"what happened?"

Kurosaki Ichigo tilted his head and looked at Aizen in front of him, and said, "Aizen, why are you retreating? Why do you distance yourself from me? Why do you show an expression like you are facing an enemy?"

"Kurosaki... Ichigo...!!"

After Aizen heard Kurosaki Ichigo's provocation, the anger in his heart suddenly burned to the extreme, "Cut my Radiation Break, resisted my attack, cut off my arm - all of this , makes you very proud, right?? Don’t be too self-righteous, human!!!”


The next moment, with the gushing of white substance from his chest, Aizen's body changed again.

Chapter 0427 Kurosaki Ichigo Defeated

"Chick, chick, chick..."

A strange gushing sound came from the position where Aizen's chest was combined with Bengyu, and a large amount of white matter covered Aizen's limbs along with the sound.

"Uh... oh oh oh..."

Along with Aizen's roar, his body expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye into a giant creature with a height of more than three meters and a body covered with ferocious muscles.


After slowly exhaling a breath of white air, Aizen looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with his scarlet eyes, then clenched his fists with ecstasy, and said excitedly: "Hahaha, hahahaha Did you see it? Kurosaki Ichigo, I asked you if you saw it? Thanks to your slash just now, I have further evolved—”

In the fourth stage, at this time, Aizen has completely surpassed the limitation of species, and has reached the point of a "high-dimensional creature" in the true sense-but, his evolution is another wrong route different from False God .

"Aizen, your current posture is really ugly—"

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Aizen's appearance as if he had eaten too much protein powder, and a trace of undisguised disgust flashed in his eyes, "You are just like... a mountain of muscles piled up .”

"Kurosaki Ichigo, don't use your ignorant eyes to look at me at this time—"

It is extremely rare that Aizen did not lose his temper because of Kurosaki Ichigo's disdain—perhaps because of re-evolution, the "superiority" of the "superior creature" returned to him again, "Now I, just The improvement brought about by my physical function has made my strength several times that of the third stage, and..."


Aizen's figure pulled out afterimages one after another in mid-air, and each afterimage was like a real person.

"Did you see? My speed can even reach this level! I haven't reduced my speed because of my growth in size—I am now invincible!"

Aizen let out a wild laugh, he clenched his fist, pointed it at Kurosaki Ichigo, grinned and said: "Kurosaki Ichigo, in order to thank you for allowing me to evolve, I will crush you Every bone in my body!!"

"Are you finished?"


"Let me ask you, are you done talking nonsense?"

Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes hidden in his bangs showed a trace of undisguised disappointment and disgust, "Aizen, your words, your ideals, and your form all make me feel disgusting!"


The figure of Kurosaki Ichigo appeared behind Aizen.

The next moment, several wounds exploded on Lanran's body, and red blood sprayed everywhere as if he didn't want money.

"No, it's impossible..."

Lan Ran turned around tremblingly, he stared at his eyes wide, and said in disbelief: "Why!? Why can't I see your movements clearly even though I have evolved to the fourth stage!?"

"Because I am stronger than you now."

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Aizen in front of him sadly, and said in a low voice, "Aizen, everything is over."

"Ridiculous! Stupid! Arrogant!!"

The white substance overflowed from Aizen's wound, and healed the wound cut by Kurosaki Ichigo in a blink of an eye, "It's just that it caused me this level of injury, so you are so proud of it !?Humanity--"

What responded to Aizen was Kurosaki Ichigo's sword lights one after another.

Every flash of the knife will leave a visible scar on Aizen's body-although his body is quickly repaired under the influence of super self-regeneration, but is this the problem of the wound?

this is not!

Kurosaki Ichigo had no idea how much psychological damage he would do to a Shinigami who had lived hundreds - possibly thousands - of years with his big blows one after another! !

"Damn, hate, hate—"

Aizen waved his hands frantically, trying to counterattack Kurosaki Ichigo, but no matter how he waved his hands, he couldn't touch the corner of Kurosaki Ichigo's clothes.

"It's useless, Aizen."

Kurosaki Ichigo cut off half of Aizen's shoulder, and said with cold eyes, "You can't catch me."

"Don't get too carried away, human!!"

Aizen let out a furious roar, he opened his mouth wide, and a thick beam of purple light shot out from his mouth, and went straight towards Kurosaki Ichigo.

Radiation break true!


The black saber light flashed across, easily splitting Aizen's radiation into two.

"Ahhh, humans!!"

The sense of gap caused by falling from heights again and again made Aizen's heart gradually dominated by anger.

So, he made a wrong decision——

He gave up aiming at Kurosaki Ichigo, but suddenly looked in the direction of Karakumacho, and then opened his mouth wide: "Radiant True!"

Under Kurosaki Ichigo's stunned and angry gaze, a purple beam of light pierced the sky and shot towards Karakumacho.

"Blue dye!!!"

Kurosaki Ichigo let out an angry roar. After he entered the state of "The Last Crescent Moon", he rarely showed an angry expression—his right foot stepped in mid-air, and came to the Radiant Breaker like an arrow leaving the string. He raised his right hand high with a cold face, and said in a cold voice: "Ai Ran, you have completely pissed me off—"


The next moment, with the black spiritual pressure rising into the sky, Kurosaki Ichigo’s appearance changed again—his hair became waist-length black long hair, and his entire upper body, including the lower half of his face, was covered with gray bandages. Wrapping around, Tiansuo Zhanyue, which was originally fused with his right hand, turned into black energy and wrapped around his arm.

'What kind of gesture is that...'

