"The captain of the Goutei [-]th team, but that's all—"

After leaving such a comment, Aizen stopped paying attention to the old man who had little physical strength left, and walked towards Seireitei.But what he didn't expect was that his kindness was not cherished by the captain.

"Sinner, where are you going!?"

Even though his spiritual pressure was suppressed and his physical strength was exhausted, the captain still stood up from the ground tenaciously, then clenched the handle of the knife in his hand and said in a deep voice: "I haven't fallen down yet, and I haven't allowed you to leave yet - "


Aizen's voice already had a hint of displeasure. He turned around indifferently, glanced at the shaky captain with contempt, and said coldly: "I'm not allowed to leave, so what? Could it be you? Think you can order me?"

"Of course I can't order you, but I can order myself!"

Mr. Yamamoto slowly pulled out the Zanpakuto from the scabbard, and then whispered: "In the name of the captain of the Gotei [-], I order Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni to do his best to drag down the criminal Aizen." The footsteps! Everything in the world will return to dust..."

"It's boring."

At the moment when Mr. Yamamoto was about to unravel, Aizan's figure had already crossed a distance of more than ten meters and came to him, and he rubbed his palms together like a knife and chopped off his arm holding the scabbard from bottom to top.

"Congratulations, you did delay me for an extra ten seconds."

Aizen looked at the captain's frightened and lonely eyes, slowly raised his right hand, and said calmly: "Don't die, Your Excellency Yuan Liuze - Po Dao No. [-]·Black coffin!"

The next moment, black energy enveloped the captain, and Aizen left the scene without looking back.

A few seconds later, when the black coffin dissipated, Motoyanagi Yamamoto, who was covered in wounds and blood all over his body, fell heavily to the ground. Aizen said in a low voice: "Breaking the Way 88 · Flying Dragon Striking Thieves and Shocking Thunder Cannon—"

However, nothing happened.

"It turns out that the old man's spiritual pressure is no longer enough to release this broken path..."

Mr. Yamamoto's consciousness gradually became blurred. The last thing he remembered was a pair of feet gradually approaching him.

'who is it? '

Such thoughts flashed through his mind, and then he completely lost consciousness.



In the heavy atmosphere, a pitch-black crack appeared in midair.

It's the black accent.

"Blue dye!!"

The next moment, with a roar, Kurosaki Ichigo, who was holding the sky lock Zhanyue, rushed out from the black cavity, then looked around with a fierce face, and shouted: "Aizen! Where are you? !?"

"Stop howling—"

Hirako Mako, who was squatting on the ground and counting ants, raised her head, and yelled at Kurosaki Ichigo with an angry face, "Aizen has gone to the Soul Realm a long time ago!"


Kurosaki Ichigo fell to the ground with a look of astonishment. He looked at the captains who gathered together like defeated dogs, and then at the shamen on the other side, and couldn't help asking: "Who can tell me what is happening now? What's the situation?"

Isn't it the final battle between Soul Society and Hueco Mundo?

Aren't we going to fight Aizen?

It's fine for Captain and Pomian to face each other across the street, but why did Aizen go to Soul Soul Realm?

Could it be that I just went black, and ran from the Karakura Town War version to the Millennium Blood War version?

"To put it simply, that bastard Aizen has been fused with Bengyu, and he is so strong." Hiyori stomped his feet with a displeased face, and shouted: "All of us together are no match for him, so we can only Watching him go to the world of corpses and souls—damn, maybe Aizen has already created that king key at this time!"

"Ahem, you don't have to be so pessimistic." Jingle Chunshui scratched his head, and then comforted him: "Old Man Shan has followed—he is not at the same level as us at all, and he will definitely defeat Aizen."

"That's right!"

Shishiro Ukitake also raised his finger with a smile on his face, and said, "I think Mr. Yuanliusai deliberately sent Aizen to the Soul Realm—his swastika is too powerful. If we use it, we will all be implicated."

"I roughly understand the situation——"

Following Kurosaki Ichigo, the fourth division captain Unohana Retsu stood weakly in front of everyone, and then glanced at Ichimaru Gin and Tōsen Kaname who were tied to two wooden poles like large banners. , said softly: "Then, who can tell me what's going on with these two?"

