The secretary said helplessly: "If this sentence is heard by Dr. Oki, he will be very angry, right?"

"I think he will start researching while scolding people! After all, he can't resist unknown problems—" Lin Qiong firmly grasped the psychology of researchers like Dr. Omu. "Compared to this, Erina, aren't you going to let the Ugly Fish evolve?"


The eldest lady quickly released the ugly fish, and then carefully put her into the fish tank.


The ugly fish spit out a bubble, and then looked at the eldest lady with eyes full of wisdom, as if asking her why she called him out. Didn't he just finish his meal?

"Ugly fish, put this on—"

The eldest lady took out a scale that looked milky white but reflected colorful light in the sun from her pocket, and said, "This is a beautiful scale. After wearing it, you will evolve into Menus sooner or later." of!"


At the moment when it saw the beautiful scales, the stupid ugly fish suddenly became excited. It jumped up as if the water was electrified, and immediately splashed the water in the fish tank everywhere.

"Don't worry, I'll just give it to you—" The eldest lady was splashed with water, and after wiping the water off her face angrily, she threw the beautiful scales into the fish tank.


The ugly fish swam over in a hurry, then held the beautiful scale in its mouth, twisted its body impatiently, put it into its own scale, and then happily twisted its body in the fish tank.

It's like a little girl who just got a beautiful piece of jewelry and asks her mother, "Mom, does this look good on me?"

The eldest lady smiled and said: "It's very beautiful! My ugly ugly fish is definitely the most beautiful!"


Hearing these words, the Ugly Ugly Fish suddenly glowed with a white light of rumors.

Everyone: "Enter, evolved!!!"

Chapter 0069 Dr. Oki's Aid Communication

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, the body of the ugly fish covered in white light quickly jumped out of the bathtub, and then began to elongate visibly to the naked eye, before long it had turned into the shape of a sea snake.


When the light dissipated, a Meinas with a length of more than seven meters, covered in milky white, with pink long beards protruding from the eyelids, was entrenched beside the eldest lady, bending her eyes, rubbing her cheeks passionately Missy's cheeks.

Master, master stick, stick!

Nazi said with a look of recollection: "It's the first time I've seen the ugly fish evolve into Menus. The scene of the evolution from the ugliest to the most beautiful is really shocking."

The secretary also had a fascinated expression on her face. She subconsciously stroked the milky white scales on Menus' body and said, "I feel that Missy's Menus is no more charming than it was in the art gallery. The statue I saw was bad!"


Menus flicked his tail lightly, then showed a proud expression.

I, Menus, will never lose to anyone in this life!

"Okay! Menus from Erina's family will definitely be able to punch Mikoli and kick Lusamine!" Lin Qiong clapped his hands at the time and said, "It's just to have this kind of arrogance!"


That's right!

Menus' fighting spirit has risen!


The two Nine-Tails also ran over happily to congratulate their little friends for finally transforming.

Pinocchio: "Everyone can play together in the future!"

Kracher: "Ah, it's become more beautiful."

Menas bent her eyes. She floated in mid-air. With a slight twist of her snake-like body, she came to the two big floats, and then touched her foreheads with Penosio and Krach respectively.

She had seen it when she was still in the fish tank, and this was how Pinocchio and Krahe expressed intimacy with other people.

Pinocchio and Krahe naturally recognized this "habit", and immediately smiled and touched their foreheads with Menus. The friendly appearance made everyone around them smile.


The tropical dragon also flew over happily, and then jumped up and down anxiously next to it.

I want to post with Menus too!Come and post with me!

After Menus evolved from an ugly fish, his character seems to have evolved from a silly girl to a lady of the family, and his every move has a similar performance to the fairy Ibrahimovic.

She raised her head slightly, then smiled and touched the Tropical Dragon, and the Tropical Dragon immediately let out a cry of happiness.

"Meinas and I posted it together! Ooh! Today, I don't wash my hair, ooh!"

The fairy Ibrahimovic on the side shook his head, that's what you said when you and I posted the post.

She shook her hair lightly, then walked to Lin Qiong's side with graceful steps, and gently rubbed his palm.


Master, master, she has Menus, and you also have me!


Lin Qiong squatted down with a smile, he stretched out his hand to touch the little Yi Bao in front of him, and said, "I still have Yi Bao's little cute~ isn't it~"





After getting bored for a while, Lin Qiong and Na Zi finally remembered the two cuties that were still stored in the elf ball.

"Come out, baby tit-"


Accompanied by the red light, two plump juvenile tits appeared on the table energetically, and then looked at the person who let them out.

