My sister, who loves to take care of me, fell down.

She is full.


Sister ah ah ah -




Lin Qiong looked at the caring younger sister who was covering her face with her hands and looked like "let me die", couldn't help but clicked her tongue, and said, "This is the second time I have seen a girl who was put away because of eating Missy's food." Pokémon with a full belly."

"Yesa?" Brother Aiguan twitched his ears.

the second?Who was the first?


Newcomers, don't ask if you shouldn't ask.

"It's Pikachu." Lin Qiong didn't want to give this little guy any face. He said calmly, "On the first day she came, she made three bowls of omelet rice and sent herself to the hospital."


Ugh, my senior image!

Pikachu fell to the ground with a look of lovelessness - she felt that the image of a mature and reliable senior that she had built up with great difficulty was completely gone.


Come on, with your usual energy of acting like a baby in the arms of the hostess, within a day your image of a mature and reliable senior will be gone, okay?


Tropical Dragon nodded.She slowly ate the food prepared by the secretary for her, and narrowed her eyes in pleasure.

Cool!Thanks to my parents for giving me a harvest feature, I love you!


On the other side, the big milk pot who had finished his meal was jogging seriously.

She likes to eat sweets, but due to the lack of high-quality milk in the team, many delicious desserts cannot appear under the hands of the eldest lady, which makes her extremely painful.


Keep exercising, stay in good health, produce milk as soon as possible, and eat his meow!

The big milk pot ran around the camp while cheering himself up.


The Katie dog on the side thought for a while, and immediately followed with a silly smile.

I'll run with you too!I want to exercise and protect my master and mistress!


OK, let's work together!


The Rocket Sparrow sitting on top of her head yawned. She touched her chubby belly and yawned involuntarily.

Amumu, as you get older, you tend to get sleepy when you're full.

Sleep indecision!Good night!

After Lin Qiong noticed the movement in his head, he couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and complained: "This dead bird is full and sleeps, isn't it afraid of being fat?"

The eldest lady held back her smile and covered her face, and said, "I always feel like you and Rocket Sparrow are enemies."

Lin Qiong complained: "My enemy is a hammer, I am obviously an unjust child!"

Let's not talk about providing food and drink for free, but this turtle grandson eats and drinks for nothing, and doesn't know how to be grateful for himself?

What the fuck, why do I feel like a bad guy?

Lin Qiong took out his mobile phone, turned on the front camera, and looked at the Rocket Sparrow, who was sleeping with his head tilted, which was no different from a dead pig. Let's go to the office-"

The secretary at the side blinked at Lin Qiong, and said, "Master Lin, but you promised Rocket Sparrow that you would not subdue her."

Lin Qiong patted his thigh heartbroken, and said, "Hey, I regret it! What did I promise her to do? Find me a living ancestor and come back!"

"Mouth Jie—"

Geng Gui patted Lin Qiong's shoulder with a distressed face and complicated emotions, and said in the tone of a person who has been there: "Boss, sorry! This life is like QJ. If you can't resist, you can only enjoy it!"

Lin Qiong also sighed. He patted Gengar's belly with his backhand and said, "I can only enjoy it - hey, little Gengar, please let me hug you!"

"Yeah -"

Lin Qiong let out a strange cry, then opened his hands and flew onto Geng Gui's body, throwing her to the ground.

"Talk and talk--"

Geng Gui fell to the ground and screamed with a funny face: "Ah, Geng Gui has been defeated!"The effect is outstanding——'


Bu Yi at the side saw this scene, and immediately rushed over wagging his tail, pressing Lin Qiong on top of her.


Lin Qiong let out a strange cry, then stretched out his right hand helplessly, and said to the Katie dog who ran in front of him: "Katie dog, save, save—"

"Wang Woo!"

Katie barked happily, then stuck out his tongue, and licked Lin Qiong's face vigorously amidst Lin Qiong's screams.

"Ah puff puff——"

Lin Qiong wiped his face with his right hand in embarrassment, then struggled to pull his left hand out from under Ibrahimovic's body, and said with a grin: "Katie dog, today I will make you pay the price!"



Kati Gou's brains were almost shaken evenly after being rubbed with the dog rubbing skill. He wobbled and lay on the ground in the shape of a wooden letter, and then let out a mournful cry.

Head, my head is so dizzy!

The eldest lady at the side couldn't help complaining to the secretary: "How old is she, but still like a child."

"Ah yes yes yes—"

The secretary nodded perfunctorily, then glanced at the eldest lady, and said in disbelief: "Miss, can you put away the smile on your mouth?"When you said this before, I could think you looked down on Young Master Lin, but now I just think you are showing your affection! '

Sure enough, every couple will raise a dog, right?The purpose is to consume the dog food produced and abuse single dogs, right?

And I'm that single dog, right?

No way, who made me the eldest lady's dog!

Wang Wu!

Chapter 0067 Do you have to work harder?

After capturing Mi Brim, the team members bid farewell to the Brimwen group and chose to leave directly - the Brimwen race likes to be quiet, and Lin Qiong and his group felt that their group was in a panic. It's better not to go to the other party to disturb other people's leisure.

