Are you looking for a caregiver?We have it here!

"Huh?" x4

Even Nazi didn't react for a while.


Right here, there is Aiguanshi!




In Nilin Lake, there are wild love stewardesses... No, is it true or not?

Lin Qiong turned on the computer subtly, and after searching the wiki, he found that it was really like this - Ai Guanshi is in the setting of Sword and Shield, and will be refreshed in the Lost Light Forest and Nilin Lake.

Good guy, it belongs to yes.

The secretary squatted on the ground, she looked at Mibrim in front of her, and said softly: "Little guy, can I ask you to take us to the caretaker?"


give it to me!

Mibrim nodded her head, and she walked towards the depths of Lake Reversing Scale—the habitat of the Brimwen clan—with her short legs, pattering small steps. .


'Okay, that's a bad idea--'

Seeing Mibrim's pitiful forward speed, the four couldn't help showing expressions that couldn't bear to look directly at them.

With a face full of shame, Nazi stretched out her hand to hug Mibrim, and said, "Let me carry you there!"

If Mibrim was allowed to walk there by himself, it might take 10 minutes to walk 20 minutes——in a sense, this is also the tragedy of short legs.


There was sadness in the corner of Brim's eyes, she nodded, and then clenched her temples - I must work hard to evolve into Brim as soon as possible!In this way, I will have proud long legs!



Led by Mibrim, the crowd came to Brimwen's habitat, and made a request to the head of the Brimwen clan to find a caretaker.

The secretary said seriously: "Please, please give us at least one chance to meet!"

Bremwen, who exuded the gentle and charming temperament of a big sister like water, tilted her head, her eyes slightly curved, nodded gently, and said: "Li——"

All right, come with me.

For the sake of my precious daughters, let's take them to meet.

The secretary raised his head in surprise and said, "Thank you so much!"


Pikachu breathed a sigh of relief, the serious atmosphere just now made her feel uncomfortable, even the ketchup in her hand was not so delicious.


"Don't worry, Pikachu." The eldest lady gently stroked Pikachu's head, and said with a smile, "Fei Shazi will be fine!"

Under the leadership of Brimwen, the four of them passed through Brimwen's territory and came to the depths of Nilin Lake, which is also the most central location - this location is almost adjacent to all the large and small areas of Nilin Lake. Big power.

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, and said, "As expected of a doctor, he can get along well in various places—"

There are only a few Pokémon with healing abilities - after all, there is no convenient skill machine in reality. Pokémon learn skills either through continuous practice, or by being taught by others, or by tapping into the power of their blood.

This also makes Pokémon with healing ability extremely rare, let alone in the wild where competition is more intense, so any Pokémon with a little brain will not provoke doctors.

After all, if the doctor does not save you, you will really be sent.

Sure enough, when Brimwen led them there, she happened to see a female love care attendant releasing healing waves, and the object of her healing was a huge rogue panda.


Brimwen stopped, and after she glanced in the direction of the attendant, she nodded towards the secretary and the others, and then quietly chose to leave like Mrs. Hei.

"Speaking of which, it seems that Brimwen can also learn to heal fluctuations..." Lin Qiong looked at Brimwen's back and blinked his eyes, "That's right, Brimwen doesn't seem to be gentle. '

Don't just look at Brimwen's weak and lovely appearance and think that they are the kind of gentle and watery Pokémon!Brimwen is known as the "Silent Pokémon" because they like a quiet environment. If someone breaks the silence or makes a noise without thinking, then Brimwen will be merciless s attack.

With such a habit, it is naturally impossible for Brimwen to release healing skills for Pokémon of other races like the kind-hearted caretaker!They are probably the kind of self-cutting Pokémon that enclose the land.

"I'm fine—"

When the healing wave was released, the rogue panda got up from the ground, and after moving his shoulders, he happily raised his hands and made a strong movement.

"Thank you doctor—"

He hugged the caretaker on the side happily, and before he could say anything, the male caretaker on the other side hit him in the head with a shadow ball. The rogue panda gave a fake scream and then fell down. On the ground.

The male caretaker seemed not enough to relieve his anger, his hands were brewing a magic flash, and he grinned and said: "You brat, what are you doing hugging other people's wives!? Sinai!"

Turtle, the fairy type is four times stronger than me, so I can't suffer this time!

The rogue panda immediately got up, then ran towards the distance with his head in his hands, shouting: "I was wrong! I will hug you next time!"