'It's a beautiful girl—'

'So ordinary—'

The juvenile tit in front of Nazi looked very happy, she glanced at her sister proudly, and said, "Sister, it seems that my master is better than you."

Lin Qiong's juvenile tit turned her head, and after a "hum", it jumped in front of Lin Qiong, deciding not to pay any attention to her sister.

So what?Ordinary he is also my master!

"Young tit, hello—"

Lin Qiong bent down, then stretched out his right palm, and said, "My name is Lin Qiong, and I will be your trainer from now on."

The juvenile tit, only 20cm tall, jumped onto Lin Qiong's palm with a "chirp", and then flapped her wings "patta-patta", expressing that she would obey Lin Qiong's command and fight seriously.

"Then I will rely more on the juvenile tit to protect me from now on—" Lin Qiong stretched out his left hand with a smile, poked the juvenile tit's fleshy body with his fingers, and said with a smile: "Come on, let me introduce you to the team members." buddy."


The young tit immediately became energetic. She remembered that the seniors in the breeding room said that the strength of a trainer's team means his strength. If all his teammates are rotten fish, her future will probably be in doubt...

"I hope you will be stronger—" the juvenile tit prayed inwardly.

"First of all, my original companion, Fairy Eevee—"

Lin Qiong brought the juvenile tit to Fairy Eevee, and then introduced it with a smile.


Fairy Ibrahimovic got up from the ground, then shook the grass clippings on his body gracefully, and nodded his head towards the juvenile tit like a rich lady.

This extremely elegant appearance made the child's juvenile tit widen her mouth, and Lin Qiong could even see the little tongue in her mouth.

Honestly, kinda cute

"And then my second partner, Geng Gui—"

Lin Qiong raised the young tit again in front of Geng Gui.


The little purple fat man waved his hand at the juvenile tit with a grin, and then transformed into a purple juvenile tit.

This transformation ability directly made the juvenile tit show its little tongue again, and it was almost like writing "awesome" on its face.

"And then my third partner, Wind Speed ​​Dog—"

Lin Qiong brought the juvenile tit to the wind speed dog.


The wind speed dog let out a majestic cry, its mighty and majestic appearance made the juvenile tit show its star eyes.

Wow, that looks awesome!

Could it be that, in fact, the team I joined is very strong! ?

A feeling of anticipation rose in the heart of the little juvenile tit.



After introducing his own team, Lin Qiong introduced the young lady and the secretary's team to the young tits, and after letting everyone get acquainted, he put all the Pokémon back into the poke ball.

Go to the isolated island of armor to collect materials and prepare to make giant soup!

The secretary asked worriedly, "Master Lin, is the island of armor a little dangerous for us?"

Because after learning that the materials for making extremely giant soup are in the isolated island of armor, the secretary quickly searched, and then was shocked by the information on the isolated island of armor - the isolated island of armor and the snow field of the crown are known as Galar The Silver Mountain in the area claims to be home to a large number of powerful wild Pokémon!

By the way, at the top of the page, the official uses bold and highlighted fonts to remind trainers who are searching for this page that before they have a certain level of strength, absolutely, absolutely don't go near there!

It was because of this reminder that the secretary felt that he had no idea.

Lin Qiong blinked, and he winked at the secretary and the eldest lady mysteriously, and said, "Come on, let me show you a big baby—"


The two tilted their heads.

"Qing Qiang Qiang——" Lin Qiong took out another Poke Ball from his pocket, and then said proudly, "Dr. Oki's friendly assistance!"

Please, the friend assistance system is part of the mobile game. If you don’t like it, don’t play it, okay?

"Huh?" x3

Even Nazi showed a blank expression, and the three girls looked at the elf ball in Lin Qiong's hand with doubtful eyes.

The secretary murmured: "Dr. Omu's... assistance?"

Aid is fine, but aid communication!

The eldest lady asked curiously: "What's in it?"

Lin Qiong threw the elf ball into the sky and said, "The one carefully cultivated by Dr. Oki—"


The next moment, Huang Feifei appeared from the elf ball. He flashed his small wings behind him with a domineering look, and a strong wind suddenly made everyone couldn't help but put their hands in front of them.

"—Quick Dragon!"

A quasi-god in the Kanto area, a "late blooming Pokémon" that evolved from a miniature dragon!

Fast dragon

Gender: ♂

Rating: 83

Feature: Multiple Scales

Personality: cheerful

Master the moves: Reverse Scale, Doragon Thread, Divine Speed, Flame Fist...(omitted below)

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