Facing Kuchiki Hime's provocation, Kuchiki Byakuya just let out a sneer of disdain. He stood indifferently surrounded by cherry blossoms, and then calmly stretched out his right hand.


Along with Kuchiki Byakuya's movements, the sizing cherry blossom petals emerged from the soles of his feet. These gorgeous but deadly cherry blossom blades were like cherry-colored waves, sweeping towards Kuchiki Hinama who was standing on the "shore".


Kuchiki Hijin raised her right hand in the same movement as Kuchiki Byakuya. She controlled her raindrops with a solemn expression, and started to collide with Kuchiki Byakuya's cherry blossom petals. Fortunately, under the influence of the rain curtain, Kuchiki Byakuya needed to expend more effort to control Sakura so that she could barely keep up with his speed.


Haiyan lying on the platform looked at the battle below, couldn't help but shook her head, and sighed in her heart: "Sure enough, the big sister who has only trained for three months wants to defeat Captain Kuchiki, is it still a bit whimsical after all?" '

What's more, compared with her younger sister, Kuchiki Feizhen's talent is really far behind—at least Kuchiki Feizhen's innate insufficiency is too low to withstand the high spiritual pressure environment of Seireitei, resulting in overwork and finally dying of illness in the In front of Byakuya Kuchiki.

In addition, Kuchiki Feima is not a Zanpakuto of the frontal combat type!

After five or six seconds of fierce collision between cherry blossom petals and raindrops, the battle zone between the two sides was visibly moving towards Kuchiki Hiuma's position - obviously, in this battle, Kuchiki Byakuya's Senbonzakura Kage Yan The rich Sakurami tactics gained the upper hand.

"Oh, but that's it."

Kuchiki Byakuya sneered, and he walked elegantly and firmly towards Kuchiki Hijin, and the cherry blossom balls surrounding him squirmed forward with his movements - how should I say, from Haiyan's From an angle, it's a bit weird and pretty.


'But why are you mocking again? '

Haiyan covered her face, and glanced at Rukia who was lying on the ground, bored and picking her nose, and then sighed silently—although I know you are grumpy because your sister was injured, but You are mocking your wife, right?

'I've seen the future—'

Haiyan couldn't help feeling sad, he suppressed the grief in his heart, took out the mobile phone with large memory that Lin Qiong had prepared for him in advance, and changed the mobile phone to video recording while mourning for Kuchiki Byakuya mode, and secretly exposed the camera from the chest.

Of course, this is just an order from the boss!

Under Haiyan's gloating gaze, Kuchiki Byakuya walked to a position less than three meters away from Kuchiki Hijin, and the cherry blossom petals that had finished suppressing the rain curtain were gathering in his palm.

"Then, let me see your true face -"

Kuchiki Byakuya waved the blade in his hand with a cold expression, accurately and elegantly cutting open the mask on Kuchiki Hinama's face, revealing her lineup.

"Hey, hey..."

Kuchiki Feizhen shyly raised his right hand towards Kuchiki Byakuya, and waited for the imminent hug from her husband—oh, the anger just now is not important in front of the real charge!Hug me, Byakuya...


The sharp blade was across Kuchiki Hinama's neck.

"You guys are very brave—"

Bai Zai's voice was filled with unprecedented fury, which could not be concealed even by his cold tone, "Not only hurt my sister, but also imitated my wife's appearance—you are doing this court death!"

"No, listen to my explanation..."

Kuchiki Feizhen was just about to explain that she was not an imitation, but the real deity, but before she could speak, Kuchiki Byakuna interrupted her narration with eyes like the sword of the White Emperor.

"shut your mouth."

Kuchiki Byakuya's hand holding the knife trembled slightly, "If you think that this level of imitation can shake my heart, you underestimate the men of the Kuchiki family - your poor imitation can only restore One-tenth of Feizhen, no, one-twentieth of the gesture."

Kuchiki Hima: "?"

Me, you only imitate me, one-twentieth, right?

