What is this?

"Don't be silly."

Sui Feng glanced at Ai Chuan Luo Wu, and said with a sneer, "Even if you get here early, you won't be of any use."

For this group of guys who hang out with Urahara Kisuke, Suifeng doesn't have the slightest affection for them, but is full of aggression. ) abducted his old father, so he also lacks affection for his friends who are gangsters on the street.

"What did you say!?"

Hiyori Sarugaki, who had the most bad temper, took off his slippers at that time, pointed at Sui Bee, and yelled: "If you have the ability, tell me again!?"

See if I beat you or not, and you're done!

"Heh, you can tell me a hundred times! Do you think you guys can be useful?"

Broken Bee crossed his arms and couldn't help but sneered and said, "I'm telling you, people like you... meow meow hehe hehe..."

Before Suifeng could finish her mocking words, Yeyi hugged her in her arms and patted her head - so Suifeng, who was still in the state of hair blasting in the last second, let out a foolish laugh in the next second.

Urahara Kisuke wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and thought: "Yoichi-san is really a treasure for the broken bee—"

Broken Bee put her mouth close to Broken Bee's ear, and whispered: "Little Broken Bee, can you tell me the truth?"

Zuihou, whose legs were already weak due to being fascinated, immediately gave up his thoughts and told what just happened like a bamboo tube pouring beans: "...Then Aizen was knocked down by that Arrancar and fell over there. "

After hearing Suifeng's explanation, Fengqiaolou Juro on the side glanced at Aichuan Luowu quietly, and then said quietly: "It seems that Captain Suifeng is right—even if we advance It’s of no use here.”

Didn't you see that the other captains also put soy sauce here?Obviously, after Aizen has evolved to the second stage, this is not a battle they (referring to ordinary captains) can participate in.

"So, what do we do next?"

Yakomaru Lisa pushed her glasses expressionlessly, and said a cold joke that wasn't a bad joke: "You wouldn't come here all the way, just to eat the first-hand melons?"

Although, it seems like this is really the only way to do it?


Like Death God, Pomian's side also fell into a very embarrassing situation.

You want to take action?

With Aizen's current physique and strength, even if Stark lay there and let Stark attack with a thousand false flashes, it probably wouldn't cause much damage.

Did you say watching a play?

Standing and watching a play at this time, this place, and this situation, I always feel some very subtle feelings.

Just when people from both sides (if you count Urahara and Kamen, it should be three parties) felt that they were going numb, Lin Qiong took the time to reply to the eldest lady a few messages in the air (the main content was what to eat tonight). He landed on the ground and walked up to Aizen.

"Alan, you have been lying on the ground for almost 5 minutes."

Lin Qiong squatted down, then poked Lan Ran's face with his hand, and said, "Are you ready to mess it up?"

"It's ruined? No, no, no, Lord Qiong, you misunderstood."

Aizen turned his head and glanced at Lin Qiong, and then a very Aizen smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I was just thinking about how to defeat you."

Lin Qiong said curiously: "Oh? So have you thought of a way?"

"The answer is simple, I just need to let you leave temporarily."

Aizen stretched out his left hand and held Lin Qiong's wrist, then threw the object in his right hand towards Lin Qiong with a smile on his face, and said: "Before I obtain the supreme power, I will trouble you to stay in another dimension." Stay for a while!”

The anti-membrane bandits are launching! !

Chapter 0417 The Powerlessness of the Captains

Amid the horrified eyes of many gods of death, masks, and broken faces, a black dice was thrown from Lan Ran's palm, and then lightly touched Lin Qiong's palm.

The next moment, Lin Qiong's figure disappeared from everyone's sight—as if his existence had been erased from this frame of the picture.

"Disappear, disappear, disappear!!"

Ohmaeda was so frightened that he almost peed. He raised his hands and held his head in disbelief, and screamed: "Why, why, why did he disappear!? What method did he use!?"

"The Bandits of Anti-Membrane..."

Stark from the broken-faced camp looked at the place where Lin Qiong disappeared with an ugly expression, and he said in disbelief: "How could this kind of thing have an effect on Aqiong!?"

