"Ten seconds? Then I'll wait and see—"

Xue Long calmly leaned on the stone pillar behind him with his arms folded, and then counted down for Thrall in a calm voice: "Ten, nine... two, one, time is up!"

Along with Xuelong's countdown, the smile on Thrall's face gradually receded, and finally turned into a madness full of excitement: "Why!? Why didn't my poison take effect? ​​What did you do? Hey, tell me, tell me Me! What method did you use!?"

"Want to know? Then please—"

"Please, tell me!"

"But even if you beg me, I won't tell you—"

Xue Long showed an extremely nasty smile, he grew up under the "accompaniment" of scumbags like Pei Xue and Lin Qiong, "You just turned into ashes and disappeared into the virtual circle in the midst of the frustration you couldn't ask for. Bar."

"The sharp-tongued Quincy——"

Thrall's expression became completely gloomy. He grinned, showing his white teeth, and said, "In that case, I'll let you experience the fighting methods of scientists!"

'Scientists' fighting methods?I've seen that kind of thing in the soul world. '

Xuelong recalled the past battle with Nie Yuli, and couldn't help saying with emotion: "The fact that the opponent was able to win so easily at the beginning was because the opponent underestimated the enemy. '

To put it bluntly, Nirvana Mayuri didn't take the Quincy individual named "Ishida Uryu" seriously at all, and rushed to join the battle without all the equipment, so he was given a second by the desperate Ishida Uryu.

'However, it's completely different now. '

Ishida Uryu let out a soft breath, then looked at Thrall in front of him, and said, "This is the third time I've raised this question, and it's also the last——how do you think an incomprehensible Quincy can How about becoming a member of the Guardian Shield?"

As the voice fell, dots of white Reiatsu particles spread out from Xue Long's body, and then gathered on his head and back respectively.

"What, what kind of power is this!?"

Thrall's eyes widened, he found in disbelief that all the toxins he arranged and diffused in advance, as well as the backhands he secretly planted on Xuelong's body, all disappeared under the white light like white snow under the sun.

"The answer is very simple. The Quincy Master has the equivalent of the Swastika, the Holy Body!" A platinum halo appeared above Xue Long's head, and eight wings of light appeared behind him, " My perfect holy body is called 'God's Purification', and its ability is very simple - within the scope of my ability, all 'abnormalities' will be corrected to 'normal'."

Sal Apollo's face became distorted, and he screamed in disbelief: "How can such an ability exist -"

"My commentary has come to an end!"

After entering the holy body, the black uniform with gold patterns on his body has been dyed platinum by his ability, Xuelong calmly raised the longbow in his right hand, and said softly: "Then, Mr. No.80 Blade, I hope you have a Happy afterlife—farewell!"

"Blood-moving outfit, holy destroying arrow!"

With the sigh of the snow dragon, the giant sacred arrow filled with the power of "correction" and "purification" razed the entire palace of Sar Apollo to the ground.

No.80 Blade Sal Apollo.


Chapter 0407 Haiyan: Rukia, can I ask you to die once?

Ishida Uryu is killing his opponent in seconds;

Chadu Taihu is fishing with his friends;

Rukia is watching Shiba Haiyan show off her power;

Asai Renji was rushing to the location of Kurosaki Ichigo.

So, what is Kurosaki Ichigo doing?

#Query the status of Kurosaki Ichigo#

Oh, Kurosaki Ichigo is being beaten.

"What's wrong!? Let me ask you, what's wrong with you!?"

Grimmjow, who was already in the Returning Blade state, looked at Kurosaki Ichigo who was blown away by him, and said wildly: "Kurosaki Ichigo! Didn't you arrogantly ask me not to block your way just now? What's going on now!?"


Kurosaki Ichigo got up from the ground, spit out the sand in his mouth, rushed towards Grimmjow with a stride, and shouted back: "I just let you do two tricks a little bit. what is it call!?"

"Give me two moves!?"

