So I just don't have a name, right?And don't you look down on me too much with your current posture?

Looking at Sal who opened the empty door, Renji waved the tail of the Baboon King Shebimaru in his hand without hesitation - the next moment, the snake bone joints of the Baboon King Shebimaru scattered in the room quickly came together.

'Take it up—'

Of course, Renji, who was about to secretly use his dirty tricks, would not yell randomly. His expression at this time was comparable to that of the devil kid in Amagi Glory Amusement Park, "I won't turn my back to the enemy next time!"Baboon Bone Cannon——'

The crimson Reiatsu began to condense in the joints of Babo Wang Sheweimaru, and at the moment Renji was about to launch it, a strange feeling spread from his body.


With a mournful cry, Renji fell to the ground weakly. He raised his head with difficulty, looked at Sal who was walking towards him, and asked: "You, what did you do...did..."

"It's just a virus."

Sal calmly pushed up his glasses and said, "You got sick much sooner than I thought. It seems that consuming spiritual pressure during the poisoning period will indeed speed up the onset of the poison."

Renji: "?"

No, when did I get poisoned?Could it be...

Renji hurriedly looked at his right wrist, and found that the purple tattoo that was originally only on the wrist had now spread to the elbow, and the purple part was still shining faintly with fluorescence—not to mention, it was a bit pretty.

"Didn't you just ask me what I did to you? I can answer you now."

Thrall squatted in front of Renji with a smile, stroking Renji's arm like an idiot, and said: "This is a newly developed virus, it will use the implanted person's spiritual pressure as nourishment to start eroding the opponent... ..."

To put it simply, this poison is a slow erosion poison, and the stronger the spiritual pressure of the poisoned person, the more terrifying the speed of this poison erosion and the intensity of the mutation.

'Looks like it's working fine. "Thal is very satisfied with the first actual combat effect of this poison, "but it's not enough, I still need more test products, otherwise..."

Otherwise, he would not dare to use this thing on Aizen or Qiong. Those two people are out-and-out monsters.

"Yes, damn..."

With the spiritual pressure being eroded by a large amount, Renji could only lie on the ground weakly, watching the tattoo on his arm gradually spread from his elbow to his shoulder.

"By the way, this kind of tattoo will gradually gather at your heart, and finally condense into a magnificent purple rose——"

There was a gentle smile on Sal's face: "The moment when the roses bloom is the moment when your life ends."

'Gah, isn't that soon? '

Renji looked at the tattoo on his arm in horror, and found that it had spread over his shoulder unconsciously.

Oops Oops Oops!

Is there anyone who can come to the rescue? ?

Just when Renji was about to despair, a voice that sounded like heaven to him came from the door of Sal's room: "When the spiritual pressure of your swastika breaks out, I can still see a An evenly matched and wonderful battle! When I rushed over, you were already lying on the ground?"

'This, this voice is...' Renji raised his head with difficulty, and looked at Ishida Uryu who was leaning on the door frame, looking at him helplessly, 'Yes, it's a friendly army! ! '

Renji swears, for the first time, he feels the figure of Ishida Uryu is so sacred!In his line of sight, Ishida Uryu was emitting a sacred golden light all over his body at this time!

"Small, be careful..."

Renji stretched out his right hand towards Snow Dragon and said painfully: "This, this Ten Blades..."

"No.80 Blade, Sal Apollo."

Ishida Xuelong walked to Renji's side calmly, then took out a tube of medicine from his waist with his right hand, fed it to Renji, and said, "I am more familiar with his information than you."

"Oh, it's a great honor to be remembered by the chosen members of the Guardian Shield—"

Thrall gracefully bowed towards Xuelong, and said with a smile: "It's just that, in my memory, should Void Night Palace and Sky City be in a cooperative relationship? Mr. Ishida, will you save my prey?"

"Oh oh oh-"

Renji stared dumbfounded at the purple tattoo on his arm fading away at a speed visible to the naked eye, and couldn't help asking: "Ishida, what did you give me to drink!?"

"The universal antidote produced by Sky City." After answering Renji's question gracefully, Xue Long turned his head to look at Thrall, and said calmly, "Because there is no place for you in the master's future virtual circle blueprint—— Hit with a hundred shots, Arc Sparrow!"

A blue longbow made of spiritual seeds appeared on the right hand of Ishida Uryu. He looked at Thrall with a smile and asked, "So, can you please leave here? No.80 Lord Blade."


As if hearing something interesting, Thrall covered his forehead and let out a big laugh, "I'm really underestimated—it looks like, besides the Swastika's God of Death, I can have one more guardian The chosen members of the Holy Shield as experimental subjects?"

