
Accompanied by the red light, Geng Gui was taken back into the elf ball, while Lin Qiong kept raising his right hand and said loudly: "When the gathered stars become one, the new bond will illuminate the future! The reason why the light shines! Geng Ghost, Gigamax!"

Invisible energy poured into the giant wristband on Lin Qiong's wrist, and then passed to the elf ball containing Gengar!The next moment, under the gaze of everyone, Gengar's Poké Ball quickly expanded into a white Poké Ball the size of a basketball.


Lin Qiong threw the poke ball forward vigorously.


Accompanied by the red light, the gigantic Gengar with a height of more than 20m appeared in the arena—the gigantic Gengar was the same as when he evolved into a mega, only his upper body could be seen on the ground, The difference is that the gigantic Gengar's mouth is extraordinarily wide open, with a slender tongue protruding from the mouth, while two short arms are waving at the side.

But to be honest, not enough to be scary, but more than cute.


After Gigamax, Geng Gui's voice became much lower.

Oh oh oh, I've grown so big!That's great!

Nazi, the eldest lady, and the secretary at the side all looked dumbfounded.

The secretary opened his mouth wide: "This, is this Gigamax?"

Na Zi also had a shocked expression on her face: "Isn't it too big all of a sudden? It's at least ten times larger——"

The young lady standing next to Lin Qiong looked at the gigantic Gengar with flickering eyes, then hugged Pikachu in her arms, and murmured, "Pikachu, can we do this too?"


Pikachu had an eager expression on her face, and she waved her little claws imposingly.

Don't worry, master!We will surely succeed too!

"Clap clap-"

Emperor Dan clapped his hands, and said with a smile: "You have successfully entered Gigamax just once—Lin Qiong, you did a great job!"

"I am over-flattered--"

Lin Qiong scratched his head in embarrassment and said with a smile: "After all, this is not the first time for me and Geng Gui!"


Geng Gui grinned and licked Lin Qiong with his tongue, but this time he was extra careful and didn't use his skills - otherwise Lin Qiong would probably hit the street again!

"Okay, Geng Gui—" Lin Qiong had already experienced Gigamax, so he said to Geng Gui, "Let's undo Gigamax! It's time for Missy and Pikachu to try it!"


With the mega evolution as the basis, Geng Gui quickly calmed down the fluctuating fighting spirit in his heart, and then "whoosh" changed back to that simple and honest little purple fat man.

"Talk and talk!"

Geng Gui floated in front of Pikachu, and then gestured with his hands in front of him, imparting life experience to his junior (senior?).

"Pickup, pickup!"

Pikachu nodded with a serious face. If the little yellow-skinned mouse was given paper and pen at this time, she would definitely seriously record the essence that Gengar taught her... I mean record the experience.

After imparting the experience he could impart to Pikachu, Geng Gui patted Pikachu on the shoulder lightly.

Come on, little girl!


Pikachu nodded, she jumped out of the eldest lady's arms with a fighting spirit, then stood on the grass, turning her head handsomely.


Master, let's begin!

The eldest lady nodded slightly, raised her right hand, gently threw Pikachu's Poke Ball, and said: "Now is our turn -"

The Poké Ball took Pikachu back, and then landed firmly in the palm of the eldest lady.

"—Pikachu, Gigamax!"

Inflate, inflate!

In just one second, the elf ball in the palm of the eldest lady swelled to the size of a basketball, and she held it firmly in the air.


The poke ball was thrown, accompanied by red light, and Pikachu, which has been covered in purple light all the time, is... is...

"Pi... Pickup..."

Pikachu's voice revealed a bit of difficulty, as if she was running with a heavy load on her back.

Dan Di looked at Pikachu shrouded in purple light with a serious face, carefully observing the changes of this Pikachu.

A few seconds later, Pikachu's body seemed to swell a bit, but the purple light on her body flickered more rapidly, and it seemed that it was about to reach its limit.


Dandi said softly.

"Pikachu failed to absorb the extremely large energy well, resulting in a short distance from the super-giant."

Dandi's expression was a little pity, he stretched out his right index finger and thumb stroke, and said: "It's really a little bit close! If you describe it as a percentage, it has reached at least 95%!"

After hugging the exhausted Pikachu in her arms, the eldest lady shook her head lightly and said, "It doesn't matter if it's 10%, 95%, or 99%, as long as it doesn't reach 100%, it's a failure."


Pikachu looked at the eldest lady with a face of shame.

I'm sorry, it's all because of my weak relationship.

"No, Pikachu—" the young lady gently rubbed Pikachu's cheek with the fingers of her left hand, and said, "It's not your fault! It's because I'm too immature as a trainer."

"Don't be discouraged." Lin Qiong hugged the eldest lady from behind, and then said softly: "You have already reached this level in your first attempt, which is already very, very good! If you don't believe me, just ask Emperor Dan."

"Lin Qiong is right!" Emperor Dan nodded vigorously, with a warm smile on his face, and said, "To tell you the truth, when the fire-breathing dragon and I tried Gigamax for the first time, , the progress has not even reached half of yours."


The fire-breathing dragon nodded its head seriously, as if echoing Dandi's words.

The eldest lady smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I'm not so fragile yet! It's just that I'm a little bit unwilling! I will continue to work hard with Pikachu!"


Seeing his master rekindle his fighting spirit, Pikachu also regained his vitality, showing a cute smile.