Even if it is used against the ordinary Ten Blades, the Anti-Membrane Bandit can only trap the opponent for a few hours at most, and Lin Qiong's spiritual pressure is much higher than the ordinary Ten Blades - the Anti-Membrane Bandit should be able to deal with it. He is ineffective.

"Hehe, Stark, you are still too naive."

Aizen got up from the ground, with a relaxed smile on his face, "Do you think I was just in a daze when I lay on the ground for 5 minutes just now?"

Why did Aizen not evolve to the third stage even after his "cocoon" was shattered for 5 minutes?

It is because he secretly used Bengyu's power on the anti-membrane bandit just now, and the purpose is to trap Lin Qiong with the strengthened anti-membrane bandit-two hours, he only needs two hours , you can enter the Spirit King Palace, become the Spirit King, and then seize the supreme power!

At that time, Lin Qiong will have nothing to fear!

"Big trouble—"

Stark quickly put his hand on Lilinette's head, and whispered, "Lilinette, it's time to fuck!"

"I see!"

Even Pippinette knew that it was not time for Pi, she nodded without hesitation, and cheered Stark up: "Come on, Stark, hit him flying!"

"Ah, I will (try my best)."

Stark took a deep breath, and then chanted his release language: "Catch him, wolves!"

Bailegang on the side raised the giant ax without saying a word, and shouted in a low voice: "Decrease, Skeleton Emperor!"

Harribel gritted her teeth, and drew out her own blade: "Conquer him, Queen of the Shark!"

The three Ten Blades who came to reality entered the return state for the first time, but the funny thing is that they returned not to deal with the God of Death, but to deal with their original boss, Aizen.

Lan Ran took a look at the Ten Blades who entered the Returning Blade and looked at her with full vigilance, then retracted her gaze indifferently, and then walked forward.

"Stop, old man—"

The next moment, a wall of fire appeared in front of Aizen. The blazing flames made him pause for a moment, and then he looked at Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni, who wielded the attack: "Your Excellency, Captain, although I tried my best to strengthen it, I’ve captured the anti-membrane bandit, but I’m not sure how long it can trap Qiongjun, so can you please not let me waste my time?”

"What a joke!"

Toshirō Hitsugaya pulled out his own Hirinmaru first, and said through gritted teeth, "I swear to the death that I will hold you here——卍解! Daiguren Hirinmaru!"

As long as the bandit who broke the face (referring to Lin Qiong) broke through the anti-membrane, Aizen will not be afraid!

Seeing that the youngest and most impulsive Hitsugaya had already rushed up, the other captains had no choice but to pull out their weapons and followed closely behind him to launch an attack.

"Kill the enemy sting (zhe)! Bird bees!"

"Solution! The black rope scourges King Ming!"

"...Hua Tian Kuanggu!"

"...Pisces carp!"

Seeing the captains rushing up one after another, the members of Masked Army couldn't sit still anymore.

"I'm up too!"

Hiyori scratched his face with his right hand, and at the same time he entered the void, he released the Zanpakuto and jumped over his head, jumping towards Aizen, shouting: "Cut him off! Orochi (guo)!"

The other members of the Masked Army rushed towards Aizen at only a slightly slower speed than Hiyori. They wanted to seize this only opportunity and drag him to reality.

For a while, only old man Yama, Kisuke Urahara, and Isshin Kurosaki were left standing in place—even Yoichi Sifengin turned on the blink and rushed forward.

"Is the captain not going to make a move?"

Urahara Kisuke stroked Honghime in his hand, glanced quietly at the old man Yamamoto beside him, and asked in a low voice, "Without you, I think they might not be able to do it."

"Kisuke Urahara, you made a mistake."

Mr. Yamamoto calmly opened his eyes, and said in an unquestionable tone: "It's not 'possible', but 'absolutely'!"

If I don't take action, these juniors want to deal with Aizen?Not enough classes yet!


Accompanied by the outbreak of Aizen's spiritual pressure, the captain and members of the Masked Army who rushed up just now flew back at a faster speed than they had rushed over, and then fell to the ground like dumplings.

"Did you make a mistake? I did lose to Lord Qiong, but that was because Lord Qiong was strong enough—"

Lan Ran looked contemptuously at the captains who couldn't even bear his spiritual pressure, and said, "But it doesn't mean that even stinky fish and rotten shrimp like you can come and touch me."

