The purple Reiatsu bomb hit Aizen's Reiatsu shield, and a gorgeous firework exploded in mid-air, and the flames and smoke instantly engulfed Aizen.


Seeing the figure appearing in front of him, Jingle Shunsui let out a long sigh, then fell to the ground and said, "Ichigo-kun, you are here—ah, I thought I was really going to die."

"It's good to catch up -" Bo Cun Zuozhen smiled bitterly and said: "But, I'm afraid I can only leave the next battle to you."

"Sorry, it took a little longer." Kurosaki Ichigo put the sky lock Zhanyue on his shoulder, then turned his head, looked at Aizen in midair with sharp eyes, and said, "Next, Just leave it to me!”


Aizen let out a meaningful exclamation: "I didn't expect, did you still stand in front of me in the end? Kurosaki Strawberry."

"Dad, I'll leave them to you!"

After Kurosaki Ichigo told Kurosaki Isshin next to him, Shizhan Shunpo came in front of Aizen, held the sky lock Zhanyue with his solemn face, and said in a deep voice: "Aizen, I will definitely stop you of--"

"Interesting, what is your reason for doing this?"


"You said you were going to stop me, so what is your reason for doing so?"

"I won't let you kill my friend!"

"I see. Is this why you stopped me? Then I can promise that as long as anyone in Karakura Town has a relationship with you, I will let them go-including your family, friends, classmates, or social contacts. .”


"In this way, we don't have a direct conflict, right? Then do you have any reason to stop me?"

Kurosaki Ichigo, who was not good at words, opened his mouth, and he suddenly felt that what Aizen said seemed to make a little sense?

"Stupid son! What's wrong with you looking like you're about to be persuaded!?"

After transferring the two captains to a safe place, Kurosaki Isshin rushed back after seeing his son's hopeless appearance, he couldn't help but kicked Kurosaki Ichigo's ass, and sternly reprimanded him.

"Do you want to watch Aizen spend the lives of 10 people in Karakura Town to refine the King Key?"


"And even if Aizen can let go of your friends in Karakura Town, can he also let go of those friends in Soul Society?"


"At the end, don't forget, your mother—Masaki—was killed by the Grand Fisher transformed by Aizen!"


After listening to Kurosaki Isshin's three consecutive persuasion, Kurosaki Ichigo raised his hands and patted his cheek mercilessly, so hard that his face turned red.

"Sorry, Dad!"

Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes became sharp again, he looked at Aizen with a smile in his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "I won't be confused anymore!"

"It's a pity."

Aizan shook his head with a light smile, and said, "I wanted to see the scene after you were persuaded by me—it seems that you are not as stupid as I thought."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "?"

He turned his head to look at Kurosaki Isshin, and said with some uncertainty: "Father, have I been scolded?"

Kurosaki was silent for a few seconds, then raised his hand and patted Kurosaki Ichigo's shoulder, and said softly: "It's okay, Ichigo, I won't look down on you because of this."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "?"

He thought for a few seconds, then reacted and said angrily: "Dad, are you scolding me too?"

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!"

Herosaki pulled out his own Yanyue with all his heart, and then said with a serious face: "Now is the time to fight, don't desert half-heartedly!"

Although full of complaints, Kurosaki Ichigo refocused on Aizen and said, "You don't need to remind me about this kind of thing!"

"Oh, brat—"

Kurosaki Isshin, who was fighting alongside his son, grinned. He also focused on Aizen and prayed in his heart: 'Mr. Arrancar, please be sure to use Ichigo's [Last Getsuga] Before Tian Chong], come to the battlefield! '



“Oh, oh, oh—”

On the roof of a nearby building, Masaki Kurosaki held his face in both hands with a happy face, then shook his upper body happily, and said: "Father and son work together to face a strong enemy. This picture is great. Right? Isn't it awesome?"

