"Yes——" xN

The guardians gave Lin Qiong a lot of face, and he succeeded in making the eldest lady look so shy that her face was flushed.

"You also said that you also said that you also said-"

The eldest lady raised her small fist and hammered Lin Qiong's chest, and said angrily: "I think you did it on purpose, you are dead!"

"Yes, I did it on purpose!"

Lin Qiong clenched his right fist, and then said excitedly: "I want everyone in the world to know that our family, Erina, is the cutest in the world!!"


The eldest lady squatted on the ground covering her face, and screamed: "Eat celery, coriander, and Zheergen tonight!"


Lin Qiong suddenly showed a flustered expression, he squatted down hastily, then stretched out his hands to support the young lady's shoulders, and said nervously: "Erina, I was wrong!"

"Where did you go wrong?"

"I was wrong in estimating Erina's cuteness! You are not the cutest in the world, but the cutest in the multiverse!"

"Idiot! Just wait and eat celery, coriander, bitter melon and root of folded ears!!"

Chapter 0435 Are you so brave?

"Oh, tonight is miserable—"

Lin Qiong looked at the back of the eldest lady running towards the castle, and couldn't help raising her hand and scratching her head, then looked at Lan Ran in front of her, and asked, "Alan, I remember that you have a hand against little girls. ? Doesn't this help me think of a way to comfort Erina?"

Aizen: "?"

He showed a puzzled expression and asked: "Qiongjun, why do you think of me as a scumbag who enjoys playing with girls' hearts?"

"Hey, do you still dare to ask this question?"

Lin Qiong was taken aback, he looked left and right, and then leaned in front of Lan Ran and whispered: "You don't look at it either, you're bewildered by Chu Sen - I even suspect that I'm going to be like Sei Lingting now." Apply over there, and let Chisen be your death guard, and she will rush over in a blink of an eye."

Aizen shook her head helplessly, and said, "Chisen? She really yearns for me too much, so she can't see my original appearance clearly."

"Na Que! What she likes is the Aizen that she made up in her head—"

Lin Qiong touched his chin, then glanced at the scarred Aizen, waved his hand to expel the remaining magic power from his wound, and said, "Now it should be able to regenerate at a super speed."

"Qiongjun, I am becoming more and more curious about your identity! Who are you?"

Aizen glanced at the repaired wound, looked at Lin Qiong with eyes full of inquiring desire, and said, "At least, Qiong-Jun will definitely not be a simple Arrancar or a Shinigami, right?"

Aizen would never believe that a simple face-breaking or death could defeat him who had evolved to the third stage.

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry—"

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand to comfort Aizen in front of him, and said, "Come with me first, and I will take you to see someone - she can answer all your questions."

"Oh? Then I must meet that lady——"

A trace of curiosity was revealed in Aizen's eyes. He followed Lin Qiong and walked towards Miss Know-It-All's laboratory.



After throwing Aizen to Miss Wanshitong, Lin Qiong approached the three ten-blades who were eating in the restaurant of Sky City.

"Three, are you eating?"

Lin Qiong opened the bench and sat in front of them, and said cheerfully, "Do you have any plans for the future?"

"Aqiong, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Stark put down the lamb chops in his hand, then wiped the oil stains on his fingers with a paper towel, and muttered, "You should be here to recruit us, right?"

"Hehe, I have this plan."

Lin Qiong smiled and nodded, and said, "But you have to be willing to join, right?"

Only by going in both directions can we be happy.

"I don't care! It's the same as working there anyway."

Stark glanced at Lilinette beside him, then helplessly picked up a tissue to wipe the sauce from the corner of her mouth, and said, "At least the atmosphere here on your side is much better than that of Void Night Palace."

Harribel swallowed the salmon in her mouth, then nodded with a serious face, and said, "Although it's strange for me to say this kind of thing in front of my face, but in the city of the sky, people can really feel it." 'home' vibe.”

It seems that the addition of the No. 30 and No. [-] blades is stable?So……

"What about old Bai?"

Lin Qiong looked at Bailegang, who had a grilled chicken in his left hand and a hamburger in his right hand, and asked, "Are you interested in joining?"

"Hmph, stop joking!"

Bailegang swallowed the hamburger in two or three bites, then raised his right hand that was still stained with sauce domineeringly, clenched it tightly, and said confidently: "The era of blue dye is over, and Xuye will The palace is the world of this old man!"

Lin Qiong scratched his face and asked: "However, the fifth, seventh, eighth and No.90 blades are all dead. Of the remaining ten blades, the first, third, fourth, and sixth I have also recruited Tenth and Tenth—”

Along with Lin Qiong's description, Bailegang's expression gradually became stiff.

"So, even if you return to the Night Palace now, you can only organize a pure and powerful force like before—"

Lin Qiong added: "After all, Aizen who has mastered the face-breaking technique is also on our side."

Balegon: "..."

He thought for a moment and realized that Xuye Palace was probably cold.

"What's the point of being a mountain king?"

Lin Qiong looked at Stark, Balegon, and Heribel in front of him solemnly, and said solemnly: "Besides, our sky city has mastered the evolution of breaking the surface to a higher level!"


Stark quickly turned his head and sprayed out the Coke in his mouth, then looked at Lin Qiong in astonishment, and said, "Ah Qiong, are you joking with me? You have to admit that this is a joke, you are just fooling around us!"

"Why am I fooling you?"

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes, pointed to the training ground outside, and said, "If you don't believe in evil, you can practice with them--I have to say, I think that apart from Stark, the two of you may even have a silver medal." The members of the pattern can't beat it."

