Lin Qiong could see that Bocun Zuozhen's eyes suddenly became extremely fierce, and his expression became a bit ferocious.

He took two steps forward and asked with grinning teeth: "Never consider us as companions? Dongxian, do you want to tell me that the ideals you have always told us, as well as the pursuit of justice, all have nothing to do with you?" Is it fake!?"

Dongxian said calmly: "My pursuit of justice has never changed, but the world of corpses and souls has never been just!"

"You fart!!"

Bocun Zuozhen stretched out his right hand and grabbed Bocun Zuozhen's collar, angrily said: "Then is Lan Ran just? Is Xuquan just?"

"Heh, the world of corpses and souls is the same as the virtual circle, it is an evil place where filth is hidden."

Dongxian said in a confident voice: "As for Master Aizen? His goal is to create a world without evil, and this is also the goal I work hard for..."

Lin Qiong curled his lips and commented sharply: "Silly X——"

Dongxian was going to be furious: "What did you say!?"

"I said you are stupid! Crazy!"

Lin Qiong couldn't help giving him a middle finger, and shouted: "Because you can't see it, so I'll give you a friendly reminder, I'm giving you a middle finger, you idiot!"

"What do you know!? What do you know!?"

Dongxian wanted to "gaze" at Lin Qiong, and shouted: "People like you who don't know anything, don't speak nonsense here!!"

"Hey, come on, you're so funny! What you mean by pursuing justice is putting all your hopes on others, hoping that others will help you create a world without evil?"

Lin Qiong said in a mocking tone: "Then, Mr. Dongxian, who pursues justice, what role did you play in this? Could it be that you were waving flags and shouting like a cheerleader, shouting 'Captain Aizen, you want Come on! My wish came true thanks to you' Is that so?"

"you you……"

There is one thing to say, Dongxian was about to have a heart attack at this time, he struggled angrily, and roared: "You don't understand at all, you don't know anything at all, you kind of guy, you kind of guy Ahhh-"

"Please! Keep repeating 'you don't know anything, you don't know anything'? Then you are really weak——"

Lin Qiong dug out his ears, then walked up to Dongxian Yao with a sneer, raised his right hand and poked him in the chest, and asked, "Dongxian Yao, ask yourself, if you die now, do you have the courage to die?" Straighten your chest, and tell Ge Kuang confidently, you have inherited her Zanpakuto and will, and devoted your life to fighting for justice?"


When the name of Tsunayashi Daikokuma was called out from Lin Qiong's mouth, Dongsenkao was stunned in place as if struck by lightning, and Lin Qiong's mockery continued to ring in his ears: "Don't be stunned! , you answer me! Do you have the courage to tell Ge Kuang?"

Dongxian said with trembling lips: "Stop talking—"

Lin Qiong condensedly snorted and said, "Still, you are going to tell her cheerfully—Ge Kuang, the darkness in the soul world is too deep, and I have no way to resist, so I decided to put my hope on Master Ai Ran body, hoping that he can become the spirit king and create a world without evil?"

In fact, what Dongxian Yao did was not as unbearable as Lin Qiong said.

If he can think calmly, he can refute Lin Qiong's accusation: "After realizing his own weakness, is it something unspeakable to follow someone with lofty ideals who have the same goal?"

Isn't that how the protagonists of many novels get younger brothers?

It's a pity that Aizen just regarded him as a tool that can be thrown away from the beginning to the end.And because he himself was lost in the power, he changed from the former dragon slaying boy to another evil dragon.

After Lin Qiong spit out the word "Ge Kuang", Dong Xianyao's thoughts turned into a mess. He could only roar helplessly and furiously: "Shut up, I'll tell you to shut up!!"


On the other side, seeing Tōsen Kaname roaring like a lunatic, Omaeda couldn't help shrinking his neck, and then moved closer to his captain, and asked in a low voice: "Captain, captain, who is that Uta Kuang?"

"Ge Kuang?"

Broken Bee frowned, and after a few seconds of recollection, she shook her head and said, "I've never heard of this name."

It's not that Suifeng is covering for Tsunayashiro Tokinada, but that the bullshit among the nobles has long been suppressed by the central room 46, and no news has come out.

"I seem to have heard something..."

Jingle Shunsui rubbed his chin, made an expression of trying to remember, and said: "If I remember correctly, Utama should be the wife of a branch member of the Tsunayashiro family? I don't know much about it. .”


After Dongxian Yao heard the discussion here, he couldn't help but let out a sad laugh, and he roared heart-piercingly: "You don't know, you don't know anything, you deserve to die, why didn't you die? -"

"Don't be incompetent and furious here, and don't vent your anger on ordinary people—"

Lin Qiong interrupted Dongxian Yao's roar, and said coldly: "Ge Kuang's death has nothing to do with them! In that matter, they are no different from you."

