Nazi couldn't help wiping off her cold sweat, and said, "Let's take a detour! A Pokémon of this size would be a disaster if it moves—"

Unlike in the animation, this Snorby did not block the track of the train, but lay very peacefully in the wilderness area, there is no need to disturb him.

After coming to a safe distance, Na Zi looked at Lin Qiong with bright eyes, and said, "Is this Gigamax? It can become so big, isn't it too powerful? Could it be that all Gigamax Are they all that powerful?"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows and said, "The same thing about Gigamax and Gigamax is that it will greatly increase the Pokémon's physical strength. The difference is that the special moves used after the change have different effects."

So there really isn't a Pokémon whose Gigamax is weaker than Gigamax, right?

You said yes, Steel Aluminum Dragon?

So no one should choose to let their steel and aluminum dragon perform a Gigamax that is weaker than Gigamax, right?

You say yes, Chibana?

Chapter 0063

Although I learned from Lin Qiong that Gigamax is not necessarily stronger than Gigamax, this news does not dispel Nazi's enthusiasm—for her, Gigamax or Supergiant Whether Juhua is strong or not is one thing, but whether it is interesting is another!

Who can resist the fact that taking their Pokémon back and then throwing it back, it will take a new form and unleash new moves?

This variation might be overly complicated for small children, but it's just right for adults.

"Hmph, hum, hum—"

Nazi was walking at the front of the team while humming a brisk ditty, while the greedy chinchillas and scouts who jumped out around them were controlled by Hu Di's thoughts before they could yell out, and then flew into the air. A set of the ultimate storm blasting drum washing machine was dizzy, and finally was ruthlessly thrown to the side of the road, just like the orcs in the butter who had been patronized by the elves.

It's really appalling.

Lin Qiong took the eldest lady's hand, and said in a speechless voice: "Nazie's interest is too high, so it feels like we have no chance to make a move at all."

The eldest lady glanced at him and said, "Isn't this better? Save some energy."

Lin Qiong puffed his mouth and said, "That's right, but... ah!"


The eldest lady and the secretary suddenly looked at Lin Qiong who looked dazed. What new things did this master discover?

"I suddenly thought of another reason for ordinary Pokémon trainers to travel—" Lin Qiong turned to look at the eldest lady, and said, "Because of fighting, fighting! Ordinary trainers will definitely meet with you during their travels." At this time, Naz is the same, fighting with different wild Pokémon, and this kind of battle will undoubtedly make the Pokémon they have stronger—”

The secretary also showed a dazed expression, and said, "So that's it! It's because you don't participate in battles frequently, that the Pokémon level of Missy is generally low?"

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "That's the truth."

The eldest lady asked: "Then do I want to let Pikachu and Krahe fight more and raise the level?"

"I think it's ok! If you're afraid of trouble, you can still get rid of Dr. Omu—" Lin Qiong tilted his head and glanced at his girlfriend's face, which was so delicate that Internet celebrities couldn't even P out, and said, "Dr. Oki You’ve also been to the backyard of your house, it’s a real treasure, there are all kinds of Pokémon with various attributes, characteristics, and levels, and you can even go from getting started to burrowing there.”

The eldest lady squeezed Lin Qiong's hand angrily, and said, "Can't you say something nice from the beginning to the entry?"

"Then, from being unable to beat anyone, to being unable to beat anyone?"


Nazi in front of her was hit by the joke again, and she let out a "goose goose goose" laugh, making Lin Qiong cover her face.

I’ll call you trash fish from now on (laughs).

The eldest lady nodded, then followed Lin Qiong's footsteps and walked slowly in the kingdom of monsters thoughtfully, seemingly thinking about something.

Lin Qiong turned his head, looked at her and asked, "What's wrong? What are you thinking?"

"I was just thinking, although improving the strength of Pokémon can give us a certain degree of safety, but..." the eldest lady hesitated for a few seconds, and continued: "But we can't always rely on the power of Pokémon, can we? Wouldn't it be better to master some combat power?"

Lin Qiong blinked, as if he didn't expect the eldest lady to come up with such an idea.

Seeing that he didn't reply, the eldest lady immediately tilted her head to look at him, and asked, "What's wrong? Am I wrong?"