The vice-captains immediately talked about what happened in this world to Captain Unohana: "...Although they are not the opponents of the captain and Ten Blades, who knows that they have internal support in the virtual circle, and they are ready in advance. Anti-film."

Unokanaretsu took another look at Ichimaru Gin and Tōsen Kaname who looked like dried salted fish, and asked strangely: "Since there are anti-films, why are they tied to the head of the pole?"

"Because after they were evacuated, they were sent back by the members of the 'Holy Shield'." Ise Nanao said delicately: "When they were sent back, the two of them were like this now."

"Shield of the Guardian..."

Hearing this name that he had heard more than once, Unokanaretsu's expression became a little more serious.Following Ise Nanao's gaze, she looked towards the Pomian camp, and found that there were indeed a few strange figures over there.

The leader was a tall woman with long green hair and a black uniform with gold patterns. She had a gentle smile on her face, and behind her were two strange-looking creatures.

Peixue: "?"

Dongdchaka: "?"

Unohana Retsu withdrew his gaze, then looked at Kurosaki Ichigo, and said, "I remember Kurosaki-kun said that, right? During this trip to Hueco Mundo, Ishida-kun and Sadatari-kun are also following you. ?”

Kurosaki Ichigo nodded and said, "Yes, yes."

"It seems that the relationship between the Holy Shield and Aizen is not as close as we thought?"

Uzhihualie narrowed his eyes and said, "However, what is the purpose of the Holy Shield?"

Not only Unohana Retsu had this doubt, but also the brainy captains like Kyōraku Shunsui and Ukitake Jūshirō had been thinking about this issue before.

"Judging from Brother Qiong's attitude, he shouldn't have any ill intentions towards Soul Society, but he doesn't seem to have any ill intentions towards Aizen either." Kyoraku Shunsui had a strange expression on his face as he said, "Judging from the fact that he can easily defeat the second stage Judging from Aizen’s strength, he had every chance to kill Aizen a hundred times, but he did not do so.”

Uozhihualie pondered for a few seconds, then looked towards the middle of the battlefield—to be precise, the direction where Lin Qiong was hit by the anti-membrane bandit—and said softly: "It seems that Mr. Qiong is thinking, We can only wait for him to get out of trouble, and then consult him.”


While the captains of the Corpse Soul Realm were analyzing, a new black cavity appeared in the middle of the street with the sound of space tearing, and a figure hugging something gradually walked out of it.

"That, that is—"

"how is this possible!?"

"Boss, captain!"

"Old man Shan—"

After seeing clearly what was in the man's arms, the captains let out unbelievable exclamations.

Chapter 0420 Kurosaki's dedication

In just a split second, the captains in the standby state unanimously cast Shunbu and came to Luo, and then stared at Motoyanagi Shigekuni Yamamoto who had fallen into a coma in his arms.

His body was covered with scars and bloodstains, and his severed arm was placed on his abdomen.

"Although I don't know who you are, please lay the captain flat on the ground——"

Unohana Retsu came to Luo's side first, then put his cloak on the ground with a serious face, and said in a slightly urgent voice: "His condition is very bad, I need to treat him immediately, please !”

"Then I'll leave him to you—"

Luo squatted down, and then gently put the captain on the captain's cloak of Unozhihuaretsu, and said in a low voice: "Although I have already given him basic treatment on the way here, I really don't know much about it. Too good at it, so I can only barely stabilize his vital signs."

"that's enough."

After a quick check of the captain's physical condition, Uzhihuaretsu breathed a sigh of relief, and then said in a grateful voice: "Thanks to your treatment, the captain's current situation is still in time."

If you want to compare it, it's like a mid laner with residual blood was ignited. He could only wait to die, but the passing ADC managed to heal him and barely stabilized his blood line.

"Thank you very much for your help."

Hearing Unohana Retsu's judgment, Jingraku Shunsui couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He raised his hand and scratched his head, and sighed in a low voice: "I didn't expect that Old Man Shan would be beaten so badly - —Is Aizen already so powerful?"

"I do not know."

Luo shook his head lightly, and said in a low voice: "When I rushed to Soul Soul Realm according to the young master's order, the old man had already collapsed there."


Hearing this familiar title, Jingle Chunshui's eyes flickered for a moment, then looked at Luo thoughtfully, and asked: "Although this guess is a bit groundless, but... Your Excellency is not the protector of the Holy Shield." member?"