Hearing this sentence, Dongxian Kao seemed to have lost all his strength, and showed a hopeless expression: "That's right, I'm like them, I can't do anything."

Lin Qiong glanced at Dong Xianyao, then turned his attention to the gods of death, showed a nasty smile, and said, "Everyone, are you interested in listening to me tell a story that is not beautiful at all?"



"...Then, in order to avenge Utamaro, the man picked up Utamaro's Zanpakutō, practiced hard, and became the captain of the ninth division of the Gotei Thirteenth Division."

Lin Qiong leaned on the telephone pole, looked at the captains with heavy expressions in front of him with a smile, and said, "I believe everyone knows the story behind it? This righteous man was attracted by Aizen and followed Aizen. ,Then……"

Dongxian wanted to sneer, and said sarcastically, "Then, he failed."

"It's about the same—"

Lin Qiong nodded his head, and then asked with a gentle face: "All the captains of the soul world, after you have heard this not-so-good story, do you have anything to say?"

The first one to express his opinion was Bocun Zuozhen. He trembled his mouth, looked at Dongxian Yao with sad eyes, and murmured: "Dongxian, so this is the reason why your heart feels so sad? So this is The reason your heart is weeping?"

Dongxian gritted his teeth and growled, "Bocun, don't act like you know me very well."

This time, facing the responsibility of his friend, Bo Cun Zuozhen lowered his head in shame and said: "You are right, I don't know anything - whether it is about you or your past, I, I I am ashamed of my status as a friend."

The big dog of the honest and honest, really easy to deceive.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the gods of death in the soul world still claim to be righteous—"

Bailegang sprayed his venom mercilessly, "Jie Jie Jie! In the end, it was not as good as our virtual circle—at least the truth that our virtual circle follows is that the strong are respected, so there are not so many disgusting things .”

Those who are stupid... I mean the captains who are more straightforward and not very good at stratagem suddenly showed shame expressions... Well, here is the roll call @一下景村左军.

Big dog, stupid.

"Shut up! Hateful Face-"

Mr. Yamamoto slammed the crutch in his hand vigorously, and said with an ugly face: "The honor of the soul world, the honor of the thirteenth team of the guardian court, and the honor of the god of death will not allow you to insult like this!"

"Hahahahaha, honor? What honor do you have now!?"

Tōsen Kaname laughed harshly and said: "Did you protect Uta Kuang who had a righteous heart? Or did you punish Tsunayashiro Tokinada who killed Uta Kuang? Or did you crusade Aizen who betrayed Soul Society? No, you didn’t do anything—”

"You gods of death are just like me, complete losers!"


Chapter 0433 Kisuke Urahara: This fucking is not death at all

One counts as one, even the captain, when faced with Tōsen Kaname's roar, could only lower his eyelids and silently bear the roar of the injured beast.

It is understandable for the other (non-nobility) captains not to know about these nonsense things, but you have to say that Motoyanagi Shigekuni Yamamoto, who is the captain of Gotei 46th Team, was also blinded by Room [-] of the Central Committee. Lin Qiong didn't believe it.

It can only be said that he has acquiesced to the rules of Seireitei, and acquiesced in the matter of safeguarding the rights and interests of the nobility.

"Okay, okay, laugh at a hundred steps at fifty steps, everyone is a loser, stop howling."

Lin Qiong raised his hand, patted Dongxian Yao's stomach with the back of his hand, and said, "If you really have something to say, go and tell Ge Kuang yourself."

"Your Excellency Qiong!"

Hearing this sentence, Bocun Zuozhen's expression changed immediately. He hurriedly stepped forward, looked at Lin Qiong in a daze, and said, "You, what do you mean..."

If you don't know the story of Dongxian's passing, then Bocun Zuozhen may personally behead his head in order to correct a friend who made a mistake!But the problem is that after knowing what Dongxian is going to do, the big dog's heart is only left with guilt——

If he hadn't been like that "friendship between gentlemen is as light as water" before, but had learned more about Dongxian's heart, wouldn't he have embarked on this road?

"Bocun, stop talking."

Dongxian Kaname's expression was extraordinarily calm, and he said in a cold voice: "From the moment I was defeated by you and hung here, I have already seen my end."

He is neither Aizen who is so strong that the Gotei [-]th team can't judge him, nor is Ichimaru Gin such an infatuated person who has been lurking for love for hundreds of years, he is just a...