After receiving Kurosaki Ichigo's attack with his palm, Grimmjow hit Kurosaki Ichigo's forehead with a head hammer, glaring at his eyes, and said ruthlessly, "You can't say such things until you have the upper hand. Bar!!"

"Then I'll take it for you to see——"

Kurosaki Ichigo pushed Grimmjow away forcefully with a sound of "Drink!", then held the handle of the knife with both hands and swung it down vigorously, roaring: "Crescent Moon—Tianchong—!!"

In the next scene, the black and red crescent pierced the sky, cutting a deep scar on Grimmjow's chest.

"That's right! That's right! This kind of attack is enough power!"

After feeling the pain coming from his chest, Grimmjow's voice became even more frenzied. He wiped a handful of blood on the wound on his chest with his right hand, then waved it in front of him, and growled: "Accept the move!" ——Wang Xu's flash!!!"

The next moment, a blue beam of light penetrated the sky of Xuye Palace.



the other side.

the present.

Kakuza-cho, above.

"This is really a grand welcome ceremony—"

Aizen, who came out of his dark voice, looked at the members of the Gotei [-] in front of him, couldn't help but chuckle, and joked: "It seems that the Soul Society really takes me seriously~"

"Oh, Aizen-sama is joking again—"

Ichimaru Gin showed a standard fox-like smile, and joked: "In front of Captain Aizan and Qiongsang, these people are nothing more than chickens and dogs, aren't they?"

"Haha, Silver, you can't say that -"

Aizan showed a playful smile, he glanced at Captain Yamamoto standing at the front of the team, and said softly: "Facing the strongest god of death in the past thousand years, even I will feel a little tricky— —”

"Looking at the forceful way of speaking, it's a little tricky..."

Lin Qiong couldn't help but smacked his lips, then took out his notebook silently, and began to record Lan Ran's quotations, while rewriting the quotations, he said with emotion: "I have to say, I can learn a lot with Alan that I can't learn in other places. Arrived rambunctious words."

Aizen: "?"

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, then he looked around as if he didn't hear Lin Qiong talking to himself, and said, "It seems that there are so many fewer people than I imagined?"

"It seems that the fourth team's Uno Hanauri, the sixth team's Kuchiki Byakuya, the eleventh team's Saraki Kenpachi, and the [-]th team's Nirvana Yuri?"

Lin Qiong touched his chin, then raised his finger and pointed behind him, and said, "Alan, will we not be robbed?"

"It's okay."

Lan Ran comforted Lin Qiong calmly, and said, "The ten blades from No.4 to No.10 are all guarded in the Xuye Palace. It's just the four captains. Why should we be afraid?"

Lin Qiong nodded seriously, and then said with admiration: "As expected of Alan, I can't catch up with such a far-sighted vision! Clap your hands——"

Stark clapped his hands helplessly under Lilinette's supervision, while Lilinette, who had been bribed, applauded very enthusiastically;

Bai Legang and his subordinate officers clapped their hands in a daring manner, as if they were mourning. People who didn't know saw the atmosphere of their team and thought it was a funeral;

Harribel, Sunsun, Apache, and Mira were lukewarm and clapped their hands very reservedly, with the appearance of "workplace coping" written on their faces.

After the applause lasted for three seconds, Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, then grabbed it with both hands, put it down heavily, and said, "Very good, take it!"

The applause stopped and everyone was silent.

Aizen: "..."

Ichimaru Gin: "..."

Dongxian Yao: "..."

Gotei [-]: "..."


Jingle Chunshui covered her mouth and let out a joyful laugh: "Hahaha, little brother Qiong is really a wonderful person! He was able to make this group of unruly people so obedient—how did you do it?"

"This involves the corporate secrets of our virtual circle! If brother Jingle is interested, why don't we contact each other in private?"

