Aizen's voice mixed with electronic sounds came from the helmet: "But it doesn't matter anymore! Lord Qiong, you are no longer my opponent."

"No, Alan, don't you look at how many times you have said this sentence?"

Lin Qiong raised his hand and plucked his ears, and said dumbfoundedly: "Every time you evolve, you say this sentence, but after you finish saying this sentence, you start to be beaten. If you don't get tired of it, I will get tired of it."

Are you afraid that you are not really the Second Pillar of Death?


Aizen clenched his fists.

He looked at Lin Qiong indifferently, and said: "Qianjun, you have been sealed for a while, and you have no idea about the status quo—I am now, in a real sense, evolved to a height that is beyond your reach!"

Although it is only the "third stage" of Bengyu, due to the addition of the variable of Lin Qiong's spiritual pressure, the strength of today's blue dye is much stronger than the state of "black-faced skull wing" in the fifth stage of the original book Cut—no wonder he swelled up like this.

"Ah yes yes yes."

Lin Qiong yawned, then helped Kurosaki Ichigo up from the ground, let him lean against the tree trunk next to him, then reached out and patted him on the shoulder, saying, "You have done a good job."

"But, but, I still failed—"

Kurosaki Ichigo held Lin Qiong's wrist with a painful face, and said in a pleading voice: "I failed to defeat... I failed to kill Aizen! Please, definitely defeat him—"

"Don't worry, I will definitely defeat him."

Lin Qiong smiled, stood up, looked at Aizen, and said in an understatement, "Because, I am invincible."

"Invincible? Hehehe, hahahaha! Lord Qiong, as expected, talking to you will bring me endless fun, and it makes me feel a little bit reluctant to kill you."

Lanran covered his forehead and let out a chuckle, and after a long time, he said in a low voice: "Qianjun, I still remember that you once said a word to me, and now I will return it to you intact—— Don't speak wild words easily, that will only reveal your weakness."


Lin Qiong moved his neck, then pointed to his face, and asked, "Speak wildly, me?"

Aizen chuckled: "What else?"

"Please! Alan, can you move your brain that you have absorbed as nutrition due to over-planning?" Lin Qiong raised his right hand, pointed at his temple with his index finger and turned it around, and said: "You Didn't you find out that I never used liberation from the beginning to the end of the battle with you?"

Aizen: "..."

At this time, Alan ignored Lin Qiong's sarcasm, and put his right hand against his chin with a shaken face, and began to recall—what Qiong Jun said probably, seems, looks like, maybe, might, seems, it is true?

Wait, even if it's true, why should I panic?

'It's just a mere return to the blade, I was almost scared--'

Aizen patted his armor casually, and then said in a casual and casual tone: "So in your eyes, after returning to the blade, you can confront me head-on in the third stage? Interesting——"

He slowly raised his right hand, then hooked his fingers towards Lin Qiong, and said, "Mr. Qiong, let me come here—I expect you to surprise me."

"Surprise? Then I will satisfy your little request~"

Lin Qiongping raised his hands, smiled viciously at Lan Ran, and whispered in a clear voice: "卍解——"


At this moment, the eyes of Aizen and Kurosaki Ichigo narrowed a circle.

Not Gui Ren, but Swastika?

"—Star God White Night King!"

The white armor covered Lin Qiong's body - the armor dotted with precious jade was obviously better than Aizen's pure white armor in terms of shape.

"Qianjun, this joke is meaningless."

Lan Ran chuckled lightly, the wise man had seen through everything, "You are exuding great spiritual pressure all over your body, how can you use the swastika?"

Lin Qiong waved his right hand in front of him, and the armor on his head immediately retracted into the armor, revealing his face with white hair and two horns on his forehead.

"Daxu's spiritual pressure?"

Lin Qiong showed a nasty smile: "Is this what you are referring to?"

The spiritual pressure on his body turned into pure death pressure.

Lin Qiong raised his right hand and snapped his fingers: "Is it still referring to this?"

The Reiatsu on his body turned into a mixed Mask Reiatsu.

Lin Qiong raised his hands and clapped his hands lightly: "Or this?"

