Qiong put his eyes on Aninazi of Wakuwaku, and said, "Speaking of which, Nazi, have you thought about what kind of Brimwen you want to catch?"

Nazi: "What are the characteristics of Brimwen? To elaborate—"

Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose to recall, and said.

"The 'Healing Heart' that has a chance to heal your companion's abnormal state."

"'Danger Prediction' that can predict danger."

"And the 'magic mirror' that will reflect the effect of reducing the ability to the user."

After listening to the three introductions, Nazi immediately said without thinking: "Is there any need to think about it? Of course it's a magic mirror!"

"Have eyesight."

"of course--"

The secretary said from the side: "Since we have a plan, let's go now?"




Inverse Scale Lake is located in the northwest of Galar's famous wilderness area. There are a lot of wild Pokémon inhabiting here. For trainers in the Galar area, it is a place that both loves and hates—by the way, In the animation, Xiaozhi and Silly Dog met the gigantic Kirby in the wilderness.

In the carriage of the train, the eldest lady asked puzzledly: "Why is it a place you both love and hate?"

In the eyes of the eldest lady, this kind of area full of wild Pokémon, when converted to the chef's situation, should be a place like "a huge manor filled with all kinds of rare ingredients", right?

Don't you love it?What else do you hate?

Lin Qiong couldn't laugh or cry, pinched the young lady's face, and said, "My stupid girlfriend! Not every wild Pokémon has a temper as friendly as your Pikachu and secretary's tropical dragon! There are some wild Pokémon Pokémon are extremely aggressive—"

This is the reason for "hate", sometimes you are ambitious and ready to go to a wild area to catch a charming cat-ear girl, and hey hey with her!The results of it?As soon as you went out, the muscular Niutou Niang took you back to the stockade, and then squeezed your kidneys...

Really miserable.

The eldest lady was stunned, and she said worriedly: "In this case, will we also be in danger?"

Lin Qiong was not too worried. He pointed at Nazi and said, "Don't underestimate Nazi. Although she is only a gym trainer, with the blessing of superpowers, her trump card Hudi's combat effectiveness Absolutely at the level of a king.”

Hearing this, the eldest lady looked at Nazi, and Nazi gracefully puffed up her chest—see?I am very good!You can worship me a little more!

The secretary saw Nazi's thoughts at a glance, she immediately leaned over, grabbed Nazi's hand seriously, and said, "Nazie-chan, our safety depends entirely on you!"

Ding, Nazi has been encouraged, Nazi's fighting spirit has risen, Nazi's fighting spirit has risen, and Nazi's fighting power has risen!

Ding, Nazi has entered a state of awesomeness.

"give it to me!"

She patted her chest.

"With me here, no Pokémon can hurt you!"

Hearing that Na Zi was so confident, Lin Qiong hesitated for a few seconds, and couldn't help but said, "Where's Hook Soul Eye?"

Ghost Eye is a Pokémon with both evil and ghost attributes. The evil type is completely immune to super-type skills, and both ghost and evil-type skills can cause double damage to super-types.

Apparently, Na Zi knew this too, so after Lin Qiong said the name of Hooking Eye, her confident expression froze slightly, and then she said with a twitching face: "If you can talk, talk a little more, so that others don't misunderstand You're dumb."

Damn it, when you go out to buy groceries, it will rain;

How cruel.



Half an hour later, the four of Lin Qiong got off the car at the station in the wilderness.

"Come out, Hu Di—"

After arriving at the wild area, Na Zi directly threw out her elf ball and released her ace indiscriminately.


Gender: ♀

Rating: 69

Personality: Timid

Ability: Magic Defense

Skills to master: Immobilization, teleportation, phantom light, reflective wall, exchange of venues... (omitted below)

"Hu Di, I will entrust you with everyone's safety later—"


Hu Di held the spoon in his hand and nodded with a serious face. She quietly floated beside Na Zi, looking around with slightly wary eyes.

"Then I too..." The secretary thought for a while, opened the Tropical Dragon's elf ball, and said, "Come out, Tropical Dragon!"

tropical dragon

Gender: ♀

Rating: 47

Personality: bold

Ability: Harvest

Skills to master: Growth, Flying Leaf Storm, Grass Blender, Dragon Dance, Air Slash... (abbreviated below)


The tropical dragon groaned softly, then enthusiastically rubbed his face against the secretary.