In order to pursue justice, he was blinded by the power and the dream promised by Aizen, and finally went astray and turned into a dragon-slaying boy who turned into a dragon.

Now, the boy who woke up from his dream and turned into a dragon should also be punished.

"East Immortal!"

Bo Cun breathed heavily, his current mood swings were very serious - pain, remorse, panic, restlessness, and anger.

It was too complicated, so that the pie chart couldn't express his emotions.

He looked at Lin Qiong, opened his mouth and tried to say something, but in the end he just lowered his head dejectedly, and whispered, "Dongxian, I will erect a monument for you."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Dongxian was about to laugh, and his laughter was a bit desolate, "Bocun, you are really an idiot!"

I'm already like this, do you still miss my friendship?You, idiot!


Lin Qiong couldn't help but interrupt Dongxian Kao and Bo Cun's left formation. He said: "Although maybe I shouldn't interrupt your communication at this time, I want to explain - I am not planning to kill Dong Xian wants."

"Huh?" xN

No, you are not going to kill Dongxian Yao, and you also said that you want Dongxian Yao to tell Ge Kuang personally...

"Ah! I see!"

The most intelligent in the soul world, Omaeda hammered his palm with a dazed expression, and said, "Captain, what he means is to let the Dongxian team...cough, Dongxian is going to fight against that Grim Reaper named Ge Kuang." Tell yourself your mistakes before the grave! It must be like this!"

"Idiot, this kind of thing... this kind of thing..."

Broken Bee was just about to subconsciously scold him a few words, but she swallowed the reprimand before she could say it—because she found that the idiot O Maeda spoke as if, as if, possibly, perhaps, as if...

Is there any reason?

Not only Broken Bee, but the other upright captains also showed expressions of approval!In their view, the punishment Lin Qiong gave Dongxian wanted was something that would make him feel more repentant than killing him.


Sure enough, Dongxian Yao's face changed immediately, and he said with a little panic: "You can't do this, you can't!"

"Oh, don't worry! I'm not some kind of devil, so I won't do something that requires you to confess in front of her grave!"

Lin Qiong reached out and patted Dongxian Kaname on the shoulder, and then said cheerfully: "I'm just preparing for the resurrection song, and then let you talk to her who has come back to life in person!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Qiong lowered his head, and slowly took out the resurrection scepter from his pocket that had been shortened by the power of time.

"Wait, wait!?"

At this time, Urahara Kisuke widened his eyes, and he said a little unsteadily: "Mr. Pomian, if I heard you right, you just, it seemed, seemed to say the word 'resurrection'? "

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

Lin Qiong showed a blank expression towards Urahara Kisuke, he showed the resurrection scepter in his hand, and said confidently: "This thing can collect specific spiritual particles, and then copy the information in it-you should all know Right? The essence of Shinigami is made up of spirit particles, so as long as..."

"No, no, wait a minute!"

Kisuke Urahara's research maniac had a seizure. He grabbed his hair with both hands, and said in disbelief: "No, although the god of death is made of spirit particles, but you... this..."

how to say?

At this time, Urahara Kisuke seemed to be a master of chip research, and got a "I heard that the main material of the chip is silicon? My family lives by the sea, so can I go to the beach to dig less sand and burn a chip myself?" ?” post.

Although the sand is fucking silicon, and the chip is also fucking silicon, but your speech... grass!

Lin Qiong was not in the mood to explain the resurrection principle of the resurrection scepter to Urahara Kisuke (in fact, he himself did not know), he just raised the scepter in his hand, and then closed his eyes and said: "Soul Lock-Dead Soul World- Reaper-Ge Kuang! Resurrect, my warrior—”

The next moment, a large number of spirits crossed time and space, gathered in front of Lin Qiong at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then gradually condensed into a human form under the gaze of everyone.

"Wang Defa!?"

Urahara Kisuke couldn't help stretching out his hand and pulled out a few strands of his hair, "No, how is this possible!? How is this possible—"

At this time, Kisuke Urahara, as if after hearing the above remarks, was going to go to the scene to laugh at the sand sculpture netizens of the poster, but found that the poster really used the sand on the beach and a large iron pot to burn four nanometers. same chip.

No, it's fucking okay?Are you fucking green skinned?The whole I think can be unscientific, right? ?


Compared with the gods of death who were so shocked that they could not speak, the expression of Tōsen Kaname who was hung on the street lamp was much more exciting-his emotions at this time included fear, gratitude, relief and self-destruction.

He hated his extremely inspired perception because of his blindness, which made him perceive Ge Kuang's existence in the first place—the problem was, he thought he had no face to face Ge Kuang at all! !


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