"Qianjun, do you think I will be captured without a fight, and then let the gods of death in the soul world arrest me, and finally send me to the central room 46, to be judged by the group of trash who sit in the corpse?"

Aizen didn't even look at Kurosaki Isshin who was approaching, and said softly: "In this world, the only person who can defeat me is you, and others are not worthy of making me bow."

Lin Qiong crossed his arms and nodded imperceptibly: "Miss Wan Shitong is indeed right!"To deal with a proud and arrogant guy like Aizen, you must defeat him in the place where his opponent is most proud! '

What Beng Yulanran is most proud of is undoubtedly his power that transcends everything, and this proud power has been ruthlessly crushed by Lin Qiong.

The most proud part of General Aizen is his intelligence. Regarding this point, Lin Qiong decided to hand it over to the smart, witty, omnipotent, cute and playful Miss Know Everything.

Miss Know-It-All: Uh-huh, for your sake of complimenting me, I will help you!

While Lin Qiong was thinking about these messy things, he focused his attention on the three members of Kurosaki's family who were walking over - to be precise, it was Isshin Kurosaki who was walking at the front, and said: "Former Captain Kurosaki, You heard what Aizen said, do you have anything to say?"

"You ask me this question..."

Kurosaki gave a sneer, he waved his hands, and explained: "I don't even have an establishment in the world of souls now, if you want to discuss these things, you should be an old man Yamamoto, hahaha——"

He didn't want to get involved in these things—especially when he saw Aizen, whose strength was not weakened at all, staring at him.

Can't beat it, can't beat it at all!

'As Aizen himself said, now that Ichigo has lost his power, I am afraid that Mr. Arrancar is the only one in the world who is his opponent...'

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Aizen who was standing beside Lin Qiong, and couldn't help sighing in his heart: "No one can restrict Aizen except him. '

Not even old man Yamamoto.

Chapter 0431 Ichimaru Gin's Desperate Trial

In the present world, Kakuza-cho.

When Lin Qiong led Kurosaki Isshin and Kurosaki Ichigo out of the black cavity, he found a dozen pairs of Kazilan's big eyes looking at him.

"Hey, everyone, is it morning...or afternoon??"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand to greet everyone, then turned his attention to Old Man Shan who was being supported, and said, "Did the old man eat?"

Old Man Shan: "..."

He was silent for a few seconds, and then asked in a deep voice: "Since Mr. Qiong has appeared here, can the old man think that Aizen has been defeated by you?"

Lin Qiong nodded his head, and then recounted what happened in Soul Soul Realm before: "...Because I don't know how to deal with Aizen for the time being, I sent him back to Sky City first, and then brought him With Kurosaki and his son back here."

When Lin Qiong was telling the story that happened in Soul Society, Kurosaki behind him calmly nodded his head towards the captains of Soul Society, indicating that what Lin Qiong said was true. There is no adaptation or nonsense.

All of a sudden, the captains of Soul Soul Realm counted one by one, but they were all paralyzed.

In the original book, why did Aizen finally fall into the hands of the Goutei Thirteenth Team, and finally honestly accept the trial of the group of "funny people" in Room 46 of the Central Committee?

Very simple.

Whether it was Kurosaki Ichigo, who defeated him head-on, or Urahara Kisuke, who used the sealed ghost to make up for him after he lost Bengyu, they all belonged to the "Soul World faction" in essence-he was just According to the rules of the game, the loser obeys the winner.

However, on this world line, Aizen neither lost to Kurosaki Ichigo, nor was Kisuke Urahara secretly planted a sealing technique, but lost to Lin Qiong whose base camp is located in the virtual circle—thus, differences arose up.

'I'm not someone who lost to your soul world, why should your soul world judge me?How old are you? '

It fits the idea of ​​a proud and arrogant genius like Aizen.

"I don't mind leaving Alan to you to deal with—"

Looking at the many captains who fell silent in front of him, Lin Qiong said "pretending to be kind": "But do you have a way to deal with Alan now? He may be able to instantly kill that old man with hair growing on his chin."

Old man: "?"

First, I have a beard, not hair on my chin!

Second, can you stop talking about spikes casually?I also want to save face.

"Damn it!"

Bocun Zuozhen showed a reconciled expression, he hammered the wall beside him angrily, and said, "Can we just watch Lan Ran get away with it?"

"I can't take it!"

Sakinaki Hiyori, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, patted the ground with his slippers angrily, and shouted, "Damn it! I feel uncomfortable just thinking about that bastard Aizen is getting away with it!"

