A broken smile appeared on Bridget's face, and she said, "Hehehe, I shouldn't have added Sleep Toxin to Poison Claw, but Warrior Toxin!"

After hearing the name of the brave toxin, Lugia, Kabensis and others next to them changed their expressions in fright—because this toxin is really vicious!

It is not a toxin with complex ingredients, but is composed of two very simple toxins, namely "Fart Toxin" and "Channel Toxin"-now you know why it is called Warrior Toxin, right?

Because a real warrior dares to bet that it's a fart when he is fleeing.

"No way, no way!"

Lugia hurriedly comforted Bridget. He could not even think about what would happen to a proud person like Balegang if he was infected by Bridget's "Warrior Toxin": "He lost this time." If I give it to you, I will definitely look at you differently! When you have a serious duel next time, you can just take revenge!"


Cabensis also nodded vigorously, and said: "I just heard the young master and the others say that the old man seems to be likely to join our Sky City! You will have a lot of opportunities to compete with him in the future—"

"Tsk, doesn't that mean that he will be able to climb on top of us soon?"

Bridget showed an unhappy expression. She bit her purple fingernails and muttered: "Then I have to beat him a few more times while he is weaker than me!"

Boqi threw the short dagger in his hand, and complained: "Aren't you afraid that he will settle accounts after the fall and cause trouble for you when he becomes stronger?"

"Hmph, don't you understand? Pochi!"

Bridget wagged her fingers proudly and said: "Of that old man's one hundred kilograms of bones, at least ninety kilograms are pride. As long as I say that he bullies the weak, he will definitely not be able to lose face and continue to find me. It’s troublesome!”


Several friends gasped.

She is indeed the poisonous Bridget, she really has the heart of the most poisonous woman!



After Balegon fell into a deep sleep, Lin Qiong saw that Sky City had nothing to do, so he took Stark and Heribel back to the Void Night Palace.

However, what he didn't expect was that just as he walked out of the black cavity, he saw a group of people having a picnic under the sky of Xuye Palace.

"Good guy!"

Lin Qiong glanced at the picnickers in front of him and couldn't help but say: "You guys really can keep your composure? Old man Shan is waiting for you to go back, looking forward to the stars and the moon."

"Oh? Oh, oh, oh, oh, that's an interesting way of saying——"

Nie Yuli looked at the three people who walked out of the black cavity, and couldn't help but tilt her head, then showed her big yellow teeth, and said in a cadenced voice: "I remember you, you were the one who ran away when Aizen ran away. , One of his bad faces, right? But what you said just now, it seems that you are very familiar with the captain, why is that?"

"Well, it looks like this."

Lin Qiong thought for a few seconds, and then said solemnly: "Actually, I found a very miraculous hair growth liquid in the extract of the virtual circle plant, and Captain Yamamoto burst into tears when he learned about it. He held my hand with eyes full of eyes, and announced like the other captains of the Guarding Team Thirteen that I am his long-lost half-brother!"

Nirvana Mayuri: "?"

He kept tilting his head, and then the smile on his face gradually turned into a cold disdain: "Do you think I look like the red-haired tattooed gorilla over there? Would you believe such nonsense?"

Asai Renji was stunned for a moment, then looked at Rukia blankly, and pointed to his face: "Red, red-haired tattooed gorilla?"

"Puff puff--"

Rukia held her stomach, then raised her right hand with difficulty, patted Abarai's shoulder, and comforted: "Okay, okay, okay, your Zanpakuto is a baboon, right?"

A Sanjing Renji gritted his teeth and said, "That's a baboon too! It's not an orangutan!"

"That's really rude—"

Hearing this, Niryuri couldn't help but turn around, bowed to Renji Abarai like a gentleman, then turned back to Lin Qiong and said, "You think I look like the red-haired guy over there?" A tattooed baboon?"

"Puff puff--"

At this moment, Rukia couldn't hold back anymore, she fell into her sister's arms, and said out of breath, "This, like this, it's better not to explain, puff... ..."

'Be patient, be patient! '

Renji Asai, who was full of veins, tried his best to hold his right hand that was trying to grab the handle of the knife, "That's the captain, that's the captain, that's the captain—"

"Cough cough."

Lin Qiong couldn't hold himself any longer. He made a fist with his right hand and coughed twice, then explained: "Well, actually I have a top-secret way to take care of my beard..."

Nirvana: "Stare——"

He couldn't help but pull out his golden killing Jizo, and said coldly: "This Mr. Pomian is very uncooperative, it seems that I need to use some unconventional means—"

Lin Qiong scratched his head, then thought about it, and said with a serious face: "Are you sure you want to attack me? You can't afford the consequences!"

"Jie Jie—"

Nie Yuli sneered twice, and said in a disdainful tone: "It's just a broken face—maybe it's a lost dog who hurriedly fled back to Xuquan after seeing Aizen's death?"

"Tsk, you forced me to—"

Lin Qiong smacked his lips, put his hands on his hips, and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Guardian Shield, come and protect us!"


The first to appear in front of Lin Qiong were Kuchiki Feizhen and Shiba Haiyan.

Seeing these two figures, Nirvana Yuri's expression froze slightly.

"Byakuya Kuchiki, you don't want Hima Kuchiki to fight with Mayuri, do you? Mayori's ability is really weird? Maybe he will plant a virus in Himama Kuchiki's body for surveillance..."


Before he finished speaking, Byakuya Kuchiki stood in front of Himawari Kuchiki with a cold face.

Nirvana Mayori's expression became even worse.

"Kuchiki Rukia, you..."


This time, as soon as Lin Qiong raised his head, Kuchiki Rukia appeared in front of Lin Qiong with a sullen face and said angrily: "I know, you don't need to say anything!"