Kuchiki Byakuya looked down at Kuchiki Hijin and said: "The biggest mistake you have ever made in your life is to tarnish the nobility of my wife! The final scene of the White Emperor Sword——"

Under the control of Kuchiki Byakuya, all the cherry blossom petals gathered towards his hand, and he held the white long sword wrapped around the Reiatsu like spreading wings, and then pointed at Kuchiki Hima indifferently, and said: "Death to my ultimate secret, poor imitator—"

At this moment, Kuchiki Rukia, who was lying on the ground, finally couldn't hold back when she saw the situation develop to this point.

She hastily wiped what was on her fingers on the ground, then stood up with her hands on the ground, and shouted in the direction of Kuchiki Byakuya: "Brother, show mercy, that's really sister-in-law—"

Kuchiki Byakuya:"?"

He looked at Rukia, who exuded the Reiatsu of "I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm so weak and so weak", but she was extremely energetic, and fell into silence.

Then he looked at Kuchiki Hijin, who was looking at him expressionlessly, and fell into a deeper silence.

Oh shit, it's over.


"It's nothing special, is it?"

"It's very different from your ability, isn't it?"

"That's just the extent of it, right?"

"Bad impersonators, eh?"

Kuchiki Hime crossed his arms, looking angrily at Kuchiki Byakuya who was kneeling on the ground like a puffer fish.Beside her, Shiba Haiyan, who has taken off her mask, is showing a gloating smile. As for Rukia next to her...

Ahem, she is holding back her laughter, her face is already turning red.

After all, this is the new big brother Chuan she has never seen before!


Haiyan coughed twice, and then consoled her from the side: "Sister Feizhen! Captain Kuchiki is not guilty of ignorance - although he didn't recognize you when you first appeared; He didn’t recognize you when you heard your voice; he didn’t recognize you when you showed up for the first time.”

Kuchiki Byakuya:"?"

He glanced at Zhibo Haiyan, who seemed to be comforting, but in fact was furious, and then silently made a note in the notebook in his heart.

This hatred, I remember it!



the present.

Empty Town.

"Oh, what a fierce battle..."

Lin Qiong crouched in mid-air, with his back to Old Man Shan, watching the battle below with surprised eyes——

Stark's opponent is Kyoraku Shunsui;

Rivals and Broken Bees in Balegang;

Harribel's opponent is Hitsugaya.

In addition, the subordinate officials of Ten Blades also confronted the vice-captain or the chief officer of the Thirteenth Guarding Team.

"Full-fledged belonging is."

Lin Qiong stood up, patted the dust on his trousers, then pouted his mouth and glanced at the three Aizens surrounded by flames, and complained: "But some people are fishing openly... It's not right, maybe it's just for Push me some troublesome opponent?"

Lin Qiong turned around, looked at Captain Yamamoto who was getting more and more imposing behind him, grinned and said, "Old man, you are getting old, don't be so angry like a young boy! You have to learn to keep healthy—"

"A stinky brat with a sharp mouth."

Old Man Shan held the hilt of the Blade Ruohuo with a calm expression and said in a deep voice: "Last time in Soul Society, I still remember clearly what you slandered me about!"

"Eh? This stingy old man——"

Lin Qiong suddenly showed a grinning expression, and then yelled at Jingle Chunshui at the top of his voice: "Brother Jingle, isn't your teacher the type who would bring up the mistakes made a few years ago? ?”

"Ah this..."

Jingle Chunshui, who was acting opposite Stark, pressed the brim of his hat, then turned around with a wry smile and said: "Brother Qiong, Old Man Shan is my teacher, how could I possibly teach him not only how many years? Tell you about your previous mistakes, and even tell you things like accumulating small daily things and calculating the general ledger?"

Lin Qiong gave him a thumbs up without hesitation and said: "I give you a thumbs up for your bravery - besides, your teacher is watching you!"


Old Man Shan showed a kind smile towards Jing Le Chunshui, then opened his squinted eyes, took a step towards Lin Qiong with awe-inspiring force, and said in a deep voice: "I will first treat you, a sharp-tongued person. Get rid of that little brat and teach him a lesson!"


Shunpo, and then...

"Flowing Blade Like Fire·One Style·Supporting Slash——"

This is not a blow from Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni releasing the Zanpakutō, it is just a single-drawn sword-a quick vertical cut that gathers the Reiatsu on the blade at the moment the sword is drawn, nothing more.


