
In the case of several people joining forces, they still lost to Aizen.

"Do you understand now?"

Lan Ran patted the non-existent dust on the clothes, glanced proudly at the cutting-edge team in front of him, and said, "In this world, only Qiongjun is my opponent—but soon he won't be."

After the words fell, Aizen raised his hand and gave the advanced team an enthusiastic flash. After a few people blocked it in embarrassment, they found out that Aizen had already taken the opportunity to open the door to the Soul Realm. disappeared from their sight.

Chapter 0418 Aizen Sasuke (Fog

"Damn it, did it still fail?"

Looking at the empty street, Mako Hirako squatted down a little dejectedly, then scratched his head roughly with his hands, and complained: "Can I just watch Aizen achieve his goal?"

"It shouldn't be—"

Jingle Chunshui raised his hand and scratched his face, then looked at the captain at the side, and said, "Old man Shan didn't use all his strength."

"Yiheng, if the old man uses all his strength here, everyone will be affected!" The old man Shan snorted coldly, and said: "He went to the world of corpses and souls, so the old man is more suitable for shooting!"

Mako Hirako looked at Old Man Shan with a serious look on his face and whispered: "Is this the captain's swastika? I've never seen it before."

"It's not just you, I haven't seen—"

Urahara Kisuke glanced secretly at the captain, and then whispered, "To be honest, I haven't even seen the captain's Hajime a few times."

The old man Shan didn't pay attention to everyone's arguments, but opened the door to the soul world with a calm expression, and then walked in.

But everyone looked at his thick back, showing complicated and unwilling expressions.

If you can contribute, who would want to be a spectator who can only cheer for others at this time?



the other side.

The top of the building.

"They don't really believe that I'm going to be trapped by the anti-membrane bandits?"

Lin Qiong gnawed on the four circles in his hand and said to the know-it-all Maomao lying on his shoulder, "But do I think it is necessary for us to perform such a drama of forced offline?"

"Only when you go offline and Yamamoto loses, Isshin Kurosaki will make up his mind to put his final hope on 'No Moon'." The know-it-all cat patted Lin Qiong's side face with a soft pad , said: "Only when Kurosaki Ichigo casts Muzuki and loses all his power, can we recruit him into the gang!"

"Can't we recruit him through Kurosaki Masaki?"

After Lin Qiong ate the last bit of ice cream, with a popsicle stick in his mouth, he muttered: "His mother is in our hands, why are we afraid that he won't join the Sky City? Maybe let him use the sky lock to cut the moon to give him I can peel a coconut."

Mao Mao glanced at him and said, "Are you not afraid that he will give you a pear?"

Lin Qiong pinched her pads and said, "I didn't mess with you!"

"I'll really listen."

Know-it-all Maomao nodded perfunctorily, and explained: "Actually, let him release Wuyue once! At this time, the power in Kurosaki Ichigo's body is too disordered, it's better to empty out the aspects from a new practice."

Lin Qiong touched his chin and said: "After all, he is a noble mixed race of three races, and he is destined to be the leading actor -"

A Hollow, a God of Death, and a Quincy - Kame Turtle, maybe he can finish adding the Holy Body to the Swastika and awaken another wave of Holy Texts?

Damn, he is worthy of being the male protagonist, but ordinary people really can’t buy this plug-in!

The know-it-all cat once again stepped on Lin Qiong's face with its soft flesh pad, urging: "Okay, let's go back to Soul Society as soon as possible - there is nothing wrong with the second stage of Aizen in the swastika Yamamoto touch, but Facing the third stage of Aizen, it’s a bit unsatisfactory.”

At this time, after being stimulated by Lin Qiong, Aizen was already on the verge of breaking through the third stage at any time.



Soul Realm.

When Lin Qiong appeared in the world of souls, his first feeling was "heat" - that feeling was like being thrown from a [-]-degree air-conditioned room to the outdoors of Guangzhou in summer.

"I go--"

He subconsciously stretched out the magic shield, and after separating the heat source in the air, he couldn't help but rejoice and said: "Fortunately, I'm smart, and I've eaten up four circles in this life!"

Know-it-all cat: "?"