Nirvana Mayuri's expression can be used as stinky tofu.

"Hey, A Sanjing Renji, don't you want to take this opportunity to gang up on Mayuri Nie in order to avenge him for calling you the big red-haired tattooed baboon just now?"


Renji Abarai appeared in front of Lin Qiong with a sullen face and said, "I just don't want Rukia to get hurt. I have never thought about revenge or personal revenge!"

Come on, everyone can see that you just want to avenge yourself.

Nie Yuli's face had completely darkened, and he said sharply: "You guys, you guys!! You are the captain of the thirteenth team of Goutei, and you are standing on the same front as Pomian, and you are fighting Zanpakuto I, who is also the captain, have been approved!!"

"He's in a hurry, he's in a hurry!"

Lin Qiong laughed out loud at that time. He pointed at Nirvana Yuri, and then said to Stark and Heribel with joy, "He must not be able to defeat four captains and one vice-captain by himself, so He can either confess or be beaten, Jie Jie Jie!"

Stark couldn't help but cover his forehead with his hands, and then said speechlessly: "Aqiong, I have to say that you are really despicable at this time."

Harribel nodded silently on the sidelines, and he looked particularly like the kind of villain who would jump out and ridicule after using conspiracies and tricks to frame others - the audience would definitely hate him when they saw this kind of character.


Nirvana stomped his feet impotently and furiously, and he threatened: "Don't forget! You still have to rely on the artificial black cavity created by me when you return to the soul world - don't worry about me, after you enter the black cavity, Shut it off and let you be lost in the void forever!"

"Hey! This bastard with a bad stomach dares to threaten you, won't he give you a good beating?" Lin Qiong popped his head out from between Zhibo Haiyan and A Sanjing Renji, and said, "As for the black cavity What we are best at at Pomian is talking black! When the time comes, I will personally send you back to the world of souls, isn't it interesting?"

Nirvana Mayuri: "?"

He looked blankly at the captains who were grinning in front of him, and couldn't help swallowing—wait, he just remembered now, it seems that because of his own style, most of the captains in Seilingting looked at him Not cool?

"Not good, very bad... Just kidding, do you think I will say that?"

Niyuri, who looked nervous just a second ago, suddenly smiled strangely. He raised his right hand, revealing something like a switch in his palm, and sneered: "A true wise man will know in advance get ready……"

Then this thing was snatched by Lin Qiong who flashed by.

Nirvana Mayuri: "..."

Oh shit, it's over.

Chapter 0437 calm down you

“Intimate Masai with Red Bean Paste.”

Nie Yuli knelt down in front of Lin Qiong with a bruised nose and a swollen face, apologizing politely—this broken face was simply his nemesis. After the detonator was snatched away, he took out three more types that could be used to escape. The "Secret Items of Nirvana Mayuri", but without exception, they were snatched away by Xu in front of him with lightning speed.

The end result was that he was pinned to the ground and beaten up—he was sure that when these people beat him up, there was definitely personal grievances in it...

It's you, the red-haired tattooed baboon!

"Wouldn't it be better sooner?"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands in satisfaction, and said solemnly: "Captain Nirvana Yuri, it is a new era now, we must live in harmony and friendship, meet and create a beautiful virtual circle together..."

"I'm from the soul world."

"Believe it or not, I'll let old man Yamamoto order you to be the ambassador to the virtual circle later, and then beat you three times a day?"


Nirvana Mayuri clenched her fists tightly, his teeth almost gnawed in anger.

You wait!You offended a scientist!

I don't have your materials and samples of spiritual pressure at hand now, I will develop various props for you when I go back this time!

Next time we meet, I will make sure you don’t have any good juice to eat!

"So, can you explain to me..."

At this time, Kuchiki Byakuya looked at Lin Qiong with a cold face, and said, "Why did Fei Zhen resurrect and become your subordinate?"

"Is there a possibility? I mean a possibility..."

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, then looked tentatively at Kuchiki Byakuya, and said, "It's because I resurrected her that she became my subordinate in order to repay her kindness?"

Kuchiki Byakuya:"……"

No, your answer makes me look stupid than you know?


Kuchiki Feizhen covered her mouth and laughed.

Byakuya Kuchiki: "→_→"

Forget it, for Fei Zhen's sake, I forgive you.

Kuchiki Byakuya retracted his gaze towards Kuchiki Hijin, and then continued to say in his cold voice: "Tell me your conditions. How do you want to give Hijin freedom?"

"You're talking like I'm a slave owner!"

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "At any rate, I am also the benefactor who resurrected your wife. Can't you treat me better?"

Kuchiki Byakuya:"……"

He gritted his teeth, then slowed down his speaking speed, and said in a slightly more enthusiastic voice than before: "How can Fei Zhen return to the Soul Soul Realm?"

Kuchiki Rukia: "Σ( ° △ °|||)——"

Just now, the temperature of the elder brother's voice was 0.03 degrees warmer than usual.

Renji Asai: "Σ( ° △ °|||)——"

Just now, the curvature of the captain's mouth was 0.02 pixels softer than usual!

Kuchiki Hima: "?"

You are wrong!I'm Bai Zai's wife and I haven't noticed these differences, you guys are so wrong!

"According to our original agreement, if I revive their kindness, I need them to work for me in the virtual circle for ten years to repay the debt—"

Lin Qiong looked at Byakuya Kuchiki with a smile and said, "For the God of Death, ten years should be just a snap of the fingers, right?"

Kuchiki Byakuya:"……"

This is indeed the case, but he and Fei Zhen have been separated for too long. At this time, he has countless things in his heart that he wants to tell the only woman in the world who he can confide in.

So, ten years is too long.

'Sure enough, I'm not happy!It's not difficult to understand, after all, it is the only salvation he can express his heart to -'

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