The next moment, a slash that seemed to cut the city in half appeared in the air. Feeling this heavy, sharp and huge spiritual pressure, the Zaihou, Hakumura Zuozhen and Hitsugaya Toshiro in the distance all reacted in unison. made a firm judgment.

"The chief captain has made a move, that Poface is doomed—"

However, the spiritual pressure rising in vain from the sword light made them look shocked.

"Oh oh oh-"

The rising spiritual pressure dispersed the dust caused by Old Man Shan's slashing. Lin Qiong looked at the curls of green smoke rising from the palm of his right hand wearing the Byakuya King. He couldn't help but smile jokingly and said: "As expected of the Commander-in-Chief of the Gotei Thirteenth Team. Captain, the slash from the strongest god of death in the millennium is really terrifying—"

Chapter 0410


Jingle Chunshui pressed the brim of his hat, looked at Stark with calm eyes, and joked: "Mr. Pomian doesn't seem to be surprised at the fact that Brother Qiong is unharmed-in fact, you Are you confident in his strength?"


Stark, who came back to his senses, looked at Jingle Chunshui, he raised his hand and plucked his ears, and said, "Of course there are! After all, that guy is the strongest among us. "

"Oh, is that really the case? No wonder Aizen specially placed him opposite Old Man Shan -"

Jingle Chunshui scratched his face helplessly, and said, "I have a headache! There is not only Aizen, but also Aqiong over there, while we only have Old Man Shan on our side—oh, what a disadvantage! Disadvantage!"


Stark glanced at Jingle Shunsui in front of him, and said lazily: "Unlike the captains over there, you didn't think anything would happen to Aqiong from the very beginning, did you?"

"Have you been discovered? Hehe——"

Jingle Chunshui smiled lightly, and said in a low voice: "Sure enough, the sense of crisis I felt when I was in the world of corpses and souls is correct—"

He had only felt the sense of crisis that surpassed everything in Old Man Shan and Lan Ran, and it was a sense of crisis that he could not resist no matter what.

Yes, lethal.


"Hey, he actually took that blow—"

Seeing Lin Qiong who was unharmed after receiving the vertical slash from the chief captain, Sui Feng widened his eyes, showing a rather shocked expression, and O Maeda beside her was even more surprised. He was about to fly out, and he stammered: "Team team, team leader! Let's run away, let's run away! That's a monster, that's a complete, complete monster!!"

Even if a hundred Omaedas piled up together, they couldn't stop the blow just now, okay? ?The results of it! ?As a result, the broken face that looked too weak was unscathed!

Is it in the river?This is not in the river!

How could there be such a terrifying monster! ?How to fight this! ?This can't be fought at all, there is no way to fight!Why don't you just go back to your hometown and sell pancakes!

"Shut up, idiot!"

Broken Bee glared at his vice-captain, who destroyed his own ambitions and boosted the prestige of others, and said angrily: "What are you afraid of!? The captain didn't even use the world, he just swung a slash—"

Hearing this, Omaeda breathed a sigh of relief, and then showed a happy expression: "Oh, that's good, that's good."


Hearing the conversation between the two, Bailegang immediately covered his forehead and let out a piercing laugh, "I really laughed to death!"

Broken Bee looked at Bailegang in front of him, and then showed a slightly mocking smile: "Oh? What is it that deserves your smile?"

"Hehehe, what's the matter?"

Bai Legang grinned, showing a mocking smile, and said: "I just feel ridiculous because of your blind self-confidence——from what you said, it seems that as long as the 'captain' in your mouth uses the initial solution , you can easily defeat that brat, right?"

Omaeda clenched his fists, and then cheered himself up in a voice that was both unreasonable and strong: "Of course! That's the captain of Gotei [-]! He's the strongest Shinigami!"

"Is it the strongest? That's really a coincidence——"

Bailegang narrowed his eyes and glanced at Lin Qiong who was shaking his hands, and said in a slightly displeased voice: "Although the old man is very reluctant to admit it, that brat is undoubtedly the strongest among us—"

O Maeda's expression changed quite wonderfully.


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