As he said that, he lightly patted the dust on his body, and after he had entered Returning Blade, he looked at his three Ten Blades in a serious formation, and said calmly: "Give full play to your last bit of value, stop the dead soul world."

What responded to him was Stark's [-]-shot burst of false flashes.

"Bound Dao No. 81, Duan Kong——"

Aizen lightly blocked Stark's attack by using the broken air that gave up singing, and then glanced at Balegon who was firing a rotten aura towards him with slightly disappointed eyes, and Heribel who was shining with Wang Xu .

Unreusable waste.

"Oh, Captain Aizen, you seem to need a little help—"

At this time, Ichimaru Gin appeared in front of Aizen, then looked in the direction of the three Ten Blades with a smile, and said with a sly smile: "Leave the Arrancar to me~"

"Then, leave these gods of death to me."

Tosen Kainori faced the direction of the God of Death and said in a calm voice: "Lord Aizen, please go and get that power!"

There was a smile on the corner of Aizen's mouth, he patted Ichimaru Gin and Tōsen Kaname's shoulders lightly, and said in a low voice, "Then, I'll leave this place to you."

After finishing speaking, he no longer paid attention to the movements of the group of "ants" behind him, but walked straight towards the center of the city - he wanted to open the gate to the Soul Realm, and then go to the Spirit King Palace to seize the highest authority .

'At that time, Lord Qiong, you will no longer be my opponent. '

Ai Ran showed a complacent smile at the corner of his mouth, but before he could walk 100 meters, a blue crescent flew towards him.

"Crescent moon sky-"

It's Urahara Kisuke, Kurosaki Isshin, Hirako Mako, Kyoraku Shunsui, and old man Yamamoto.


Aizen let out a chuckle with an upward sound at the end. He calmly looked at the five people who had bypassed Dongxian Kao's defense line, and said, "What gave you the courage to face me?"

"I've heard of it~"

Hirako Mako showed a very smirk, "Ai Ran, it seems that you have given up on the beauty in the mirror that you are so proud of?"

Kisuke Urahara continued, "In other words, we don't need to be affected by your ability to attack our allies anymore, right?"

"You seem to have made a mistake!"

Aizen calmly raised his right hand finger towards these five people, and a purple flash condensed on his fingertips: "I abandoned the mirror, it doesn't mean that I'm weaker, it doesn't mean that You are entitled to stand before me."


The menacing false flash scared Mako Hirako. He summoned his mask without hesitation, and then fired his own false flash with a "rua" sound.

However, there is no such thing as Uzuki. If his false flashes are the water flow of a 40-year-old middle-aged uncle who wets his shoes in the wind, then Aizen's false flashes are the water jets from the faucet of a fire truck.

Not one level at all.

"Stop staring, hurry up and help!" Hirako Mako shouted profusely, feeling as helpless as Spider-Man trying to stop a runaway tram with his legs. I can't hold it anymore, I can't hold it for three seconds—"

So this Pingzi is inferior, three-second man!

"Cry, Benihime!" Urahara Kisuke released his Zanpakuto without hesitation and shouted: "Shield of Blood Clouds!"

Kurosaki Isshin also pulled out his own Kanzuki and shouted: "Burn it, Kantsuki! Getsuga Ten Chong——"

Jingle Chunshui raised his right hand, and shouted loudly: "Po Daozhi 91 Qianshoujiaotiandaipao!!"

After abandoning the chant and launching the ghost way, Jingle Shunsui quickly used the technique of additional chant to make up for the power of the ghost way that was reduced due to the abandonment of the chant.

Finally, there is Old Man Shan.

"Everything, everything returns to dust! The blade is like fire—"

The old man Shan pulled out the flowing blade, and then swung the blade vigorously: "Flowing blade, Songming!"

The attack launched by several people collided with Aizen's false flash. After the two collided, they fought against it for less than five seconds before their attack was defeated by Aizen.


Accompanied by the roar of the Void Flash hitting the Blood Pressure Shield, several Shinigami present stepped back several meters due to the impact of the explosion, and then looked at Aizen in front of them with ugly expressions.

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