"Don't compare me, who is evolving towards a higher dimension, with low-level creatures like Xu." Aizen showed disdain. He put his hand on the handle of the knife and said lightly: "By the way, my Ten Blades, can I ask you one last favor?”

Harribel replied subconsciously: "What's the matter?"

"Please, just die honestly—"

Aizen's voice fell, and his figure had appeared behind Heribel, and he chopped the mirror in his hand towards her waist.

His eyes were cold.

His right hand is steady.

His attacks are fast.

But not as fast as Lin Qiong.

"Hey hey-"

He appeared beside Lanran, held his wrist in his slightly surprised eyes, and said dissatisfiedly: "Alan, you can just kill this bad old man Bailegang, how can you treat the little boy?" What about Yuyu?"

"It seems that I still underestimate you, Lord Qiong."

Aizen glanced at his held right hand, chuckled, and said: "I didn't expect that after I was strengthened, you could barely keep up with my movements and stop my attack - although, this is just It was just a casual blow from me.”

Harribel reached out to stop the three subordinate officers who were furious because she was attacked, and looked at Aizen in front of him with sad eyes—although, the man's eyes were not on her.

Lin Qiong let go of Lan Ran's wrist, then slowly took out a notebook from his arms, opened it, and read: "Alan, when did you come into being? When I was discussing with you in the virtual circle, I showed you Strength is the illusion of my full strength?"

Aizen: "?"

Lin Qiong put away the notebook contentedly, and continued: "If you want to defeat the ant without defeating it, it is very difficult to master the strength."

Aizen: "!"

He laughed angrily.

Chapter 0413 Evolution

Aizen was very angry.

When Bengyu awakened and sublimated his life essence, and began to evolve towards a higher level of life than Death God, Bixu, Bimaian, and Bibamen, he thought he would never have this kind of interest again.

But he was still angry.

"Qianjun. Could it be that my casual blow just now was blocked by you with all your strength, which caused you to have a wrong misunderstanding of my current strength?"

Aizen narrowed his eyes, and a trace of killing intent that was so sharp that it could cut people's skin spread from his body. In just a moment, the Ten Blades around him and the Shinigami further away were put on subconscious alert. , "You actually compared me to an ant? Your idea makes me feel ridiculous."

Lin Qiong made a sharp comment in his heart: "Although you made a speech that 'made me feel ridiculous', but lack of 'this land', your Kelsey concentration is not enough." '

"It's ridiculous, and then what? Are you going to cry to express your inner grief?"

Having said this, Lin Qiong came to Stark's side in a flash, then put his arm around his shoulders and said mockingly: "My old friend, because he couldn't refute me and called him an ant, he was so angry that he collapsed inside. Crying and fussing, whimpering, so pitiful..."

Stark silently patted away Lin Qiong's right hand on his shoulder, then silently pulled Lilinette to hide aside, and glanced apprehensively at Aizen who was exuding low air pressure all over his body.

"It seems that I need to let you realize the gap between you and me through reality."

Lan Ran pointed at Lin Qiong with a calm face, and said calmly: "Use your body to remember that I am strong."


Gotei [-]th team over there.

"Oh, it seems like there's going to be a fight over there -"

Jingraku Shunshui put down his right hand, then looked at Old Man Shan and asked: "Old Man Shan, what should we do? Should we just watch? Or help them?"

"In Hueco Mundo's civil war, why are we helping?"

Broken Bee snorted coldly and said in a bad tone: "I wish they would beat their brains out and die together!"

The other captains—such as Hakumura Zuojin and Hitsugaya Toshiro—showed expressions of approval—in their opinion, what Sufeng said made a lot of sense.

Great virtual civil war?That's a good fight, the harder the fight, the better, it's best to hit the entire virtual circle with more than half of the casualties, and it's best to kill all the big virtuals above Killian!

Old Man Shan slowly put on his clothes, then squinted his eyes as he looked at Lin Qiong, who was confronting Aizen, and said softly: "I don't think he needs our help."



With the launch of Shunpo, Aizen disappeared from the spot in an instant, came to the front of Lin Qiong, raised the mirror flower water moon in his right hand, and waved towards Lin Qiong's shoulder.

It's fast, but not enough.

Lin Qiong made a subtle step back, avoiding Aizen's slash with a dodge of millimeters, then lunged sideways, and punched Aizen's abdomen sharply with an elbow.


After reacting, Aizen raised his left hand, and after receiving Lin Qiong's elbow strike steadily, he changed the vertical slash to a horizontal slash. Lin Qiong leaned back, and then kicked Aizen's shoulder with his toes. jaw.

The next moment, Aizen retreated, and the two separated.


The Ten Blades watching nearby and the Reapers in the distance only reacted at this moment.

Lilinette widened her eyes, then pulled Stark's clothes, and stammered, "Shi, Stark, you, did you react just now?"

The corner of Stark's mouth twitched and he pressed Lilinette's shoulder with his hands, and said in a low voice: "If Aizen attacked me just now, I might... be able to react at the moment I was hit."

Balegon and Harribel didn't speak, but their expressions were equally dignified - even Stark, the strongest of the Ten Blades, could only react after being attacked, let alone the one who was not as powerful as Stark. What about the two?



Jingle Chunshui took a breath of air with a toothache on his face, then looked at the ugly Sui Feng not far away, and said, "Captain Sui Feng, you...forget it."

He originally wanted to ask Broken Bee, "Did you react? The attack just now——", but when he saw Broken Bee's expression, Qian knew the answer to this question.