Jin Wen is the chosen member of the Holy Shield, and his status is equal to the ten blades of the Void Night Palace;

Yinwen is the subordinate officer of the Holy Shield, and his status is equivalent to that of the ten blades' subordinate officer;

The copper pattern is the reserve of the Holy Shield, and its status is equivalent to that of an Arrancar without even a number.

"What a joke!"

At that time, Bai Legang patted the table with beard and stare, and said cursingly: "The old man is the king of the virtual circle, you actually said that I can't even beat a subordinate officer??"

"Please, why do I have to lie to you about something that can be proven in just one fight?"

Lin Qiong spread out his hands and said helplessly, "The members of our Sky City have all evolved to be creatures beyond broken faces and masks."

Without saying a word, Balegang grabbed the big ax leaning on the chair next to him and walked towards the training ground angrily. Stark and Harribel looked at each other, and then followed without hesitation.

If this is true, that's pretty amazing.



When the four of them arrived at the training ground, several False Gods in silver-patterned uniforms were practicing daily duels on the training ground.

"Bridget, come here—"

Lin Qiong waved to Bridget, who was originally Centipede Xu, and said, "Do you still remember when we went to Xu Ye Palace before? Didn't you lose to the No. 20 Blade over there?"

"Master, can you not mention that matter?"

Bridget's face was full of distress, "I had just evolved at that time, if I were replaced by the current me, there would be no way I would lose!"

"Oh, brazen brat!"

After hearing what Bridget said, Bailegang behind Lin Qiong suddenly walked up to her with an ax in his hand and said with a violent expression: "Come with me! Don't blame me for not giving you a chance -"


Bridget, who heard the subtext of Bailegang, immediately looked at Lin Qiong with surprised eyes. After getting Lin Qiong's nod of approval, she knelt on the ground with an excited face and said loudly: "Please Don't worry, young master, Bridget will definitely wash away her shame!!"

Balegon: "?"

His expression became more violent, and he had already thought about how to torture this ignorant brat later—Jie Jie, in front of the power of old age, be afraid! !


Soon, Rogia (Le), Paluk, Cabensis, and Pochi, who were still practicing duel before, all came to the sidelines and gave up the field to Bridget and Bailegang.

"Jie Jie Jie-"

Bearing his big axe, Bailegang looked at the blond Bridget in front of him with a domineering face, and said with a grin: "Little devil! After the development, begging for mercy will not work!"

At the very least, I will use the power of aging to take away one of your arms and legs, and let you know the consequences of opposing me!

"Hehehe, let's wait until you defeat me to say this sentence—"

Bridget put her hand in front of her mouth and let out an elegant laugh, "But, old man! Don't end up being the one who beats you to the ground, that would be too embarrassing!"

"Hehehe, what a shameless brat!"

Bailegang raised the big ax in his hand with an angry face, and said in a low voice: "Corrupt, Skeleton King!!!"

The next moment, Bailegang, who was originally bloated, suddenly turned into an extremely luxurious white skeleton wearing a big cloak. He aimed his right hand at Bridget with a cold tone and said sternly: "In the face of my power, destroy it. !!”

"Swastika! Purple Storm·Mishang Poisonous Dragon!"

Bridget gave a low snort, and the metallic armor covered her body, and she held a pair of claws that were somewhat similar to the dragon beast nemesis of the battle tyrannosaurus in her hands: "Mr. , be careful, don't accidentally flash your waist!!"

"Poison China Claw—"

The eight purple half-moon-shaped energy blades were submerged directly into Balegon's death breath, but unlike last time, Bridget's poisonous claws were not completely corroded by the death breath this time.

In Bailegang's stunned eyes, the Poison Flower Claw actually penetrated the poison of the death breath and flew in front of him.

"Humph, is this the power you rely on?"

He waved his right hand disdainfully, and slapped away the poisonous flower claws that were already crumbling after penetrating through the breath of death, and then said arrogantly: "This kind of weak attack is just to make me laugh..."

Then he hit the street.

He fell directly on the ground head-on, and even lifted the returning blade.


This dramatic scene made Stark and Harribel on the side look dumbfounded - What's going on?Balegang was killed instantly? ?

"This guy, doesn't he look down on Bridget too much?"

Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose with his right hand with a speechless face, and couldn't help but said, "If you dodge a little, or wrap a layer of spiritual pressure on your arm, you won't be able to pounce so fast!"

This was the first time he saw someone face an attack of the "poison" attribute, instead of dodging or dodging, he took the initiative to go up and take a hit—good guy, are you so brave, Bai Legang?

I'm not afraid of dying!

Chapter 0436 Oh, it's over

Generally speaking, the demon armaments awakened by the False God are related to their "before reincarnation" abilities, and after the swastika is removed, they will also be greatly enhanced.

Take Bridget, for example.

Her body is a centipede-type Yachukas, and her ability is to release venom that corrodes everything. After evolving into a false god, her ability has changed from releasing a single corrosive venom to releasing a variety of venoms with different effects.

As for the enhancement gained after swastika, in addition to the greatly enhanced effect of toxins, she can also fuse various toxins at will - she now has mastered nearly 2000 different combinations of toxins.

Of course, when she was fighting Bailegang before, the poisonous claws she used only contained the "powerful sleep toxin" that Lin Qiong ridiculed as "sleeping black tea toxin"—otherwise, everyone at this time would not be guarding her. Looking at the snoring Bailegang, he can prepare to eat his feast.

"I'm so mad! That old man looked down on me so much that he dared to smash my poisonous claws with his hands??"

Bridget, who was staying with her little friends, stomped her feet angrily, and said cursingly, "If I had known, I would have changed to a more powerful toxin, and let him know how powerful I am!"

Among the toxins Bridget has mastered, there are many "ultimate prank" toxins provided by Lin Qiong. These toxins may not be harmful, but they are extremely insulting.

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