The Reiatsu on his body turned into a clear Quincy Reiatsu.

Feeling Lin Qiong's Reiatsu that changed at will, Aizen and Ichigo froze in place, and staged a pupil earthquake.

"Qianjun, is this ability to disguise spiritual pressure also your special skill?"

Aizan remembered the original No. 90 blade, Aronilo Eluruyeli, which he had traded to Lin Qiong!

Because it devoured Metastasia, who was once integrated with Shiba Haiyan, it has the ability to mimic Shiba Haiyan—not only imitate the appearance, but also perfectly reproduce Shiba Haiyan's spiritual pressure, Zanpakuto, the tone and demeanor of speaking, and even the moves that have been mastered.

Who in the world has Master Qiong mastered the ability to disguise Reiatsu a long time ago, or did he master the ability to mimic Reiatsu through the study of Yaronilo?Damn it, I shouldn't have traded that hot chicken in the first place.

"How about it, isn't it a great ability?"

Lin Qiong wiped his hair with his hands, then looked at Lan Ran with a smile, and said.

"Alan, you might as well take a guess——

Am I really 'the Grim Reaper in disguise, so I really mastered the swastika'?

Or 'pretend to be the face of the god of death, the so-called swastika is just returning to the blade'?

Or what about 'an Arrancar disguised as a Shinigami disguised as an Arrancar'? "

"What is your body, it doesn't make sense to me!"

After clearing up her messy mood, Lan Ran pointed her palm at Lin Qiong, and said in a low voice, "Whether you are a god of death, or annihilator, or a Quincy master, you can only be eliminated by me, this is the way!! "


The fully charged Radiant Flame ejected from Aizen's palm at the next moment, and a huge dark purple light pillar enveloped Lin Qiong and Kurosaki Ichigo behind him in an instant.


Aizen said while increasing his spiritual pressure output, "Don't appear in front of me again!!"

The huge purple torrent destroyed everything in front of Aizen—whether it was the ground, the cliff, or the forest, they were all turned into powder under the heavy brush of the spiritual pressure.

However, Lin Qiong and Kurosaki Ichigo, who were in the center of Fu Lie Po, did not receive even the slightest damage.

"Don't worry, I've said it all, I'm invincible."

Lin Qiong's voice pierced through the loud noise of Fu Lie Po and passed into Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes. He stared blankly standing in front of him, easily blocking Lin Qiong who was completely broken by Fu Lie Po—although He can also do this after entering the "Last Crescent Sky Chong" state, but he used the final hole card, and Lin Qiong is just a regular swastika solution.

Lin Qiong turned around with a smile, and then walked towards Aizen step by step despite the impact of Radiation Break, and said softly: "Aizen, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid of my power? Or are you afraid?" Your own powerlessness? Or maybe you are afraid that Bengyu is not as invincible as you thought?"

The moment Lin Qiong's voice sounded, Lan Ran's spiritual pressure output to Fu Lie Po stopped abruptly, and the huge beam of light flickered a few times before disappearing into the atmosphere.

"Why didn't you raise your fist to attack me when you chose the route of abandoning the Zanpakuto and strengthening your body to the extreme?"

While moving his wrist, Lin Qiong walked in front of Lan Ran, and said in a low voice, "Is it because the energy attack launched from a long distance can keep you away from me and give you an illusory sense of security?"

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!!"

Lan Ran suddenly raised his right fist, swung it towards Lin Qiong's cheek with all his strength, and roared: "Shut up!!"

Lin Qiong raised his left hand, grasped Lan Ran's fist with ease, then turned around and fell over his shoulder, throwing Lan Ran heavily towards the distant sky.

"The movement of beating him next will be a little louder. In order to avoid accidentally injuring you, take him to another battlefield."

Lin Qiong waved towards Ichigo Kurosaki and said with a smile, "See you later, little strawberry."

Chapter 0429 you are 2 years too early


Accompanied by hurried steps, Kurosaki Ichigo and Kurosaki Masaki successively landed near the battlefield in the suburbs, and immediately locked their eyes on Kurosaki Ichigo leaning on the stone.


