"Hey hey bag da yo!"

Why does this person not even know the recipe of the extremely giant soup, so he boasted that Haikou will make six portions of the extremely giant soup, and he even collected all the ingredients! ?

"Of course it's because I know how to make the giant soup -" Facing Nazi's doubts, Lin Qiong squeezed his eyes with pride and said, "The easiest way is to ask the champion Emperor Dan, ask him to help introduce his teacher, Teacher Ma!"

Teacher Ma, formerly known as Da Sima of Wuhu, changed his name to Ma Baoguo and began to teach Taijiquan after he retired from the League of Legends career. However, after being cracked down due to his lack of skill, he sadly came to the isolated island of armor, changed his name to Ma Shide again, and established Master Ma's martial arts gym—you Just listen carefully.

Nazi covered her face and said, "Why do you think it's so easy for a regional champion to meet you?"

And also want to be introduced to the teacher of the champion! ?

The secretary pulled the hem of Nazi's skirt and whispered: "Nazi-chan, have you forgotten the craftsmanship of the eldest lady? The champion should also need high-quality energy cubes, right?"

Silence is Cambridge tonight.

"Forget it, I can't chat with you flirtatious people." The somewhat autistic Nazi squatted in the corner, hugging her fan Brim and drawing circles—is it amazing to be able to cook?Can you make a top energy cube? Are you amazing?

ha!Wait, I'll start learning cooking right now, and I'll be a master in three years and five years. I'll be a top breeder by then, okay?

Thinking of this, Nazi couldn't help clenching her fists, a new hope ignited in her heart.

One day, she will sit proudly on the throne, and then throw the super energy cube in her hand, and under her throne, Mewtwo, Mew, Deoxys, Necrozma, Rocky Ya, Celebi, Victini, Sun Lion, Moon Bat, and King Lei Guan all crawled on the ground, looking at the energy cube in her hand with longing eyes...


Chapter 0071 It's That Simple

Generally speaking, the champion trainers in a region are very busy, and there is no such thing as saying that you can see them as soon as you want.


However, special circumstances are excluded.

After contacting President Luoz and put forward the idea of ​​meeting the strongest champion Dandi, after a little consideration, President Luoz agreed to the application of Lin Qiong and others.

After Na Zi hung up the phone, she asked in surprise, "Is it that easy?"

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders and said, "I can only say, well, regional characteristics."

The champions in other regions are naturally not so easy, but it is quite simple for Dandi in the Galar region if he has a way to meet - especially if the way leads directly to President Roz, it is even easier.

"But, the strongest champion?" The secretary blinked, looked at Lin Qiong with curious eyes, and asked, "Is the Alchemy Emperor really that powerful?"

"Very powerful, quite powerful." Lin Qiong nodded vigorously.

Although it is said that Dandi was the "officially designated strongest" champion who "airborne" after appearing in the Galar region, judging from the official character design given to him, he is indeed a dirty rival party champion.

Among other things, in the episode of fighting Ai Lan, Dandi's combination of moves for the fire-breathing dragon (big character explosion + primitive power + dragon wave + air slash) is enough to prove his gold content.

Not only that, Dandi's character is also unquestionably "golden quality". In order to develop the Galar region, he shouldered the burden of being the "undefeated king" and faced every duel seriously, using his own The endorsement brings traffic to the Galar region.

Dan Di: Can other champions do it?

Nazi raised her eyebrows, and asked curiously: "How powerful is it? Compared with A'Du, Dawu and Zhulan, who is more powerful?"

"Hmm—" Lin Qiong folded his hands on his chest, tilted his head in distress, and said, "It's really hard to judge! But I personally prefer that Emperor Dan is stronger."

Leaving aside the Pokémon World Championship that Xiaozhi and Ai Lan participated in during the trip, at least in the last World Championship, Dandi indeed defeated A'Du in the final and became the strongest king.

Na Zi looked at Lin Qiong in surprise, and said, "You actually admire that Pill Emperor so much?"

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders and said, "After all, he is a king with both strength and quality!"

Who wouldn't like a brown skin and white silk?

Although male.



Although President Luoz agreed to let Lin Qiong and others meet with Emperor Dan, three days had passed by the time Dandi finished dealing with the matter at hand and came to meet everyone.

