'It's over, it's over!It's all this idiot's fault, now everyone on this street knows that the vice-captain of the second team of the Gotei [-]th team is an idiot!When they go back, they will definitely tell the people around them about this matter—if this continues, the whole world will soon know about it! '

Zhifeng held his head with both hands and wailed in his heart: "The reputation of the second division that Master Ye Dai handed over to me has been completely ruined. Wuwuwu, I'm sorry for you, Mr. Ye Dai ahhhh—— '

Broken Bee fell into autism.

Yaichi Sifengin, who was sitting next to Urahara Kisuke, looked at Suihou's tangled appearance, couldn't help but propped his chin and gave Urahara Kisuke a smirk, and said, "How is it? My Suihou is cute, right?"

Urahara Kisuke nodded with a smile, and Kurosaki Ichigo on the side tugged at the corner of his mouth, and thought with a speechless expression: 'I finally understand why Ms. Zouhou hates Mr. Urahara so much, if it were me. I guess it will be the same——'

Just when Kurosaki Ichigo was criticizing Urahara Kisuke for being inappropriate, a figure appeared behind him.


Herosaki walked forward with all his heart, patted his son on the shoulder, and said in a low voice, "I have something to say to you..."

What greeted him was Kurosaki Ichigo's instinctive and subconscious whip leg attack - no way, after experiencing high-intensity fighting in the virtual circle, his whole body is now in an overactive state.


A flash of surprise flashed in Kurosaki Isshin's eyes. He quickly raised his left hand and firmly caught Ichigo's back kick. Then, just as he was about to make a handsome speech, he saw Kurosaki Ichigo's astonished expression. expression.

"It scared me to death. It turned out to be Dad Hundan. I thought I accidentally kicked an innocent person—"

After Kurosaki Ichigo found out that the person he kicked was Laodou, he breathed a sigh of relief, and complained: "Really, don't jump out suddenly to scare people!"

Kurosaki Isshin: "?"

Damn you, what kind of filial son is this?If you kick an innocent person, you will be worried about others getting hurt, but if you kick me, you will feel at ease, right?

i fuck...

If it is hard, the fist will be hard immediately!

'No, can't be angry -'

If it was in normal times, Kurosaki would have decided to beat up Kurosaki Ichigo severely, and tell him who in Tsim Sha Tsui was pissed off, but now is not the time to act filial piety with his own son.

He took a deep breath and said, "Ichigo, do you want to protect Soul Society, Karakura Town, your classmates, friends, and sister?"

Hearing this sentence, Kurosaki Ichigo's expression suddenly became extremely dignified, and he said in a firm tone: "This is the reason why I came back from the virtual circle - I must defeat Aizen!"

"Okay, I'm very energetic! This way I can rest assured——"

Kurosaki put his hands on his hips with all his heart, and showed a hearty smile, "I have taught you [the last crescent sky]!"

Hearing this, Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Kurosaki Isshin with confusion and asked: "The last Getsuga Tenshō, what is that?"

"The last crescent sky rushes—"

The smile on Kurosaki Isshin's face gradually receded, he was silent for a few seconds, and then he sighed with a complicated expression: "That's the only way for you to defeat Aizen."

Chapter 0421 You can use it, but you can't


When Kurosaki Isshin said these words, the captains who were paying close attention to this side, and even the badmen on the other side of the street cast their gazes over.

"Zhi... I should call you Kurosaki now, right?"

Jingle Chunshui walked over with a serious face, and said, "Captain Kurosakihara, you can't say such things casually—"

He admitted that Kurosaki Ichigo is indeed a young man with excellent talent. It has been less than a year since he became the god of death, and he is already stronger than the average captain—but that is the one that even the old man Shan failed to attack. Aizen who has evolved to the third stage.

"I know the strength of the captain very well, so I also understand how strong Aizen is after defeating the captain."

Kurosaki Isshin looked at Jingle Shunsui with determined eyes, and said, "But, I have confidence in [The Last Crescent Moon]!"

"Young man, it's good to have confidence, but don't speak big words, be careful that your tongue slips—"

Balegang walked over with a step that he didn't recognize, and said with a look of disdain: "The kid next to you can't even defeat Grimmjow..."

