After all, no matter how friendly brother Qiong is, he is also from the Xuquan camp, isn't he?What if, after defeating Lan Ran, Brother Qiong suddenly said, "How many floors can a bag of rice carry?", what should we do?

You can't kill someone with your neck, right?

Chapter 0422 taste it

"In that case, I will go with you too."

After hearing Jingle Chunshui's soliloquy, the big dog Bocun Zuozhen said in a deep voice, "In this battle, I have hardly been of any use, so let me contribute a point in the last place Use your own strength."

His meaning is obvious, he hopes to replace Kurosaki Isshin as the "fuel tank" of the realm fixture

Plushka added you to the group chat "Fuel Tank Families".

Of course, Bocun Zuozhen will not die.

Plushka invited you out of the group chat "Fuel Tank Families".

"In that case, I also..."

As soon as Hitsugaya Toshiro took a step forward, he was stopped by Jingle Shunsui. He looked at Xiaobai with a smile and said, "Leave this kind of thing to us! Captain Hitsugaya, you are from the Soul Realm!" future."

"The leader of the Beijing Band..."

"team leader……"


Hearing Jingle Shunsui's words, the surrounding captains and vice-captains showed shaken expressions.

His words sounded like he was praising Hitsugaya at first glance, but in fact, there was already a layer of "tuogu" hidden in it!His attitude is obvious, that is, during the period when Kurosaki devoted himself to teaching Kurosaki Ichigo to practice the last crescent sky, he will do his best to protect the safety of the two.

When the entire death camp was immersed in a sad atmosphere, Luo, who was on the side, held an ice cream in his mouth and said vaguely: "If it's Jutu, you probably don't need to worry - I'm coming On the way, I saw the dead body of that thing."

All Deaths: "Eh?"

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Urahara Kisuke confirmed: "Are you sure?? Kutu is really dead?"

Luo took out his mobile phone with a dissatisfied face, opened the photo he had carefully taken, and said, "Look, I even took a special photo!"

Everyone came over to take a look, and found that in the middle of the photo was Jutu's broken skeleton, while Luo squatted aside, smiling and drawing a "V" with the back of his hand facing the camera.At his feet, there was a line of words ["Guardian" Ni Ling Luo came here for a visit, Yelu died bitterly].

As for the captain?

Well, if I read it correctly, the small shiny bald head in the lower left corner of the photo may be the proof of the captain's presence?

"should be--"

Jingle Chunshui rubbed the stubble of his chin, and said with certainty: "The curvature of this bald head is undoubtedly that of Old Man Shan!"

First of all, it turns out that the leader of the Beijing band, did you recognize the leader of the band in this way?

Secondly, Your Excellency, Captain, I'm sorry to discover your majestic figure in this way.

Finally, Mr. Luo, did you take more than 40 selfies in Duanjie?

The captains looked at the photos inside——

Luo stepping on the wreckage of Jutu as a sign of victory;

Luo raised his hands in a strong gesture;

Luo opened his hands to the right to show.

What shocked many captains was that in so many photos, not one of Luo's postures was repeated! !

"It's amazing, these photos can be used as 'photo pose templates' to spread!"

Ise Nanao exclaimed almost instinctively: "Mr. Luo, can you send me a copy of these photos? I want to bind them into a book and put them in the headquarters of the Women's Death Association for everyone to learn from!"

Jingle Chunshui: "?"

Xiao Nanao, isn't your focus on something wrong?

After hearing Ise Nanao's words, Luo's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he said slightly excitedly: "I didn't expect that the confidant I have been seeking for many years is actually on the side of Death? Let me tell you, in fact, these selfies only play a role in It takes 20.00% of my skill - I only get inspired when I take photos of Xia, such as this one, this one, and this one..."

After looking at the photos taken by Luo Weixia, Ise Nanao immediately opened her mouth wide and muttered, "This composition, this light, this framing, it is completely unimaginable that this is actually taken with a mobile phone—"

It's almost as good as a photo taken by a professional photographer with an expensive camera.

"It's all because of my love for Xia!" Luo's face was full of undisguised love, he rubbed his nose with his hands, and said with emotion: "I just want to make love with Xia Every copy, every second is recorded!"

Ise Nanao looked at Luo with admiration, and said sincerely: "Mr. Luo, no, please allow me to call you a master—Master Luo, please allow me to copy a copy of these photos!"

"no problem!"

Luo Sa gave a thumbs up happily, "You must promote it well and let more people know how beautiful my Xia is!"

Ise Nanao suddenly felt a sense of mission spontaneously, she clenched her fists and said seriously: "Please rest assured, Master Luo, this kind of thing..."

"Cough cough cough cough cough cough!!"

Kyōraku Shunsui made a sound as if he was about to cough up his lungs, "Nanao-chan, isn't this the time to talk about these things? We should have more important things!"


Ise Nanao let out a short exclamation, and she bowed to the speechless captains around her with an embarrassed face, then hid aside and let out a mournful cry.

Woohoo, I actually forgot the occasion, it's really inappropriate!


Jingle Harunui coughed dryly twice, then solemnly drew out his Zanpakuto, looked at Hakumura Zuojin, Kurosaki Isshin, and Kurosaki Ichigo behind him, and asked, "If we are ready, we will set off Bar!"

"Yes!" x3



"As expected of a jack-of-all-trades cat, everything is planned!"

Lin Qiong, who followed Luo back to the present world, couldn't help scratching the chin of the know-it-all cat with his fingers, and muttered, "But there's one thing to say, is Wuyue and Ichigo stronger, or two swords and Ichigo? "

"You're starting a fight, you know that?"

The know-it-all cat glanced at Lin Qiong sideways, and couldn't help complaining: "One of the major prohibitions in the realm world is absolutely forbidden to discuss combat power and stack boxes!"

