Chapter 0414 Can You Do It?

"Then, what is that?"

Looking at Aizen who was covered in white matter, as if cocooned, Suifeng suddenly showed a cold expression, as if seeing something terrible and disgusting.

"That white thing seems to be a layer..." Bocun Dagou thought for two seconds, as if to describe: "A layer of cocoon!"

"It's not 'as if', but 'it is'!" Jingle Chunshui shook hands unconsciously in his cuffs, and said with a serious expression: "As he said just now, he is 'evolving' ——Evolve toward a higher dimension!"


The other captains also showed heavy expressions, and they all had a common thought in their hearts——

The current Aizen is so difficult, let alone the Aizen after evolution?

"Old man Shan, we can no longer stand by and watch-"

Jingle Chunshui made up his mind, he was no longer frivolous before, looked at the captain with a serious face, and said: "Brother Qiong still has a way to fight against Aizen, but if Aizen continues to evolve, it will really It’s tricky.”

Old Man Shan seemed calm and fell into silence, but Jingle Shunsui and Ukitake Shishiro who were familiar with him saw the bulging veins on his hands holding the handle of the knife.

Apparently, this thousand-year-old god of death, is caught in an extremely entangled situation at this time——

His rationality told him that at this time, he should let go of his prejudices and join forces with Xuquan to kill Aizen, who was becoming stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye, when he was "still weak";

His feelings told him that they were the God of Death, and Lin Qiong was Xu. The God of Death and Xu were irreconcilable mortal enemies. How could he let go of his honor as the God of Death and cooperate with Xu?

Looking at the old man Shan who was caught in a war in his heart, Jingle Chunshui couldn't help but said: "Old man Shan! Is the honor of the god of death important, or the future of this world is more important!?"

Ukitake Shishiro beside him couldn't help persuading him: "Teacher Yuanliuzhai! Aizen is still getting stronger, and we don't have much time left—"


The old man Shan shouted angrily, he opened his eyes suddenly, and then said with an old man's face: "The captain obeys the order! Do your best to assist the Ten Blades of Xuquan to defeat Lan Ran—"

"Yes!" x5

"Besides, Sparrow!"

"Subordinates are—"

"Remove the barrier!"

The old man Shan's eyes returned to the half-closed state before, and he ordered: "Those guys should be looking for a way to get in, right?"

Those guys, of course, refer to the Masquerade Legion who are circling around Karakura Town at this time, but are struggling to find the entrance—one thing to say, in Lin Qiong’s impression, this organization was very impressive when it first appeared. The taller you are, the more you will pull your hips later.

Like a certain combat unit of measure, right?

"As ordered—"

Sparrow, the first bento of the Millennium Blood War, Changjiro nodded, and said in a deep voice, "I understand!"



At the moment when the white cocoon completely enveloped Aizen, Aizen suddenly made a voice as if he had reached a certain peak, "Qianjun, have you seen it? My posture at this time."

Lin Qiong, with an expression of an old man's subway phone.jpg, stared at Lan Ran, who was wrapped in a white cocoon, with extremely disgusted and undisguised eyes, and said, "I saw it, and I saw it very clearly."

He gracefully raised his right hand and said, "Qianjun, why don't you evaluate me, who has entered the second stage and surpassed all creatures."

It seems that because he has entered the second stage of evolution, the previous elegant arrogance has returned to Aizen, and it can't be seen that he was once annoyed because he was crushed by Lin Qiong.

The etiquette brought about by the arrogance of higher beings towards lower beings is vividly reflected in him.

"No, how do you have the courage to let me comment on your appearance now? You don't really think you are handsome now, do you?" Lin Qiong was so shocked that his style of painting almost changed. He couldn't help but said: "I'm so handsome , do you know that if you walk on the street like this, you will be immediately arrested as a terrorist attack? Oh, you ask me what the attack was? It attacked everyone's aesthetics and eyeballs, thank you for your cooperation!"

Stark on the side was silent for a few seconds, then wriggled his lips and gave Lin Qiong a mouth shape: the aggressiveness needs to be improved, and the quality needs to be reduced.

Lin Qiong showed a embarrassed expression towards Stark. He can indeed reduce the quality and increase the output, but he is afraid that if the firepower is fully fired, this book will be gone. After all, Lin Qiong only needs to use Aizen as the center, Then use his family tree as the radius to open the fuck and you're done.