Lin Qiong turned around and came to Jingle Chunshui, then put his arms around his shoulders with a smile, and stuffed a copy of the latest photo into his arms calmly, and said: "We are treated very well in Xuquan. Yes, not only are there five social insurances and one housing fund, but also there are no holidays during holidays, and the days off should be given for a few days. There are also subsidies at ordinary times, and subordinate officials can also distribute them according to needs, whether it is a loli type or a royal sister type. have……"

"Suck it-"

Jingle Chunshui took a deep breath, put the photobook into his pocket in a hurry, then pushed Lin Qiong away with pain on his face, choked up and said: "Don't be so familiar with me, be so familiar It’s not good for others to see.”

Lin Qiong looked around, and then suddenly saw Captain Yamamoto looking at Jingle Chunshui with a murderous look. The expression was like the father of the class teacher seeing his juicy little cabbage girl being raped by the class The most mischievous child is touching his hands under the desk.

Lin Qiong thought for a moment, then took out another photo book and handed it to the captain, asking: "Well, can I give you one too?"


Jing Le Chunshui covered his mouth and turned away his eyes. He didn't dare to see how angry Old Man Shan was looking at at this time, but he dared to laugh secretly, and he wouldn't change it after being beaten to death.

"Everything in the sky..."

You see, the old man Shan is about to let go of his anger.


The forest monster screamed, then hurried back behind Aizen, and said aggrievedly: "Alan, that old man with hair growing on his chin bullied me! I have to watch you three times every night before going to bed. I gave him the photo, but he didn’t know the product!”

Aizen: "?"

Yamamoto: "?"

Jingle Shunsui & Ukitake Shishiro: "Pfft——"

Stark covered his face, and then sighed silently: Aqiong, you deserve to be the one who broke the atmosphere of the entire battlefield by yourself!

Can this fight continue?



The virtual circle, the virtual night palace.

"Really, it's incredible."

After several confirmations, Rukia lowered her hands in disbelief, and murmured: "It's really a petrel, a living petrel."

Haiyan scratched her head, and then showed a vigorous smile towards Rukia: "Oh! It's a real Shiba Haiyan! How is it? Are you surprised?"

“Super surprise!”

Rukia took a deep breath, then slammed her forehead heavily on Shiba Haiyan's chest, and said in a low voice: "I don't know how many times I had nightmares, dreaming of the night when I killed you with my own hands..."

Haiyan touched Rukia's head with her hand, and said softly: "I'm sorry, I put that crime on your shoulders! But I believe that if it was Rukia, she would be able to bear it and continue to sneak. "

Feeling the familiar touch from the top of her head, Rukia couldn't help raising her hands and grabbing Shiba Haiyan's collar, and then let out a shallow sob.

'Um?This spiritual pressure...'

At this moment, Zhiba Haiyan seemed to sense something, looked to the outside of the room, then showed a subtle smile on the corner of her mouth, and said to Rukia in her arms: "Rukia, can you do me a favor? "

Rukia raised her head and sniffed, then asked blankly, "What can I do for you?"

Shiba Haiyan lowered his head, put his mouth to Lucia's ear, and whispered: "Can I ask you to 'die' once?"

Rukia: "!"



Accompanied by the brutal attack, the door of the room burst out, and a figure exuding killing intent appeared at the door.

"Oh oh oh-"

Shiba Haiyan, who put on the bird mask again, sat on the ground and said to Byakuya Kuchiki who broke into the room, "That's really rude! Mr. Captain, do you have any opinion on me?"

Kuchiki Byakuya ignored the opponent's provocation, but looked at the back of Kuchiki Rukia who was lying in a pool of blood expressionlessly, felt the opponent's extremely weak Reiatsu, and said in a voice that seemed to be able to freeze to death : "I ask you, who made her become like this?"

"Her? Are you talking about this little girl?"

Haiyan pointed to Rukia beside her, pointed her thumb at herself with a smile on her face, and said, "Of course I stabbed her into her body from behind! Jie Jie, one swastika I don’t even know who gave her the courage to break into the virtual circle!”

Lucia threw herself on the ground: "..."

Although, although I do not master the meaning of swastika, but, Haiyan, calling me a little spicy chicken or something, is it too much! ?And what on earth do you want to do, actually let me pretend to be "seriously injured" in front of my eldest brother?

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