She nodded with approval and said, "Indeed, if you haven't finished eating just now, it's probably been melted by now, so it's a waste."

Lin Qiong sighed: "Isn't it right? Four circles are not cheap. It would be bad if it was wasted!"

After sighing with emotion, Lin Qiong used Shunbu and brought the know-it-all Maomao to the battlefield where Aizen and Old Man Shan fought.

"As I got closer, I suddenly felt the temperature getting higher——"

Lin Qiong pretended to fan the wind with his hands, and said solemnly: "Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni is indeed the strongest Shinigami in the past thousand years! It is said that the temperature after his swastika is as terrifying as the core of the sun!"

Hearing Lin Qiong's introduction, the know-it-all cat suddenly showed a surprised expression, and she said in disbelief: "My God, the temperature of the sun's core? The soft little meow will be burned to ashes, right?"

Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, and then said with a delicate expression: "No, you, a soft little meow, can't be punished by me at once——if I remember correctly, a top gourmet devil like you is Can we eat galaxies or even nebulae as food?"

"Oh? Are you interested in these things?" The know-it-all cat seemed to be in high spirits. She stood on Lin Qiong's shoulders with arrogance. Under the background of the battle between Old Man Shan and Lan Ran (stage [-]), she was elated. The introduction said: "In fact, you can think of the nebula as a bigger pizza, and the stars, planets, comets and other things inside are similar to the sauce, cheese, diced meat and diced vegetables on the pizza!"

Lin Qiong folded his hands on his chest, muttered with a frown: "Even if you say that, I can only imagine the appearance of 'Nebula Cuisine', but I can't imagine its taste!?"

"Oh, if you're interested in that thing, I'll just transmit to you the taste of Nebula Pizza in my mind—" the know-it-all cat patted Lin Qiong's face vigorously, trying to make him never say anything irrelevant. After recovering from the incident, "Compared to this, the old man with the hair on his chin is already exhausted!"


Lin Qiong came back to his senses and looked towards the center of the battlefield——




The old man Shan was panting heavily, staring at Aizen in front of him.Compared with him with a heavy expression, the smile on Aizen's face is much more wanton.

"Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni, you are old."

Aizen patted the marks on his body caused by the high temperature with his hand, and looked at the captain arrogantly: "If the time goes back another 100 years, no, 500 years, you might really be able to cause me some trouble."

Listen to the art of speaking - "can cause me some trouble" instead of "can beat me".

With a sullen face, Yamamoto said angrily: "You little brat, do you think this is the full strength of this old man?"

Being ridiculed by an underachiever who is less than half his age, not to mention Old Man Shan's fiery temper, he wouldn't be able to bear it if he had a better temper, okay?

Lan Ran showed a chuckle, and said with a light smile: "Captain, the hero doesn't mention the bravery in the past—you are not my opponent now."

"Do you know that I originally planned to capture you alive and send you to the Central Room 46 for trial, but now it seems that this may not be possible." Old Man Shan held the Canhuo Tai Dao in his hand with murderous intent, and then angrily He shouted: "Aizen Sosuke, in the name of the captain of the Gotei [-], I will kill you here!"


The captain's face sank like water and he quickly swung the remaining fire sword in his hand, and everything in front of his blade was split into upper and lower halves in an instant.

This naturally includes Aizen.

"It's over, sinner."

The captain let out a long breath, then released the swastika that was putting heavy pressure on his old body, and said slowly: "You are too strong, so strong that I have no choice but to kill you—— You should be proud."

As the captain's voice fell, Aizen's upper body—to be precise, the shoulders leading the upper body leading the other shoulder and the small half of the arm—began to slide down, and finally fell to the ground with a "snap".

Next to his upper body, there were two arms, one long and one short, that had been cut off together.

Old Man Shan put on his death-tyrant outfit meekly, then put Liu Ren Ruo Huo back into the scabbard, and smoothed out the somewhat messy hair on his chin by the way.

After doing all this, he walked up to Aizen's body and concluded: "Everything is over."

Aizen's voice sounded on the ground: "Everything, is it over?"

The old man Shan replied subconsciously: "Yes, knot......!!"

