

Lin Qiong blew on the palm of his hand, and then said with some complaints: "Old man, you don't have martial ethics. This sudden move almost scared me to death - is this also part of your plan?"

"The old man really didn't look away—"

Old Man Shan opened his eyes, then looked at Lin Qiong thoughtfully, and said, "No wonder Lan Ran specially arranged for you to fight against the old man. It turns out that there are indeed two brushes."

"I am over-flattered--"

Lin Qiong clasped his fists together to thank Old Man Shan for his compliment, then put his left hand behind his back, raised his right hand, waved at Old Man Shan, and said softly, "Then, let the horse come over!"

"Hmph, you dare to provoke this old man on your own initiative, the juniors really don't know what to do!"

The old man Yamamoto slowly drew out the blade, and said calmly: "Everything will return to ashes, and the blade will be like a fire!"


In just an instant, Lin Qiong felt that the surrounding temperature had risen significantly, and there was an obvious spatial distortion around the old man Shan who was sitting on the heat source.

"As expected of the strongest Zanpakuto of the heat department, it's really scary——"

Lin Qiong raised his hand to fan the wind, then smacked his tongue and said, "Speaking of the old man, wouldn't it be too exaggerated to use Shijie from the beginning? Shouldn't we be like Jingle, chatting openly for a while, touching the world?" Is it a fish?"

Jingle Chunshui in the distance: "?"

Don't cue, thank you!

Old Man Shan glared at his unfilial disciple bitterly, and then said in a deep voice, "I don't have the mood to waste any more time here—the old man will solve you as quickly as possible, and then end this battle."

"Your Excellency, Captain, it's too much!" Lin Qiong puffed up his mouth, looked at Old Man Shan with some dissatisfaction, and said, "Just now I said that I have two brushes or something, but what I said now can easily solve my problem. Same!"

"If you disagree with what the old man said—"

Old Man Shan slowly took off his clothes, revealing his bruised but incomparably muscular body, and said domineeringly: "Then use your strength to make this old man take back what he just said!"

This is the confidence of the captain of the Gotei [-].



"Well, can we touch fish?"

Jingle Chunshui sighed like an old man, then looked at Lin Qiong and old man Shan who were confronting each other, and murmured: "Old man, it's not your style to be so impatient—could it be said that Brother Qiong really Did it bring you so much pressure?"

Based on Jingle Chunshui's understanding of Old Man Shan, he should never enter the battlefield at this time - who is he?He is the captain of the thirteenth team of the court, the chief general!

How can any general jump into the war at the very beginning?When you play a tower defense game, it’s impossible to play the strongest character at the beginning. You have to slowly save up the money, right?

I am afraid that the only reason why Old Man Shan joined the battle so hastily——

"Because brother Qiong is too strong, so strong that even if he suppresses his spiritual pressure, I can still feel the threat of tingling pain from his body—"

'Then, how can Old Man Shan, who is much stronger than me, not feel the threat brought by Brother Qiong? '

'So, old man Shan can't sit still! '

"This is the first time I've seen a Shinigami like you——"

Stark raised his hand and scratched his scalp, and said helplessly, "Is this kind of speech really okay?"

Jingle Chunshui smiled indifferently, pointed to Lin Qiong and Old Man Shan who were confronting each other, and said helplessly: "Can't you see it? The moment they enter the arena, the result of our battle will be decided." It doesn't matter anymore."

Just like in a team fight, when the big daddy of both sides enters the arena with a full-level six-sacred outfit, the life and death of the other level 10 three-piece suit teammates is no longer important.

Stark was silent for a few seconds, then pointed to Aizen who was surrounded by a wall of fire, and said: "Although, we still have Master Aizen on our side, and you have a second person who can fight against Aizen." person?"

"Oh my god, is there still no way to avoid this battle?"

Jingle Chunshui sighed helplessly, and muttered: "I'm going to paddle for a while, and then save my strength for..."

After the words fell, the figure of Jingle Shunsui had appeared beside Stark, and the Zanpakuto in his hand was swung from bottom to top, and the sharp sword energy seemed to cut the air—but, his attack was accompanied by Stark's upper body leaned back a centimeter and fell through the air.

