
Kuchiki Byakuya couldn't understand, so he didn't think about it, but silently reached out and took Kuchiki Hijin's little hand.

Haiyan and Yulong looked at each other and then burped.





Following Lin Qiong's right straight punch, the flames wielded by Mr. Yamamoto were blown away by the wind of the fist. Dots of blazing sparks floated in the air, and then slowly dissipated invisible.

"Worthy of being the strongest god of death in the millennium."

Lin Qiong glanced at Old Man Shan, then wiped the sweat that had been forced out of his face, and said, "It's full of pressure! I almost lost."

"Although I am old, I am not so blind."

The old man Shan held the handle of the knife with both hands, staring at Lin Qiong, and said: "The attack of the old man just now, I am afraid that you didn't even get your bottom out?"

Lin Qiong waved his hand, and said seriously: "I tried my best to barely block the old man's attack, okay?"

"You're full of lies, you really have the same taste as Jingle kid——"

Old Man Shan had a sullen face. He looked at Lin Qiong expressionlessly and asked, "Boy, what are you thinking?"

Lin Qiong tilted his head and said, "What are you talking about?"

"This is the battlefield, the decisive battle between Soul Society and Hueco Mundo."

Old Man Shan looked at Lin Qiong seriously and said in a deep voice, "But I didn't feel the atmosphere that a battlefield should have from you and those Arrancars."

For example, if there is a soldier on a battlefield full of gunfire, a small windmill with a white flag flying on the top of his helmet, and then where to put the spaghetti—probably this feeling of being out of place.

"Oh, have you been found?"

Lin Qiong took a look at the Ten Blades who hadn't even used the Returning Blade, and were playing the turn-based game of "you hit me, I'll hit you" with the captains, couldn't help but scratched their heads, and said: "I Didn't you say you were going to fish from the beginning! It's the old man who wants to come up to sala with me in such a hurry, what can I do?"

Old Man Shan: "..."

He swung out a flame in anger, and then asked in a deep voice, "Answer me, what are you, or you, what are you trying to do!"

"To be precise, it should be 'waiting'."

Lin Qiong turned his head, then looked at the trio of Aizen, Ichimaru Gin and Tosen Kaname who were not far away and were shrouded in the flames of the sword. He said: "Before leaving Hueco Mundo and coming to the present world, At Aizen's request, I poured a large amount of spiritual pressure into Bengyu!"

Old Man Shan opened his eyes, and then looked at Aizen who was surrounded by flames.

"So, we're waiting—Aizen is waiting, I'm waiting, and the Ten Blades are waiting too."

Lin Qiong turned around calmly, and said to Old Man Shan, "Wait until the moment when the Bengyu in his chest fully wakes up."

After being silent for a few seconds, the captain looked at Lin Qiong and asked in a deep voice: "How long?"

Lin Qiong sensed the change of Beng Yu in Lan Ran's body, then smiled at the captain, and said, "There are still ten..."

Old Man Shan was stunned: "10 minutes?"

Lin Qiong continued: "Nine..."

Old Man Shan: "..."

Lin Qiong shrugged: "Eight..."

In fact, even if Lin Qiong stopped counting down, Old Man Shan had already noticed the change in the situation - in his perception, Aizen's already terrifying spiritual pressure was rising rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.


When the ten-second countdown ended, Aizen's horrifying Reiatsu spread like a storm in all directions, blowing away the wall of fire that surrounded him in just an instant.

"Beng Yu has awakened..."

Aizen slowly raised his head, with a proud smile on the corner of his mouth, he said softly: "The game is over."

Chapter 0412 Aizen was laughed out of anger


When the storm formed by Aizen's spiritual pressure erupted and swept the audience, under the influence of Lin Qiong, the No. 30, No. [-] and No. [-] blades who were well versed in the corporate culture of fishing stopped what they were doing, and then He looked in the direction of Aizen.

"The time has come."

Stark put the long knife in his hand back into the scabbard, and then shouted at Lilinette who was being teased by floating bamboo: "Lilinette! The game is over, you can gather."

"I see!"

Lilinite wiped the dust from her face, then ran back to Stark without stopping, like a child who ran home to find her parents after being bullied, pulling on Stark's sleeves and saying: "Stark, Stark Damn it! That white-haired guy’s conscience is so bad! You must avenge me quickly!”


Jingle Chunshui couldn't help laughing, he glanced at his friend standing on the roof, who was looking dazed, pointing at his face, saying "white-haired guy?", talking to himself, gloating Said: "Conscience, puff, bigbig's bad, puff——"

Obviously, Lilinette's "fashionable words" were learned from Lin Qiong's mouth, and it brought a considerable impact to this group of "old antiques" in the world of corpses and souls - referring to the taste.

Fuzhu muttered with aggrieved face: "This kind of statement is too much!"

Woohoo, I'm going to cry.


"The game is over, you can leave."

Bailegang glanced at the duo of one large and one small who were jumping up and down in front of him with an expressionless face, and said coldly: "Although your strength is not very good, it is undeniable that when it comes to amusing me, you are very good. It did.”

Broken Bee: "?"

Ohmaeda: "?"

The two idiots from the second division looked at each other, and the vice-captain couldn't help but ask: "Um, captain, are we being ridiculed?"

Broken Bee reprimanded with a black face: "Shut up!"

Will you die if you stop saying a few fucking words?Yes or no!


Omaeda closed his mouth aggrieved at first, but in the end he couldn't hold back and said: "Captain, he is mocking you! Can you bear it? If you can bear it, I can't bear it, so you go up and solve it... ...Puff oh oh..."

After a roundabout kick sent Omaeda flying, Suifeng set his sights on Aizen in the distance, and said with a serious expression: "Aizan can't take it anymore?"