Hitsugaya Toshiro looked at the ground in front of him with eyes full of haze, and whispered: "Me too! I will never, never, never forgive Aizen!!"

If it wasn't for him, Chisen wouldn't... and wouldn't...

damn it!

"Yes, but..."

Looking at the captains (and former captains) who were exuding evil spirits around him, Akida Hakugen smiled bitterly, scratched his face, and said, "We are indeed no match for Aizen."

As soon as these words were spoken, the group of captains were killed immediately, and all the anger and complaints in their hearts were swallowed - what's the use of them being dissatisfied with Aizen?Your fist is not as big as Aizen's, so you can only watch Aizen eat and drink hot and grinning.

"Everyone, how about that?"

Lin Qiong raised his fingers with a smile, and said, "I will help you to imprison Lan Ran in the virtual circle for the time being, and you are cultivating yourself desperately. Wait until one day there will be someone in your Soul Realm who can be crushed." In the third stage, when Aizen’s Reaper comes out, I’ll hand over Aizen to you, how about that?”

Hearing Lin Qiong's proposal, the captains looked at each other.

It seems that this is the only way?It’s not like the Soul Society’s Shinigami are asking Hueco Mundo’s Arrancar to cooperate, right?

Mr. Yamamoto was silent for a few seconds, then he struck the crutch in his hand vigorously, and said in a deep voice: "Then thank you for your help--you all listen to me, and you all practiced hard for me after returning. One day, Aizen will be forced into the endless hell!"

Captains: "Yes——"

Hearing everyone's energetic responses, Lin Qiong couldn't help clapping his hands with a smile, and said, "Hmm! Now that the matter of Aizan has come to an end, let's start discussing the next thing!"

Everyone: "?"

Jingle Chunshui blinked, and asked a little strangely: "The next thing? What's the matter?"

"Please! Isn't it just Aizen who betrayed you in Soul Realm?"

Lin Qiong pointed to Ichimaru Gin and Tōsen Kaname who were hung from a street lamp with at least eighteen seals all over their bodies, and said, "We must judge them, right?"

"Oh, Mr. Qiong is really scary——"

Faced with Lin Qiong's "threat", Ichimaru Gin looked completely unscrupulous. He kept his smile and said, "I didn't expect Mr. Qiong's strength to be so strong. Captain Ran has been defeated."

Of course, the so-called unscrupulousness is only on the surface. In fact, Ichimaru Gin is annoyed by the group now.

Since he discovered that Matsumoto Ranju lost part of his soul after being attacked by Aizen, his goal in life has become to kill Aizen and regain that part of Matsumoto Ranju's soul—but now it seems that his goal has no way to complete .

"Ichimaru Gin, you should seize the time now and enjoy yourself."

Lin Qiong squinted at Ichimaru Gin and sneered: "I have decided to punish you with the most terrifying, most annoying and cruel punishment in the world!"

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, everyone couldn't help swallowing, and Matsumoto Ranju was sweating anxiously.

"Oh my, Lord Qiong, don't say such terrible things~"

Ichimaru Gin twitched the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "However, I'm a little curious! Mr. Qiong, what exactly is the punishment you're talking about?"

"Hmph, this will be your nightmare forever, Jie Jie Jie!"

Lin Qiong recalled what Miss Wanshitong had said when chatting with him on the roof before, and couldn't help but laugh like the elder of the Soul Palace, "Gentlemen, please open your eyes wide - Ichimaru Gin's trial, About to start!"



After a few minutes.

"No! You can't do this, you can't—"

Ichimaru Gin, who has been acting like a poisonous snake and a fox since his debut, completely broke his defenses. He looked at Lin Qiong with horrified eyes, and shouted hysterically: "Shut it off! Shut it off!!"

At this time, in the air in front of everyone (Reaper, Pomask, Mask), a huge projection screen is playing a video.

That was the life of a man named "Ichimaru Gin"—from meeting Matsumoto Ranju, to the daily life of the two, to when he discovered that Matsumoto Ranju was attacked by Aizen, vowed to regain the soul of the person he liked, and the subsequent hidden story .

It can be called the "lone brave man" of the soul world!

"Jie Jie Jie, this wail, this scream—"

Lin Qiong showed an extremely distorted smile of a villain. He looked wildly at Ichimaru Gin who seemed to be covered in maggots, and laughed loudly: "Delicious! Extremely delicious! Jie Jie Jie!!"

In this world, there is nothing more conscious than tying the original owner to a chair, pressing his head, forcing him and a large group of people he knows to watch his black history video together Woolen cloth?