Just before everyone decided on their next destination, a phone call summoned Lin Qiong and others to Gongmen City.



Gongmen City, the airport.

"Hello, hello——" President Luozi, who was wearing a gray suit with a mustache and a bunch of bohemian bangs, greeted him enthusiastically, and stretched out his hand towards Lin Qiong and others from a distance. "It's been a long time since you all—"

The secretary glanced at Lin Qiong, who was in a daze, and suddenly pushed him from behind with a black line on his face and said: "Master Lin, come on -"

Are you stupid!Obviously, you are the captain of this team!What are you doing here in a daze?


Lin Qiong took two steps forward with a hint of bewilderment, and then shook hands with Chairman Luoz in a daze, like a relative who had been reunited for a long time.

"Uh, you, hello——" Lin Qiong looked at President Luoz in a daze, and said, "Uh, President Luoz specially called us here, what's the matter?"

The secretary covered his face from the side: "Master Lin, you are so tender!"Now he's going to be manipulated by others! '

When Luoz saw Lin Qiong's reaction, he knew that this person was a pure idiot. If he wanted to kill him, he could set a trap with just a few words, but...

He glanced at the secretary who was staring at him, and then said with a smile: "Anyway, you are also the auxiliary researchers specially sent by Dr. Oki to conduct ecological surveys. As the host, I have to entertain everyone anyway." Well!"


Lin Qiong showed a dazed expression, hi, he is familiar with this!Isn't it just dinner?

As soon as he was about to speak, he felt that he was controlled by Nazi's super power, and then he saw the secretary walking out from behind with a smile on his face.

"President Roz, this is our first meeting." The secretary stretched out his right hand gracefully and said, "My name is Nito Hisako, and I am the personal secretary of Master Lin and the eldest lady. I will be the one who will follow. Responsible for negotiating with you——"


Luoz glanced at Lin Qiong, who was still stunned, then focused his attention on the secretary, with a smile that still made people feel refreshed, and said, "Miss Feisha, it's our first meeting."

"Finally, finally someone called me Fei Shazi—"

The secretary was so moved that she choked inwardly.

"Finally, my name is finally not Secretary--"



It has to be said that there is a huge difference between the secretary who has been tempered behind the eldest lady for a long time, and Lin Qiong, who has [-] clones and can't make up a few minds.

After leaving the restaurant, Lin Qiong folded his hands on his chest and said with emotion: "The secretary is really amazing!"

The eldest lady glanced at her boyfriend, and said helplessly, "Don't you just feel this way today?"

Lin Qiong chuckled and said, "I've always known that the secretary is very powerful, but this is the first time I've intuitively realized how powerful she is."

Without bragging, Lin Qiong didn't understand what the secretary, the eldest lady, and President Luoz were talking about at the dinner table. He felt that he was the only one at the dinner table... oh, and there was also Nazi.

Laughing to death, there are two idiots at the dinner table.

The eldest lady couldn't help but smile when she heard Lin Qiong praise her friend, and she said with a hint of pride: "Fei Shazi is amazing!"

Lin Qiong smiled and nodded, then muttered thoughtfully: "Well, do I have to learn about this too? It feels a bit bad to be unable to get in the conversation."

The eldest lady gently took Lin Qiong's hand, and said softly, "I will ask my grandfather to arrange a teacher in this area when I go back."

"Thank you very much." Lin Qiong sighed, rubbed the bridge of his nose with some annoyance, and said, "Hey, I just don't know how much I can learn—I don't even know if I have the talent in this area."

"Master Lin, don't worry! You only need to learn the basics in this area -" the secretary smiled and consoled him: "Have you heard a sentence? The emperor does not need to be omnipotent, he only needs to Put the right people in the right positions and you can rule the world!"

Therefore, Lin Qiong does not need to become a person who is proficient in the emperor's mind, he only needs to learn a basic, to be able to understand "what is being talked about" and "what impact will it have", and the rest will be left to the secretary. The "Military Division" is ready.

Hearing what the secretary said, Lin Qiong breathed a sigh of relief.

He smiled wryly, rubbed his shoulders, and said, "I feel like the burden on my shoulders has suddenly become lighter."

Lin Qiong himself is not a person who is good at playing tricks, and his funny personality is not good at hiding his thoughts—to be reasonable, he is the kind of person who can't hold back his laughter when others are fooled after playing a prank. What to count on others?

So when he realized that he might have to learn something like "Emperor's Heart Technique", he felt a sense of boredom!Fortunately, the words of the eldest lady and the secretary gave him a sense of liberation.



"Actually, President Lotz has nothing special to do with us." The secretary pushed up the flat glasses on the bridge of his nose, trying to look like a "regular secretary" and said, "The main purpose of inviting us here is , or a test——"

Lin Qiong looked strangely at the secretary who had changed into an OL uniform, even her legs were covered with a thin layer of black pantyhose, and then leaned into the ear of the young lady next to her and asked, "Who is the secretary?" What stimulated you? Why did you suddenly change into this outfit?"

Work clothes, black silk, high-heeled shoes, and flat glasses, the secretary at this time looks too "secretary"!

The eldest lady couldn't help but said, "Do you still remember the female secretary who followed President Luoz during the dinner?"

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