Obviously, she couldn't react.

"Old man Shan, can you react?"

Kyoraku Shunsui put his eyes on the captain and asked in a low voice.

The old man Shan was silent for a few seconds, and then replied: "At this level, the old man can still react."

"is it?"

Jingle Chunshui breathed a sigh of relief, and then thought in his heart: "It's okay, it's okay, so there are at least two people in our camp who can hold on to the situation—"

Why two people?

Because, besides Old Man Shan, he is the other person.


"Not bad, little blue—"

Lin Qiong moved his fingers, then looked at Lan Ran in front of him with a smile, and said, "It's just a little short, and you can hit me~"

It is indeed only a few million points away.

"I'm surprised and sad at the same time."

Aizen breathed out, then looked at Lin Qiong with a little regret, and said: "I didn't expect that after I have evolved to this level, you can still be my enemy, but my evolution is not over yet, you will eventually Trampled under my feet.”

Aizan trusted Beng Yu's ability too much, and had reached the level of blind obedience!He firmly believes that Bengyu can make him evolve to the highest level.

Lin Qiong glanced at Lan Ran, and then, with his eyelids twitching at his gaze, he took out the notebook again from his pocket, opened one of the pages, and said softly: "A Lan, don't speak out arrogant words easily, as that will only It will reveal your weakness.”

Aizen: "?"

No, how can this dude be so capable of messing with other people's mentality?

So the quotations you recorded before are for my own use, right?

Okay, just wait for me, don't get caught by me!


Ichimaru Gin who was on the side laughed very disrespectfully to Aizen, and laughed cheerfully, saying: "Captain Aizen, he is making fun of him! Can this kind of thing be tolerated? You must be ruthless." punish him!"

Lest the world be chaotic.jpg

"Silver, you don't need to talk about this kind of thing."

Aizen's eyes are very cold, colder than the permafrost in Siberia, as cold as the heart of a goddess, "I will go all out for the next battle."

Lin Qiong's eyes lit up, and then he showed an excited expression, and said, "Oh oh oh! Ah Lan who is going all out? It's scary——"

This yin and yang tone makes people angry! !

Aizen's fist holding the knife hardened, and he moved.

Instant step!

Raise the knife!

Cut vertically!

The moment Lin Qiong saw the light of the saber, he subconsciously prepared to raise his hand to block it, but at the moment he was about to act, something strange came to his mind—his eyes turned golden in an instant, And the movement of Aizen in front of him also changed from a vertical slash to a thrust.

It's a mirror image!

'Good guy——'

Lin Qiong hurriedly raised his left hand, and slammed the knife on Jinghua Shuiyue with the back of his hand, and the impact force of more than a thousand pounds directly knocked the knife away from Lan Ran's hand.

Then, he stepped forward with his right foot and hit Aizen directly in the abdomen with a sharp uppercut.


Lan Ran let out a muffled groan, then covered her abdomen with both hands, stepped back in embarrassment before stopping, and then looked at Lin Qiong who slowly retracted her fist with shocked eyes.


Lin Qiong breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a dissatisfied face: "Alan! Fight as long as you fight, don't do any messy illusions like a bitch, okay? It really scared me!"

Lanran clutched her stomach and panted, and said with dark eyes: "After Bengyu awakened, I thought I would no longer be surprised by anything, but what I didn't expect was that on you, I was It’s an emotion that comes up over and over again.”

"Oops, aren't you going to break it? I admit that I accidentally used a little force just now, but I think you have to bear at least half of the responsibility!"

Lin Qiong folded his hands on his chest, with a serious sophistry on his face... Ah no, he explained: "It's reasonable, if you didn't suddenly use the magic trick, I wouldn't be startled, right?"

"Although I knew from the beginning that Mirror Flower, Water Moon could not do anything to you, what I didn't expect was that its complete hypnotic ability could not affect you for even a tenth of a second—"

Lan Ran took a look at Jinghua Shuiyue who fell to the ground after being knocked down, and said with some emotion: "However, I also want to thank you for this."

Lin Qiong: "Thank you for punching you?"

"Yeah, thanks for punching me."

There was a relaxed smile on Aizen's lips. He gently stroked the abdomen that had just been hit by Lin Qiong with his palm and said, "It was you who made me and Bengyu understand the correct direction of evolution."

Lin Qiong: "???"

He couldn't help scratching his head, and then asked with a distorted face: "I'm curious, what do you mean by the 'correct direction of evolution'?"

"The answer is to ditch the blade!"

Aizen clenched his fists, then showed a proud smile, and said firmly: "The more I rely on the power of Kyoka Suigetsu, the more I realize its inconvenience! In this case, I will give it up!"

Lin Qiong: "Σ( ° △ °|||)"

It's over, how did this blue dye go astray! ?

Didn't your original book take the path of "the knife and the right hand become one"?How come leaving me here turned into abandoning the knife and taking the fist?

Oh, the God of Reaper also hits in vain?

That's fine.

"In addition, due to external (ni) force (de) stimulation, my evolution speed has become faster——"

Aizen raised his hands excitedly, showing an expression of enjoyment, "I can feel that I will soon reach the limit of the first stage, and then I will officially enter the second stage! At that time, I will become the overriding A brand new creature on top of Reaper, Void, Mask and Broken!"

Under the gaze of everyone, a large amount of white matter emerged from Aizen's eye sockets, ears, nostrils, and mouth, and quickly wrapped him in it, forming a humanoid...


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