"Ah—" Lin Qiong showed a dazed expression, and said, "You mean Olivia?"

The eldest lady glanced at him, and then said sourly: "I remember the name!"

Even the eldest lady has to admit that although the female secretary named Olivia's hairline is more dangerous, but her good figure and those attractive long legs can probably hit her boyfriend's good shot district.

Dead leg control, the traffic password is bare legs, right?A pair of long black silk legs will take your soul away, right?


"After all, she's an important character." Lin Qiong, who didn't notice that the young lady was jealous at all, propped his chin and said, "But how did Olivia irritate the secretary?"

'So it's just because there are many scenes that I remember it? The eldest lady was relieved, and she said softly: "After I came back, Fei Shazi told me that Olivia's mature dress overwhelmed her in temperament, which made her, who is also a secretary, very unwilling."


Lin Qiong revealed an enderman question mark, and he couldn't help but said: "How old is Olivia, how old is the secretary, is there any need for comparison?"

Secretary, a teenage girl, why is she so mature compared to a woman in her 20s or even 30s?Isn't this just looking for trouble?

The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong helplessly, and said, "This is about a woman's self-esteem!"




According to the secretary's summary, the purpose of President Luoz is to test whether Lin Qiong and others have any other purpose in coming to the Galar region—after all, Dr. Oki's application for "ecological observation" is too abrupt. There is no sign at all, which will inevitably make people wonder if there is something hidden.

'Hmph, that slutty man must be worried about our influence or discovering his plan to catch centipedes -' Lin Qiong curled his lips and muttered: "Who cares about breaking a centipede?"

Promise’s racial value exploded on paper, and the combined race value reached 1125 after Promise, but as long as you have played the game, you will understand a sentence, that is, the restraint is greater than the sky, and the special attack is the god of the sun—the paper of Promise’s explosion According to the above data, he happened to meet the two dogs of sword and shield, which not only special attack but also restraint, directly turning Wujitai into a little centipede that day.

The eldest lady moved her ears, she looked at Lin Qiong strangely, and asked, "What did you just say?"

Lin Qiong blinked and said, "I'm thinking about what to eat tonight."

In a person's life, he will encounter three philosophical questions every day, which are what to eat in the morning, what to eat at noon, and what to eat in the evening—of course, some of the special foods may also include what to eat for afternoon tea and supper. What to eat at night.

"You dare to start thinking about what to have for dinner just after lunch?"

"No way, my girlfriend is so good at craftsmanship, she has already transformed me (stomach) into her shape."

"Speak well! Don't use weird terms!"

"Come on! I'll always like Nakiri Erina——"

"Keep your voice down!!"

"I don't!! Me! Forever! Like... ummmmm—"

The eldest lady covered Lin Qiong's mouth with her face flushed, and said anxiously and angrily, "Be quiet for me!"

Why on earth is this person so thick-skinned!


The secretary at the side was moved to the point of gratitude, she sniffed, and then said excitedly: "As expected of Young Master Lin, he easily did what we couldn't do!"

It's so amazing to so easily tug at the young lady's heartstrings!

"And Fei Shazi! Don't fool around with him!"

"Yes, Miss!"

"Don't just promise verbally, remember it in your heart!"

"Yes, Miss!"

"You'll keep that in mind, right?"


"It will, right?"


"Please speak!!"

"I'm sorry, miss."


Today's victory and defeat, Erina's defeat.

Chapter 0068 Gifts

I have to say that although Chairman Luoz is a bit cautious and likes to calculate others, he is really good at being a human being.

"So, this is a gift from him?"

Lin Qiong looked at the gift box sent by the bodyguard in black on the table, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said, "Have you opened it to take a look?"

The secretary shook his head and said with a smile: "Since it is a gift for all of us, it should wait until we are all here before opening it!"

The eldest lady nodded with a smile, and said, "That's right! Only when everyone disassembles it together can there be such an atmosphere!"