Compared with Thrall, who is getting more and more popular, Xuelong's performance is much colder: "You can try it."

Renji, who was relieved of the toxin, also came to Xuelong's side and said, "I will fight side by side with you! The two of us appointed Quack to kill randomly!"

Xue Long: "?"

He couldn't help thinking: "If it's the young master or Peixue standing here, then at least one should say, 'I'm in charge of random killings, you're in charge of quack, right?'" ' and other sarcastic remarks are right!But it’s not okay for me to remember this—”

Just when Xuelong deserted, Sal had already slapped him with a false flash. Although Renji hurriedly dodged, Xuelong was hit head-on.

"Do not--"

Renji stretched out his right hand in pain, and shouted: "Xuelong!! Why didn't I pull you away, why—"

"Don't worry, this level of false flashes won't hurt me—"

Xue Long's helpless voice came from the smoke, he waved his hand lightly to disperse the smoke in front of him, and said, "The Void God has steel skins, and our Quincy Masters also have static blood suits."

"Oh, this is really brand new data."

Sal looked happy, he greedily stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, and said, "I want you more and more! Then I will study you well—don't worry, my attitude towards you is the same as that of you. Death is different, I will definitely cherish you!"

Renji: "?"

No, why don't you treat them differently here?

very angry.

"Hehe, if you can do it, please go ahead—"

Hearing Thrall's ridicule, Xue Long showed a disdainful expression - this level of ridicule would make me angry and lose my calm judgment?

What a joke!

Compared with Peixue and the young master's taunts, your taunts are as weak as the breeze blowing on your face!

"Haha, it's somewhat rude to face the elected members of the Holy Shield in this posture -" Thrall bowed slightly, then looked at Xue Long with a sly smile and asked: "Then, let's take a sip. , the evil concubine!"

As Renji's hair stood on end, Sal swallowed the Zanpakutō into his throat with a charming look on his face as if he was eating something, and his lower body turned into dancing tentacles in an instant - although These tentacles quickly merged with each other and turned back into skirts and legs, but Renji still felt like his sanity had plummeted.

Renji couldn't help but raised his hands and rubbed his arms, muttering, "It's so disgusting."

"Disgusting!? You actually said that my extremely beautiful posture is disgusting!?" Sal said in an unbelievable voice as if he heard something incredible: "Oh my god! *Elegant Hueco Mundo* , are all the Shinigami in Soul Society ignorant bumpkins? It’s unbelievable!”

Xue Long on the side couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, then pushed his eyes with trembling hands, and said, "Can you shut up and not talk? You bloody bitch!"


Sal widened his eyes and screamed, "Who the hell are you calling a sissy!?"

"Pink hair is natural, I'm not good at commenting, but I won't say much about your sissy frame - there won't be a straight guy with two flowers tattooed on the temples, right?"

Xue Long took a deep breath and suppressed the unhappiness in his heart: "Furthermore, I can understand using your index finger or middle finger to push the glasses, but what kind of virtue is it for you to push with your little finger? And what you did when you swallowed the knife just now is so... You’re skilled, you must eat that thing often, right? I’ve already talked about it to this point, and you still refuse to admit that you are a bitch? I can smell the mother-zero scent on you from [-] miles away, it’s disgusting!”

Sal: ヽ(Д)ノ

Love order: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Chapter 0406 Yulong’s Perfect Holy Body

No one expected that Xue Long, who seemed not good at words, would be so aggressive that two of Sal's alveoli would be blown away with just a few words.

"I changed my mind."

Thrall's face was covered with angry veins, he clenched his fists, and said through gritted teeth: "I will torture you severely, infect your body with various viruses, and then make you Under extreme pain, I can’t survive, I can’t die! Jie Jie Jie—”

What answered him was a spirit arrow accurately shot on his head.

Thrall: "..."

Love number: 0o0

"I still say that-"

Xue Long maintained his archery posture, and said with disgust in his eyes: "If you can do it, let the horse come! If you can't, don't bluff there."

"Bluffer!? You actually said I was bluffing!?"

Thrall's face was full of anger, he raised his hand and pulled out the arrow on his forehead, sneered, and said, "Could it be that the hit of this arrow gave you confidence? Naive, too naive !"

Thrall pointed to his smooth forehead, grinned and said, "Did you see that? Your attack can't break through my steel skin at all! Quincy is nothing to fear!"

"Oh? How many cards are listed?"

Xue Long couldn't help showing a sneer, he looked at Thrall with disdain, and said: "You still claim to be the greatest scientist in the virtual circle! Do you really think that, as a member of the Guardian Shield, I, Is there only this level of strength?"

