Take a step back and open the sky.

a hammer!

"Aqiong, you have successfully worn away my remaining patience."

Aizen's voice became arrogant again, he calmly put his right fist on his waist, and said: "Thanks to your punch just now, I was able to evolve to a higher level, let me return it now Here you go."

Lin Qiong raised his hand and plucked his ears, and said, "According to what you said, I should be considered the benefactor who made you evolve, right? Is that why you thank me?"

"Haha, I will use the strongest attack to make you die painlessly -" Aizen chuckled and asked, "Isn't this enough to express my gratitude to you?"

After the words fell, Lan Ran tapped the floor with his right foot, and the figure crossed a distance of more than ten meters in one hundredth of a second, and came to Lin Qiong.

"Farewell, Lord Qiong——"

Aizan said his final farewell, and then swung his right fist powerfully.


In Lan Ran's calm eyes, his right fist hit Lin Qiong's left cheek firmly—that kind of tangible feedback made him sigh: "Qianjun, although you My voice can no longer be heard, but please allow me to offer my last thanks - thanks to the failure you gave me, I realized the correct evolution route."

"Oh? What made you have the illusion that I have been beaten to death by you?"

At this moment, Lin Qiong twisted his head back against Lan Ran's fist, then showed him a slightly mocking smile, and said, "Drinking champagne at halftime is not a good habit! Ah Lan -"


Aizen subconsciously took two steps back.


Lin Qiong watched Lan Ran's movements, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly, and then he showed a mocking and playful smile, and asked, "Alan, why did you back off? Is it because you feel fear?"

After hearing Lin Qiong's teasing, Aizen's back movement abruptly stopped in mid-air, and then gasped for breath——Aizen's mood at this time was very complicated, including humiliation, fear, and bewilderment.


Lan Ran stared at Lin Qiong in front of him, and asked in an unbelievable voice: "Why did my fist hit you, but it didn't produce any effect?"

"Do you still need to ask this kind of question?" Lin Qiong chuckled and said, "There is only one answer—Alan, because you are too weak, your fists can't have any effect on me!"

"You said I was too weak!? You actually said I was too weak!?"

Aizen seemed to be greatly stimulated, and he yelled without grace: "Are you saying that I, an existence that has evolved to a higher level, am too weak!?"

"Could it be because of this layer of cocoon that you can't hear me clearly?"

Lin Qiong walked towards Lan Ran with a relaxed expression, and stretched out his right hand, and said, "How about I help you take off the mask on your face, so as not to affect you?"

Looking at Lin Qiong who was gradually walking towards him, Lan Ran subconsciously took half a step back, and then shouted: "Don't come close!!"

Lin Qiong froze for a moment, he stopped obediently, and teased: "What's the matter? Lan, why are you starting to retreat again? Could it be that... are you scared again?"

"You said you were afraid!? You actually said I was afraid!?"

Aizen's voice suddenly rose an octave higher. He stopped retreating again and roared at Lin Qiong: "How could I be afraid! I have evolved to a level beyond death!!"

"Beyond the Grim Reaper~ It's so scary~"

Lin Qiong suddenly showed a smile similar to that of Kizaru, and winked and said: "But, it seems that I want to be a little better~"


Listening to Lin Qiong's sinister sarcasm, Lan Ran rushed towards him angrily and roared: "Don't talk to me with that look and tone!!!"

Blazing rage burned reason.

At this time, Aizen completely lost his previous elegance, raised his fist, and rushed towards Lin Qiong like a wounded beast.

"Drink ah ah-"

Accompanied by Aizen's hysterical roar, his fists bombarded Lin Qiong's body again and again, and the impact force produced passed through Lin Qiong's body, smashing the building behind him into powder.

Seeing that the aftermath of Aizen's attack had such power, Pomian and the gods of death who were breathing down below all widened their eyes at the same time.

"This, this, what's the situation!?"

Omaeda's eyeballs were almost bloodshot, he opened his mouth wide, looked at Aizen who was beating Kobayashi Qiong in a daze, and stammered: "Team, captain! Is he a monster? This , Is this really something Shinigami can do!?"

"If it's direct destruction, I can do it with my Black Rope Heavenly Punishment King -"

Bocun Zuozhen smiled wryly, and said, "But like Lan Ran, I can't do it."

Even ordinary human beings can break bricks with their fists after exercise, but let normal human beings "blow" bricks into powder with the wind of their fists?

"Compared to paying attention to Aizen's current destructive power, I am more concerned about Brother Qiong's defense—"

Jingle Chunshui pressed his hat with a weird face, and said, "If I'm not mistaken, Brother Qiong has been resisting Aizen's attack since just now, and he doesn't seem to have suffered any injuries."

"Cough cough cough-"

Shishiro Ukitake coughed a few times, then looked enviously at Lin Qiong who was hit by infinite combos in the air, choked up and said, "I, I really want to have such a physical quality!"

The captains who knew the physical condition of Shishiro Ukitake: "..."

Come on, you sick boy, that’s a physical quality you can’t envy!If we want to be envious, it should be us who are envious!

Sui Feng's envious saliva almost flowed out: "If I can have his strength, wouldn't I be able to hang Urahara Kisuke up and fight for 100 years?"

After finally finding the entrance to the barrier, he rushed to the scene with the Masked Legion, Shifouin Yoruichi and Kurosaki Isshin. Before he could take a breath, Urahara Kisuke said: "..."

Ah, is it better for me to sneak away quietly before she notices that I'm coming? ?

Just when he came up with this idea and was about to implement it, the "criminal Urahara Kisuke Radar" of Suifeng suddenly moved, causing her to turn around subconsciously.

Broken Bee: ヽ(Д)ノ

Kisuke Urahara: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Oops, found out!