Lin Qiong chuckled, then said eagerly, "Then I opened it?"

Nazi urged: "Open it quickly and take a look."

She had wanted to unwrap the presents half an hour ago, but Lin Qiong played too late in the break-up kitchen with the young lady last night, so she didn't wake up until after eight o'clock——Damn it, is it great to have a girlfriend?Believe it or not, I can use my superpower to torture your prostate and make you gay!

At this time, Nazi's heart was filled with rolling black emotions.

"Okay, come on!"

Lin Qiong's movements were quick. He first cut the outer ribbon with a click of scissors, and then tore up the wrapping paper on the surface while shouting "Yiku".

Secretary: "Wow, how rude!"

The eldest lady couldn't help but said: "What a dismantling method without a sense of ceremony!"

Shouldn't the ribbon be untied gently, and then the wrapping paper opened in order! ?Just tear it apart and make trouble!

Lin Qiong said bluntly: "I don't think you guys understand at all! The so-called unpacking of the express delivery is so interesting!"

Sense of ceremony?The sense of ceremony has a hammer!Unpacking express delivery is to be happy!Is it possible that I still have to burn incense and take a bath and then bow three times to ask for my paper cutter?


Under the gaze of the three people, Lin Qiong opened the cardboard box simply and roughly, revealing the contents——

Two Poké Balls, one Beautiful Scale, two Fire Stones and one Ice Stone.

and a greeting card.

Lin Qiong picked up the greeting card and looked at it, then raised his eyebrows, raised his head and waved the greeting card in the hands of the eldest lady and the others, and said, "President Luoz said that when we were having a dinner together yesterday, he saw us There are Six Tails, Cardi Dog and Ugly Fish in the team, so we have prepared suitable evolution props for us..."

The two fire stones are for Pinocchio and Catty Dog; the ice stone is for Krahe; the beautiful scales are for the ugly fish.

"...Besides, he also learned from the secretary that Nazi and I were going to capture a juvenile chickadee with mirror armor characteristics, and he has already prepared it for us." Lin Qiong continued with a look of admiration: "Well, both of them are carefully selected, and they are juvenile tits that have inherited the wind and feathers."

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, the other three couldn't help raising their eyebrows, showing surprised expressions.

Na Zi: "Hiss, this was paid for!"

Although juvenile tits are only Pokémon with the rarity of housebirds, their value has skyrocketed with the addition of Monterrey and the inheritance of tailwind and feather perches!

The secretary has a serious face: "He is a remarkable person."

She told President Roze that her group was just the most ordinary researchers, so they were arranged to conduct ecological research in the Galar region, but even so, President Roze still gave expensive gifts;

The eldest lady picked up the ice stone and the beautiful scales on the table curiously, and said, "With these two things, can Krahe and the ugly fish evolve?"

In this world, there is no such thing as "Pokémon can only understand a certain skill before it evolves", so rich people can even let Liuwei directly evolve and cultivate after the juvenile period is over.

Lin Qiong came over and said: "Krah can evolve directly, but I don't know much about the ugly fish - how to test the beauty specifically, I may have to go back and ask Dr. Omu."

Ashamed, Lin Qiong is not very keen on participating in the beauty contest in the game, so he only knows how to cultivate beauty, but he doesn't know how to test it.

The eldest lady wrinkled her nose and said: "Let's put the beautiful scales on the ugly fish first! If she can evolve, then evolve. If she can't evolve, just continue to cultivate her beauty."

Anyway, the world of Pokémon is not a money-making mobile game like a pig farm or a goose farm. There is no such setting that failure to evolve will consume evolution materials, so you can put beautiful scales directly on the body of the ugly fish.

The secretary also said happily: "Then I will let Pinoxiu evolve later! Small buoyancy will evolve into big buoyancy!"




The eldest lady and the secretary stood in front of Krach and Penosio with expectant faces.



"Evolve!" x2

The two of them coincidentally placed the evolution stones in their hands on the foreheads of the two little buoyants.