"What, what does this sentence mean!? Do you have any other abilities or trump cards that I don't know about?"

Hearing Xue Long's words, Salton showed a distorted expression of a mad scientist: "I want to know! I really want to know! Quick, show me quickly~ah~"


Renji looked at Sal, who was twisting his body with his hands wrapped around his arms, looking weak and charming like a boneless person. He couldn't help but shudder, and then he couldn't help but hold on to the pillar next to him, and vomited something rainbow-colored. .

"Mr. Asai, if you really can't stand this guy—"

Xuelong glanced at Renji with a blue face, then narrowed his eyes, and said, "Why don't you leave him to me to deal with! How about you go support Kurosaki?"

"No, no." Renji wiped the corner of his mouth, shook his head with difficulty, and said, "I, how could I leave you alone and run away?"

"This is not leaving me alone to escape, but a reasonable distribution of combat power!"

Xue Long looked at Renji with a serious face and said in a serious tone: "Your fighting type should be a frontal combat type, while the No. 80 Blade is a type that is good at various weird abilities. This means that your compatibility is very good. Poor - even if you are here, the role you can provide is limited, and it may even be a hindrance, so the battlefield that is more suitable for you should be over Kurosaki."


Renji was stunned for a moment, and had to say that what Xuelong said was very reasonable - since he failed to force Thrall's return blade out after he swastized it, it can be seen how bad his compatibility with Thrall is.

"Stop wasting time! You feel it too?"

Xue Long glanced at the direction where the spiritual pressure was erupting, and then said with a serious face: "Kurosaki's spiritual pressure is colliding fiercely with another extremely powerful spiritual pressure. That's where you should stay!"

"I, I know!"

Renji's expression also became serious, he released the swastika, then clenched the handle of the knife in his hand, gritted his teeth and said, "Promise me, absolutely, never die here!"

"Don't worry."

A smile appeared on Xuelong's lips. He reached out and patted Renji on the shoulder and said, "I'm very strong! Go and support Kurosaki!"

"give it to me!"

Renji nodded vigorously, and then he ran out of the room without hesitation, but the owner of the room just stood there expressionless, watching him leave with eyes without emotion.


When the door to the room was closed, Xue Long couldn't help but exhale, then turned to look at Sal and said, "I thought you would stop him from leaving."

"If he is still in the room, then I still need to allocate part of my attention to prevent the changes he brings--" Thrall showed a sly smile on his face, "but now, I only need to focus on Just put it on you, can't you?"

"As expected of Hueco Mundo's top scientist, I'm afraid you've been pulling the strings from the beginning, right?"

Xue Long couldn't help but clapped his hands lightly, then glanced around, squinted his eyes and said, "For example, the poisonous mist that has spread all over this room without knowing it? The vomit of the god of death just now is also Was it caused by the poisonous fog?"

"Oh my god, have my little actions been discovered?"

Thrall covered his mouth in feigned surprise, and said, "Could it be that this is why you stuffed the antidote into his arms by patting his shoulder?"

"if not?"

Xue Long pushed the glasses with his fingers, and said softly: "From the very beginning, I have been extremely vigilant against you."

"So that's the case, [-] points of vigilance? It sounds really targeted—" Thrall showed a dazed expression, but this expression didn't last long, and he was replaced by a twisted and mocking mockery: " However, just being vigilant is not enough! Since you have guessed that I will spread poison, then you should not have too many verbal exchanges with me, and you should not let me enter the state of returning to the blade— —From the moment you started chatting with me, you have half-stepped into the end of 'death'!"

As the voice fell, traces of faintly visible purple patterns immediately emerged from Xue Long's body surface - from his exposed forehead, neck, back of hands and other places, purple patterns like thorny vines could be seen.

"Look! No matter how careful you are, you've already been tricked—"

Thrall licked his fingertips with a drunken look on his face, and showed a somewhat yandere smile, "Ah, when I think about the fact that I will soon have a Holy Shield-level white mouse in my collection, I will compete. Gao Ni, hey iron duck!"

"It's too early for you to be happy."

Xue Long scattered the sparrow in his hand, then looked into Thrall's eyes, and said: "Do you still remember that I asked you a question at the beginning? Why do you think I, an incomprehensible Quincy, You can embroider gold patterns on your uniform—the right choice for the Shield of the Protector, but it depends on your strength."

The smile on Thrall's face froze slightly, he lowered his head, then stared at Xue Long whose face had a hint of purple, and said: "The answer is not important anymore - even if you have something I don't know So what? Ten seconds, only ten seconds, and you will turn into a puddle of purple liquid and be put into the test tube by me!"

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