"Qianjun, I think you don't understand at all—"

Lan Ran looked at Lin Qiong in front of him, and said in a very disappointed tone: "As I said, my current posture is 'cocoon', can you understand the meaning of 'cocoon'?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while, then his eyes lit up, and he said, "I understand! It's the feeling of restraint all over my body—I didn't expect you to be so good, Alan!"

Aizen: "?"

Lin Qiong's words silenced him for about five seconds before he regained his composure.

"Qianjun, before my patience is exhausted, I'd better say a few more naughty words like this."

Lanran raised his right hand, showing his fists as if wearing knuckles, and said, "Did you see the change in my hands—this means that Bengyu has accepted my wish and is guiding I'm evolving in the right direction!"

Lin Qiong glanced at Lan Ran's small fists, which can be temporarily called "Doraemon's same style fist Mk.Ⅱ", couldn't help stretching out his right hand, and said, "Look, I can compare , I can still give you the middle finger, can you do it?"

Aizen: "..."

I am in the process of evolution now, do you understand the process of evolution! ?

Lin Qiong suddenly showed a mocking expression, he raised his middle finger with both hands and stroked in front of Lan Ran, and then said provocatively: "I just like to see your expression that you are upset and you can't kill me!"

"Qiongjun, could it be that because I just called my current form a 'cocoon', that gave you the illusion that 'I am incompetent now'? That will really disappoint you -"

Aizen's voice contained a trace of undetectable ridicule. He slowly raised his right hand and said calmly: "The strength of me in the second stage is several times that of me in the first stage!"

After the words fell, Aizen burst out his own spiritual pressure for the first time after entering the second stage-in just a blink of an eye, the sky in Karakuma seemed to collapse.


Accompanied by the wailing of internal organs, the wailing of bones, and the screaming of soul, members of the Ten Blades, including Balegon, and their subordinate officers, fell to the ground together with the gods of death in the distance.

"See? Feel? My power—"

There was a faint sense of superiority in Aizen's voice, "Half of the spiritual pressure was only exploded, and there are only four people left who can stand in front of me."

The only four left were Lin Qiong, Stark, Old Man Shan, and Jingle Shunsui—even Ichimaru Gin and Tōsenkō fell to the ground under the oppression of the spiritual pressure just now.

Ichimaru Gin: It’s better to take the initiative to land than to throw a dog and eat shit, isn’t it?Dong Xian, what do you think?

Dong Xianyao: I am blind, I see you are paralyzed.

"This level of spiritual pressure is only half of the level?"

Stark showed a wry smile, he looked at Lin Qiong with some disappointment, and said, "Ah Qiong, I may not be able to help you in the next battle."

In order to resist Aizen's spiritual pressure, Stark has gone all out at this time, but this is only half of Aizen's level-if Aizen breaks out with all his strength, I'm afraid he will be the same as the other Ten Blades , falling to the ground.

Lin Qiong reached out and patted Stark on the shoulder, then grinned and said, "Don't be brave! Go down and watch with Lilinette how I beat him up!"

"give it to you."

Stark slowly fell to the ground while holding Lilinite, who had fallen into a coma. Then he looked at the two people confronting each other in the air with complicated eyes and murmured: "It turns out that I am far from strong enough."


Death's side.

"Old man Shan, look at it, it's all because you struggled for too long just now, has something happened now?"

Jingle Chunshui sighed with frustration on his face, and then said weakly: "I just said that I want to help out, what happened? In a blink of an eye, there are only two people left on our side!"

"Noisy, idiot!"

Old man Yamamoto glared at his unfilial disciple, and said angrily: "Could it be that the old man promised you a few minutes earlier, that Aizen's spiritual pressure is not so strong?"

He chose to help but after Aizen had finished evolving, that is to say, the opponent already had this level of spiritual pressure at that time-so is there a difference a few minutes earlier?There's a hammer difference!

"Haha, just kidding—"

Jingle Chunshui chuckled, then took a deep breath, and said with a serious expression: "Old Man Shan! Swastika!"

Yamamoto: "..."

Jingraku Shunsui said in a slightly hoarse voice: "I will try my best to maintain the ghost barrier down below to prevent others from being accidentally injured by your swastika - now in this battle, can you still help If you are busy, you are the only one left."

Yamamoto subconsciously stroked the hilt of Liubianruohuo's knife with his hand, and whispered: "Go down first, don't hold on."