You're right, Tomikai Yuta, Mori-sama, and Kozawa!Oh yes, and Ichimaru Gin-sama who is watching Black History!

Lin Qiong looked at Ichimaru Gin who was about to burst into tears, and couldn't help showing a smile similar to Anya's, and then quietly set his sights on Matsumoto Rangiku's face...


This woman cried so exaggeratedly! !

In the eyes of Lin Qiong (and a large number of Shinigami), Matsumoto Rangiku flew into Ichimaru Gin's arms, and then cried loudly: "Gin, why are you so stupid, you idiot!!"

Ichimaru Ginsheng looked at the sky unrequitedly, if he was not mistaken, it seemed, probably, maybe...

When Luan Ju rushed over just now, her face was full of snot.


When Rangiku was crying wildly in Ichimaru Gin's arms, the other captains of Soul Society also showed complicated expressions.

Jingle Chunshui rubbed his chin, and said in a low voice: "I have never understood Captain Ichimaru, did you expect him to be such a man?"

Hitsugaya clenched his fists even more. He felt a "manly resonance" between himself and Ichimaru Gin: "Captain Ichimaru, men should be like this, right? I want to learn from you, work hard, and punish Lan dye!"

To avenge Hinamori!

A few female goddesses with serious girlish hearts are already looking at Matsumoto Rangiku and Ichimaru Gin with CP eyes at this time—especially when Ichimaru Gin feels the soft touch of Matsumoto Rangiku coming from his chest, After blushing a little, the girls almost screamed.

"Jie Jie—"

Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, and said, "That's right! That's right!!"

What the hell is the ending of this pair in the original book?Fuck it, give me a happy reunion, you bastard!

Ichimaru Gin's matter has been settled for the time being, and the next step is another Captain Neko...

Lin Qiong focused on Tōsen Kaname, who had closed his eyes (in fact, you don't know whether he closed them or not) with "non-violent non-cooperation" since he was arrested, and pretended to be dead.

"Tosen wants to—"

Lin Qiong walked over, and Tōsen Kaname, who was hanging on the street lamp, said softly: "Ichimaru Gin's matter is settled, and it's your turn next—"

Dongxian wanted to hear the words, "looked" at Lin Qiong blankly, and then moved his "sight" away, as if he was already a dead person-obviously, after he was arrested, Shimaru jumped back, and Aizen failed At the moment, Dong Xianyao has fallen into the emotion of feeling nothing but death.

He doesn't care anymore.

Chapter 0432 you and I, are losers

Lin Qiong crossed his arms and looked at the fearless former captain of Division [-]——

It stands to reason that this kind of skin color is correct, and it also has a congenital disability, and finally climbed to a high-ranking character, it should be because zz is correct... Oh, it’s not fun to do these things when Shinigami is serialized, right?

That's fine.

Speaking of which, Dongxian Kao is also a poor person.

He was born in Liuhun Street, and became close friends with a woman named "Ge Kuang".

It's a pity, because Utakuma, like Matsumoto Rangiku, contains the soul king fragments in her body, so she was regarded as a test object by the Tsunayashiro family, one of the five nobles of Seireitei—not counting the Shiba family, the four— up.

The Tsunayashiro family did not adopt the same strategy as Aizen, but sent Tsunayashiro Tokinada, a branch of the family, to marry Utama as his wife back home to facilitate the experiment.

But because Uta Kuma was born with a strong sense of justice, she couldn't help but blame Tsunayashiro Tokinada after witnessing her husband kill a colleague because of a trivial incident.

As a result, Kakuma, who was angered, suffered a catastrophe and died in the hands of Tsunayashiro Tokinada.

After his friend was killed, Tōsen had originally hoped that Room 46 of the Central Committee would punish Tsunayashiro Tokinada who killed Utama, but to Tōsen's disappointment, Tsunayashiro Tokinada did not have the punishment he deserved. Punishment—not only that, but this brat also got a lot of benefits by fishing in troubled waters in the Millennium Bloody War chapter, and later created a chapter about the four nobles.

"East Immortal!"

After seeing what was happening on Lin Qiong's side, Big Dog Bocun's Zuozhen came over with an angry face and said: "Why on earth did you betray us!? Betrayed your own justice——"

"Betrayal? Heh, where does this sentence come from?"

Dongxian "looked" at Bo Cun's left formation, then showed a disdainful smile, and said in a particularly cold voice: "The so-called betrayal should only happen between 'companions', right? But I have never put it before You treat them as companions, so how can you talk about betrayal?"

Tulle up belongs to is.

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