Since when did such a sun appear in his sight?

It should start from the first time I saw her, right?

The beautiful and smooth blond hair, the haughty expression, and the pair of clear and wanton violet eyes made her "love at first sight".

After that, she understood her identity, she was the "attendant" of the eldest lady, responsible for handling everything around her.

She didn't feel ashamed or inferior at all, on the contrary, she was secretly pleased and proud.

Only I am qualified to be by her side, only I am qualified to handle affairs for her, only myself.

For her, the greatest happiness is to follow the young lady and hear her call herself "Fei Shazi", and then she will reply "Missy, I am here!" in a passionate voice.

Missy is the best, Missy is the most shining, Missy is her sun.

Later, the man appeared.

He is completely different from the eldest lady and those noble boys he knows, he truly treats everyone equally - he will call the demon king of food "Master Nakiri", and he will also be kind to the aunt who is responsible for sweeping the floor of the Nakiri family Say "Good morning, auntie".

Under his influence, the eldest lady, who was like a proud hedgehog with fur, seemed to have undergone some changes. She became softer, and like that person, she became more gentle in her dealings with others.




After understanding the secretary's inner feelings through the horns on her head, Aiguanshi couldn't help but remain silent for a few seconds.

You like her very much?

"Yeah! I like it the most!"

The secretary nodded vigorously. She likes and admires her eldest lady the most!


So, then your wish is to serve the two people over there?

The secretary nodded vigorously, holding her chest with both hands, and said: "My life, everything I have, has been dedicated to Missy and Young Master Lin, and I will take care of it for them behind their backs." Everything!"

The two caretakers looked at each other, their eyes slightly bent, and then said in unison: "Yesa—"

So, let's take a look at the skills you are most proud of!



Looking at the serious-looking secretary and the two caretakers, the eldest lady couldn't help poking Lin Qiong with her hand, and asked in a low voice, "What's going on? Is it good or bad?"

Lin Qiong blinked and said, "It should be okay? The secretary's answer seems to have hit Ai Guanshi's strike zone."

is not that right?Love stewards themselves don't like fighting. They prefer to serve their masters quietly rather than fiercely fighting. This is why they are called "deacons" and "maids".

Sure enough, after the secretary showed his culinary skills and made an exquisite medicinal meal for the two caring waiters, he immediately captured the mouths...or the stomachs of the two caring waiters.


Then, I will teach you a lot in the future!

The secretary showed a startled expression, because it wasn't Ai Guan Shi's brother or Ai Guan Shi's sister who said this to her, but siblings who spoke together!This means...

Buy one get one free! ?

Brother and sister hands! ?

It's all wings! ?



The secretary here is so happy that his expression is in a trance, while the caring father over there wants to bite his handkerchief.


I'm so stupid, really, I just thought it would be good if one of Hao Daer or Little Pianbao fell in love with her, but I really didn't expect them to fall in love with this human being together!I'm so stupid, really.

That back view is like the aggrieved and sad reminder of Mrs. Xianglin who was thrown upright by the orbital airborne pod.


The caring mother patted her husband's shoulder kissingly, and said softly: "It's okay, wife, don't you still have me?"I will always be by your side--


The caring and caring father is like a frustrated middle-aged man, hugging his wife tightly, choking with emotion.


'Why do I always feel that something is wrong? Lin Qiong rubbed his arm instinctively. He didn't know if it was his illusion. He always felt that this caring mother seemed a little... a little...


Obviously, what the other party showed should be that kind of gentle wife temperament, but Lin Qiong always felt as if he was looking at a sick girl of the highest rank!

This kind of sickness is not the kind of low-rank sickness who "holds a knife and tells you with a distorted smile, if you don't love me anymore", but "treats you as gently as water, Tolerate you, then accept everything about you, and finally push away everything around you silently, making you say 'I only have you left'".

Hiss, why does he look a bit like Saint Hui?

Lin Qiong glanced at Mrs. Ai Guan, and couldn't help but nodded—it really looked like Shengrenhui, she couldn't be really sick, could she?I was worried that my daughter and son would disturb the two people's world, so...

Lin Qiong thought of this, and suddenly found that the caring lady turned her head, and showed him a smile that was unclear but gentle as water.

Lin Qiong shuddered.

Grass, he seems to understand why there are so few wild love stewardesses in Nilin Lake.



"Clap clap-"

Accompanied by a burst of warm applause, Lin Qiong took the lead in raising the juice in his hand, and said, "Let's celebrate the addition of two new partners to the secretary, and also celebrate the addition of the brother and sister Aiguanshi to our team!"



