As for Fairy Ibrahimovic, Geng Gui, Pikachu, and Flower Therapy Huanhuan, who had been with the three of them all the time, they ran over to say hello after seeing their little friends.


The Rocket Sparrow let out a clear and clear cry with its high and high air.

Hmph, why did you choose this Pokémon as your flying pet?Isn't the flame eagle not handsome enough?Flame Eagle is a noble fire and flying attribute!

Same as the great Phoenix King!

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and took the Rocket Sparrow off his head, and then complained angrily: "I said you, since I subdued Zhishan... Blue Jay, every time I see people, I say this sentence, it's also true Is it almost there?"


The Rocket Sparrow turned its head away with a "hum".

Isn't fire flying?Huofei is so powerful!

"Yes, yes, Huofei is amazing!" Lin Qiong poked the beak of the Rocket Sparrow helplessly, and said, "But the Arrowhawk is only 1.2m, which is too different from the 2.2m Steel Crow!"


Rocket Sparrow showed a humanized displeased expression.

Flaming Eagle is too rubbish.

Lin Qiong flicked the Rocket Sparrow speechlessly, and said, "You are still a Rocket Sparrow yourself, why do you look down on the Arrow Eagle? Others are your evolution, right?"

It's just that at this moment, Rocket Sparrow is not in the mood to care about what Lin Qiong said, and her mind is full of one sentence——

I am super, I am super!He played me crazy! ?How dare he play tricks on me! ?I was actually fooled by someone! ?

At this time, Rocket Sparrow was as shocked as when Kendi was brainstormed. For a moment, she actually forgot to fight back, but stared at Lin Qiong with her mouth wide open.


Lin Qiong waved his hand in front of the Rocket Sparrow strangely, and muttered: "Are you stupid? Can it be roasted and eaten? Tsk, no, the Rocket Sparrow is of the fire attribute, it seems that it is not cooked well..."


The next moment, a voice full of grief and indignation came from Rocket Sparrow's mouth. She flew into the air with a "swoosh", and then rushed towards Lin Qiong with red eyes.

I beat you ahhhh——

"I see through!"

Lin Qiong was taken aback by the Rocket Sparrow's reaction. He subconsciously dodged the Rocket Sparrow's Tathagata peck that descended from the sky, and then patted his chest in shock, looking at the Rocket Sparrow with its beak stuck on the ground. He said: "Is Nong's brain out of his mind? I will die if I peck it all at once!"

I just want you to die!

The Rocket Sparrow pulled its mouth out from the ground, then jumped onto Lin Qiong's head, and started pecking frantically.


Lin Qiong hurriedly drove the Rocket Sparrow away with his head in his hands, then grinned and said, "Don't come here! I warn you, don't come here—"


If you tell me not to go, I will not go?How embarrassing am I then!

You dare to play my brains, but you will have a showdown with me!

"it is good!"

Lin Qiong put down his hands, then clenched his fists, and said, "Then let's have a showdown, Rocket Sparrow!"


The Rocket Sparrow was taken aback for a moment, then flapped its wings and came to Lin Qiong, asking, "What do you want to compare?"

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds and said.

"Taller than who?"


"Or heavier than who?"


"Who has longer hands?"


"Long legs are fine!"


"How about rock-paper-scissors?"


Not only the Rocket Sparrow, even the secretary at the side showed an expression of not being able to bear to look directly after hearing the competition item proposed by Lin Qiong.

"I said, Master Lin..."


"Isn't that a little too much?"

"Hmph, that's not too much, it's called the wisdom of human beings!" Lin Qiong said proudly as if a villain had achieved his ambition: "Humans climb to the top of the food chain, relying on wisdom, hum!"

The secretary covered his face: "No, you're not smart, you're just despicable..."

Rocket Sparrow accused angrily: "Chirp!"

You vile human being!If you do this, won't your conscience hurt!

"Conscience? I don't have that kind of thing!" Lin Qiong looked at Rocket Sparrow confidently and said, "Do you know that there is such a proverb in my hometown? It's called 'conscience is eaten by dogs'!"


and then?

"Then I raised a wind speed dog -" Lin Qiong pointed at the wind speed dog in Dr. Omu's backyard, and said sternly: "So it's normal for me to have no conscience, right?"

Also, can you explain it this way?

Not only the Rocket Sparrow, but even the eldest lady and the secretary showed their peasy eyes on Conan's set.

Being interrupted by Lin Qiong's brazenness, the anger in Rocket Sparrow's heart dissipated a lot, and she landed on Lin Qiong's head cursing, muttering: "Chirp!"

This time I will reluctantly forgive you, if you dare to flick my head next time, I will let you know why the flowers are so popular!

