Nazi looked at Kuailong in front of her with a serious face, a drop of cold sweat left on her forehead——

Can't beat it!Even if Hu Di mega evolves and superimposes superpowers on Hu Di himself, he is definitely not the opponent of this fast dragon!

How strong is Dr. Oki?


Kuailong landed lightly on the ground, and then patted Lin Qiong on the shoulder refreshingly.

Brother, you said that you have three meals a day!

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up and said, "Don't worry! The food here is absolutely top-notch! It is guaranteed to be the top-level food that you have never tried in Dr. Damu's research institute. !"


Kuailong folded his hands on his chest and said with a serious face: How many delicious energy cubes do you think I have grown up to now?I'm a gourmet, so don't boast casually!

Lin Qiong raised his head, and then said to the eldest lady behind him: "Erina! It's time to show your strength—use your energy cube to tell this fast dragon what the real food is!"

The eldest lady rolled up her sleeves with a smile on her face, and the fighting spirit of a cook was burning in her eyes.

"Cooking? That's my battlefield—" The eldest lady glanced at Kuailong, and said loudly, "Let's decide the outcome, Kuailong!"

Kuailong showed a domineering and cool smile exclusive to the boss, he squeezed his fist, and then hooked his fingers towards the eldest lady.

Come on, let me appreciate your cooking skills!



After half an hour.

Kuailong chewed the dragon/fly dual-attribute energy cube with his eyes blank, and he couldn't help feeling suspicious of life in his heart.

Could it be that his master has been fooling himself all this time?

In fact, what I used to eat was not high-quality top-level energy cubes at all, but something he rubbed out with mud on the side of the road? ?

Then I'm really a bully, so I can grow so powerful!

As expected of me!

Chapter 0070 Nazi's fantasy

"I suspect that the dragon is born."

"The eyes are not right."

"Ah, I started crying."

"It feels so miserable—"

Lin Qiong and others looked at Kuailong who was crying while holding the energy cube, and couldn't help smacking his lips in unison.

It feels like a savage who has eaten plain boiled meat without seasoning all his life, and suddenly one day he eats a barbecue full of spices, crying is called a sad, that is called a pain, it hurts too much.

Lin Qiong thought for a while, then walked to Kuailong's side, patted his shoulder with his hands, and said with a complicated expression: "Then what, if you want to eat, just say it, and I will ask Erina to make it for you again."


Kuailong was stunned for a moment, his left eye still had "Can you still do it!?" and his right eye said "Additional meal!?".



Kuailong cried with a groan. He stretched out his hands to hug Lin Qiong, and patted him on the back vigorously.

You are really my good half brother!

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth, as long as you like Sai Ma Niang, we are half brothers!



After Kuailong ate a full three servings of energy cubes, he burped loudly, touched his fat belly, and smacked his lips with endless aftertaste.

Beautiful, so beautiful.

Such a life has hope!

"Brother Kuailong."

Lin Qiong saw that Kuailong had finished eating, and immediately said with a smile: "It seems that you are very satisfied with the food, right?"


Kuailong gave Lin Qiong a thumbs up.

OK!According to the agreement, you will leave the safety issues of this trip to me!

As long as you don't encounter the legendary Pokémon, it won't work for anyone who comes!

I said!

Tsk tsk, as expected of a top boss with a level of 83, he speaks with confidence!

Lin Qiong hugged Kuailong happily, then raised his right hand excitedly, and said, "Since even the bodyguards are in place, I announce that the material collection team of Armor Island's extremely giant soup is now on its way!"

"Go!" x3

The eldest lady, the secretary and Nazi, who couldn't wait for a long time, all raised their right hands at the same time.



The Island of Armor.

Like the Snowfield of the Crown, it belongs to the forbidden area of ​​the Galar region.

The level of wild Pokémon living in these two areas is extremely high, and many unskilled gym masters will be deflated if they enter the depths rashly.

But obviously, Huang Feifei's fighting power far exceeds that of the gymnasium owner.


Accompanied by Huang Feifei's roar, he slammed his frozen fist firmly on Nido King's face—if the camera is slowed down, it can be clearly seen that what happened to Nido King's face happened in an instant. Transformed, and the entire Pokémon flew out behind him.


King Nido fell to the ground, splashing a large cloud of dust.And when the dust cleared, King Nido had already lost his ability to fight.


Kuailong sneered, and said domineeringly: Poor and weak!

The secretary applauded and said, "Mr. Kuailong is so amazing!"

Kuailong, who was praised, changed from his previous domineering, but instead scratched the back of his head a little honestly.

Also, it's not that great!The main reason is that this Nidowang dish is a little bit, hehe.

