not enough!


Lan Ran chuckled. He looked at the three people who were avoiding the aftermath of the radiation explosion, and said slowly: "Didn't you say that the second round will start? Why do I only see the picture where the three of them joined forces and couldn't resist my attack?" ?”

"Don't be too complacent!"

Kurosaki Masaki looked at Aizen angrily and said, "When our young master is out of trouble, you will have some juice to drink!"

"Even if Lord Qiong appears in front of me, he will not be my opponent."

Aizen's expression was very relaxed, very calm, and very arrogant: "I have evolved to the third stage and have become a creature that transcends everything - if I want, I can kill the three of you in one second. .”

Kurosaki Masaki squatted between Kurosaki Ichigo and Kurosaki Isshin, and said in a low voice: "You two, although what Aizen said just now is very arrogant, but if he is serious, he can really kill the three of us in an instant."

"Then the question is—"

Heozaki wiped the cold sweat off his forehead with all his heart, and then whispered: "When will your young master come over? We really can't hold on if we don't come - we can't let me go up and perform the loach dance to delay the time, right?"

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at his old man with black lines all over his face, and complained: "I think if you go up to do the loach dance, not only will it not have the effect of delaying time, but it may also make Aizen feel sick and directly Kill you."

"No way! You idiot son, you know a hammer!"

Kurosaki stared at Kurosaki Ichigo wholeheartedly. In order to protect his father's dignity, he went all out, "Don't you know that I got your mother by virtue of my excellent loach dance?"

Kurosaki Masaki: "?"

Aizen: "!?"

Kurosaki Ichigo widened his eyes, and said in disbelief: "Father, are you kidding? You chased my mother with the loach dance?"

"How can it be fake?"

Herosaki Yixin raised his eyebrows, and he said happily: "Back then, your mother accidentally bumped into me who was practicing loach dance under the moon, and immediately fell in love with me at first sight, and launched a passionate pursuit, understand?"

Kurosaki Masaki: "!"

Aizen: 'Is there such a thing? '

After eating the melon, Aizen nodded contentedly, then pulled his X and said mercilessly: "Is your boring chat over? The second Radiance is coming."


Kurosaki focused on looking at the purple Reiatsu bullet condensed from Lan Ran's fingertips, couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and said, "If your young master doesn't come, he will really have to collect his body for us!!"


Kurosaki Masaki actually wanted to tell her husband and son that the young master was not trapped at all, and he was watching the show in the barrier that isolated the breath from the beginning to the end, but because of the long-term plan that Lin Qiong told her, and With the help of Miss Wanshitong, she could only swallow the truth in pain, and said dryly, "Well, it will take at least 10 minutes for the young master to get out of trouble—"

If the situation is not so urgent, if Kurosaki Yixin can think calmly, he will definitely find the doubts in Kurosaki Masaki's answer - how do you know when your young master will be out of trouble?

Unfortunately, there is no "if".

Among the four people currently on the battlefield, only Lan Ran felt that something was wrong—but at this time, under the influence of Bengyu's power, he had already swelled to the point where he was unwilling to think, be on guard, and Calculated!

Aizen: Is Pava powerful?Use your brain to change o_0

"Ten minutes? That's not too late."

Under the watchful eyes of the three members of the Kurosaki family, Aizen stretched out four more fingers, and together they began to charge up the "Radiation Breaker False". This magnificent side made Kurosaki Isshin's face turn green.

Damn it, the attacks unleashed by the three of them with all their strength could only block one Radiant Burst for one second. When these five Radiant Bursts were taken into account, this, that...

Round it up and send it!

"Father, it seems it's too late—"

Just when Kurosaki Isshin's whole body was numb, Kurosaki Ichigo's voice sounded from the side, "If we delay it any longer, we will all die here."

Hearing this with all his heart, Kurosaki looked at Kurosaki Ichigo in surprise.

At this time, Ichigo was already wrapped in a black hurricane-like Reiatsu, and his inspiration quickly disappeared from Kurosaki Isshin's perception.

"Next, it's my battle!"

Kurosaki Ichigo stared at Aizen in the air, and said firmly, "I will protect this world!"

Chapter 0426 why do you want to retreat, blue dye!