"From the screen, it's really great, that's right, that's right——"

Lin Qiong was lying on his side at the edge of the rooftop, holding a piece of pancake harder than Tanjiro's forehead, and commented: "But for one thing, I think Kurosaki Isshin and Kurosaki Ichigo combined are not Aizen’s opponent.”


Kurosaki Masaki looked at Kurosaki Ichigo who was strangled by Aizen in less than 30 seconds, and suddenly showed a tangled expression, and said, "Okay, it seems to be like this—"

Although, although the scene of the father and son fighting the enemy hand in hand did make her a wife and mother feel very excited, but in less than 30 seconds, her husband was kicked away, and her son was choked...


It feels like I downloaded a very exciting little movie, only to find that the cover is a high-P monster.

Lin Qiong glanced at Kurosaki Masaki, who had a tangled face and couldn't help but twist his fingers together. He exchanged a look with the know-it-all cat in his arms and said, "If you want to help, go ahead."

Kurosaki Masaki suddenly showed an excited expression: "Hey! Is it possible? Is it really possible!?"

"Of course. When did your young master lie to you?" Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows and said, "But on the other hand, your working time for me will be extended by ten years. Is that okay?"

"Of course there is no problem! You are the best, young master!"

Masaki Kurosaki saluted Lin Qiong with an excited face, then quickly took out a mask from his arms and put it on his face, and jumped down excitedly, "Then, Masaki Kurosaki, attack—"


"Let go of Ichigo!"

Kurosaki Isshin got up from the ground and rushed towards Aizen with Kanazuki in his hand, "Getsuga Tensho!!"

The blue crescent moon hit Aizen's spiritual pressure shield, causing it to tremble for a while, but it still failed to break through its defense.

Aizen pinched Kurosaki Ichigo's neck with his left hand, and pointed at Kurosaki Isshin with his right hand: "Don't waste your efforts! Your attacks are so weak that I find them ridiculous! Just be obedient..."

The next moment, an arrow shining with white light fell from the sky silently, piercing through Lan Ran's left wrist and blocking his words in his throat.

Chapter 0425 I will protect this world!


In just a moment, Aizen Soyousuke, Kurosaki Isshin, and Kurosaki Ichigo all focused on the arrow that pierced Aizen's wrist.

"This is the Quincy's..."

Herosaki Yixin's eyes flickered, and he murmured, "Could it be Long Xian? Or his son?"


Aizen let go of Kurosaki Ichigo's throat, and then put his wrist in front of his eyes, watching with interested eyes the arrow that precisely passed through the gap of the gauntlet, and pierced his wrist from the weakest point. He said to himself: "Although it is only the weakest point of defense, but it can penetrate my defense. The owner of this arrow may have surpassed most of the captains."

This is true.

With Aizen's current strength, people like Hitsugaya and Hakumura's left formation at this stage cannot break through his defense even if they enter the swastika state.

'The important thing is not that 'it' can penetrate my defenses, but how 'it' bypasses my perception? '

Aizen stretched out his right hand and pulled out the arrow from his wrist, then pinched it off gently with his fingers, and chuckled: "It seems that another interesting character has appeared in this battle - I'm not going to show up to let him go." Do I get a glimpse of honor?”


A female voice erratically came from all directions, "You want me to show up? Then find a way to find out where my real body is!"

"Oh? Interesting provocation."

The corners of Aizen's mouth raised slightly, he glanced at Kurosaki Ichigo who was coughing and covering his throat, and Kurosaki Isshin who was standing in front of him, and smiled lightly, "However, why do you think that I will abide by your stipulations?" What about the rules of the game?"

The next moment, Aizen had already arrived in front of Kurosaki Isshin, and with a random punch, he smashed Herosaki Isshin, who was resisting with a knife, into the air, then stretched out his other hand, and pinched Kurosaki who was in a virtual state Ichigo's black getsuga.

"You will attack me just to save him, right?"