"Mouth Jie—"

"Nest—" X2



The Pokémon all sent out their own celebrations, and this warm reception made the two stewards show happy expressions - stewards, like Gardevoir, can sense the emotions of others, and Lin The friendliness, enthusiasm and goodwill exuded by the Qiong team made them feel extra warm.

The siblings couldn't help but look at each other, it's really great to join this team!


Looking at the fragrant food on the table, the "country bumpkin" brother and sister who grew up eating only tree fruits couldn't help swallowing hard.

Well, it smells so good!

Chapter 0066 Love to take care of my mother: cricket husband, make it right

"Wife, wife——" the father who loves to take care of his wife leaned over to his wife, and said with pitiful eyes: "Why don't we follow along together? Isn't it just being subdued? You feel it too, don't you? That guy The atmosphere of the people is very good, and we have had no problems in the past..."

The caring mother folded her hands on her abdomen, looked at her husband with gentle and doting eyes, and said softly, "Ananda, what's the point?"


Ai Guanshi's father seemed a little shy, he looked around for a while, then leaned into Ai Guanshi's mother's ear, and whispered: "The key is that it's really delicious, isn't it?"

That's true.

Even a caring mother has to admit that the purple-red haired girl's craftsmanship is the best she has ever seen in her life!The energy cube that the other party took out tasted so good that she almost sank.

However, the husband is the most important thing!After finally sending the two brats away, we can live in a world of two, but absolutely not

There was a glint of haze in the eyes of the caring and caring mother, she smiled and held her face in her hands, and said softly: "If it's your decision, anything is fine—"


Ai Guanshi's father was so moved that he choked up, he sniffled, and said, "You've always been like this, relying on me for everything, obviously, obviously I'm so useless..."

The caring mother gently hugged her husband, and while stroking the other's back with her hand, she showed a happy and exclusive smile, and said, "Honey, why are you useless? In my mind , you are the greatest hero—”

"Uuuuuuuuuuuu, my wife—"

Ai Guanshi's father hugged his wife with his backhand, choked up and said, "What can I do to marry you—"

The corner of the mother's mouth curled up in an undetectable arc, and she said softly, "Ananda, because I like you the most—"


Listening to the dependent voice of her husband, I feel very happy to take care of my mother!It's just that there is a slight flaw in this kind of joy.

'To dissuade him from thinking—'

The loving mother lowered her eyelids and said in a low voice, "Ananda, do you want to join that team with the children?"

Ai Guanshi's father was stunned for a moment, and then said hesitantly: "I, I just think those things are delicious..."

Well, my stomach was captured.

Aiguan waiter's mother narrowed her eyes and said, "I'll listen to you in everything! But, if the children are in the same team as their parents, will they feel uncomfortable?"


"Also, if we leave, if the partners of Nilin Lake are injured in the future, who will be responsible for the treatment—"


Hearing the question raised by Ai Guanshi's mother, Ai Guanshi's father showed a hesitant expression.

Is what you eat important, or the future of your own children and these old friends?

He quickly made a decision, and said with a trace of regret: "Forget it, let's not go."

"Well, I listen to you—"

The corner of the mother's mouth showed a happy smile again.

This time, her pleasure was perfect.



The small team, who had no idea that a shocking drama was being staged not far away, was extremely lively at this time.


Pikachu looked at the eating speed of his brother Ai Guanshi and his sister Ai Guanshi with a face of shame.

You can eat too much, right? ?This is the third bowl!No matter how delicious it is, you can't eat it like this!

He completely forgot that the first time he ate the omelet rice made by the eldest lady, he made three bowls with great effort, and then ate it on the spot until he couldn't digest it, and then sent it to the Pokémon Center to resolve the crisis.

Otherwise she might become the first Pikachu ever to be strangled.

It is a funny character.

But in this way, if there is a Holy Grail War in the Pokémon world in the future, then she may be able to become a berserker to participate in the battle-well, eating crazy to the point of death is considered crazy, right?

"Jie jie jie -" the eldest sister Geng Gui looked at the couple worriedly.

You two can take it easy, don't be overwhelmed!In the future, the days will be long, and you can eat it every day!


Brother Aiguanshi put down the bowl in his hand, then burped lightly, reached out and touched his round belly, indicating that he was full.

In fact, it's not that you can't eat a little more, but that will definitely make you feel full, and then you will be the one who suffers!

The big sister is right!From now on, I can eat such delicious food every day, so there is no need to fill myself up, right, sister...


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