"Yes, I understand--"

Lin Qiong saluted with a smile on his face, and then said with some worry: "Speaking of which, if I want Kurosaki Ichigo to use the last crescent moon, do I have to pretend to be defeated by Aizen once? Hey, wouldn't that damage my invincible image?"

"You don't need to worry about that."

The know-it-all cat yawned and said: "Have you forgotten? In the original work, Ichigo Tsuki actually did not officially defeat Aizen. He finally lost to Kisuke Urahara's targeted sealing of Kidō, but On this world line..."

"That's right, in this world line, Kisuke Urahara didn't plant a hidden sealing technique on Aizen!"

Lin Qiong showed a dazed expression: "That is to say, after Muzuki Ichigo swung the most powerful knife and started to decline from the peak state, I can come on stage and save the world, right?"

"Yes yes! Oh, don't keep focusing on such small things as defeating Aizen!"

The know-it-all cat nodded gracefully, then gently patted Lin Qiong's head with its cat's paw, and said with some dissatisfaction, "Let's discuss some more important things!"

Lin Qiong: "Huh? Like?"

The know-it-all cat let out a smirk of "hehehe", she explained: "For example, [encrypted call], jie jie jie!"

After listening to Know-It-All Maomao's idea, Lin Qiong suddenly showed a shocked expression and exclaimed: "This idea, Miss Know-It-All, are you a genius!?"

"Hmph, you can praise me as much as you want, right?"

"Long live Miss Know-It-All!"

Lin Qiong raised Miss Know-it-all above his head, and said happily: "Miss Know-it-all, Saigao! Miss Know-it-all is number one in the world! Miss Know-it-all is the strongest in the universe!"


After an hour and a half.

True Empty Town.


Aizen floated in the sky of Karakura Town, looked at the magic circle covering the whole city below, and showed a satisfied smile: "Although it took some time, it is worth it to win the throne of Xeon .”

Next, he only needs to go to the core of the magic circle, and then use the power of Beng Yu to activate the magic circle. With one hundred thousand souls as raw materials, he can refine the King Key and enter the Lingwang Palace.

'The supreme power is at hand, at your fingertips—'

Aizen couldn't help opening his hands, took a deep breath, then closed his eyes, enjoying the last peace, and murmured: "Now, who else can stop me?"

A slightly out of breath voice sounded behind Aizen: "What a coincidence, the person who stopped you is on the way here."

Lan Ran heard the words, turned around slowly, then looked at Jingle Chunshui with a pale face, and said indifferently: "Jingle Chunshui, I didn't expect you to have the guts to appear in front of me—don't you know that we Is there a gap in strength between them?"

"When the comatose old man Shan was sent to the present world, I knew this very well - I will definitely not be your opponent."

Jingle Chunshui scratched his face with his fingers, and then smiled wryly: "But, you can't just sit and watch you kill the lives of the entire Karakura town, come to refine the king key?"

"That's ridiculous! Even if you stand in front of me, what can you do?"

Aizen's eyes showed undisguised contempt and disdain. He opened his right hand with an indifferent expression and said softly: "Ninety of the broken path..."

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Jingraku Shunsui quickly raised his hands with a wry smile and said, "Spare me! Even Old Man Shan can't take your black coffin. I don't want to feel the feeling of dying."

Aizen chuckled, then retracted his four fingers except for his index finger, and joked: "Okay, then let me let you try my new power-"

As Aizen's voice fell, a purple high-density Reiatsu bomb appeared on his fingertips, and the faint power emanating from it made Jingle Chunshui unconsciously sweat coldly on his forehead.

"This is a spell that I created by combining the advantages of false flash and broken way! Since it has not been completed yet, let's call it [Radiation Break·False] for the time being."

There was a smile on Aizen's lips that showed he had successfully researched it, "Since you don't want to face the black coffin, then please try my new technique!"

Jingle Chunshui: "..."

So what, I regret it a little bit!Can it be changed back to the black coffin?

It is estimated that there is still a breath left after being hit by that thing.

It is estimated that only a small piece of this thing will be left.

Chapter 0423 An Out-and-Out Monster

'Hello, everyone. '

'I am Jingle Shunsui. '

'I'm very panic now, and the source of my panic is the spiritual pressure bomb in front of me that is flashing purple light - if my perception has not declined, the spiritual pressure bomb contained in it Reiatsu is about half of what it was in my prime. '

'In other words, one reiatsu bomb released by Aizen is equivalent to about one-half of Kyōraku's spring water? '

'I'm really panicking. '

Jingraku Shunsui wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with his hand, and said with a mixture of laughter and tears: "I think I may not be able to withstand this attack. How about you change the target of the attack?"

"It's not impossible -"

There was a hint of joking in the corner of Aizen's mouth. He looked at Kyoraku Shunsui with a condescending look and said, "Then I will agree to your request and change the launch target."

Jingle Chunshui: "Huh?"

He couldn't help thinking, "'Why is Aizen so easy to talk about?'

But the next second, when he saw Aizen's changed attack target, his expression suddenly became solemn - Aizen pointed [Fake] towards Sora under him with a smile on his face. Zuomachi, said: "I don't know what kind of consequences will be caused if this attack is launched?"

'It must not be allowed to fall on the city below—'

Obviously, Jingraku was in a hurry.

He completed the initial understanding of the Flower Sky Crazy Bone in an instant, and then stepped on Shunpo to reach the top of Aizen.

'Brand Ghost—'

Brandoni: The taller one gets the ability.

Because he was above Aizen, the power of Kyoraku Shunsui's slashing blows was greatly increased, but when his Zanpakuto landed on Aizen, the slight smile on his lips suddenly froze.

"Only to this extent?"

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