"Okay, okay, okay." Lin Qiong nodded perfunctorily, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Rocket Sparrow, for raising your beak. I am very touched."

Rocket Sparrow: "..."

Is it my illusion, I always feel that this person is thanking me on the surface, but in fact he is perfunctory me! ?And it's so perfunctory! ?Um?

If Lin Qiong could hear the voice of Rocket Sparrow, he would definitely say very gently: "Little baby, don't think too much! Be confident, I'm just perfunctory you!"

After appeasing the Rocket Sparrow, Lin Qiong turned her attention to the eldest lady again—after she released Dr. Oki's fast dragon, she realized that the journey was over and she would no longer be able to eat delicious energy cubes Finally, Huang Feifei cried out with an "ow".




"Mouth Jie—"

The other Pokémon comforted Huang Feifei who was crying like a SpongeBob SquarePants, but the tears gushing from his eyes like water guns showed no signs of stopping.

Lin Qiong couldn't help but sigh with emotion: Kuailong is worthy of being a quasi-god, there is so much water.

Chapter 0074 People can't, at least they shouldn't

In the end, thanks to the unremitting efforts of everyone, Kuailong stopped crying by pointing at the eldest lady to comfort him that he could continue to eat. Then he took a small sip of a large can of fish jerky (not King Carp) made by the eldest lady. Nibbling.


The secretary wiped the sweat from his forehead, and muttered, "As expected of a Quasi-God Pokémon, the fighting power is so high when it's rambunctious."

Lin Qiong concluded: "Simply put, the level of fuss is quasi-divine."

The eldest lady nodded: "Indeed."


With a fish stick in his mouth, Kuailong retorted vaguely.

I'm not making a fuss, I'm just expressing my feelings!

How boring is Longsheng if he can't eat delicious food?

If it's not that there is only one life, Kuailong will appoint a "I don't want to live" and send it on the spot.

"You guys can really make fun wherever you are—" Nazi, who was sitting on a chair beside her, said with a smile on her face, "Traveling with you, I don't even know how to describe boredom and loneliness."

Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "Illiterate?"


Na Zi rolled up her sleeves and said, "Today I will use my super power to teach you a lesson."

Lin Qiong jumped back, then waved his hands in front of him, and said, "I warn you not to approach me! I'm a fighting and evil type! Can you restrain superpowers?"


Nazi was another question mark, her eyes staring at Lin Qiong suddenly lit up with blue light, and said, "Then why don't you show me one?"

Feeling that his body was controlled by an invisible energy, Lin Qiong panicked a lot in his heart, but on the surface he said calmly like an old dog: "Nazie! Tomato jumped from the fifth floor and turned into tomato sauce!"


"Tomato, fell into ketchup..."

"Hahaha hicc—"

Accompanied by Na Zi's burst of laughter, Lin Qiong fell to the ground expressionlessly, then pushed the air glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said, "Just laugh."

Nazi, Nazi, don't you know that a meme becomes boring if you use it too much?So can you exercise your laughing point a little bit, so that it will not be such a miscellaneous fish as much as possible! ?

Breaking a tomato into ketchup can make you laugh! ?

Let me tell you, if you put such characteristics in the pink comic area, then you must be the heroine of this book!Do you know?



That night.

Big Wood Research Institute.



Kuailong held a miniature dragon in his arms, and then looked at the eldest lady eagerly.

Miss, do you want to be a god or a cub?The quasi-god cub who inherited the speed!

Lin Qiong looked at Dr. Damu at the side, and asked, "Dr. Damu, what's going on?"


Dr. Oki glanced at the fast dragon beside him, then rubbed the bridge of his nose, and said, "This miniature dragon is the child of my fast dragon and a fire-breathing dragon. He wants to entrust her to you."

Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "I know he wants to give the miniature dragon to the eldest lady, but what I want to know is why he would do that."

This is unreasonable! ?

Regardless of other Pokémon, a champion-level fast dragon should only entrust its children to such a talented trainer, right?For example, the manga version of Xiao Zhi or the game version of Chi Hong, who is against the sky.

But what about Missy?She is not a trainer herself, and she is good at cooking instead of commanding Pokémon to fight!

This kind of behavior of Kuailong seems to Lin Qiong to be the most talented mixed-race Saiyan in the setting, and also the first Sun Moufan who became Super Saiyan [-] insists on becoming a scholar. As a result, he was beaten to the ground by the soldiers of Frieza's army.

Simply unreasonable.

Dr. Oki also rubbed the bridge of his nose helplessly, and said, "I also persuaded him that Ms. Nakiri is not a trainer..."

Dr. Ohmu still had half a word left, which was that it would be a waste of talent to hand over two mini-dragons descended from champion-level Pokémon to the eldest lady.

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