The old man Shan's eyes opened in an instant because of his astonishment, and he subconsciously grasped the handle of the knife, but before he could pull it out, the spiritual pressure that erupted from Aizen's "corpse" His body has been suppressed so that he cannot move.

"Captain, thank you very much."

Lan Ran's upper body slowly floated up from the ground, and on his chest, the gray collapsed jade was exuding a strange light, "Thanks to your knife just now, I felt a deep fear—the fear of death. fear."

In Old Man Shan's shocked eyes, Aizen's upper body - and his severed arms - returned to their original positions, and the wounds with scorch marks repaired themselves in an instant, just like just now It's like the slash doesn't exist at all.

"The fear of Qiongjun made me evolve to the second stage; the fear of death made me evolve to the third stage."

Aizen opened his hands with a smile on his face. Old Man Xiangshan showed his posture at this time and said: "Today, I have evolved to a new stage - even if Qiongjun returns, I will no longer be My opponent!"

In the second stage, the white substance that enveloped Aizan like a "cocoon" has now disappeared, replaced by a pair of gauntlets on his hand that look like medieval knight's gauntlets.

Feeling the newborn body after entering the third stage, Aizen issued an invincible declaration: "At this time, I am already standing on the sky (sora)!"

The sky here refers not only to the apex of this world, but also to Lin Qiong who has given him blows again and again.

The sky is clear, the rain has stopped.

Aizen Soyousuke felt that he was doing it again.

Chapter 0419 Ichigo Arrival

"Hey I'm grumpy!"

After Lin Qiong heard Lan Ran's declaration in the distance, he was ready to roll up his sleeves and rush over to give him a big fight.

"Host, I didn't expect you and Aizen to have such a relationship—"

The know-it-all cat pretended to be surprised and covered his mouth with his cat paw, then said with a wicked smile: "Aizen actually made a declaration that he would be above you in front of the captain of the Gotei Thirteenth Team." !”

Lin Qiong: "?"

He showed a slightly thoughtful expression, and then asked weakly: "Miss Know-It-All, the 'above me' you mentioned and the 'above me' I understood, are they the same thing?"

The know-it-all cat blinked, then nodded confidently, and said: "Host, we have a close relationship, so we must be thinking about the same thing, right?"

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and raised the know-it-all cat in front of him, and then asked seriously, "Miss know-it-all, is this really the case?"

The know-it-all cat looked straight into Lin Qiong's eyes without fear, then nodded firmly, and said, "I'm sure and sure! Host, we think the same thing!"

"I see!"

Lin Qiong was stunned, and then angrily rubbed his face against the belly of the know-it-all cat, and said, "Let me, Kangkang, be a naughty kitten who fools others here casually! Such a naughty kitten is born to be killed by the owner." Eaten! I suck, I suck, I suck—”

The jack-of-all-trades cat patted Lin Qiong's head with its paws: "Host, you have to be thankful that I'm in cat form now, otherwise there was something wrong with your movement and speech designation just now."

"Is there a problem? What can be the problem?"

Lin Qiong stiffened his neck, and said with a firm mouth, whether he was right or not, "Well, even if you are not in the form of a cat, so what? Should I suck or not!"


The know-it-all cat's tail turned into a question mark. She sneered and said, "Host, it's okay for you to lie to others, but I hope you don't lie to yourself. What's the use of lying to yourself?"

"No Road Race!"

Lin Qiong gave up on sucking the cat, and instead put the know-it-all cat on his head, and then hummed and said: "If you have the guts, you can change back to your original form. You can see if I can suck you or not, and that's it!"

Thanks for sending me on the plane with my words;

Thanks to the rocket with a mouth left after cremation;

Thanks to the super rocket who is soft all over but has a hard mouth.

The know-it-all cat showed a bad smile and said: "How about I really change back and give you Kangkang?"


Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, and then changed the subject as if nothing had happened: "Oh! Your Excellency, Captain, is in danger. This old boy Lan Ran is really ruthless—"


When entering the second stage, although Aizen has surpassed the Shinigami and Hollows, his spiritual pressure can only suppress ordinary captains and Arrancars.

But Aizen who has evolved to the third stage, even facing a "monster" like the captain, can easily suppress him with only spiritual pressure--when he realizes that he has become so strong, Aizen Lost interest in the captain.

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