The next moment, Stark returned Jingle Shunsui's record with a backhand, leaving a bloodstain on his cheek, and even a gap in the bamboo hat he was wearing.

Jingle Chunshui took a few steps back in embarrassment, and then yelled: "Wow! It's dangerous—brother, you are too ruthless!"

Stark: "..."

Even after experiencing Lin Qiong's torture, Stark was still shocked by Jingle Chunshui's speech.

He couldn't help but said: "I said, you really have the guts to say such things!? Who the hell is talking about fishing one second and sneak attacking the next?"

"Oh, isn't this a sneak attack? It's not a sneak attack if you don't get a sneak attack—"

Jingle Chunshui made an extremely shameless speech, then raised his hand and wiped off the blood on his face with his fingertips as if nothing had happened, and asked curiously: "Speaking of which, I heard that you all have one of the ten blades. It belongs to your own number, right? Is it convenient for my little brother to reveal his own number?"

Stark scratched his head with a headache, and then complained: "You guys are really full of bad water! Just now you shamelessly attacked me, but in the blink of an eye, you started to inquire about the news as if nothing happened—"

"I'm not as exaggerated as you said? I'm just a little curious about your strength—" Jingle Chunshui stretched out his right thumb and index finger, and then said with a pure face: "After all , my full blow was easily dodged by you! If your strength is only No.3, we will have a headache—"

"Then let me reassure you a little bit—"

Stark expressionlessly pulled off the glove on his left hand, then casually revealed the number [1] on the back of his hand, and said in a calm tone: "I am No. 1, second only to A Qiong."

"Is it number one?"

Looking at the numbers on the back of Stark's hand, Jingle Chunshui couldn't help squinting his eyes, and whispered: "It looks like I won the big prize—"

Chapter 0411 The game is over

"What's wrong? Don't continue to attack?"

Bearing his giant axe on his shoulders, Bailegang looked at Sufeng and Omaeda who were panting in front of him with a cold and proud face, and said sarcastically, "Is this the captain-level powerhouse of Shinigami? It's really funny!"

Omaeda looked at Suifeng with a broken face, and said in mourning, "Captain! You have to think of a way—we can't beat him, and we can't even quarrel with him!!"

Broken Bee: "..."

So what do you want me to do?Isn’t it true that our covert maneuvers are based on the principle of being able to avoid BBs as much as possible?But this time the idea is a bit tricky, right?

"Shut up, it's so noisy."

Broken Bee stared blankly at Da Maeda, then looked at Bailegang again, and said in a low voice, "Sting the enemy! Bird Bee!"

Zanpakutō turned into a fingertip and appeared on Suifeng's right middle finger. She lowered her body and said to O Maeda: "Idiot, create a chance for me."

"I, I know!"

Ohmaeda nodded vigorously, then came to Bailegang in a flash, pointed at him and said loudly: "Old man, do you know who is standing in front of you at this moment!?"

Bai Legang tilted his head, then raised his right index finger casually, and said, "I'm not interested in you, you fat bastard."

In just half a second, the spiritual pressure was fully concentrated, and black flashes spewed out from his fingertips.

"Wow ah ah ah-"

Omaeda jumped to the side in embarrassment, dodging Bailegang's false flash in a thrilling manner, and then said angrily: "You, you, you, you still engage in sneak attacks when you are old, you don't talk about martial arts!!"

"Sneak attack? Don't talk about martial arts?"

Bailegang stretched out his left hand with a look of disdain, grabbed Suifeng's arm easily and freely, and then threw it at Da Maeda forcefully, mockingly: "This should be the old man's line, right?"

"Oh oh oh-"

Omaeda yelled and hugged Suifeng's body, and then was hit by the impact and flew all the way to the outer wall of the building behind him before stopping his body.

'Only, just a flick of the hand has this kind of power! ? '

Omaeda stood up tremblingly, then looked at the captain beside him with a crying expression, choked up and said, "Captain, when will the application for lifting the restriction be approved? How can we beat him now?"