Aizen looked at the panting Kurosaki Ichigo in front of him and said in a pleasant voice: "If I twist off his limbs, will you continue to play hide-and-seek with me?"

After a brief silence, a figure wearing a black gold pattern uniform, a mask, a halo above his head, and eight wings of light appeared behind Lan Ran, and complained: "I have to say, the current you It’s really despicable, Aizen!”

You are too baby hot!

Aizen laughed lightly, then held the sky lock Zanyue and threw Kurosaki Ichigo towards Kurosaki Isshin, and smashed Kurosaki Isshin who had just flown into the ground again: "I just don't want to be in a meaningless Just wasting time playing peek-a-boo."


Kurosaki Masaki snorted coldly, she used her flying feet to land on the ground, and while guarding against Aizen's movements, she said to Kurosaki and his son behind him without turning her head: "Are you all okay?"

"No, it's alright..."

Kurosaki Ichigo got up from the ground leaning on the sky lock Zhanyue, and then said gratefully: "Thank you for your help..."

The moment he saw Kurosaki Masaki's back, the second half of Kurosaki Ichigo's sentence got stuck in his throat, he widened his eyes and thought, "Why does this person's back look so much like her..."

"It hurts—"

On the other side, Kurosaki Yixin, who was covering the back of his head, climbed up from the ground, and then grinned and said, "Ichigo, you useless son! Just let it be useless at all, and you'll just add trouble to me!"

"You fart!"

Kurosaki Ichigo glared at his old man, and said, "If it wasn't for protecting you, I would have been caught by him? That's impossible!"

"I'm dying of laughter!"

Kurosaki Isshin showed a sarcastic smile: "Come on! I saw it clearly just now - your virtual Getsuga Sky Chong was blocked by someone's bare hands!"

"Ah, yes, yes, it was indeed blocked by Lan Ran's hand!"

Kurosaki Ichigo laughed, "It's better than someone's crescent moon can't even break Aizen's shield, right?"

"Hey you bastard——"

Kurosaki wanted to kick him cursingly, but was dodged by Kurosaki Ichigo, who had quick eyes and quick hips, which made him even angrier.

"Okay, you two-"

Kurosaki Masaki watched the interaction between the father and son, and the eyes under the mask turned into beautiful crescent moons, "I took a lot of risks to come to help you two? Let's focus on dealing with Aizen first." ——”


Kurosaki Yixin let out a sigh of relief, he looked at Masaki Kurosaki who had unfolded the Eucharist, and said thoughtfully: "Could this uniform be a member of the Guardian Shield?"

"This is a corporate secret——"

Kurosaki Masaki raised her index finger with a smile, and said, "Mr. Kurosaki, Mr. Kurosaki, let us fight side by side!"


Kurosaki Ichigo replied enthusiastically.

The reason why he was so enthusiastic was not because he saw the real identity of Kurosaki Masaki, but because he felt that Kurosaki Masaki's back was very similar to his mother, so he had an extra favorability bonus.

"Stinky boy—"

Kurosaki Yixin pouted his lips, then carried Yanyue on his shoulders, looked wildly at Aizen in the air, and said, "Then, the second round begins—"

"second round?"

Aizen raised his finger in an understatement and said softly: "Fake!"


A purple beam of light pierced the sky, and Ichigo Kurosaki and Isshin Kurosaki raised their Zanpakutō in unison.

"Crescent Moon——" x2

"Heaven Chong!!" x2

The blue and purple crescents lifted off alternately, and then collided with Aizen's Radiant Breaker from bottom to top. After a stalemate for half a second, the two sides ended the duel with the defeat of the double crescents.

Seeing that the crescent moon was about to dissipate, Masaki Kurosaki slowly raised the spiritual bow in his left hand and whispered: "Blood-moving equipment·Holy destroying arrow!"

The white light beam precisely passed through the gap between the two crescents, and hit Aizen's Radiant Breaker, further weakening its power, but...

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