"However—" At this time, Lin Qiong on the side said, fearing that the world would not be chaotic: "Dear Erina, I suggest you try it with Frost Milk Fairy next time! If you and Frost Milk Fairy succeed in gigantic transformation... ..."

Although Lin Qiong didn't finish his sentence, his meaningful smile looking at Pikachu was enough to make the yellow mouse sweat profusely.

"Pi, pickup—"

Pikachu was in a cold sweat at that time, she turned her head hastily, danced and explained to the eldest lady: Master, hold back and listen to his nonsense!His conscience is greatly broken!I am a good citizen, I am a good person!

The eldest lady couldn't help but rubbed Pikachu's head, and said, "Don't worry, Pikachu! He was joking."


Pikachu was moved to tears, she raised her right hand high and shouted loudly: I want to be Missy's dog!



In the next period of time--

Nazi is responsible for the training of each baby. In addition to her own Baby Tit and Mibulim, there are also the eldest lady's Pikachu and Krach, the secretary's Penosio, and Lin Qiong's Baby Tit and Wind Speed ​​Dog—— In exchange, the eldest lady will be responsible for her Pokémon's energy cubes.

The gigantic leveling of Missy, Pikachu and Frost Fairy finally broke through the bottleneck on the tenth day, and completed the first Gigamax. According to the gigantic Pikachu, Missy and Secretary The kids all cheered.

The secretary took flower therapy rings, big milk jugs, and caring attendants to provide meticulous logistical services for the team, such as relieving fatigue, relieving injuries, and supplementing nutrition.

Finally, after half a month of training, everyone bid farewell to the Galar region and returned to Zhenxin Town in Kanto.

Chapter 0073 Conscience?

Kanto area.

Really new town.

Big Wood Research Institute.

"Dr. Oki, we're back daze—" Lin Qiong raised his hand, waved his right hand towards Dr. Oki, and said with a smile, "Did you miss me?"

"I miss you so much—" Dr. Damu quickly raised his hand and walked towards Lin Qiong, then brushed past Lin Qiong very naturally, reached out to take the luggage from the hands of the eldest lady and the secretary, enthusiastically Said: "——Girlfriend's handicraft!"


Lin Qiong stood there with a question mark on his face, then turned his head to look at Dr. Oki behind him, and said in disbelief: "Absolutely! Your fast dragon is not as courteous as you!"

Dr. Oki was silent for a second, then sighed: "You who can eat her cooking every day, surely you don't understand?"

After eating Missy’s dishes, Dr. Oki’s favorite instant noodles suddenly lost their allure——

Instant noodles are like a 40-year-old wife who is old, out-of-shape and wrinkled but wearing sexy underwear;

It was as if he was nearly 50 years old and came home exhausted after working overtime for a day and saw his wife as mentioned in the previous sentence.

Daba desu, oyster desu.

"Hey——" Lin Qiong smiled, he winked at Dr. Oki with a mysterious face, and said, "Let's not talk about this now! I brought you the first-hand information about the Galar region !"


Dr. Oki made a puzzled voice: "What information?"

"Gigamax video!" Lin Qiong took out the illustration book from his pocket, and then said happily: "This is a precious record from the first perspective! It records my Geng Gui, Missy's Milk Fairy and Pikachu. All the data on Gigamax—"


Dr. Oki seemed to be back at this time, and saw the Chinese teacher in black silk lying shyly on the bed, and his whole body fell into a state of extreme excitement.

"Lin Qiong! I miss you so much!" Dr. Damu put his arms around Lin Qiong, patted his vest vigorously, and said, "You are back! During the time you left, I am Tea doesn’t taste like rice and doesn’t taste good!!”

Feeling Dr. Omu's enthusiasm, Lin Qiong couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and complained: "Dr. Omu, your attitude... how should I put it, it's a little bit real, what do you think?"

Dr. Oki didn't care about Lin Qiong's complaints at all. He just looked at the illustrated book in Lin Qiong's hand eagerly and said, "Give it to me? Give it to me, give it to me!"


Lin Qiong couldn't hold back anymore, he stuffed the illustration book into Dr. Oki's arms with a look of disgust, then rubbed his arms vigorously, turned his head and complained to the three beautiful girls who couldn't laugh anymore: "You guys It's definitely not like experiencing the feeling of being acted like a baby by a 60-[-]-year-old man."

"Quack quack -" Nazi laughed loudly and said, "You, why are you having so much fun!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

Nazi: "It's decided, I'm going to give you a nickname—well, you are... a fun person!"

Lin Qiong: "??"

What a dick!

The secretary was also happy. She winked at Lin Qiong and said, "Master Lin, this is a pretty good title! You can introduce yourself in the future and say that you are a Lezi person from Zhenxin Town, right? "




Oki Research Institute, backyard.

After Lin Qiong handed in his illustration book, Dr. Oki quickly got into his office like an otaku who had downloaded 17 T resources—it has to be said that he felt quite ruthless.

No matter how you say it, this is also Dr. Oki's research institute. Naturally, it is impossible for Lin Qiong and others to run around, so the four of them discussed it and came to the backyard. Dreamers say hello.

"Everyone, come out—" x4

Lin Qiong released his wind speed dog and the (formerly) juvenile tit that just evolved into a blue jay;

The eldest lady released the Frost Milk Fairy, Krach and Menas;

The secretary let out Pinocchio, the big milk pot, the tropical dragon, and the caretaker.

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