Is he going to end himself?

After hearing Broken Bee's muttering to himself, Bailegang snorted coldly and said, "Stupid God of Death! Could it be that all the fat in your chest has been packed into your brain?"

Broken Bee: "?"

She dared to swear that if she could defeat Balegang, she would definitely activate the instant coax, and then give Balegang a 10-minute set of infinite air combos to show her respect!

What the fuck, why is your mouth so smelly?

"He can't help it."

Bai Legang flew up slowly, then walked towards Lan Ran, and said in a deep voice: "He just woke up."

Daxu, the god of death Wang Lanran, who has been sleeping for a hundred years, has woken up!


After Harribel forced Hitsugaya away with a false flash, she stopped her attack and said in a cold voice, "Let's stop here."

Hitsugaya, who was still in his initial state, was floating in the air, panting, and asked, "Is it because of Aizen?"

"Ah, that's right."

Harribel put the knife back into the scabbard, also flew towards Lan Ran, and said, "The next step is the highlight."

Hitsugaya watched Harribel's leaving back, and then turned to join the other captains.


Under the gaze of everyone in the Soul Society, Lin Qiong, the three Ten Blades and their subordinate officers returned to Aizen.

"I am disappointed."

Looking at the four of Lin Qiong who "returned without success", Lan Ran narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: "It has been four or ten minutes since we came to this world, but you don't even have a captain Take it down."

With Aizen's words, the originally relaxed atmosphere became serious in an instant.

Bailegang, who was most dissatisfied with Lan Ran, snorted coldly, looked at Lan Ran with unfriendly eyes, and said, "What do you mean by that?"

"It means that I'm tired of waiting, that's all."

Lan Ran lowered her eyelids, then lightly held Jinghua Shuiyue's knife handle, and said in a low voice: "Now that Bengyu has fully awakened, you have no value in existence."

Lin Qiong raised his right hand and scratched his head, and said, "Alan, let me ask, does the 'you' you are talking about include me?"

"Qianjun, do you know? Before that, you were one of the few individuals in this world who could catch my eyes."

Lan Ran showed a gentle smile towards Lin Qiong, but his tone was extremely cold, "However, the collapse jade in my body has awakened, which means that I am about to evolve to a higher dimension! But I am still in the same place You who are stepping forward will eventually be abandoned by me."

Lin Qiong thought to himself: 'Sure enough, just like the original work, Aizen completely swelled the moment Bengyu awakened. '

After hearing Aizen's arrogant speech, several Ju Blades present fell into silence - they were not fools, of course they could hear his subtext.

'I don't even pay attention to Qiongjun, let alone you who are weaker than him? '

"Sure enough, it's exactly what A Qiong said."

Stark raised his hand and scratched his messy hair, then sighed a little disappointed: "You never regarded us as companions from the beginning to the end."

There was no trace of warmth in Aizen's eyes. He chuckled and asked, "Why do you think I will treat you as companions?"

"Oh, Aizen-sama, you really don't show any sympathy—"

The corner of Ichimaru Gin's mouth curled up, revealing a malicious smile, and he said: "If you say that, you are not afraid that they will be dissatisfied, and then betray you and attack you?"

Lanran smiled indifferently and said: "Yin, you have to understand one thing, that is, when mobs and ants gather together, they are still mobs—it's just ten blades, and now I can do it with only one hand." Repression."

Crazy crazy crazy crazy!

Today, at this moment, in this chapter, please call him Kuang Xiaolan!


"That's what he said -"

Ichimaru Gin looked at the three silent ten-blades, pulled out the sharp gun in his hand with a smile, and said "gentlely", "So everyone, why don't you let me give you a ride?"

Today, at this moment, in this chapter, he is the number one general under Kuang Xiaolan's command, Kuang Xiaoyin!


Lin Qiong couldn't stand it anymore.

He couldn't help but said: "Alan, although I know that you have swelled to the limit because of the awakening of Bengyu, but have you heard such a sentence?"

Aizen looked at Lin Qiong. For this Arrancar who once stood at the same level as him (albeit only temporarily), he had different patience from the other Ten Blades: "Qiong-kun, what do you want to say?"

Lin Qiong said: "If God wants to destroy people, he must first make them crazy."

"Oh? Qiongjun, are you hinting at me?"

The corner of Aizen's mouth curled up in a disdainful arc. He looked at Lin Qiong with disappointed eyes and said, "Qiongjun, you don't even know how powerful Bengyu is - even now, I don't know how powerful Bengyu is." It is still getting stronger under the power of Bengyu, and this level of strengthening is only the first stage."

Without saying a word, Bailegang vigorously raised the giant ax in his hand and swung it towards Lan Ran's neck, shouting: "Then let the old man see how powerful you are now!"


Under the watchful eyes of Ten Blades, Ten Blades' subordinate officers, and the Grim Reapers, the blade of the giant ax slashed directly at Aizen's neck, leaving a bloodstain as if scratched by a fingernail.

'Is this the only effect of a full blow in the unreturned state?A more terrifying defense than steel skin, what a monster—'

Bailegang cursed in his heart, but he said sarcastically without fear: "Ha! I only made you injured and bloody with a casual blow. What are you crazy about?"

Aizen raised his left hand, flipped away Bailegang's ax lightly, and then said in a calm tone: "When did you have the illusion that I was hurt?"

Everyone took a closer look and found that the wound on Lanran's neck had disappeared without a trace in just a blink of an eye, as if the attack just now was just a mirror image.

"This is super-speed regeneration..."

There was undisguised disgust in Bailegang's eyes. He snorted coldly and said, "You look more like us than us."

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