After Lin Qiong raised his left hand to block Lan Ran's attack, he pulled his wrist back, causing Lan Ran to lose his balance.Immediately afterwards, Lin Qiong took a step forward with his right foot, stepped on Lan Ran's left foot, and at the same time, his right fist also touched Lan Ran's chin.

Lin Qiong smiled and said, "It's 1:0 now."


Lan Ran broke free from Lin Qiong's wrist with all his limbs. He roared ferociously, and as if he had lost his mind, he greeted Lin Qiong's nose with his right fist—but this was actually a false move!Lan Ran's real move was actually a left fist that was silently swung towards Lin Qiong's kidney under the cover of a right fist and a loud roar.

Normally, when facing an oncoming attack, most people's attention will be drawn to it, thus ignoring the attack elsewhere.

"If I hadn't been trained by Ah Jian, maybe I would have been recruited..."

After Lin Qiong sidestepped to avoid Aizen's attack, he raised his right hand and accurately passed through the gap between Aizen's fists. A sharp hand knife hit Aizen's throat accurately.


Aizen screamed, but Lin Qiong immediately grabbed his throat, pressed down hard, and pushed Aizen to the ground.

Lin Qiong smiled and said, "It's 2:0 now."


Lan Ran roared angrily. He held Lin Qiong's choke, clenched his fists and swung towards his ribs. Those menacing fists seemed to break Lin Qiong's ribs.

Upon seeing this, Lin Qiong released his right hand from holding Aizen's neck, and instead propped himself up on his helmet, he passed Aizen's body with a light forward somersault and landed on the ground above his head.

"Let's start the third round."

Lin Qiong waved to Lan Ran with a smile, and said, "Let the horse come here."

"The third round has already started—"

Lan Ran turned over and got up from the ground, then raised her hands again and rushed towards Lin Qiong.

Left straight punch, right hook, elbow strike, knee strike, roundhouse kick...

Under the influence of Lin Qiong, Aizen chose the evolutionary path of abandoning his Zanpakutō and fully developing his body functions. However, his fighting skills were really inferior to Lin Qiong who had been trained by Ajian, Yilong, Erlang and others. It's a bit unsatisfactory - although the Shinigami nominally has the four secrets of slaying fists and ghost walking, in comparison, the development of "fist" skills is the most backward.

Cut, cut!

As a Shinigami, if you say that you don't know how to cut, I'm afraid you're a little sorry for the Zanpakutō on your waist!

Ghost, ghost way!

There are 99 levels of broken paths alone. In addition, there are also inner broken paths mastered by monks.

Let's go, Shunpo!

For combat, movement speed is the foundation of the foundation!Stupid, who can't keep up with his opponent, can only be played as a pig nose.

As for fighting in vain?

In the original work, the only place where Bai Da has a sense of existence is the instant coaxing, but whether it is the infinite instant coaxing of the broken bee or the instant coaxing of the Thunder Beast in Yeyi, all of them are deflated——

Broken Bee turned on the infinite instant coaxing and Bi Jie Nain for a long time, but in the end it was better to solve it;

Ye Yi turned on the Thunder Beast and coaxed it to show for a long time, but it was still a second by Askin.

"Alan, you really chose the wrong path of evolution!"

Lin Qionghai used his hands to block Lan Ran's attack nimbly, and joked: "Compared to Bai Da, your chopping technique should be better? Even if you decide to give up the fancy ability and strengthen your body function You should also keep the Zanpakuto as your weapon—in that case, at least you won’t be in such a mess as you are now.”

"Damn it—"

After Aizen heard Lin Qiong's stimulation, he attacked even faster.

Step right straight punch!

Lin Qiong moved his left hand outward to release his strength.

Then hit the left elbow!

Lin Qiong put his right hand in front of his chest to block.

Further support!

Lin Qiong dodged sideways, then threw him over his shoulder!

After being thrown to the ground with a "boom--", Lan Ran lay on the ground with a suspicious expression on his face - he couldn't understand why his white beating skills were as childish as a child in front of the opponent!

Ajian: Do you fucking understand the value of the God of War?

Yilong: Do you understand the gold content of the number one master?

Erlang: Do you understand the gold content of the beast Erlang?

Lin Qiong: Do you understand the gold content of being beaten up by the three above?

Lin Qiong looked at Lan Ran who was lying motionless on the ground, tapped his heart lightly with his fingers, and said softly, "It's 3:0 now."