"Oh→↗~ Kurosaki Ichigo, you really gave me a surprise!"

There was a hint of joy in Aizen's voice, he covered his forehead and let out a chuckle, and said, "I didn't expect that you, whose life has always been under my control, actually gave me a surprise and fiddled with things I didn't know about. thing."

"Life has always been under your control...?"

The spiritual pressure in Kurosaki Ichigo's body, which was opening "The Last Crescent Moon", suddenly stagnated. He looked at Aizen in disbelief, and couldn't help but ask, "What are you... say?"

"Haven't you noticed yet?"

Aizen's voice unconsciously brought a greater degree of joy, and he asked back: "Do you think that Masaki Kurosaki's death, your acquisition of the power of death, Rukia Kuchiki's death penalty, etc. Is it a coincidence?"

Before he finished speaking, Kurosaki Ichigo interrupted violently: "What are you talking about!!"

"Kurosaki Ichigo, you don't have to yell like this, it will only make you look bad." Aizen shook his finger lightly, and he whispered: "Don't you understand? Everything is planned by me secretly—Kurosaki Ichigo, your life is under my control."

"Just...what are you kidding..."

Kurosaki's hands were trembling, and Kurosaki, who was beside him, asked with a gloomy expression, "Aizen, could it be that my encounter with Masaki was also..."

"Are you talking about the Xu of the bull-head mask?"

Lan Ran chuckled, then raised her head resolutely, looked at him contemptuously, and said, "That's just one of my trivial experiments."

"it is as expected……"

Kurosaki Isshin's expression turned cold, and he said in a low voice, "Although I had guessed earlier in the morning, when the real answer comes out of your mouth, I will still be angry..."

You bastard!

"Crescent Moon..."

Just when Kurosaki was concentrating on preparing for the crescent sky rush, Kurosaki Ichigo next to him had already rushed out at a faster speed than him, and his shape was also changing rapidly during the flight—the black substance changed from The hilt of Tiansuo Zhanyue overflowed, first his right hand and the hilt were fused together, and then turned into a chain, wrapped around his arm.

"That kid..."

Kurosaki Yixin gritted his teeth, then looked at Kurosaki Masaki, who was already beside him, and said, "Madam, we should evacuate here immediately! After Ichigo's power soars..."

"Father, you don't have to go, I will take Aizen and change the battlefield to force you."

At this moment, Kurosaki Ichigo's voice came from mid-air, "I will not let the aftermath of the battle continue to affect Karakura Town and affect you."

"Hehe, Kurosaki Ichigo, aren't you taking it for granted? Although I don't know why your appearance has changed again, it's just a new power like Swastika or Hollow, right?"

Lan Ran couldn't help letting out a chuckle, he tilted his head, and said absent-mindedly: "Could it be that you think that you only need to use this new power to fight against me who has evolved to the third stage? Absurd , so stupid!"

"Whether it is stupid or not, whether it is absurd or not, you will know after a try—"

Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes were cold, colder than the land used to grow potatoes in Siberia, "Aizen, let's change the battlefield, Aizen."

"There is no need for that! Killing an ant will not cause any harm to the city."

Aizen rejected Kurosaki Ichigo without hesitation, and said with disdain: "In my eyes, you are just a weak ant."

"I said that--"

Kurosaki Ichigo broke through the sound barrier, shattered the shield and came to Aizen. Then, in his stunned eyes, he pinched his head with his left hand and pushed him towards the outskirts of Soul Society. "Change." Battlefield, can’t you hear me?”


After the sonic boom dissipated, Kurosaki looked at the direction where Ichigo disappeared, and couldn't help showing a worried expression.



"Kurosaki Ichigo—"

After a short period of astonishment, Aizen came back to his senses, looked at Kurosaki Ichigo who was really "disrespectful" to him with angry and cold eyes, and said in a cold voice: "I have seen through your current state."


Kurosaki Ichigo saw that the position was almost there, so he stopped, then pinched Aizen's head and threw him out, and asked, "You see through my state? What state?"


Aizan sneered, he stopped the falling trend, and then flew back to Kurosaki Ichigo, and said calmly: "Since you entered this state, I can no longer perceive your spiritual pressure! Now look Come on, you should have used some kind of secret technique to inject all the spiritual pressure into your own spirit body, increasing your physical functions to the greatest extent, right?"