"I'm really sorry--"

Standing next to the fire-breathing dragon, Emperor Dan looked at Lin Qiong and the others with an apologetic face, and said, "I kept you waiting for so long."

'It's too polite——' Nazi looked at Emperor Dan in front of him, and found that this "king" hardly felt any "championship", but was as gentle as the big brother next door.

So weird.

"Hey, is our matter something important?" Lin Qiong waved his hands indifferently, and he said carelessly: "It would be an honor to see the strongest champion!"

"The strongest champion or something—" Dandi showed a shy but somewhat proud smile. He raised his right hand and said, "Thank you for your expectation, I will continue to win!"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands involuntarily, and said, "Mr. Dandi, you don't mind taking a photo with me, do you?"

"Of course it's okay!" Dandi nodded, and then said with a smile: "However, the reason why you specially invited me through Chairman Luoz is not just because you want to take a photo with me, right?"

"Of course not -" Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders. He took the energy cube of fire and flying from the eldest lady's hand, then threw it to Dan Emperor and said, "Before I tell you what I want to say, Before requesting, Mr. Dandi might as well let your fire-breathing dragon taste this energy cube?"


Emperor Dan lowered his head and looked at the crystal clear energy cube in his hand, then turned his head and looked at Charizard beside him, and said: "Charizard, you... huh?"

When Emperor Dan saw the fire-breathing dragon's reaction, he couldn't help but froze!

At this time, Charizard was putting his head in front of him, with his nostrils wide open, desperately sniffing the smell emanating from the energy cube, as if he wanted to eat it the next moment.

"Would you like to eat?"


Dandi stopped talking nonsense, he threw the energy cube at the fire-breathing dragon, the fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth without hesitation, swallowed the energy cube into its mouth, and then narrowed its eyes happily.

Feeling that Longsheng has reached a climax, feeling that Longsheng has reached its peak.

"It's the first time I've seen the reaction of a fire-breathing dragon." Dandi turned his head and said to Lin Qiong in amazement: "Even the energy cubes made by top breeders have never caused a fire-breathing dragon to lose its composure!"

Lin Qiong put his arms around the eldest lady's waist, pulled her in front of him, and then said with a proud face: "Of course! My Erina's cooking skills are the best in the world! I bet that even the legendary treasure There’s no way Kamu can resist her cooking skills!”

"Chirp!" The rocket sparrow above Lin Qiong's head rolled his eyes, shameless guy, this is not your cooking skill, why are you so proud?

"It's really a very good cooking skill!" Emperor Dan nodded his head in approval, and then continued: "Besides, the matter you plan to find me should have something to do with this energy cube, right?"

The eldest lady nodded, and she took a step forward with a smile, and said: "Yes! Champion Dandi, we hope to make you a year's worth of energy cubes in exchange. Please help introduce your master, Mr. Ma Shide."

Emperor Dan was stunned for a moment. He frowned slightly and said with a hint of seriousness: "Do you have anything to do with Master Ma? If there is no suitable reason, I will not agree!"

Although the energy cube made by the eldest lady is very good, it doesn't mean that Dandi is willing to betray his master - assuming that these little guys have malicious intentions.

The secretary quickly explained to the side: "Mr. Dandi, please don't misunderstand! The reason why we want to find Master Ma is because we heard that he can make giant soup - we have already collected the corresponding materials, so... …”

Hearing what the secretary said, Emperor Dan showed a dazed expression, and he said dumbfoundedly: "If it's just for Jiju soup, you don't need to bother Master Ma at all-I will make Jiju soup, you can find me That's it!"

"Huh?" x4



"That's right! Emperor Dan is a disciple of Teacher Ma, and Teacher Ma can make extremely giant soup, so why can't Emperor Dan?"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, and said with a straight face: "Very good, I am ashamed again today!"

Na Zi behind her pointed at Lin Qiong's back and said to the other two people around her: "Why can this person proudly say that he is embarrassed?"

The secretary pondered for a few seconds, and said, "Probably because Young Master Lin has courage that is different from ordinary people!"

Nazi: "Huh? Like?"

Lin Qiong turned around, gave his thumbs up with a refreshing expression, and said, "For example -"

"Admitting my courage to attack a girl who is 8 years younger than me!"

"The courage to admit that I am a foot control leg control stocking control!"

"Have the courage to admit that you want prpr Erina!"