Aizen maintained the posture of firing Radiant Power, looking at Kurosaki Ichigo in front of him with dull eyes, 'Why, why can't I feel his spiritual pressure even now? '

When Kurosaki Ichigo is in the preparation stage where the Reiatsu is not leaked, Aizen can also hypnotize himself by saying "he just integrated the Reiatsu into his body".

However, after witnessing the black spiritual pressure around Kurosaki Ichigo's body like a black dragon, Aizen's "self-deception" could no longer go on.

"He didn't give up his spiritual pressure at all, it's just that I can't perceive his spiritual pressure..."

Aizen's red eyes were full of hopeless shock, "Like two-dimensional interference with three-dimensional, low-dimensional creatures can't perceive and interfere with high-dimensional creatures..."

Has Kurosaki Ichigo evolved to a level that I can't touch?

In Aizen's confused eyes, Kurosaki Ichigo raised his right hand with an indifferent expression, then waved it down forcefully, and said softly: "Farewell, Aizen——"

The next moment, a slash that seemed to divide the world into two halves was swung from Kurosaki Ichigo's fingertips, breaking Radiance, dyeing Aizen, the land in front of him, and the mountains in the distance...

All cut in half.




After cutting out the last crescent moon - no moon -, Kurosaki Ichigo felt an indescribable exhaustion.

If it is said that Kurosaki Ichigo was a dam full of water before he waved Moonless, then the dam at this time is carrying out flood discharge work with its water gate fully open.In just ten seconds, his strength dropped by more than half.

"it's all over……"

He staggered two steps, and then sat down on a stone next to him weakly. The black energy wrapped around his body had long since disappeared, and the bandages covering most of his body were peeling off piece by piece. with.

He raised his head, squinted his eyes and looked at the sky in the Soul Realm, and murmured: "Is the sky in the Soul Realm like this?"

Just when Kurosaki Ichigo was peacefully waiting for the end of everything, a voice that made his whole body explode came from behind him.

"Kurosaki Ichigo, it's far from the time to sit down and enjoy the scenery—"

Aizen's voice was full of rejoicing for the rest of his life, as well as ecstasy like a tsunami: "I want to thank you, it was you who made me realize my big mistake!"


Suppressing the feeling of weakness spreading all over his body, Kurosaki Ichigo turned around, looked at Aizen pretendingly, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I mistakenly thought that I had evolved to the fourth stage, but this is obviously wrong—"

Ai Ran once again had a condescending expression on his face, apparently the rain stopped and the sky cleared, he went on, "The 'second stage' and 'fourth stage' I thought were just 'what I thought'! "

Kurosaki Ichigo said irritably, "Aizen, what are you talking about!!"

"Don't you understand? The second stage and the fourth stage are just for the 'cocoon' to evolve to the next stage! They are not qualified to be divided into one stage at all!"

Aizen opened his hands, and said in a passionate tone: "At this moment, I will really evolve to the third stage——"


Accompanied by the crisp cracking sound, cracks visible to the naked eye centered on the collapsed jade on Aizen's chest and spread towards the surroundings, quickly covering Aizen's body.

The next moment, Aizen's body exploded like a fragmentation grenade, and a large number of fragments of white matter penetrated the surrounding trees, ground and rocks.

"That, that is..."

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Aizen blankly at this time - he was no longer the image of a silly big muscular guy, but a standard western knight.

"No need to be surprised, no need to question, this is my real third stage—"

Aizen took a deep breath, then tilted his head, and said to himself in an intoxicated voice: "I feel now, Kale Kaleda—"

Unlike Aizen, Kurosaki Ichigo felt terrible.

"Now, I can clearly perceive your spiritual pressure—it's really a pity, your spiritual pressure is plummeting at a speed visible to the naked eye."

Wearing armor, Aizan walked up to Ichigo Kurosaki, looked down at Ichigo Kurosaki from a high position (186cm) and said regretfully, "Ichigo Kurosaki, you failed."

Chapter 0428 see you later, little strawberry


Yes, I failed myself.

Kurosaki Ichigo could never have imagined that after he slashed his most powerful sword, Aizen not only did not die, but instead obtained a higher level of evolution—in his words, it was the evolution to the true level. • Phase III (Phase V?).

"Kurosaki Ichigo, in order to thank you for allowing me to evolve, I decided to send you a grand death ceremony."

Aizen's voice carried a sense of joy in controlling other people's life and death. He slowly raised his right hand, pointed his fingertips at Kurosaki Ichigo who was half kneeling on the ground, and said in a low voice: "It is possible to die on the ground. Under the full version of Radiation Breaker, it is also your honor."

Radiation breaks!

The deep purple Reiatsu bombs condensed on the fingertips of Aizen's gauntlet, the huge and heavy Reiatsu that made the air vibrate, and in an instant, Kurosaki Ichigo, who was gradually weakening, fell to the ground .

"Hehe, this posture lying on the ground and looking up at me is suitable for a mortal like you."

The corner of Aizen's mouth under the helmet brought a hint of joy, "Then, farewell!"

'I'm sorry, Daddy—'

"I'm sorry, the leader of the Beijing Band, the leader of Hakumura—"

'I'm sorry, Uryu, Chadu--'

'I'm sorry, Inoue—'

The experience of life flashed through Kurosaki Ichigo's mind like a revolving lantern. Seeing that Furypo had finished charging, he couldn't help closing his eyes, waiting for the arrival of death, "I'm sorry, I couldn't defeat Aizen—" —'

A second passed...

Two seconds have passed...

Three seconds have passed...

Just when Kurosaki Ichigo gradually became suspicious, a mocking voice sounded in front of him: "Kurosaki boy, are you counting ants?"

Kurosaki Ichigo subconsciously widened his eyes: "This voice..."

"It seems that I wasted too much time on you."

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