Suifeng glanced at Omaeda, and said speechlessly: "Idiot! In this critical moment, how could it be possible to set a Reiatsu limit on your body? Don't think about it, we are now in a state where the limit is lifted."

Omaeda: "Huh?"

It's over, send it! !



At the same time, the virtual circle.

"Suck yo yo——" x4

Kuchiki Byakuya, Kuchiki Hima, Kuchiki Rukia, and Shiba Haien sat in a row on the platform, then picked up the teapot in front of them in a uniform order, and took a sip of tea.

"Ichigo was beaten so badly."

Rukia glanced at Kurosaki Ichigo, who was being beaten up by Ulquiorra, and couldn't help but look at Kuchiki Byakuya beside him, and asked, "Brother, do you really need to help him?"


Kuchiki Byakuya shook his head calmly, he gently took Kuchiki Hime's hand, and said, "He can do it."

High EQ: He can do it

Low EQ: sticking with my wife


Accompanied by the faint sound of piercing through the air, Ishida Uryu's figure appeared on the platform.

He glanced at the group of four who were drinking tea, then at Kurosaki Ichigo who was thrown flying by Ulquiorra's sword and rolled on the ground for dozens of meters, and couldn't help saying: "I didn't see it, Kurosaki is so good at rolling—by the way, you just watch like this, is it really okay?"

Shiba Haiyan turned her head, handed Ishida Uryu a wafer biscuit, and said, "Actually, before Ichigo and Wu Laosi started fighting, I asked him if he needed help."

Yulong took the biscuits and then asked casually: "Then what? What did he say?"

Rukia conveniently opened a pack of nine-made sharing plums, then put one in her mouth, and said, "Then Ichigo said very handsomely - don't meddle, this is a battle between me and him! "

Yulong nodded knowingly, then sat down beside Haiyan and said, "Who do you think can win?"

"If you say this, I won't be sleepy."

Haiyan's eyes lit up, he put his arms around Yulong's neck, and said enthusiastically, "Would you like to take a gamble?"

Yulong glanced at the smiling chicken thief Haiyan, pondered for a few seconds and said, "I bet that Kurosaki will lose—if he doesn't hang up."

"Tch, then I won't gamble."

Haiyan immediately let go of Yulong's shoulders and hummed, "It's not fun to lose a game."

Rukia: "..."

She couldn't help rubbing her head, and then said: "If Ichigo knows that you have judged him like this, he will definitely die of anger."

Haiyan said calmly: "As long as we don't tell, won't Ichigo know?"

Uryu continued, "As long as Kurosaki doesn't know, then this incident never happened."

The two looked at each other and nodded.

reach a consensus.jpg

Kuchiki Hima on the side twitched the corners of her mouth, and she said helplessly, "Even if Kurosaki-kun doesn't know about this, wouldn't your conscience feel a little, a little pain?"

In order to show how "a little bit" this "little bit" really is, Kuchiki Heizhen specially pinched the fingers of his little finger with his thumb - about a millimeter apart.

Haiyan glanced at Yulong: "Conscience? Does our organization have such a thing?"

Yulong glanced at Haiyan: "You forgot? Our young master has a wind speed dog!"

The two said in unison: "So our conscience is fed to the dog!"

Kuchiki Feizhen covered her face, she was deeply worried about the integrity of her so-called organization, but what really worried her was the moment when she had a misunderstanding because of the conversation between Yulong and Haiyan. smile.

No no no!

Kuchiki Hima raised his hand and gently patted his face.

Feizhen, you have to cheer up!You are one of the "last two bottom lines of conscience of the Guardian Shield" appointed by the young master—by the way, the other one is Big Sister Nilu, she is indeed very conscientious, and she is also very popular.


Thinking of this, Kuchiki Feizhen lowered his head, and after clearly seeing his thighs through the endless plain, he suddenly showed an expression of not knowing whether he should be in pain or happiness——If I want to lean back to avoid the horizontal cut, I definitely don’t Need extra worry?


Kuchiki Byakuya:"?"

He glanced at his wife with an unpredictable expression, and then fell into deep thought—why did Fei Zhen look unhappy?Huh, you look a little happier again?

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