The next moment, accompanied by the crying voice of the eldest lady, the eldest lady who was watching Dandi making the extremely giant soup in the kitchen rushed to Lin Qiong's place with lightning speed In front of him, he stuffed the meat bun into Lin Qiong's mouth.


After stopping Lin Qiong's speech, the eldest lady propped her hands on her knees and said out of breath, "You, please stop saying a few words!"

Your courage is not needed at all!Forget it, forget it!


Lin Qiong swallowed the meat bun in twos and wiped off the oil stains on the corners of his mouth with his fingers, and then said confidently: "The courage to admit one's own desires is great courage! The hymn of human beings is the hymn of courage!"

"Is this sentence used in this kind of place!? Apologize for such a sentence!!"

The eldest lady covered her face, the unknown person who said this sentence, my boyfriend used this sentence in such a place, I am really sorry! !

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders helplessly. He sat on the sofa holding the young lady's hand, and asked curiously, "How to make Jiju soup? Do you have any idea?"

The eldest lady, who hadn't completely calmed down, patted Lin Qiong's arm with her hand, and said angrily: "The extremely giant soup is not difficult at all, just put three extremely giant mushrooms into the hot water, and wait for it to completely melt That's it."

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple."

Lin Qiong scratched his head and muttered, "I feel bad."

Rounding off a loss of [-] million.

The eldest lady said disapprovingly: "Knowledge is priceless - who told us not to know how to do it?"

"That's true."

Lin Qiong no longer struggled with this issue. He leaned lazily on the back of the sofa, and then gently sniffed the scent of the eldest lady's hair - the scent was not strong, only a very, very light jasmine scent.

"I disappoint you -" the eldest lady flipped her hair and said, "As a chef, I am not the sweet-smelling girl you imagined."

Lin Qiong shook his head indifferently, and then said vaguely: "I don't care how sweet you are, I just want to stick with Erina—well, Erina sticks, sticks!"

Na Zi and the secretary at the side looked at Lin Qiong, who was pressing his face against the eldest lady's face, almost squeezing his face out of shape, and couldn't help belching loudly while showing a disgusted expression.

Hmm, it smells like dog food.

Chapter 0072 Failed Gigamax

Galar region.

Gongmen City.

Palace Arena.

Originally, the Palace Gate Arena was an area that would only be open to the public when special events started, but Naihe led Lin Qiong and others to enter here, but it was Dandi, the famous undefeated champion in the Galar region, so it can be said that It's smooth sailing.

Nazi sat in the auditorium, looked at Lin Qiong and the eldest lady in the arena with some envy, and muttered: "Damn it, I really want to try Gigamax—"

Yes, a Gigamax attempt!

Because the juvenile tit and Mibrim have not yet evolved to their final form, Lin Qiong only cooked three servings of extremely giant soup - the first one was made by himself, and the latter two were made by the eldest lady!And these three giant soups were taken by Lin Qiong's Geng Gui, Missy's Pikachu and Frost Milk Fairy respectively!

In other words, in terms of qualifications, these three Pokémon have already obtained the qualifications for Gigamax, but whether they can be Gigamax depends on the bond between the trainer and Pokémon.

Dandi stood in the middle of the arena with his arms folded, then looked at Lin Qiong and the eldest lady with a smile on his face, and asked, "Which one of you will try first?"

Lin Qiong glanced at the nervous lady beside him, raised his right hand with a smile, and said, "Let me do it! Geng Gui and I have already tried mega evolution, Gigamax shouldn't be too difficult."

"Talk and talk!"

Geng Gui next to Lin Qiong rubbed his nose with his right hand proudly, then puffed out his chest with his hands on his hips.

That's right, the boss and I are closely connected by bonds!

A smile appeared on the corner of Emperor Dan's mouth, and he said, "Has mega evolved? It seems that Geng Gui trusts you very much!"

As a long-term champion of top competitions, although Dandi is proficient in the extremely giant warfare unique to the Galar region, it does not mean that he knows nothing about mega evolution!On the contrary, Dandi has also spent a lot of time researching mega evolution, so it is very clear that the first element of mega evolution is to connect the trainer and Pokémon.

"Okay, let's try it first—"

Taking advantage of the fierce momentum, Lin Qiong immediately raised his right hand and said to Gengar: "Gengar, come back!"

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