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Aizen expressionlessly, and asked, "Are you finished with the analysis?"

"I agree with your idea very much! Only my own strength is the real strength——it is precisely because I realized this that I gave up the illusion."

Aizen raised his right hand, then tightly clenched it in front of Kurosaki Ichigo, and said, "However, the degree of our evolution is very different-you gave up all the spiritual pressure in exchange for His body functions are not worth mentioning in front of me in the third stage."

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Aizen unmoved, and he asked calmly, "Are you finished?"

Aizen: "?"

Looking at Kurosaki Ichigo's unwavering eyes, he couldn't help but frowned, and said, "Kurosaki Ichigo, is it the sudden power that made you lose yourself? Do you know what truth is?"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "What do you mean?"

"Give the conceited the appropriate despair, this is the truth—"

Lan Ran raised his right hand indifferently, and said, "Fullie Po False, full power!"


The completely different momentum from before was condensed in Lan Ran's palm, and the high-intensity condensed Reiatsu bomb even caused a slight electric current to appear in the surrounding air.

"See? Kurosaki Ichigo—"

Lan Ran maintained the Fu Lie Po in his hand, and said lightly: "I don't need to give up spiritual pressure, and I also have stronger physical functions than you - what do you use to defeat me?"

As he finished speaking, a thick purple beam of light penetrated the sky, drowning Kurosaki Ichigo's figure, and then hit the cliff behind him, causing a huge explosion and kicking up dust all over the sky.

Aizen looked at the movement caused by his indifferent self, then turned around towards Karakura Town, and whispered to himself: "What a farce."

"Blue dye-"

At this time, the voice from the smoke made Aizen stop his footsteps, "When did you have the illusion that you have defeated me?"

Aizen turned his head and stared coldly at Kurosaki Ichigo, who was holding Tensuo Zangetsu upright in front of him and was unharmed, and said: "Oh? It seems that after you gave up your spiritual pressure, , the enhancement I received exceeded my imagination! It was actually able to barely withstand my full-power Radiation Break."

"It's not a forced acceptance."

"Huh? What are you trying to say?"

"I just waved the knife lightly like this, and your attack was erased by me."

"Kurosaki Ichigo, do you mean that my full-power attack is just an insect that can be easily wiped out for you?"

"That's pretty much what it means."


Aizen raised his head and let out a series of loud laughs. He suddenly changed his face when he smiled, and then looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with a ferocious face, and said, "It just happened to block the unstable radiation. Just being broken, did it bring you such great confidence? Kurosaki Ichigo! Then I will let you see what is called real power!!"

Aizen rushed to Ichigo Kurosaki with a gloomy expression, then raised his clenched right fist and swung it mercilessly at the side of Ichigo Kurosaki's face.

He could already foresee that after he punched Kurosaki Ichigo in the face, his head swirled up into the air like the bottle cap of mineral water was unscrewed.


His fist hit Kurosaki Ichigo on the left side of the face, but the image of the head flying up and the blood column rising into the sky did not appear!

Kurosaki Ichigo just tilted his head slightly, and then looked at him with a kind of indifference and pity.

"This look, this movement..."

At this moment, the figure of Kurosaki Ichigo and Lin Qiong overlapped in Aizen's eyes, making Aizen's face distorted in an instant, "I don't allow you to look at... ..."


The next moment, with the flash of the knife light, Aizen's right arm resting on Kurosaki Ichigo's left face drew an arc in mid-air, and then landed on the ground with a "click".

"Aizen, I'm tired of hearing your barking—"

Kurosaki Ichigo put down the knife in his hand with indifferent eyes, and said calmly: "It's time to end all of this."

"Impossible... how is this possible..."

Aizen stared blankly at his broken arm, and his breathing gradually became rapid, "Already, I have evolved to the third stage, how could you cut off my arm!? Haven't you already given up all Is your Rei pressed!?"

Kurosaki Ichigo didn't say anything, but coldly raised the sky lock Zanyue in his hand, and seeing his movements, Aizen almost instinctively retreated a distance of more than ten meters, and then stared at him intently. Watching Kurosaki Ichigo's every move, lest he miss any details.

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