"She's not trash."

Probably because he felt that Rukia was in a coma at this time and could not hear his own voice, so Kuchiki Byakuya said without fear: "She is Kuchiki Rukia, my proud sister!"

Rukia: "..."

At this time, Rukia burst into a storm and cried in her heart: "Brother, ah, ah, how, how, how I wish that you could say these words when I'm sober!" ! '

Chapter 0408 I hope you won't regret it

"Uh-huh! Cough, cough, cough—"

After Haiyan saw Lucia's kelp-like tears from the corner of her eye, she coughed dryly twice, signaling the little idiot to pay attention to her acting skills.

After the silly girl Lucia came to her senses and started pretending to be dead again, Haiyan tossed the knife in her hand with a leisurely expression and said: "Proud, complacent, super fond, and carnal sister? "

Rukia: "?"

Byakuya: "?"

Did he say so?

Byakuya Kuchiki was silent for a few seconds, then glanced at Rukia lying on the ground whose life and death were uncertain, guessing that the other party might not be able to hear her, so he nodded and said, "So what?"


At this point, Rukia almost lost her temper and was about to cover her face with her hands and curl up into a Rukia ball, okay?

"Hmm! Cough cough cough cough—"

Seeing Lukia's twitching face, Haiyan coughed again, signaling her to calm down, she must be calm, if she reveals her truth, he and she will die today!

Hearing this, Rukia was refreshed for a while, then suppressed her shyness and joy, and continued to pretend to be Rukia·Battle Damaged.jpg.

"Although, it seems that the sweet-hearted sister you are so proud of and like so much is not very strong -"

Haiyan taunted arrogantly: "I just walked up to her back quietly while she was fighting the enemy, and then gave her a righteous backstab, and she was killed in seconds with a swipe of chua - look at the white cloak on your body , you should be the captain, right? Why is my brother the captain, but my sister is such a rubbish?"

Rukia: "..."

Hard, fist hard.

Brother Haiyan! !Although, can you stop talking so much?I feel like I'm riddled with holes, okay?


Kuchiki Byakuya:"?"

Without saying a word, he drew the Zanpakuto from his waist, and said in a cold voice, "You are not qualified to comment on how she is doing."

"Oh, you seem to be a very calm person, why are you so impulsive when you come across a topic related to your sister?"

Seeing Kuchiki Byakuya's movements, Haiyan raised her hand and scratched her head involuntarily, and said, "However, your opponent is not me?"

The next moment, a black shadow descended from the sky. After she landed on the ground, she stepped on her feet and stabbed the short dagger made of water in both hands into the two kidneys of Kuchiki Byakuya. .


Zhibo Haiyan, who was watching, subconsciously covered her waist, and then gasped—I'm a bitch, Miss Feizhen, you don't need to poke this position, do you?

Although it didn't stab it.


In the astonished expression of the attacker, her two knives only pierced Kuchiki Byakuya's captain's cloak, but he himself had already hugged Rukia on the ground and landed in a safe position.

"The third of the four secret steps - Kong Chan!"

Kuchiki Byakuya gently put Rukia on the ground, then lowered his eyelids slightly, and said softly, "Although it's that woman's skill, it's still easy to use——Next, it's my turn!"

"Let's scatter, Senbon Sakura—"

He gently waved the Zanpakuto in his hand, the moment he swung the blade, the slender blade disintegrated into thousands of cherry blossom petals, rolling towards the short figure who attacked him just now.

"Very beautiful Shijie——"

There was a hint of smile in Kuchiki Heizhen's voice. She poured her spiritual pressure into the captain's cloak in her hand, swung it forward hard, scattered the petal blades that rolled over, and then seized this opportunity to do a few backflips. He distanced himself from Byakuya Kuchiki.


Haiyan, who was sitting on the high platform, couldn't help clapping her hands and said, "This backflip is really beautiful! The elder sister is so flexible! Awesome!"

Kuchiki Byakuya:"?"

He couldn't help but sneer and said: "Do you need to praise a backflip of this level? It's really ridiculous!"

Zhiba Haiyan: Σ( ° △ °|||)

The face under his mask opened his mouth wide in surprise, and then couldn't help applauding, saying: "As expected of the captain of the sixth division, Byakuya Kuchiki!"

Hope you won't regret it later!

Kuchiki Hima who fell on the ground: "..."

There is one thing to say, when she was praised by Zhibo Haiyan, she was still a little bit happy-after all, her previous physical fitness did not support her to make such "intense" movements.

'You idiot, why don't you praise me a little bit? '

Kuchiki Feizhen glared at Kuchiki Byakuya angrily through the mask, then puffed up his mouth angrily, and said softly, "May Rain, Heavy Rain!"

The next moment, the two flowing water daggers in Kuchiki Hiuma's hands suddenly exploded and turned into two streams of water surrounding her.

"Is this your return blade?"

Kuchiki Byakuya waved the hilt in his hand calmly, and said in an extremely indifferent voice: "It doesn't look like anything special."

Zhibo Haiyan: "?"

He couldn't help covering his mask, and then screamed in his heart: "Captain Kuchimu, I beg you, please stop talking!" !Otherwise, after today's fight, I'm afraid you'll kneel on the washboard when you go back—"

Kuchiki Hime really didn't look very pretty anymore.

Her little face under the mask was tense, and she said in a bad tone: "Just open your eyes and see clearly what my 'Returning Blade' is like!"

After finishing speaking, she raised her right hand and moved forward for a while, the two streams of water behind her suddenly rioted—hundreds of water droplets shot towards Kuchiki Byakuya like Gatling.