Kyoraku Shunsui breathed a sigh of relief, then slowly fell to the ground, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, glanced at Aizen in the air with a complicated expression, and murmured: "It's really embarrassing."

Other Death Gods: "..."

No, you, the person who was able to protect yourself under the pressure of Aizen's spiritual pressure, lamented that you were really embarrassed, but what about those of us who fell at the beginning?

The bottom man in disgrace?Or the disgraceful Ratman? ?

All of a sudden, the other captains and vice-captains fell into a faint depression.

I'm sorry, but we are too weak to compete with you.

Chapter 0415 Oops, found out


While Lin Qiong and Aizen were confronting each other, Captain Yamamoto appeared next to Lin Qiong with a serious look on his face, accompanied by Shunpo's voice.

"Arrancar boy——"

The old man Shan looked like he was holding a sword like a fire in his hands, exuding a fiery fighting spirit, "I will join forces with you to fight against Aizen."

"Oh? This is really an interesting proposal—"

After hearing Old Man Shan's proposal, Ai Ran sarcastically said: "I never thought that the strongest god of death in the past thousand years, the captain of the Thirteenth Guarding Team, would offer to cooperate with a Daxu to go Against a former god of death?"

"Lan Ran, this kind of nonsense that shakes people's hearts will not work on this old man." Old Man Shan looked at Lan Ran in front of him with a deep expression, and said sharply: "This old man will definitely take you down today!"

"Haha, Captain Yamamoto, don't say it so easily..."

Aizen noticed something was wrong halfway through his words, he subconsciously glanced at Lin Qiong, and found that the other party was looking at him with a teasing face, and raised the notebook in his hand.

Lin Qiong looked at Lan Ran who was silent, and couldn't help asking: "Why didn't you say anything? Continue!"

What else did I say?You have finished all the words!

Lan Ran stopped talking, but silently waved to Lin Qiong and Old Man Shan—the words at the front desk were obvious, let's come here.

"Everything in existence returns to dust..."

Just when old man Shan was about to use the first solution to test and add assists, Lin Qiong suddenly reached out and stopped him, and said to him: "Old man, to deal with this kind of thing, you don't need your ruthless blade for the time being. "

Old Man Shan narrowed his eyes, and said, "Small boy, now is not the time to make such jokes!"

At this time, it's not because he is afraid of the power of Liu Ren Ruo Huo, so he hides it - the old man Shan is too strong, and Liu Ren Ruo Huo is too strong, the combination of the two is the most powerful , a monster whose initial solution is comparable to swastika is born, and once he is swastika...

That is a natural disaster!

Lin Qiong waved his hand towards Old Man Shan, and said with a hey smile, "Don't worry, Old Man Shan! I'm not the type who wants to save face and suffer! If I find out that I'm not an opponent, I will ask for help as soon as possible, hahaha—— —”

After saying that, Lin Qiong didn't wait for Old Man Shan to respond, then rushed towards Aizen.



"Facing the me I am today, I didn't choose to rush forward, but to face it alone?"

Lan Ran looked at Lin Qiong who appeared alone in front of her, chuckled lightly, and said, "Your courage is worthy of encouragement, but your judgment seems to need to be strengthened."

The evolutionary path chosen by Aizen at this time is to give up all fancy abilities and fully enhance his own fighting power - in other words, although his spiritual pressure and physical fitness are completely superior to the Shinigami, he has also lost Kyoka Suigetsu. of complete hypnotic power.

Lin Qiong floated in front of Lan Ran, tilted his head and said: "Let's just say, is there a possibility - I dare to face you alone because the pressure you bring to me is not as great as you think. ?”

At this time, Lan Ran had the urge to incarnate as Prime Minister Cao, and then shouted "impossible, absolutely impossible. gif" - but he forcibly held back in order to maintain his compulsion.

Aizen: I'm amazing!

Ai Ran glanced at Lin Qiong with a look of deep sadness and contempt, and then said in a magnetic bass voice: "Mr. Qiong, deceiving yourself and others will only make people think that you are stupid and make people laugh." .”

It's just a pity that his current face is wrapped in white matter, so his hard-won eyes did not reach Lin Qiong's eyes, but made him look suspiciously at Lan Ran, who raised his head slightly.

"Alan, did you accidentally pinch your hair when the white substance wrapped you just now?" Lin Qiong felt that he should display his humanistic spirit, "Otherwise, why are you looking up?"

Aizen: "..."

Forget it, he's used to it.

out of the way.

Just be patient.

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