The rogue panda pounced forward, hugged his hands and feet together, and rolled away with a grunt.

Hey guys, the rogue panda used "rolling", which is a biological miracle.


The male caretaker is obviously a bad tempered man. He looked at the back of the rogue panda leaving cursingly, and said, "Next time you treat him, give him a magic flash!"


The female love steward covered her mouth and smiled lightly, and said, "That's what he is like, you don't know?"

Just know to be angry!Dog stuff a few times!Brainless brat!

Ai Guan waiter bared his teeth and stared at the direction where the rogue panda was leaving, as if he didn't think it was enough to relieve his anger, he punched Kong Kong twice fiercely in that direction, and said: "Next time I come, I will let him eat a big casserole." Fist!"

Come on, you guy with an attack race value of only 65, you still think about your magic sparkle.

After venting his dissatisfaction, the stewardess turned his head with his hands on his hips, then looked at Lin Qiong and others with strange eyes, and said, "Why do humans appear here?"

The secretary took a deep breath, she understood that the help others could give her was over, and the next road...

She can only rely on herself!

Chapter 0065 the top sick girl

Lin Qiong squatted on the ponytail, licked melon seeds, leaned into the ear of the eldest lady, and whispered, "Do you think the secretary can handle it?"

The eldest lady looked in the secretary's direction, obviously very worried, but said firmly: "Fei Shazi is my approved follower, there is absolutely no problem!"

'No problem, no problem, just don't pinch me——'

Lin Qiong looked at his arm with a bitter face, and he recalled the trial that crossed the arm injury when he met Geng Gui.

"Booy Booy—"

Ibrahimovic looked at Lin Qiong's arm with some distress, but she didn't have healing skills, so she could only rub Lin Qiong's chin and comfort him with her body.

"Wuuuu, Yi Bao is so caring—" Lin Qiong touched Ibrahimovic's hair, then buried his face in Ibrahimovic's back, and took a deep breath.

was healed.



"Please, please give me a chance!"

The secretary looked firmly at the carefree couple in front of her.


The husband folded his arms and shook his head impatiently, as if he wanted to drive the secretary away.

"Yesa, Yesa—"

But the wife stopped him and said something to her husband in a low voice.

"Yesa?" The husband hesitated for a few seconds, then looked suspiciously at the secretary, then at his wife: "Yesa! Yesa Yesa—"

Hearing her husband's words, the wife couldn't help being silent for a few seconds before saying, "Yesa!"



The eldest lady couldn't help but asked Lin Qiong: "He, what are they talking about?"

I don’t understand it at all, so what’s going on?

"The male patriarch says his offspring don't need a human trainer."

"The female caretaker said, does he want his children to stay in the wild all their lives like them?"

"The male caretaker said, even if this is the case, is she really qualified to take care of them?"

"The female caretaker said, let her try it?"

After listening to Lin Qiong's translation, the eldest lady's tension seemed to ease a little, and she asked in a low voice: "So, Fei Shazi has already got a chance to be tested!"

The worst thing in this world is not failure, but that you don't even have the chance to try!

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "She will definitely be able to."

Come on, Natsumi... Fei Sazi!



In the expectant expression of the secretary, the loving care waiter and his wife brought two love care waiters who were only a little smaller.


The husband folded his hands on his chest, pointed his chin in the direction of his secretary with a displeased face, and said to his son, "Yesa, Yesa, Yesa!"

This is the man!Whether or not she is eligible for your approval is up to you to decide!


The caring mother took her husband's hand, and then gently said to her children: "Yesa, Yesa—"

Don't worry about our feelings, as long as it is someone you recognize, it is the best candidate.


The two little love servants looked at each other, then nodded, and walked to the secretary at the same time.

"Yesa—" Brother Aiguanshi looked at the secretary's face and asked softly: Do you like fighting?


The secretary obviously couldn't understand the language of Pokémon, but somehow understood the meaning of love and care.

She shook her head lightly and said, "I don't like fighting, but I won't refuse to fight because of it."

Her identity is the secretary of the eldest lady and Master Lin, their follower, and their attendant!Fighting is not her duty, but that doesn't mean that she won't stand up to protect the eldest lady in critical moments - if the eldest lady needs her protection.


If so what do you like?

"Things I like..." The secretary was a little dazed. After thinking for a few seconds, she replied, "Probably cooking, and... everything with the young lady, right?"



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