"No, you're right." Lin Qiong smiled, looked at the young lady's eyes that looked like the most exquisite amethyst, and said in a low voice: "Actually, I have considered the issues you have considered— —After the trip to the Pokémon world is over, I am going to go to a world where I can exercise my strength."

The eldest lady's eyes widened a little, and she didn't expect Lin Qiong to have such a plan long ago.

"Surprised?" Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, he gently pinched the young lady's face with the other hand, and said, "Since I have become your boyfriend, I can't be as bad as I used to be. A man worthy of you, right?"

The eldest lady's palms tightened subconsciously, and she whispered, "I don't think you're not good enough for me."

Lin Qiong did not continue to entangle on this topic, but took advantage of the situation and said: "The next world is a world that can cultivate the foundation of military power. I need to lay a solid foundation there before going to the world beyond."

After the eldest lady realized that Lin Qiong already had enough plans, she pursed her lips and said, "Since you have plans, then I can rest assured."

The secretary reminded from the side: "Well, although the two of you are talking about very important things, Nazi-chan seems to have gone far, do we really not have to catch up?"

Grass, hurry up!



Under the protection of the three big men (referring to Hu Di, Geng Gui and Banana Dragon), the group came to the vicinity of Nilin Lake without any danger.


Nazi stretched her waist, and then said excitedly: "Is this the Nilin Lake? Brimwen's habitat!"

Looking forward to wow!

Lin Qiong glanced at Nazi, who seemed to be possessed by Anya, and asked, "Speaking of which, are you planning to capture Brimwen directly, or to capture Brim?"

"Hmm—" Nazi thought for a few seconds, and said, "Let's catch a Miblime! The wild final evolved type is a waste of talent after all, I'd better cultivate it from scratch."

Sufficient nutrition, proper combat and perfect healing conditions are all essential factors for Pokémon to achieve the most perfect growth, but it is difficult for wild Pokémon to obtain sufficient nutrition.

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "Then let's begin!"

Next, it's Nazi's showtime!

The method Nazi chose was very simple and rude. After she released her Hudi, she first used mega evolution, and then blessed her superpower on Mega Hudi, making it enter an overclocking state!

Then, like Lance who broke into the cave of the monster girl, she swept away all the Brimwen in the Niulin Lake with a violent attitude, and beat this group of enchanting Pokémon to their parents. .

"It's too cruel." Lin Qiong smacked his lips.

The secretary said sourly from the side: "Master Lin, you don't think you're sighing so much because you think Brimwen is so good-looking?"

One thing to say, Brim and Shanaido, like Xanadu, belong to the kind of Pokémon that "even if they are Pokémon, it's not bad".

By the way, Brim is a Pokémon species with only "♀", just like the big milk pot, and its counterpart is Ken Taro and the long-haired troll with only "♂"!So you don't have to worry about encountering Brimwen with a large rhizome just like Xanadu with a large rhizome.



After Lin Qiong heard the secretary's words, he immediately raised his hand with a black face and gave her a slap, and said, "What are you thinking about in your little head? I have a lovely girl like Erina My friend, how could I attack Pokémon!?"

Sajia is not taught by the God of Sadness! ?I'm only interested in the beast ear girl, not the beast itself, okay? ?

When the eldest lady heard Lin Qiong's words, she showed a sweet smile.

"It's over, it's over—" The secretary held his forehead and said with a sigh of relief: "That's good! I thought Master Lin had strange interests!"

"It seems that there is no such thing?"

Lin Qiong said thoughtfully, and then subconsciously glanced at the young lady's legs, the fiery gaze immediately made the young lady feel as if her legs were burned.

Not only that, but she also thought of the "compensation" that Lin Qiong proposed last time. The shyness that seemed to penetrate into her heart instantly made her cheeks and even the tips of her ears smudged into a pale pink that was more beautiful than cherry blossoms.

For a moment, Lin Qiong couldn't help but be dazed.

As if feeling Lin Qiong's gaze, the eldest lady moved her eyes nervously, and then whispered, "You, what are you looking at?"

Lin Qiong withdrew his gaze with some reluctance, then coughed, cleared his throat, and said, "I..."

At this moment, along with the sound of hurried footsteps, Nazi's figure broke into their sight.

"Erina! Lin Qiong! You look-"

What Lin Qiong wanted to say was stuck in his throat. After he looked helplessly at the eldest lady and smiled, he looked in Nazi's direction—I saw that Nazi was running quickly holding a small pink ball come over.