"Who said that? I have already defeated Grimmjow head-on this time!"

Kurosaki Ichigo was not happy when he heard this. He hurriedly retorted: "Not only that, even Ulquiorra was defeated by me!"

Heribel on the side was stunned for a moment when he heard Ulquiola's name, then shook his head and said, "Ulquiola's ranking is only No.4, and there are three of us above him, but the three of us Individually, none of them are the opponent of Aizen—not to mention that he has evolved twice, and he has become even more like a monster."

Hitsugaya Toshiro who was on the side also walked over, looked at Kurosaki Isshin with dissatisfied eyes, and said, "You are still as unreliable as ever."

"Hey, can't you have some confidence in my Ichigo?"

Kurosaki looked at everyone's almost one-sided attitude and couldn't help but retorted: "The final Getsuga Tensho is my ultimate trick. With Ichigo's qualifications, if he learns that move, he will definitely be able to win the blue." Dyed!"

"Captain Shiba, it's not that we don't believe you! The problem is, how can we have extra time for Ichigo to slowly learn the trick you mentioned?"

Matsumoto Rangiku looked at his former captain helplessly and reminded: "By the time he learns this trick, Aizen may have already converted Karakura Town into the King Key, and then marked it as the Spirit King Palace."

"God of Death, have you forgotten that Aqiong was sealed by Aizen with the Anti-Membrane Bandit?"

Stark said lazily: "Even if the anti-membrane bandit is strengthened by Lan Ran with the collapse jade, at most it will trap A Qiong for two to three hours. Wouldn't it be fine when he comes out?"

"Yes, yes! And that super, super, super powerful Arrancar!"

Ohmaeda suddenly showed an ecstatic expression, and he laughed happily and said: "Hahahaha, captain, we just need to wait for him to get out of trouble!"


Broken Bee glared at his vice-captain and scolded: "As a Shinigami, you actually place your hopes on Arrancar. What are you thinking?"


Ohmaeda shrunk his neck, then squatted in the corner aggrievedly, drew circles, and muttered in a low voice: "I'm not the only one who thinks so..."


Hearing this sentence, the captains suddenly realized the problem.

"Oh my, am I also affected..."

Jing Le Chunshui pressed the brim of his hat, and said to himself: "I actually firmly believe that after Brother Qiong is out of trouble, he will definitely be able to defeat Lan Ran."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "?"

Only when Lanran jumped back, he saw Lin Qiong in the black cavity, and asked with a puzzled face; "What are you talking about? Is that one called 'Qiong' really that strong?"

Nilu at the side put her hands on her hips, and said confidently: "Hmph, Ah Qiong is the strongest!"

Luo nodded in satisfaction: "Indeed!"

As long as you are willing to brag about the young master, you are my half-brother!

Jimei is okay too!

Kurosaki focused on recalling the scene he and Urahara Kisuke saw when they rushed to the scene, and couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, saying, "That's not ordinary."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "?"

He looked at his father with a speechless expression and said, "You even said so yourself, so why are you asking me if I want to learn the last Crescent Moon Chong?"

Kurosaki scratched the back of his head with all his heart, and explained embarrassingly, "Didn't I not think of it for a while?"

"Stupid dad, don't make trouble with a serious face—"

Kurosaki Ichigo walked towards the side of the road angrily, while Kurosaki Isshin looked at his back as he went away, his expression gradually became serious.


He shouted: "Is this really good?"


Ichigo turned around and looked at Isshin with a puzzled expression: "What's good?"

Yixin looked at him and asked, "Is it really okay to place all your hopes on others?"

Ichigo was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head, and replied naively: "The captains all believe in him, and the bad men in the virtual circle also look confident, so it shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Putting aside the fact that the captains of Soul Society are willing to believe in the strength of the sealed Arrancar after seeing their captain fail, the Arrancars of Hueco Mundo should be the ones who know best how powerful Aizen is, right?Aren’t they confident?


Kurosaki rubbed the bridge of his nose wholeheartedly, then looked at his son with some disappointment, and said, "Do you really think it's appropriate to put all your hopes in other people's hands?

What if Aizen sealed him for half a month?

What if Aizen evolves to be stronger than him?