Kurosaki Isshin rushed over first, first supported Kurosaki Ichigo's back with his hands, then looked around, and after confirming that there was no sign of Aizen, he asked with a glimmer of hope: "You succeeded!" ? Dyed blue?"

Kurosaki Ichigo pulled the corner of his mouth, showing a shameful and apologetic expression: "Sorry, Dad, I failed! I swung Wuzuki, but not only failed to kill Aizen, but also made him evolve It's the next stage."


Herosaki's eyeballs almost popped out of fear, he quickly let go of his stupid son, then pulled out Shan Yue's hairy body and stood around guarding: "Ai Ran, come out! I've seen your It's useless to hide!"


Kurosaki Ichigo, who was hit on the back of his head, gasped and gritted his teeth and said, "Idiot old man! Aizen is not here!"

"hold head high?"

Kurosaki Isshin looked at Kurosaki Ichigo blankly, and Kurosaki Masaki, who landed here behind him, carefully wiped the dust on Kurosaki Ichigo's face with a handkerchief, and asked softly: "Little Ichigo, what happened?"

Kurosaki Ichigo smiled wryly, and explained: "That broken face appeared——"

Hearing this, Kurosaki rubbed his hair in a frizzy and speechless manner.

He initially hoped that Kurosaki Ichigo would learn "The Last Crescent Moon" for two purposes—

The first is to allow Ichigo Kurosaki to defeat Aizen if Lin Qiong cannot come back;

The second is to allow Kurosaki Ichigo to become the ultimate combat power to check Lin Qiong when Lin Qiong defeats Aizen.

The results of it?

"Not only failed to defeat Aizen, but also let the person who was on guard lend a helping hand..."

Kurosaki rubbed the bridge of his nose with a wry smile, and sighed with shame: "It's completely judging the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain." '



the other side.


After finally regaining his balance, Aizen finally regained his balance, controlled his body to stop in mid-air, and looked at Lin Qiong who appeared in front of him with frightened and angry eyes.

"Alan, don't look at me like that—"

Lin Qiong waved his hands casually, then pointed to the surroundings, and said, "Here, does this look familiar to you?"

"here it is……"

Lan Ran looked around for a while, then narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Bipolar Hill?"

"It seems that you haven't forgotten the scenery of the soul world, I'm very pleased."

Lin Qiong laughed, and he said with reminiscence eyes: "I still remember that when you fled under the pursuit of the captain in ragged clothes and bruises, it was because I couldn't stand it and extended a helping hand to rescue you from the soul world. Brought to the virtual circle..."

Aizen: "?"

He hesitated for half a second, and then couldn't help but ask, "Qianjun, is there some discrepancy in our memory?"

Didn't I leave Soul Soul Realm domineeringly under the cover of anti-membrane?He also performed a transformation combination of taking off glasses and adding hairspray hands!How come in your memory, I was dressed in rags and bruises all over my body?

"This is called the artistic processing of memory—do you understand the artistic processing?"

Lin Qiong solemnly clenched his fists and coughed dryly, and then continued: "In short, in a word - Lan Zai, you have disappointed me."

"Qianjun, you are still talking nonsense as always."

Lan Ran took a deep breath, and then put on a fighting posture. He said in a deep voice, "I'm looking forward to whether you can still be so out of tune the moment you are knocked down by me."

"Hiss, that probably won't work."

Lin Qiong rubbed his chin, then chuckled, and said, "But I'm thinking that you probably can't beat me—otherwise, you wouldn't be thrown so far by me over your shoulder."

"Qiongjun, your vision is still too narrow-"

Lanran took a deep breath, and with a bang, a catapult started and rushed towards Lin Qiong: "My Bengyu is something that will make me evolve again and again!"

While dodging Lan Ran's continuous attacks, Lin Qiong joked, "A Lan, do you have such confidence in Beng Yu?"

Lan Ran didn't answer Lin Qiong's question, he saw Lin Qiong's sideways movement, and kicked his toes towards Lin Qiong's left temple with a swift kick.


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