The next moment, accompanied by the dazzling white light of evolution, the two small buoyant bodies quickly elongated and grew, their limbs became slender, and the number of tails became more...

After a few seconds, the light dissipated, and two elegant large foxes, one golden and one white, appeared in front of the eldest lady and the secretary.

"Nest—" X2

With a much deeper voice than before, the two foxes stood in front of their masters, looking at them with joyful eyes.

"Okay, so beautiful——"

The secretary murmured.

If Penosio and Krach were as cute as "girls" when they were six-tails, then when they evolved into nine-tails, they were like mature big sisters, exuding a mature, enchanting and charming temperament. .

"Next it's my turn—"

Lin Qiong chuckled, raised the fire stone in his hand, and then said loudly: "Tear open the darkness, burn the heaven and earth, the aloof and absolute king! Tremble under his fierce power that arrogantly looks down on all things! Evolution! Summon! Wind Speed ​​Dog——"

Accompanied by Lin Qiong's chanting, he put the fire stone grace in his hand on the head of the Katie dog, and the same white light as when the six tails evolved just now bloomed from the Katie dog's body.


The moment the light dissipated, the big dog that had evolved into a wind speed dog raised its head to the sky and screamed, and then stood in front of Lin Qiong majestically—and before showing this domineering side for a few seconds, she huffed and huffed. Sticking out his tongue, he looked naive.

"It's become majestic——" Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and stroked Feng Speed ​​Dog's head from left to right, and then said with a smile: "Yo Xi, Xi, Xi, Xi, Xi, Xi, Xi—"

Profound Truth: Rubbing the dog's head in anger!

"Wang woo woo—"

The wind speed dog let out an innocent cry, but judging from the sound, the wind speed dog didn't seem to feel uncomfortable - it seems that after the evolution, the wind speed dog's defense power has increased a lot.

Nazi from the side came over, and after visually measuring the size of Pinocchio, Krahe, and Wind Speed ​​Dog, she couldn't help but said: "It seems that you have raised them well, and they are all over-nourished!"

Secretary: "How do you say that?"

Nazi smacked her mouth and said, "The height of Nine Tails is generally 1.1m, you two are almost 1.4m, and the height of Wind Speed ​​Dog is generally 1.9m, this one of you is already over 2m."

Either way, it's overgrown.

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said proudly: "That's right! Our family's three meals are all made by Baby Erina himself. If you have enough nutrition, of course you will be well developed!"

"It's no longer a question of whether the development is good or not—" Nazi twitched the corners of her mouth, covered her face, and said, "Your Pokémon haven't even done much daily training. Well, it's impossible to grow into this..."

It's like everyone reading Xiuxian novels, no matter how rich you are, if you eat elixir as a snack, then you have to refine it, right?It’s not like playing games and eating experience capsules.

Lin Qiong said without knowing why: "Can't you?"

Nazi complained: "If you can develop like this just by eating delicious food, then why do you need a trainer?"

Please apologize to all the trainers in the world!

The secretary hesitated for a few seconds, then looked at Nazi and asked: "Nazi-chan, you mean...this evolution is not normal?"

"I can't say, but something is definitely wrong." Nazi frowned and said, "Anyway, I've never seen anyone reach this level by just eating without training! But considering the energy cubes you made, The grade is like nothing I’ve ever seen, so that’s probably why.”

Using the cooking techniques and cooking abilities of the gourmet world to make energy cubes is really a crushing level of dimensionality reduction!Even the "failed products" or "defective products" and "experimental products" that the eldest lady said were of higher quality than the energy cubes Nazi had seen before.

So she is not sure whether there will be abnormal phenomena in this kind of energy cube beyond perfect quality, which will make the evolution of Pokémon break through the limit.

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "We're not real Pokémon researchers, so if we don't understand it, we'll be fine! Turn around and throw the question to Dr. Oki, let him go bald! Hehehe——"

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