Luo shook his head and said, "No, I'm not a member of the Holy Shield you mentioned."

"Really? That's good—"

Kyōraku Shunsui couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. If the guy in front of him was also a member of the Holy Shield, he would really be a little overwhelmed - not because of anything else, but mainly because of the "Saint Protector's Shield" during this period. "These four words appeared so frequently in his ears that he even suffered from PTSD.

However, before Jingraku Shunsui could completely let go, Nilu on the other side of the road waved her right hand in this direction happily and said: "Lord Luo, it turns out that Aqiong arranged for you to take Gotei. Did the captain of Team [-] send it here?"

Luo nodded with some depression. He raised his right hand sadly, felt the wind in the air with his fingertips, and said in a low voice, "I haven't breathed the same air as Xia for 15 minutes and 27 seconds—now It's 30 seconds."

Nilu: 0v0

She couldn't help but said respectfully: "Lord Luo is still in love with Master Xia as always! The love between the two adults is really enviable!"

Luo couldn't help but wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then said emotionally: "Nilu, you are such a good boy!"

To be reasonable, every time he tells his thoughts and love for Xia in front of other guardians, what he often gains comes from his companions——

"Hey, let's explode now!"

"Where are you drying your horse?"

"You are showing off your mate, right?"

——Responses like this.

Compared with those unfriendly teammates, Nilu is too cute, too well-behaved, and too face-saving!

love it!

Nilu showed an embarrassed expression: "Hey hey, thank you Lord Luo for your compliment~"

"Well, well, although it is indeed a bit impolite to interrupt your communication at this time, please forgive me for asking -"

At this time, after seeing the interaction between Luo and Nilu, Jingraku Shunshui suddenly breathed back the breath that he had not finished just now, and came over with a confused look on his face, and asked with straight eyes: "You two, do you know each other?"

The two nodded in unison: "Yeah."


Jingraku Shunsui made gestures with his hands in front of him, then looked at Luo and said, "Didn't Mr. Luo say that he was not a member of the Shield of the Saint?"

Nilu said in a matter-of-fact tone: "Lord Luo is not a member of the Holy Shield."

A question mark appeared on Jingle Chunshui's head, and he asked in confusion, "Huh?"

"I'm a member of the Guardians."

Luo explained from the side, "As for the relationship between the 'Guardian' and the 'Shield of the Guardian', it's roughly the same as the 'Zero Team' and the 'Team Guard Thirteen' in your Soul Realm——Guardian It can be regarded as the superior organization of the Guardian Shield."

"..." Jingraku Shunsui opened his mouth with eyes wide open, then he first drew a horizontal stroke with his left hand to a higher height, and then stroked a higher height with his right hand, and said: "Superior? The more powerful kind?" "

Nilu nodded, and said softly: "Whether it is the defense of Lord Leona or Lord Luo, I have not been able to break through it so far."


Jingle Chunshui raised his right hand and rubbed the bridge of his nose, then murmured uncontrollably: "I thought the shield of the guardian was exaggerated enough, but now another guardian has come out."

After a few seconds of worry, Jingle Chunshui raised his head and glanced at the sky.

"Forget it, I'd better leave this kind of thing to Old Man Shan." He suddenly raised his hand and scratched his head, then happily walked towards the Masked Legion and said, "I'm not the one anyway. Captain, hey!"

It's rotten, it's rotten!

"Well, I have a small question—"

At this time, Urahara Kisuke on the side raised his right hand with a smile to attract everyone's attention, "The captain has failed and Mr. Qiong is trapped now. Is there anyone among us who can stop Aizen?"

Jingle Spring Water: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Other Death: 0v0

Broken face: →_→

"Wash, wash the motor!"

Omaeda, the most impatient, held his head in his hands and let out a mournful cry: "Team, captain! What, what should we do!? Could it be that the soul world is going to be destroyed by Aizen today? Don't! I still have a lot of money to spend—”

Suifeng, who was still a little nervous at first, suddenly became angry when she heard the shout of her vice-captain—she jumped up and kicked Omaeda's ass, then said through gritted teeth: "Idiot, don't Say something embarrassing!"

It would be fine if we were talking about this in private, but now we are surrounded by the captains of Soul Society, and across the street there are the Ten Blades of Hueco Mundo and people from Sky City...

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