Byakuya Kuchiki's eyes shrank. He waved the hilt of the knife in his hand without hesitation, controlling Senbonzakura to quickly meet the opponent's rain curtain - the next moment, there was a "pitter patter" sound like rain hitting a plantain. The sound resounded in the room, and the dense sound made Shiba Haiyan's scalp numb.

If this hits a person, I'm afraid it can beat him into a sieve, and it will be done twice!

"Huo? Is it the same type of ability as mine?"

Kuchiki Byakuya looked at this scene, and said in a voice that could freeze people to death: "Unfortunately, your ability is far different from mine."

Haiyan: "?"

No, Captain Kuchiki, I remember that you are not such a character who likes to talk about it! ?Did you get shot or stabbed today... Oh, I almost forgot, in the knowledge of Captain Kuchiki, the life and death of Little Onion is uncertain...

No wonder the mood is so bad.

But this is not the reason for you to taunt your wife like crazy!Calm down, Captain Kuchiki, you have to calm down!

"Let me show you the true strength of the captain of the [-]th Guarding Team."

Kuchiki Byakuya coldly threw down the hilt of the sword in his hand and said coldly: "Swastika - Senbonzakura Kagegan!"

The cherry blossoms, which were denser, sharper and more magnificent than before, swept into the rain curtain in front of them in an instant - after Senbonzakura entered the swastika, the May rain that had been able to compete with it just now suddenly retreated step by step.

"Only to this extent?"

Kuchiki Byakuya stood proudly on the ground, nearly 60.00% of the cherry blossom petals were lingering around him at this moment, setting him off like a handsome man under the cherry blossom rain, "I only used one-third of the petals. "


'It's so hot! '

Kuchiki Hima clenched her fist subconsciously, and then glared at her husband - it's so strange, why didn't I realize that Byakuya was such an annoying guy before! ?

Hard, fist hard!

Haiyan on the high platform had already fallen to the ground, and then she looked at Lucia, who was pretending to be dead, and sighed in unison.

It is obvious that the wife is just going to "test" her husband's current strength a little bit, why do you feel that the development of this plot is gradually moving in the direction of divorce?

No matter how you think about it, it's all Kuchiki's fault!

"Hiss, whoo—"

After taking a deep breath, Kuchiki Feizhen raised his right hand in a very stable mood, and said softly: "卍解·五...雨...夜..."

Kuchiki Byakuya:"?"

At the moment when the thought of "what is she talking about" arose in his mind, his vision suddenly became pitch black, and besides his ears, he could no longer hear any sound except for the rushing rain.

"What am I here for?"

When such a thought appeared in Bai Zai's mind, a wordless drowsiness suddenly flooded his heart, and the sound of rain in his ears seemed to turn into the most beautiful lullaby in the world, making one burst after another. A surge of drowsiness flooded his mind.

"So sleepy, really sleepy! Why don't you just sleep like this?"

The moment this thought arose in his mind, Kuchiki Byakuya's eyelids were suddenly as heavy as a thousand weights, slowly closing, closing...

'wrong! '

The next moment, a white lightning flashed across Kuchiki Byakuya's mind. He suddenly widened his eyes, then raised his head, panting and looking at the darkness around him.

"Tick tock, tick tock—"

The bright red blood dripped down the outside of Bai Zai's thighs to the ground. He covered his face with tired eyes, and then stared intently at the looming figure in front of him.

"Have you responded?"

Kuchiki Heizhen's voice passed through the rain curtain and reached Byakuya Kuchiki's ears with some distortion, "How about just sleeping like this?"

"What you just shouted was Swastika! In other words, you used Shijie instead of Guiben?"

Although Kuchiki Byakuya used a question, his tone was extremely determined, "Are you a Shinigami, not an Arrancar? Who are you—"

"Want to know who the eldest sister is? Then defeat her, and then uncover her mask yourself—"

Haiyan sat up from the platform, then looked down at Kuchiki Byakuya, and said provocatively, "Or does it mean that our Captain Kuchiki doesn't have the confidence to defeat her?"

Kuchiki Byakuya:"?"

very good!

Man, you have my attention.

The spiritual pressure on Kuchiki Byakuya's body began to rise, and with the rise of his spiritual pressure, the surrounding rain curtain and the sound of dense rain that seemed to obscure his vision seemed to have weakened a lot.

"Sure enough, I'm guessing right, your basic ability of Swastika should be to interfere with the enemy's vision and hearing through the rain curtain and the sound of rain—"

When Byakuya Kuchiki said this, he tried to move his body, and after finding out that it was heavy, he added: "Oh, it can also affect the enemy's mobility! It's a swastika that can greatly weaken the enemy—"

Hearing her husband praise herself, Kuchiki Feizhen showed a happy smile and said, "Thank you Captain Kuchiki for the compliment."

"However, unfortunately, your swastika is too compatible with mine—"

Kuchiki Byakuya raised his right hand, he stared firmly at Kuchiki Hime in front of him, and said in a cold voice: "My Senbenzakura cannot be blocked by this level of rain!"

Bloom in the rain, Senbonzakura!

Chapter 0409 Oh, it's over

If Kuchiki Hime really May Rain is a downpour, then Kuchiki Byakuya's Senbonzakura is a bottom-up spring of cherry blossoms.


Thousands, tens of thousands of cherry blossom petals emerged from Kuchiki Byakuya's body, and then lingered around him, forming a spherical protective layer, isolating the dense raindrops from the cherry blossoms.


A few seconds later, Kuchiki Byakuya's voice came from the cherry blossom ball: "As long as your rain curtain is cut off, your influence on me will be negligible."


Kuchiki Feizhen chuckled, she didn't seem to show any disappointment because the ability of swastika was cracked, "However, Captain Kuchiki, do you mean that you are going to be like this, to be a shrinking turtle?"


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