The secretary patted Tropical Dragon's side face with a smile on his face, and said, "Okay, okay! Tropical Dragon, we are going to the wilderness later, and everyone's safety will be entrusted to you!"


The Tropical Dragon nodded immediately, then raised its head and looked around.

Hmph, a bunch of rookies!

Seeing this scene, Lin Qiong smiled and knelt down and tapped on the shadow, saying: "Idiot, pig head, work (whiplash)."

Back in the 70th version, Lin Qiong was still a summoner wearing a flower dance spirit, wearing a wild boar suit and a horn to gallop on the continent of Arad. In the end, he still couldn’t escape the temptation of Asuna. After buying the SAO gift bag, he invested in The embrace of the sword hero, finally reached its peak in the Pray version, and died on the eve of level 100.

Geng Gui

Gender: ♀

Rating: 59

Personality: Timid

Ability: Cursed Body

Skills mastered: Tongue Licking, Shadow Ball, Black Gaze, Song of Death, Night Shadow, Flame Fist... (abbreviated below)

"Mouth Jie—"

A few seconds later, Geng Gui jumped out of the shadow with his hands stretched upwards, and then waved his right hand towards Lin Qiong with a smile.

Oh, don't worry, I will protect you!

"Okay!" Lin Qiong slapped Geng Gui and said, "Please!"


Geng Gui nodded. She patted her chest first, and then made a boxing motion. After swishing a few punches, she turned sideways and gave Lin Qiong a thumbs up.

Seeing that the three of them summoned their bodyguards one after another, the eldest lady looked down at the elf ball in her arms——

Cream Milk Fairy (Lv.11), Ice Six Tails (Lv.7), Pikachu (Lv.22), Ugly Fish (Lv.9).

None of them looked like they could be used in this kind of situation.

The eldest lady said to herself: "Should I also catch a Pokémon with combat power?"

You can't hold everyone back just because you don't have fighting ability at the critical moment, right?In the past, when she read shoujo comics, there would occasionally be scenes where the heroine was caught by the villain and used to threaten the hero. Although the danger was eventually saved, the young lady was often very unhappy when watching such plots.

She didn't want to be such a heroine.

"Oh?" Lin Qiong, who heard the eldest lady talking to herself, came over, and said curiously: "Is Erina planning to catch a Pokémon with good strength? Yes—"

The eldest lady said with some embarrassment: "It's just that I have this idea! After all, I don't want to become the one who drags me down in the future—"

The secretary hurriedly expressed his opinion: "Miss, we won't think that you are holding back!"

"But I would feel that—" The eldest lady shook her head and said, "For example, there are bad guys, and you all have Pokémon protection, but I was attacked and caught because I didn't have a strong partner. And being used to threaten you—I can't bear the sight of that."

Lin Qiong nodded slightly, and said, "From this point of view, it is indeed necessary to equip you with a more powerful Pokémon."

The eldest lady tucked her hair behind her ears and said, "Now let's help Nazi capture Brimwen! As for my new partner, it won't be too late to wait until I meet the right one——"

Although it is said that planning in advance can lead to certain preparations, but no matter how good the plan is, it can't keep up with the changes, right?What if the eldest lady is ready to catch the three evil dragons, but a black mega green caterpillar turns around and takes a fancy to the eldest lady's cooking skills, what if she wants to be a licking dog?

Then you have to subdue it?



The wilderness area is more like a world map in the game. Wild monsters will not be spawned in it, and elites and even lord monsters will occasionally be refreshed-referring to the Pokémon that accidentally became extremely large due to the leakage of extremely large energy .

"so big--"

The secretary stared dumbfounded at the gigantic Kirby, and at the size of a small mountain, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Tuigui, with such a large size, how much food does it have to eat—" Lin Qiong shook his head loudly, and said, "I can't even feed the gigantic Frost Milk Fairy?"

The eldest lady slapped Lin Qiong angrily and said, "What are you thinking? How can you feed Frost Milk Fairy to others!"

Frosty Milk Fairy is so cute, how can I eat Frosty Milk Fairy?

"Haha, just kidding—" Lin Qiong stretched out his hands to cover the face of the eldest lady, and said with a smile: "After all, the shape of the Frost Fairy really looks like a strawberry cake—"

The normal form is nothing, but the Frosty Fairy after Gigamax is simply the kind of multi-layered cream cake suitable for weddings, and it looks delicious.

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