The woman with long black hair covered her forehead in pain, and she whispered, "I, this is..."

She shook her head, and after shaking off the confusion in her mind, she looked around and was taken aback by the lineup here—what, what's going on?

Why are there so many people wearing Captain Haori in front of me?And many of them were faces that had never been seen before.

Just when Ge Kuang was full of doubts, her eyes suddenly locked on Tōsen Kaname who was hanging from the street lamp, and her eyes immediately shrank from the appearance of the other party.

"Dongxian? Are you Dongxian?!"

Ge Kuang couldn't care about other things, she hurried to Dongxian Yao, stretched out her hand and tried to free Dongxian Yao from the street lamp, "Why are you hanging here? Who did it!?"

"Song, song Kuang..."

Dongxian wanted to feel that his voice was trembling, he really wanted to cry, but he felt that he was not qualified to cry, "Don't worry about me, this is the retribution I deserve, this is my punishment for my sins... ..."


Ge Kuang stopped what he was doing, looked at his best friend with a blank look, and said, "Dongxian, what are you talking about? What happened? Why did I wake up... Ah!"

Ge Kuang suddenly let out a scream, and then tightly covered his forehead: One after another images representing memories flashed in her mind, allowing her to quickly understand what happened.

Hearing Ge Kuang's scream, Dongxian hurriedly asked worriedly: "Ge Kuang, Ge Kuang, are you alright?"

"I, I'm fine."

Ge Kuang shook her head with a complex expression, she raised her head, looked at Dongxian Yao with sad eyes, and said softly: "Dongxian, I'm probably dead, right?"

Dong Xian fell into silence, his lips twitched twice, but he couldn't say anything.

"Ms. Ge Kuang, you are indeed dead, but you were resurrected by me—"

Lin Qiong approached Ge Kuang with a smile, and then blocked the mouth of Dongxian Yao who was about to speak with a magic circle of silence, and said enthusiastically to Ge Kuang: "Ms. Ge Kuang, let me tell you a story. Let’s have a story! A story about a boy who slays a dragon and becomes a dragon—”

"No! No no no no!!"

Dongxian started to struggle frantically, but with his strength, how could he break free from Lin Qiong's shackles?So he can only be hung on the street lamp, watching Ge Kuang learn about his past mistakes from Lin Qiong.

Lin Qiong: The screams of public execution are really delicious, Jie Jie!

"...So I decided to let him face his best friend in person, and resurrected her in front of me."

After Lin Qiong finished speaking, he smiled and pushed to Jingle Chunshui's side, and said to Ge Kuang: "Okay! Ms. Ge Kuang, the story is over, you can start your own performance."

Then, Lin Qiong took out a bench, coffee table, melon seeds, drinks and other snacks from his backpack, and then waved enthusiastically to Nero, Stark, Kyoryu Shunsui and others.

What are you still doing?

Come and eat melon!

Chapter 0434 Alan, you are so inferior now!

Although Lin Qiong looked like he was taking advantage of the situation, Ge Kuang finally gave Dong Xian three vicious slaps and then sat down in front of the captain.

"I know that Tōsen's sins cannot be redeemed in any way—"

Ge Kuang rested his forehead on the back of his hand, and buried his head low, "So, all I can do is use my meager life to pay for this sin with him."

In other words, Ge Kuang is willing to accept the punishment of punishing the soul world with Dongxian, and accept the death penalty.

"Don't make trouble—"

Lin Qiong waved his hand, he walked up to the captains, turned his head to look at them, and said, "You don't think that I worked so hard to bring you back to life just to watch you and Dongxian die together? "


Ge Kuang froze for a moment, then looked at the captains with an embarrassing and impolite expression.

"Hey, forget it."

Jingle Chunshui waved his hands helplessly, and muttered, "Old man Shan, why don't you just turn a blind eye and close your eyes—you're not going to start a war with brother Qiong just after fighting Aizen, right?"

Brother Qiong is a tougher guy than Aizen!If the fight continues, it might really be wiped out!


Mr. Yamamoto glared angrily at his unfilial disciples, then looked at Kakuang and Tosen Kaname who were looking at him anxiously, and said coldly: "From today onwards, there will be no two of you in the history of Soul Soul World." name!"

This is ready to be an ostrich.

Ge Kuang: "!?"

She glanced at Lin Qiong with a look of shock—although she was too upright, she was definitely not Akuya without a brain. Naturally, she knew that the reason why the captain would back down was purely because of Lin Qiong's force!


Who is this lord?How could he make the captains of the entire soul world back down in front of him? ?

Compared to Ge Kuang, who was so shocked that he doubted his life, Dongxian Yaoze, who was hung on the street lamp, was full of joy: "Great, great, Ge Kuang doesn't have to die..."


With a wave of his hand, Lin Qiong cut off the bound road hanging from Dongxian Yao, and said confidently: "Dongxian Yao, miracles and magic are not free, so you are going to give your life to our sky city for the rest of your life, understand ?"

"Understood! I understand very well!"

Dongxian knelt down on one knee in front of Lin Qiong in a hurry, and said in a voice that was too excited: "I can do anything! I can do anything!!"

Bo Cun Zuo Zhen couldn't help but sigh, and then looked at Dong Xian Yao who was kneeling on the ground with sad eyes - he understood that from this moment on, there was already a layer of sadness between him and Dong Xian Yao. The thick walls!

"One side of us is the people of the soul world, and the other side is the people of the god of death..."

Bo Cun Zuozhen lowered his eyelids with some disappointment, "I'm afraid, I won't be able to sit together and talk about my ideals like before." '

"Hmm, Captain Bocun! I have a deal I want to make with you."