Chapter 0416 Temporary exit


After hysterically launching continuous full-strength attacks, the slightly exhausted Aizen stopped panting.

He glanced at half of the town that he had destroyed by the aftermath of his attack, and gave a proud chuckle: "Hahahahaha! Did you see that? Just the aftermath of the attack can destroy half of the city. This is what I am now. Strength—can you still say, I'm weak?"

"150 four punches."

"What did you say?"

"I said, you punched me 150 times in total."

Lin Qiong straightened his body, then twisted his neck, and said with emotion: "The strength is good—in terms of massage level."

"Impossible, impossible!!"

Aizen couldn't hold himself any longer. He waved his right hand vigorously from left to right in front of him and asked in disbelief: "How could you be unscathed!? How could you have such strength? !?This is impossible!!"

"Impossible? I didn't expect such words to come out of your mouth. It's so interesting—"

Lin Qiong couldn't help laughing. He combed his slightly messy hair with his fingers and said with a smile: "Alan, when did you give birth? When I competed with you in Hueco Mundo, I showed my Is it an illusion of full strength?”


Blue Ran's eyes under the "cocoon" suddenly shrank, and he smiled angrily: "So that's it! So you have been playing with me all this time? Lord Qiong——"

"Look at what you said, isn't Alan playing tricks on the entire soul world? Why do you get angry when I treat you with the same attitude?"

Lin Qiong took out his mobile phone, turned on the front camera to look at his hair, and nodded in satisfaction, "By the way! Alan, do you still remember that I punched you when you evolved in the first stage, which made you You have evolved to the second stage, right?"

"What do you want to say?"

"Then, please grit your teeth and don't scream out?"

Lin Qiong jumped twice on the spot, then raised his right fist with a smile on his face, and whispered: "In order to let you reach the third stage of evolution, the next few punches will be a little painful - —”


Lin Qiong stepped lightly on the air with his right foot, and his body had already crossed a distance of more than ten meters to arrive in front of Lan Ran, and issued a friendly reminder: "Grit your teeth, don't accidentally bite your tongue!"

Lan Ran's eyes were red (although no one else could see it) and raised his hands in front of him, trying to defend against Lin Qiong's attack, but his defense was so fragile that it made people laugh.


Lin Qiong's first punch was a straight right.

The fist hit Aizen's staggered arms, and the impact crushed his defense in an instant, and shattered the "cocoon" that wrapped his arms.


Lin Qiong's second punch was a left uppercut.

The fist hit Aizen's wide-open abdomen, and the impact that penetrated the abdomen turned Aizen into cooked shrimp, and also shattered the "cocoon" in his abdomen and back.


Lin Qiong's third punch was a right uppercut.

The fist was drawn on Lan Ran's chin, and the sharp uppercut sent Lan Ran flying, and then drew a graceful arc in the air, and fell to the position between Death and Pomian.


After the "cocoon" on the head was broken, Lan Ran stared at the sky blankly with a face full of doubts about life.

Weird, so weird.

Haven't I evolved to the second stage?So why did my attacks have no effect on him and he took me down in just three punches?

Looking at Aizen who fell on the ground, the people on the Reaper (and the Masked Legion) side couldn't sit still first.

Sarushi Hiyori looked angrily at Mako Hirako beside him, and urged, "Aizen is lying there, what are you still doing?"

"Hyyori, calm down—"

Yakomaru Sally put her hand on Hiyori's shoulder, and said with a blank expression, "The people over there don't even intend to take action."

The people over there are not only referring to the broken face of the virtual circle, but of course the captains of the soul world-the masked army at this time regards itself as a third-party force that is wandering outside.


After hearing the conversation between several people here, Old Man Shan couldn't help but snorted coldly, then turned his gaze here and said in a deep voice: "Kisuke Urahara, and Mako Hirako - are you really hooking up together?"

Kisuke Urahara waved his hands with a smile, and said, "Oh, captain, don't say that—we're here to help you out? You should let go of all your prejudices when the so-called enemy is at hand, right?"

Mr. Yamamoto, who just recently made the decision to go against his ancestors and prepare to join forces with Arrancar: "..."

There is one thing to say, if it was changed to half an hour ago, he would have raised his crutches, pointed the tip of the cane at Urahara Kisuke's nose and scolded—Nie Zha, how dare you say such a thing! ?

But now...

I'm so aggrieved.

Mr. Yamamoto glanced at Kisuke Urahara and the Masked Legion gathered beside him, and said in a deep voice, "Oh? Then, can this old man regard 'them' as companions?"

Before Urahara Kisuke could speak, Hirako Makoto plucked her ears indifferently, and then said calmly: "How to treat our identities, it is up to you - the purpose of our coming here is only to Seek Aizen for revenge, that's all."

He, Mako Hirako, swears to the death that he will not get along with the soul world, otherwise he will be a bald man for the rest of his life!

"Mako Hirako—"

Old Man Shan stared at Hirako Mako in silence for a few seconds, then looked away, and said indifferently, "Don't hinder us."

"Don't worry, we are very sensible—"

Shinko Hirako grinned, then turned his attention to Aizen who was lying on the ground, and said, "Compared to this, who can explain to those of us who arrived late, what's going on here?"

Jingraku Shunsui walked over and said with a smile: "The general situation is -

Aizen fused with Honyu;

Aizen has evolved;

Aizen launched an attack;

Aizen typed out the post. "

Four simple and rude phrases summarized Aizen's entire journey, and successfully stunned Urahara Kisuke and the others.

"That is to say, we ran around the battlefield for ten minutes, and then entered the barrier with the help of Sparrow, and then hurried to the scene—"

Ai Chuan Luo Wu, who has a hairstyle like a starfish, looked at the others blankly, and said emptyly, "In the end, are you still late?"

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