"One serving of extremely giant soup requires three extremely giant mushrooms—" Lin Qiong pulled up the red mushrooms on the ground, and then muttered, "I'll do the math..."

Two steel crows, one Pikachu, one Gengar, one Brimwen and one Frost Fairy.

"... There are six in total, and six servings of soup are needed, that is, [-] extremely giant mushrooms." Lin Qiong covered his face, and said in a broken voice: "I'll be good, this is too much. "

They have been on the isolated island of armor for a long time, and finally found a very giant mushroom. According to this progress, it may take nearly ten days to collect all eighteen.


The eldest lady persuaded from the side: "Actually, it doesn't matter if my Pikachu and Cream Fairy don't drink Jiju soup, there is no need to make so much."

Lin Qiong shook his head and insisted: "If you want to do it, do it all, don't favor one over the other!"

"A rustling--"

At this moment, accompanied by the sound of swaying bushes, an electric shock beast with a branch dangling from the corner of its mouth like a street sneaker came out casually.


Electric Shock Beast looked at the team in front of him, and couldn't help showing a teasing smile at the corner of his mouth. He raised his muscular hands, then squeezed his fists with a "click, click", and "hehehe" towards Lin Qiong and the others walked over.

let me see what i foundWild little rookie!

Jie Jie!It just so happens that Mr. Dengeki Beast is full and needs some exercise!So let me teach your little cute Pokémon a lesson, and let these greenhouse flowers see what it means to throw tiles!

The next moment, with an orange flash, a fast dragon appeared in front of the electric shock beast with lightning speed.


The Electric Shock Beast only had time to make a suspicious sound before being punched in the face by Kuailong with a strong and powerful flame fist.


Lin Qiong on the side let out an exclamation.

The secretary and the eldest lady couldn't help but clenched their fists, and then watched Kuailong's actions with bright eyes——

Left hook flame fist!

Right straight freezing fist!

Jump and split tiles!

Roundhouse kick brute force!

A series of combined punches directly beat the electric shock beast to the point where it cried for its father... no, it only cried for its father, and when it was about to call its mother, it had already lost its ability to fight.

Really miserable.

The secretary couldn't help but clapped his hands again and said, "It feels so safe!"

The electric beast hadn't even rushed five meters before Kuailong had already knocked him down!Is there such a sense of security?


Kuailong raised his hands and made a gesture of a strongman. Obviously, the secretary's praise made him particularly useful. It seemed that he was a vain yellow fat pinch.

The eldest lady couldn't help but leaned over, and reached out to touch Huang Feifei's elastic belly, which made Huang Feifei show an embarrassed expression.

Lin Qiong looked thoughtfully at the dazed Nido King and Electroshock Beast on the ground, and muttered, "Hiss, I seem to have thought of a good idea!"

The eldest lady twitched her ears, then turned her head and asked, "What method? What problem does it solve?"

"Of course it's the problem that extremely giant mushrooms are difficult to collect." Lin Qiong sniffed, then put his hands on his hips and said, "At this time, we must flexibly use the 'food buying tactics'!"

"You mean..."

The secretary raised his eyebrows, then looked at the young lady beside him, and said with a smile: "What a good idea! With the young lady's cooking skills, is it easy to capture this group of wild Pokémon?"



In just three and a half hours, more than twenty giant mushrooms were placed in front of Lin Qiong!And these extremely giant mushrooms were all found by nearby wild Pokémon.

After all, one extremely giant mushroom can be exchanged for two energy cubes that are delicious enough to make people look black!Who can stand this?

"Look, things have become easier, right?" Lin Qiong pointed to the extremely giant mushroom in front of him, raised his eyebrows proudly, and said, "Not all wild Pokémon are enemies!"

Na Zi twitched the corners of her mouth and said, "You are the only ones who can do this kind of thing, right?"

Want to do this?

First of all, there must be top-level cooking skills that can attract wild Pokémon!Those who can do this are all the top Pokémon breeders in the world—of course, they are still no better than Missy.

Secondly, you must have a certain strength, otherwise a group of lambs with treasures walking in the lions, the only end is to be knocked to the ground by the lions, eat up, pull out the X, turn around and leave mercilessly.

Fortunately, Lin Qiong's team met both conditions - the former has a eldest lady, and the latter is a fast dragon.

The secretary said happily: "In this case, wouldn't we have completed the task ahead of time, so we can go back earlier?"

"Bingo." Lin Qiong snapped his fingers and said, "The next step is to find the recipe for Ju Ju Soup!"

"Σ( ° △ °|||)——"

Nazi at the side showed a surprised expression, and she asked, "No, you mean, you don't know the formula?"


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