"Damn, hate, hate—"

Lan Ran struggled to get up from the ground, then clenched her fists again, watching Lin Qiong's every move: "Qianjun, your arrogance will be the only reason for your failure!!"


Lin Qiong couldn't help laughing. While flexibly blocking Lan Ran's attack, he joked, "Hey, hey! Ah Lan, your words are a bit too much? If you want to say arrogant, I can't compare on you."


Aizen sneered, and then launched an attack again, "Since my white fighting skills are not as good as yours, then I will learn your white fighting skills, and then defeat you in turn—"

He was looking forward to, looking forward to the scene where his white hitting skills surpassed Lin Qiong and knocked him to the ground.

After only a dozen or so moves, Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows and joked, "Oh? Alan, your movements have changed? Could it be that you're stealing?"

Lan Ran responded: "Why, do you have the guts to play tricks on me, but don't you have the guts to let me steal my teacher?"

"Oh, Alan even used the aggressive method, can I still refuse you?"

Lin Qiong smiled softly, and then looked at Lan Ran sharply: "However, if you want to defeat me by stealing a teacher, you are still two years too early!!"

Chapter 0430 You should discuss it with Mr. Yamamoto

When Kurosaki Isshin and Kurosaki Masaki (mask mode) carried Kurosaki Ichigo to the vicinity of the battle between Lin Qiong and Aizen, they happened to see Lin Qiong sweeping his legs and knocking down Aizen, and then took advantage of the opportunity to throw his fist The scene of reaching the opponent's throat.

"Alan, you have lost 26 times—"

Lin Qiong stood up from Lan Ran's body, then stretched out his hand to pull him up from the ground, and said, "Do you want to continue?"

Hearing this sentence, Kurosaki Isshin's eyeballs almost popped out. He lowered his head, counted with his fingers, and murmured: "From finding Ichigo to finding them, it took a total of 15 minutes. Right? That's 26 defeats?"

Hold the grass, this is almost twice a minute! ?what is happening? ?

By the way, the reason why it took 15 minutes to find Lin Qiong and Aizen is because Kurosaki Isshin could not perceive the spiritual pressure of Lin Qiong and Aizen at all, so he could only rely on what Ichigo pointed out, that Aizen was thrown away. The direction of the flight was groped bit by bit.

Just when he doubted his life, Lan Ran, who was pulled up by Lin Qiong, was silent for a few seconds, then put on a fighting posture again, and said in a deep voice: "Come again!!"

Then Kurosaki understood with all his heart, why Aizen lost so many times——

I saw Aizen rushing towards Lin Qiong, and then launched an attack with a move that dazzled him (Kurosaki Isshin). After the two sides exchanged more than a dozen moves, Lin Qiong knocked Aizen down with the force of thunder. on the ground.

The whole process takes no more than 30 seconds.

"27 times."

Lin Qiong looked at Aizen who was lying on the ground. He couldn't help but raise his hand and scratch his head, and persuaded: "It's almost time for you to give up, right? What's the point of continuing like this? You're not really going to do it. You can practice sparring with me here for dozens or hundreds of years, right?"

If this is an ordinary novel, and the timeline has only developed to the point where Aizen is still a student at the Zhenyang Academy of Spiritual Arts, then Lin Qiong really doesn't mind practicing with Aizen here for a period of time, and by the way cultivates feelings.

But what is the situation now?It was the situation where Aizen had just launched the decisive battle in Kuzacho, and then used the collapse jade to evolve to the third stage, but still lost to Lin Qiong!

Under this premise, where did Aizen come from to practice with Lin Qiong here in the United States?

Aizen didn't reply. He just lay quietly on the ground, motionless as if he were dead, and the Bengyu on his chest seemed to be covered with a layer of dust and no longer sparkled like before.

Lin Qiong sat beside Lan Ran, and said softly, "A Lan, you've already started to feel confused, right? The collapsed jade on your chest has already been covered with dust."

If Aizen has always been full of confidence in himself, the collapsed jade on his chest will definitely respond to his master's expectations, prompting him to evolve again and again under pressure!

"The 27 consecutive defeats make you understand more and more that the gap between you and me cannot be bridged by simply one or two evolutions."

Lin Qiong looked at Lan Ran who was silent, looked at the forest in the distance, and said: "Even if you evolve again and again, and your physical function finally catches up to my level, there is a gap between your fighting skills and mine. It also makes you no match for me at all."