At this time, Lin Qiong gave a dry cough, then looked at the big dog with a serious face, and said, "Do you want to be able to contact Dongxian in the future?"

Bo Cun Zuozhen opened his mouth in astonishment, then nodded impatiently, and asked eagerly: "Is it really okay?"

Will the captain not refuse?

Lin Qiong reached out and patted Bocun Zuozhen's arm, and said solemnly: "Don't worry! I believe that as long as we open our mouths to apply, then the understanding and kind-hearted Captain Yamamoto will definitely understand you!"


Bo Cun was silent for a few seconds, then whispered, "So, what do I need to pay?"

The price for resurrecting Ge Kuang is that Dong Xian will become a subordinate of Sky City. So what is the price for him to contact Dong Xian?

Bocun Zuozhen thought, "Shouldn't I be allowed to betray Seilingting?" '

"Hmm, it's actually just a very small price."

Lin Qiong coughed twice, then raised his hands with a serious face and said, "Let me rua!"

Bocun Zuozhen: "Huh?"

Other captains: "Huh?"

Lin Qiong nodded and repeated: "Give me rua!"

Bocun Zuozhen: "..."

He opened his mouth, and then asked in a daze, "Is it the one I understand?"

Lin Qiong nodded, and he said eagerly: "I want to rua a big dog and have a great time rua!"

"I am a wolf, a wolf!!"

Bo Cunzuo blushed furiously, "I'm not a dog, I'm a wolf!"

Lin Qiong didn't care about this. He just put his hands on his hips and asked, "Just tell me whether I will give it to you or not!"


Bo Cun Zuozhen fell into a difficult role. He never imagined that he, a hundreds-year-old wolf, would one day sell his body! ?

Oh, are you humans so weird? ?



"Jie Jie Jie!"

Seeing that he had agreed to his request, Lin Qiong squatted in the corner on the left side of the autistic Bocun. He couldn't help but let out a standard villain laugh, which made Jingle Chunshui on the side look ashamed.

Brother Qiong, if we hadn't seen the transaction between you and Bocun with our own eyes, I would really have thought that you threatened a woman from a good family just now, okay?The laugh was too wicked.


Jingle Chunshui showed a more subtle expression, but the fact that you threatened a big dog to let him lick you is actually quite against the sky.

Of course, this is not to say that I am envious, or that I also want to pet dogs or something!After all, Captain Bocun, like me, is also the captain of the thirteenth team of the court. How could I have such disrespectful thoughts towards him?

You have to believe me.

"Then this time it's over?"

After Lin Qiong patted the dust on his hands, he put his eyes on Mr. Yamamoto and said, "If there is nothing wrong, then everyone should go back to their respective homes?"

Mr. Yamamoto was silent for a few seconds, then nodded with a grim expression, and said in a muffled voice: "Mr. Qiong, some captains of Gotei [-]th Team went to Xuquan to support Kurosaki Ichigo and others. , please remember to let them back."

"OKOK! You can rest assured."

Lin Qiong made an OK gesture, and then said cheerfully: "I will ask the people under my command to take care of those captains."

However, I have some doubts whether they are willing to go back and pinch~

Jie Jie!



Castle in the Sky.

When Lin Qiong returned to Sky City with the first, second, and thirtieth blades, Dongxian Yao, Ge Kuang and others, the first scene he saw was the scene of Aizen spurting blood all over his body and then falling to the ground .

"What's going on, what's going on?"

Lin Qiong looked at this scene blankly, and said, "Why did I see Erina beating Aizen as soon as I opened the door?"

"Master, because of"

The secretary looked at Lin Qiong delicately, and said, "He is pretending to be 13! Seven of the ten sentences are pretending to be 13, and the other three are exclamations of unknown meaning."

Lin Qiong showed a dazed expression, and he could already figure out what happened to Lan Ran—although Lan Ran was defeated by Lin Qiong at this time, he still looked down on everyone except Lin Qiong, so he must It is a face of "I am a higher evolution, you lower life forms".

It's not surprising to be beaten, Aizen needs to be beaten by the society.

"Alan, I saw you being beaten when I came here——"

Lin Qiong squatted next to Lan Ran, looking at the wound on his body that although he tried his best to heal himself, but was unable to heal himself due to the fierce sword energy of the eldest lady, he complained: "I still like you in Corpse Soul." The kind of rebelliousness in Jie Shi! Now you are so inferior!"

Aizen: "..."

He twitched the corners of his mouth, then sat up in a daze, and said, "Compared to this, Lord Qiong, who is your girlfriend? Why does she have such a strong power?"

"Hmph, you've got the point!"

Lin Qiong's eyes lit up, he stood up, pointed to the sky with his right hand, and said confidently: "My Erina is the cutest girl in the world, she... huh!"

Lin Qiong innocently looked at the young lady who was covering her mouth with a flushed face.

"Question speech forbidden!"

The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong nervously, and said, "The turtle is carrying the barber shop!"

To be honest, if Lin Qiong was insane in private, the eldest lady said that she was a little shy at most, but it was acceptable in front of her!But the problem is that this is the square of Sky City?

The eldest lady glanced to the left, and found Zoe, Nicole, and Leona hiding behind the trees and statues;

The eldest lady glanced to her right and spotted Diana, Lux and Kyle squatting in the corridor;

The eldest lady took a second look, and found Feng Wang lying behind the bushes pretending not to care.

everyone!All!Look at it!

Absolutely not, you will be ashamed to death!


Lin Qiong showed a disappointed expression. He raised his voice and said loudly: "Obviously we people in Sky City know how cute Erina is, right!"

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