What if Aizen prepares a second anti-membrane bandit? "

Facing his father's questioning, Kurosaki Ichigo opened his mouth, and then said a little angrily: "Then what if he can really defeat Aizen?"

Kurosaki Ichigo really doesn't understand why his father behaves like this...


In fact, the reason is very simple -

The captain of the corpse soul world and the broken face of Xuquan actually have nothing to do with Lan Ran, who has evolved to the third stage and easily defeated the captain, so they can only choose to believe in Lin Qiong, believing that as long as he escapes from trouble, he can defeat Lan Ran. dye.

But Kurosaki has a different heart. He has practiced "The Last Crescent Moon" and he knows very well what a terrifying boost this move can bring to the user. He firmly believes that with Kurosaki Ichigo's talent, once he uses the last crescent If the crescent moon is in the sky, then Aizen will definitely be defeated.

"If he can really defeat Aizen, then you don't need this move?"

Kurosaki looked at his melon child speechlessly and said, "But if he can't beat Aizen, and you don't know this move, what are you going to do? It will be too late to learn it later!"

Hearing what the old man said, Kurosaki Ichigo opened his mouth, and then showed a shaken expression - he had to admit that what Kurosaki wanted to say had some truth!but……

"The problem is, it's too late to learn now!"

Ichigo Kurosaki scratched his hair irritably and said, "That move is not something that can be learned in an hour or two, right?"

"This silly son, finally got the hang of it—"

Seeing Ichigo's reaction, Isshin breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a serious face: "No, I know a place where you can learn this move across the time limit."

"Across time?"

Ichigo's eyes widened and he couldn't help but ask: "Is there really such a place?"

Before Kurosaki could answer, Kyōraku Shunsui walked over with a serious look on his face and asked, "Isn't that what you are talking about?"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Border breaking?"

Kisuke Urahara smiled and raised his fingers to popularize science: "The flow rate of time in the broken world is different from that in the outside world! The ratio is about 2000:1 - that is to say, after spending 2000 hours in the broken world, in the outside world It’s only been an hour.”

"That's right! It's the boundary break!"

Kurosaki Yixin nodded, and said: "The cultivation method of that move is different from other moves, and it can be completed within the boundary..."

"No! That kind of place is too dangerous!"

Hearing Kurosaki Isshin's words, Hokumura Zuozhen immediately stood up and said with a serious face: "Whether it is a Kuliu or a Kutu, it is fatal to the creatures in the boundary!"

Kurosaki retorted with all his heart: "If you want to arrest Liu, you only need to use a boundary fixing device to isolate it, and it will not affect the people in it!"

With Kurosaki Isshin's captain-level Reiatsu, one person can activate the realm fixing device that originally required dozens of lower-level Shinigami to inject Reiatsu together.

Bocun Zuozhen continued: "What about Jutu? There's no way to stop that kind of thing—even the captain can't stop it!"

Kurosaki Yixin quickly gave his answer: "Jutu appears once every seven days, so it doesn't matter as long as you catch the time difference when it appears and practice!"

The big dog on the left side of Bocun opened his mouth, and he found that he couldn't refute what Kurosaki Isshin said, so he could only scratch his dog's head sullenly, and then he was speechless.

"Captain Kurosakihara—"

After a few seconds of silence, Jingle Chunshui raised his head, looked at him solemnly, and said, "Are you sure that the move you mentioned can be used as the last card to defeat Aizen?"

Obviously, Jingle Chunshui refers to the final hole card under the premise that "Lin Qiong can't defeat Aizen".

"I'm sure, sure and sure! I can say responsibly—"

Kurosaki nodded vigorously, and said seriously: "Once Ichigo enters and casts the 'Last Crescent Moon', then in this world, no one is his opponent!"

In short, invincible!

"Are you so confident?"

Jingle Chunshui pressed the cat's eyes on his forehead, then smiled and said, "In this case, I will accompany you crazy—I will go to the broken world with you, and help Kurosaki Ichigo practice that one move!"

Ise Nanao on the side exclaimed: "Captain, why——"

"It's very simple, Nanao-chan! Just like Captain Kurosaki said—"

Jingle Chunshui turned around with a smile on his face, looked at his vice-captain, and said in a low voice: "We can use the final hole card, but we can't."

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