Aizen: "Enough."

"So you become confused, and you can no longer find your way forward."

Lin Qiong turned his head and looked at Aizen beside him, and said: "But I want you to be captured like this without any help. You are not willing to do it, so you can only attack me numbly like this, so that you can feel like 'I am heading towards you'." The illusion of working hard towards a goal."

Although Lin Qiong has never experienced this kind of "self-deception", he has heard about it from a netizen—before he traveled through time, he once met a friend who was studying in graduate school, and the reason for the other party's graduate school was very real.

"I just don't know how to break into society after graduation, so I can only bury my head in studying and tell myself, 'I'm not afraid of running into obstacles in society, but just for a higher degree.'"

It is almost the same as Aizen's behavior at this time.

Aizen: "Shut up."

"Alan, do you know? There is one thing I really want to do right now -"

Lin Qiong touched his chin, then suddenly lay down in front of Lan Ran, put his face in front of him, and said with a look of embarrassment: "This expression, yes, I just want to see you like this." The expression that wants to hit me but can't hit me~~"

Aizen: "Bastard!"

The next moment, Aizen, who was already exhausted, got up from the ground again, then gritted his teeth and rushed towards Lin Qiong, roaring: "Why! Why do you want to appear in front of me? Why do you want to stop me? plan of!"

"Your plan?"

Lin Qiong caught Lan Ran's straight punch, pulled back hard, then twisted, and pressed Lan Ran to the ground, saying: "Even if you create the king key, enter the Lingwang Palace, and defeat Zero The five members of the Fan team have come before King Ling, what are you going to do?"

"Five people?"

After hearing Lin Qiong's words, Aizen suddenly calmed down and whispered: "Qiongjun, are you from the Zero Division?"

"Huh? Why do you say that?"

"Even after looking through all the major books in Soul Society - even those that ordinary Shinigami are not allowed to read in Central Room 46 - I only knew about the existence of Squad Zero and the Soul King Palace, but you just acted as if nothing had happened. He told me that there are five people in the Zero Division."

"Then you misunderstood me? The five members of Team Zero are the monk, the bather, the cook, the knife maker, and the weaver girl—they have nothing to do with me."

"Not only do you know the exact number of Team Zero, but you also know their specific responsibilities..."

Aizen lay motionless on the ground, and said to himself: "Qianjun! I just realized now that there are endless doubts about you - after realizing that your true identity is not simply a face-off, you seem to be Turned into a schemer who hides deeper than me."


Lin Qiong stuck out his tongue playfully, then raised his fingers with a serious face, and said, "Alan, have you heard such a sentence?"

Aizen asked calmly, "What are you talking about?"

"A. Secret. Makes. A. Man. Man..."

Lin Qiong let go of Aizen's wrist, and then said with a proud face: "Secrets make men more manly——"

Miss Know Everything in Lin Qiong's mind couldn't help complaining: "Host, this sentence is clearly said by Belmode, right?" '

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, and responded confidently: 'Nonsense!There is no winery in Realm World, so what I am fucking original is original—if Belmore refuses to accept it, you let her come to me! '

What can Miss Know-it-all say?She can only say: "As expected of being my host!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

Always feel connoted!

"Lord Qiong—"

Aizen sat up from the ground, then looked at Lin Qiong standing in front of him, and said with some frustration: "Before I admit defeat, can you tell me what your true identity is?"

"Stop messing around, Alan."

Lin Qiong laughed, squatting in front of Lan Ran, looked into Lan Ran's eyes through the gap in the helmet, and then said seriously: "If you really want to know my identity, you should admit it first. It's your own failure, right?"

Aizen: "..."

"You are not a man who will easily admit that you have failed. You will say that just to get my information."

Lin Qiong stood up, and then waved to the three members of the Heisaki family who were eating melons in the distance, motioning for them to come over, "How are you, are you scared by my analysis?"

By the way, the above analysis was provided by Miss Know-it-All.

Lanran was silent for a few seconds, and said with emotion: "Qianjun, I think this is getting more and more incomprehensible-what kind of person are you?"

"I am who I am, a different kind of firework."

Lin Qiong brushed his hair handsomely, then reached out and patted Lan Ran's shoulder, and said, "By the way, Ah Lan, have you thought about how it will end?"

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