Wait, pink?

"Good guy——" Lin Qiong's eyes widened, and he said, "Blim, a fan of different colors!?"

Only the heterochromatic blime is pink all over!


Nazi held up the baby in her hand, and said: "After I beat up all the Brimwens here, I told them that I want to keep fascinating Brim as one of my main players, and they discussed it. After a while, give this little cutie to me!"


The sideburns on the side of Mibrim's face lifted up by Nazi waved towards Lin Qiong and others like hands.

Hello, I'm Brim!

"Hiss, magic mirror characteristics, calm personality?"


"Tuigui, what kind of luck are you doing?"

Different color, Mengte, right personality! ?

This is reality, not a game where you can use props to dye flashes, change characteristics, and change character! ?

Are you hanging up?

"Luck, it's all luck—" Nazi rubbed the fan Blim in her arms, and said, "She's so cute!

Lin Qiong couldn't help giving a thumbs up and said, "Your luck is a bit against the sky."

Referee, I will report someone cheating here with my real name!

Chapter 0064

After learning from Lin Qiong how rare it was for Nazi to get Mibrim this time, the eldest lady and the secretary looked at each other in dismay.

The secretary nana said: "In this world, is it so easy to obtain Pokémon?"

Just, find the habitat, and get it?

Lin Qiong glanced at the secretary, then pointed in Nazi's direction, and said, "If you are like Nazi, you have a Pokémon that is guaranteed to be the main force of the king, and it can also mega-evolve, and your own super The ability also has the level of a king, and if you can also bless it on your Pokémon, you can also be so simple."

The secretary heard Lin Qiong's subtext, and replaced it with the saying of the food halberd world, that is, if you have the tongue of God like the eldest lady, then it will be so easy for you to learn cooking skills.

She couldn't help sticking out her tongue, and said, "Well, it turns out to be Superman's privilege."

"Then there will only be juvenile tits and love guards, right?" After catching the desired Pokémon, and it is such a rare color, Nazi is obviously in a particularly good mood, "Where does love caress usually inhabit? ?”

It looks like you are ready to go all out?

Lin Qiong rubbed his brows and recalled: "Well, like Lucky Eggs and Happy Eggs, Ai Guan Si is also a rare and wild type of Pokémon—"

It's just that the Lucky Eggs and Happy Eggs are surrounded by the Joey family, and the number of wild eggs in the outside world may be less than a hundred. However, Ai Guan Shi is naturally close to humans, so it is almost impossible to see them in the wild.

Nazi frowned and said, "You mean, we can only find Joy in the Galar region?"

Lin Qiong rubbed his head in some distress. He crossed his arms and recalled the refresh location of Ai Guan Servant in the game, but he also knew that this could only be used as a reference—the game was completed in order for players to catch Pokémon. In the illustrated book, there are even Phoenix King, Rogia, Flightless, Fathead Fish and so on in the crown of snow, but in reality, even if you think about it, you know it is impossible.

'It can only be used as a reference like Brimwen's habitat? ' Lin Qiong squeezed his chin.

In Kanto, Johto and other areas, Lin Qiong can determine the habitat of Pokémon. On the one hand, there are games as a reference, and on the other hand, the information provided by Dr. Oki; Lin Qiong can only use the game as a reference, but fortunately, Brimwen's habitat seems to be the same as the game.

However, the rarity of Ai Guan Si is much higher than that of Brimwen in reality, so I really don't know if it was rounded up like a big milk jug.

'The Habitat of the Lover, I remember it was seemed to be...'

It's no wonder Lin Qiong couldn't remember for a while!

He remembers where the tropical dragon is because the tropical dragon is the universal tool pet of the emerald. Every time he plays the emerald (origin red and blue), he will catch a tropical dragon to learn secret skills!

He remembers where Brimwen is because Brimwen is very beautiful, and when he was playing Sword and Shield, he once formed a big beautiful team - West Lion Sea Ren, Shining Xanadu, Brimwen , Fairy Eevee, Diancie and Magearna.

But love to wait...

He really hasn't paid much attention to it, and he really can't remember it for a while.


Just as he was thinking hard, Mibrim in Nazi's arms let out a baby-like cry.

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